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___***PL/SQL QUESTIONS ***___


1. Difference b/w anonymous block & named block?

2. What is CURSOR?

3. How many types of CURSORs?

4. Types of attributes for implicit & explicit CURSORs?

5. Difference b/w %type and %row type?

6. Use of % row count?

7. Difference b/w the SQL % Notfound and no data found?

8. What are the CURSOR exceptions?

9. What is CURSOR for loop?

10. What is CURSOR for update wait (or) no wait?

11. Can we pass PARAMETERs to CURSOR?

12. Can i pass c1 output to c2 as input?

13. How to create dynamic TABLEs in PL/SQL?

14. What is exception?

15. Types of exceptions?

16. How throw Userdefind exceptions?

17. What is Raise_Application_Error?

18. Tell me some predefined exceptions?

19. Difference b/w raise & Raise_Application_Error?

20. What is PRAGMA?

21. How many types of PRAGMA?

22. What is exception_init?

23. Did you use exception_init in your project?

24. What is autonomous transaction?

25. What is restrict_references?

26. What is PARAMETER for restrict_references?

27. Can I use serially_reusable pragma in the PROCEDURES?

28. Use of serially_reusable?

29. How many types of PARAMETER modes?

30. What is no copy?

31. What is PROCEDURE?

32. What is use of PROCEDURE?

33. What is FUNCTION?

34. How to return multiple values from PROCEDURES?

35. How to return multiple values from FUNCTION?

36. Difference b/w PROCEDURE & FUNCTION?

37. Difference b/w PROCEDURE & PACKAGEs?

38. How many types of PACKAGEs?

39. Which one is mandatory in PACKAGE types?

40. What is ref CURSOR?

41. Difference b/w REFCURSOR & NORMAL CURSOR?

42. Can I declare ref CURSOR in PACKAGE?

43. What is PL/SQL TABLE?

44. Difference b/w PL/SQL TABLE & associative array?

45. Difference b/w scalar & composite data types?

46. Difference b/w varray & nested TABLE?

47. Can I use varray in the nested TABLE?

48. What is PL/SQL object?

49. What are the attributes of the PL/SQL TABLE?

50. What is TRIGGER?

51. How many types of TRIGGERS?

52. What is the order of TRIGGER?

53. What is mutating TRIGGER?

54. What is cascading TRIGGER?

55. What is instead of TRIGGER?

56. How to insert data into the COMPLEX VIEW?

57. Can I use commit, roll back in TRIGGERS?

58. Can I use autonomous transaction in TRIGGERS?

59. Can I use serially reusable PACKAGE in TRIGGER?

60. Can I call PROCEDURE in TRIGGER?

61. Write one example of TRIGGER?

62. Write one PACKAGE for adding two variables?

63. What is tuning?

64. What is performance tuning?

65. What is Explain plan & Auto trace &TK proof?

66. What is optimizer?

67. What is hint?

68. Tell me some hints?

69. What is dbms_profiler?

70. Tell me some (5 to 10) predefined PACKAGEs?

71. What is dbms_pipe?

72. How to call command prompt using SQL & PL/SQL?

73. How to send emails using PL/SQL?

74. What is index rebuild?

75. What is cost based optimizer & rule based optimizer?

76. How to create jobs in PL/SQL?

77. How to create scheduler in PL/SQL?

78. What is SQL * LOADER?

79. How to load flat file data into RDBMS?

80. What is UTL file?


82. What is external TABLE?

83. Differnce b/w external TABLE & SQL *loader?

84. How to remove rows in a SQL *loader?

85. How to remove unwanted column data in SQL * loader?

86. What is a TABLE SPACE?

87. Tell me architecture of the ORACLE?

88. WHAT IS bulk bind?

89. How to handled exceptions in BULK COLLECT?

90. What is the use of BULK COLLECT?

91. If you fire one query how it will perform the task?

92. What is M-VIEW?

93. Difference b/w M-VIEW & VIEW?

94. Difference b/w DECODE & CASE?

95. Difference b/w REPLACE & TRANSLATE?

96. Difference b/w SUBSTR & INSTR?

97. How to avoid INDEXES?

98. Difference b/w FULL TABLE SPACE & INDEX SCAN?

99. Difference b/w TRIGGER & CONSTRAINTS?

100. Difference b/w RANK & DENSERANK?

101. W hat is CLUSTER INDEX?

102. How to generate file using PL/SQL?

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