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Why nasal
Why breathing should be mainly diaphragmatic at rest
Why diaphragmatic
Why slow Apart from several other effects, there are 2 key reasons why diaphragmatic breathing is superior to chest
Why imperceptible breathing.
Breathing norms
6 breathing myths Homogenous alveolar gas exchange
MV of heart patients
MV of asthmatics
People with heavy or deep breathing are often chest-breathers since the smooth muscle of the diaphragm is
MV of diabetics
in the state of spasm due to CO2 deficiency. Hence, their lower layers of the lungs get much less, if any,
MV in sick
fresh air leading to reduced oxygenation of arterial blood in the lungs due to so called "ventilation-
MV in healthy
perfusion" mismatch. Normal breathing is diaphragmatic allowing homogeneous inflation of the whole
MV in ordinary
lungs with fresh air, similar to what happens in the cylinder of a car due to the movement of the piston.
O2 importance
Hence, during diaphragmatic breathing all alveoli are homogeneously stretched vertically and get air with
HV and hypoxia
higher O2 concentration.
Control Pause test
CP in healthy
Efficient and constant drainage of the lymphatic system
CP in sick
Buteyko health zones
The lymph system, unlike the cardiovascular system with the heart, has no pump. Lymph nodes are located
Morning HV
in the places of the human body that get naturally compressed (squeezing) due to movements of, for
Search this site example, body parts, as in cases of lymph nodes located around the neck, above arm pits and groin area.
Promote this site However, the lymph nodes from stomach, kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen, large and small colons, and
Contact me other vital organs are located just under the diaphragm. This is because the nature expects us to use the
diaphragm in order to remove waste products from these vital organs all the time - literally with each
breath. Hence, chest breathing causes stagnation in the lymph system and accumulation of waste products
in vital organs located under the diaphragm.

For the list of the quoted references click here

(Excerpts from the book "Normal breathing: the key to vital health")

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Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Artour Rakhimov (If you copy the content of these pages for
educational purposes, please, indicate the site address and author's name).

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