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Performance Analysis of SLM and PTS PAPR

Reduction Techniques in LTE Networks

Article in Cincia e Tcnica Vitivincola November 2016


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3 authors, including:

Bedir Yosif Maher Abdelrazzak

Kafrelsheikh University Mansoura University


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ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)


Bedir Yousif*, Mousa Hasan, Maher Abdelrazzak+
* Electrical engineering Dept. - Faculty of Engineering-. -Kafrelsheikh University- Kafrelsheikh- Egypt,
bedir.yousif@gmail.com, Master Student at Electronics and Communications Dept.- Faculty of Engineering
Mansoura University, Egypt, E-mail:engmosah@gmail.com, +Electronics and Communications Dept.,
Faculty of Engineering- Mansoura University- Mansoura Egypt, E-mail:maher1@ieee.org

The major challenging issue in OFDM scheme is the high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR), to
limit this problem different reduction algorithms were proposed. Selective mapping SLM and Partial
transmit sequence (PTS) are the most effective technique used to reduce the PAPR in multicarrier
transmissions without causing distortion in the signal. The advantage of using SLM and PTS is that
it doesn't increase the BER of the system, however, it increases the system complexity due to the
optimum phase factor searching and use additional IFFT blocks. In this researcher, we will
investigate and analysis the performance of multiple access techniques that used in LTE network
when use SLM and PTS techniques to reduce the PAPR in both system OFDMA and SC-FDMA for
downlink and uplink, respectively. The PTS parameters that considered in the simulation include
the partitioning type of sub-block, the modulation schemes, the number allowed phase factor and
the number of sub-blocks, And for SLM, the different number of phase sequence. Numerical
simulations are presented and discussed, in order to illustrate the effectiveness of the PTS and SLM
techniques to reduce PAPR. We find that the PAPR is reduced to 50% using PTS better than SLM
due to the capability of suppressing the effect of distortions occurs in the signal and a loss of
subcarrier orthogonality. Finally, PTS and SLM techniques can be used with all modulation



In recent years, the growing demand for emerging applications like Voice over IP
(VOIP) gives much attention to need increasing speed of mobile wireless
techniques for higher data rate, OFDM has become widely used as a multicarrier
communication technique. That is due to its advantages such as conversion
frequency selective fading to flat fading channels [1]; that means the performance
of the OFDM system became better than that of the single carrier transmission
system, OFDM has high spectral efficiency; that means OFDM uses less bandwidth
for the same data transmission rate and OFDM has high effectivness in combat the
multipath delay spread effects over the channel. One of the most major defects in
the OFDM system is a potential that signal has high peak to average power ratio
(PAPR). The high PAPR fundamentally results from set data sequences, which can
be all zeros or all ones. In addition, distortions may occur in signal in the nonlinear
region of the power amplifier as a result of high PAPR causing degradation of bit

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

error rate (BER) in the system. Power amplifier should have a large linear range in
order to accommodate the signal in the case of high PAPR. On the other hand, the
high PAPR couses the nonlinear distortion and results a loss of subcarrier
orthogonally, and then degrades theperformance of the system. There are several
proposed techniques to reduce the PAPR in both systems multicarrier and single
carrier, which described in [2-10]. Clipping algorithm is one of those techniques,
which causes distortion on signal and degrades the system performance [5-9],
whilst other techniques like PTS and SLM do not affect the system performance.
However, these techniques increase the complexity significantly [11-15]. So PTS
or SLM algorithms do not affect the system performance whereas complexity is
increased. It is considered that SC-FDMA has lower PAPR compared to OFDMA,
Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), which is an extension of
OFDM to harmony multiple simultaneous users access. SC-FDMA is adopted as a
feasible air interface, especially in uplink LTE networks [1, 16]. SC-FDMA have
many advantages, but the most important one, it has higher power efficiency than
OFDMA [16].

This paper is arranged as follows: After the introduction, in part2, an overview

about OFDM with the model is presented . Part3 analysis the PAPR problem, part4
introduces brief about SC-FDMA and model, Part5 illustrates the two different
algorithms are used to reduce the PAPR. Part6 presents the models proposed to
reduce the PAPR. Part7 shows the CCDF of PAPR of SLM and PTS systems as
compared to traditional systems by simulation and discusses the results. Finally, the


OFDM is a multiplexing technique in which the bandwidth divided to several

subcarriers, OFDM used as digital modulation scheme where the input data source
is subdivided into several parallel streams and each stream have low data rate due
to large symbol duration and a small number of bits per symbol. The data in each
sub-stream is modulated using any modulation schemes (such as QPSK, 64QAM)
and then carried on a separate orthogonal sub-carrier. The strength of OFDM to
delay spread improved by the increase in the duration of symbols, selection of
subcarrier frequencies must achieve orthogonality to each other , that means cross-
talk between the sub-channel is limited and therefore inter-carrier-interference
(ICI) guards are not important. [17]. This makes the transmitter and the receiver in
the OFDM system are simplified significantly, but the OFDM system needs a high
precision in the synchronization between the transmitter and receiver and high
capacity to control in frequencies Sub-carriers because any deviation in the sub-

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

carrier frequency causes loss of orthogonally between sub-carrier and results what
called ICI.



Add CP


. .

. .



Remove CP



. .

. .


Figure (1) .Basic OFDM transmitter and receiver model.

Figure (1) explain a basic structure for OFDM model . Each data stream here is
modulated using any modulation scheme (QPSK,64QAM....ets) to complex
symbol form with symbol duration Ts (symbol rate 1/Ts). Then the data stream is
converted from serial to parallel by demultiplexer producing N blocks of complex
symbols (X0, X1,.. XN-1.) and then the parallel symbols are converted from
frequency domain to time domain by passing them through an N-points IFFT (here
there is no oversampling) length of window is (N.Ts) giving in output IFFT block
complex samples (x0, x1,.. xN-1.). on the Assumption that the input of stage
IFFT is random complex data, so the output is a summation of N random
autonomous complex sinusoids(x0, x1,.. xN-1.). after that, these samples are
passed through parallel to serial converter to give a serial data stream which
represents initially the basic OFDM signal (with length: T=N.Ts). Before radio
frequency and transmission of the signal to the channel, the Cyclic Prefix (CP) is
inserted to the front of the samples, which is a copy of the last part of the samples.
The Cyclic Prefix resist the breakdown effect of the channels which cause Inter-
Symbol-Interference ISI. In the receiver is performed previous stages, but in reverse
to restore the original data. Set of data symbols ( Xm : m = 0 1. N1) can be
represented as the following vector which will be called as data block:
= [0 , 1 , . , 1 ]

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

The multicarrier signal with N sub-carriers is expressed as [18]:

x(t) = Xm ej2mft 0 t NT (1)
N m=0
f : the spacing between subcarriers.
NT: beneficial data block duration
Subcarriers spacing must be equal 1/NT to achieve the orthogonality in OFDM
system (f = 1/NT).

the multicarrier systems compulsorily suffer from drawback of high PAPR, the
reason of this problem can be explanted as that the subcarriers accumulate on each
other after transition from frequency domain into time domain and therefore the
sinusoidal waves combined to form the transmitted signal will have high peak
magnitude as compared to the average power value which is still low and for that,
the PAPR ratio will be high. However, the high PAPR value degrades the power
efficiency and increases the power consumption. In addition, the high ratios of
PAPR need to linear circuits and amplifier with large linear range but this is not
accommodated and expensive and increase the complexity, this paper investigate
and discuss alternative two techniques used to reduce the high PAPR in multi-
carrier systems.
The PAPR of the transmitted signal is expressed as [18]:

MAX |x(t)| 2
PAPR= = 1 NT ,Where: 0 < t < K (2)
|x(t)| 2
NT 0

a simple adjustment is performed in the relationship (1) as follows: samples of x(t)

spaced from each other by NL equidistant where L takes an integer value greater
or equal to 1 (L-times oversampled).The signal samples in time domain are
expressed as the following vector:
x = [x0 , x1 , . . , xN1 ]T and resulted as [4] :

1 j2mfT
xk = x(K. T/L) = Xm e L (3)
N m=0
K = 0,1,(NL-1)
This expression (3) can be called Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) of
data blocks X with (N*(L 1) ) zero padding.in fact , when PAPR computed for
OFDM signal in time-domain ,the results obtained are not accurate when using
Nyquist rate sampling (L = 1). [18,19] show that (L = 4) can offer more accurate
results of PAPR.

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

The PAPR of signal samples in time domain(L-times oversampled) are expressed

as follow :
MAX | | 2
PAPR = , Where: 0 ( 1) (4)
{| | 2 }

Figure (2) illustrates the basic structure of SC-FDMA system , which somewhat
resemble the structure of OFDMA system except that there are additional blocks
in SC-FDMA are sequentially DFT which is added in the transmitter after serial
to parallel converter(S/P) and IDFT which is added in the receiver after Frequency
Domain Equalization (FDE) Block [20].

Transmitted data Received data

Constellation Constellation
mapping mapping

0 1 IDFT
N-points DFT ()
0 1 1 K
mapping () Subcarriers
0 1
M-points IDFT DFT
0 1
Parallel-to-serial () Serial-to-parallel

Add CP Remove CP


Figure (2). Block diagram of SC-FDMA system transmitter and receive

in DFT-SC-FDMA system the transmitter uses different sub-carriers as OFDMA

to send data but due to the presence of DFT Block which will cancel the work of

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

IDFT and thus the data will be sent sequentially rather parallel, resulting the PAPR
is reduced to low value , and this is the desired end because of its importance in
maintaining the battery lifetime and improves the cell coverage. At the transmitter
side, the Input data is modulated by using any conventional modulation scheme,
then the modulated signal converted to parallel into multilevel data blocks, this data
blocks converted to time domain by DFT, the resulting output can be written as:


X(k) = 1
=0 x(n) (5)
N is the input block size
{x(n): n = 0, , N 1} represents the modulated data symbols. The outputs of DFT
block are mapped to M subcarriers where (M > N), as example, if the output of DFT is
N=4 symbols, it is mapped to M= 12 subcarriers where the maximum number of user
transmit at the same times equal to 3 (Q=M/N) .there are three type of subcarrier
mapping techniques [21]. The first is the localized mapping where the DFT output is
allocated to N sequential subcarriers in the M total numbers of subcarriers as shown in
figure (3-a). in the second technique, the outputs of DFT are distributed on the entire
subcarriers as shown in figure (3-b) this called distributed mapping .finally if the DFT
outputs are distributed along the entire subcarriers where the distance between them is
equal Q this called interleaved mapping as shown in figure (3-b) the output from
subcarrier mapping techniques inserted to IDFT block in order to convert data into the
time domain, the output of IDFT can be expressed as [4]:

() = 1
=0 () (6)

Where {X (k): k = 0 M 1}, after the subcarriers mapping block,

X (k) represents the samples in the frequency-domain. After conversion to time
domain CP is inserted to the beginning of each symbol to mitigate the inter-symbol-
interference ISI that resulted by multipath over the transmission in the communication
channels, where the length of CP have to be longer than the delay spread to prevent
ISI [19]. In the receiver, the steps explained above in the transmitter are inverted to
restore the original data, the only difference is using Frequency domain equalization
(FDE) which used to improve the BER of the system.

User1 User2 User3



Figure (3) subcarrier mapping examples a) localized and b) interleaved, 12 subcarrier, 3 users.

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)


In this part, two techniques will be explained to reduce the PAPR:


The first technique is PTS, where the input data block of M symbols is partitioned
into disjoint sub-blocks such that the summation of these sub-blocks is equal to the
partitioned input data block and the sub-blocks are weighted by a phase factors
which are selected like this the PAPR of the resulting signal -combined sub-blocks
- is minimized [22, 23]. The Figure(4) shows the block diagram of PTS technique,
where X is the input data block, which is divided into V sub-blocks with the same
length, set of these sub-blocks can be represented as vector:

X v =[X v,0 , X v,1 , , X V,M1 ] , v=1,2,......,V. And = v=1 Xv

the sub-blocks X v are passed through IDFT to convert the data from frequency
domain to time domain, the outputs of IDFT is multiplied by a phase factor b' and
the resulting sub-blocks combined in the time domain to give the signal with
minimized PAPR, which can be represented in time domain after combining as
follow :

()==1 . , , m=0,1,,ML-1 (7)

Where: ()= 0 (), 1 (). 1 () ] .
b = , [0,2], = 1,2, .

is Set of complex phase factor, which are introduced to combine the PTS , it can
be expressed as a vector:
b =[b1 , b2 , , b ]T.

The objective of this work is finding the set of b that gives a low PAPR in which
basically depend on minimizing of:MAX |S | , 0 K ML 1, from (4).The
signal of , v = 1, 2,, V in time domain with L-times oversample can be
represented as a vector:

= [,0 , ,1 , , ,1 ] , v = 1, 2, , V

Is resulted by passing X with length ML through IDFT together with M (L

1) zeros. Generally, for reduction of the complexity of the system, the selected
elements of phase factor must be a finite number.
The set of allowed phase factors W is given as:

P = 2/ , where: l = 0 , 1, W 1

Where W is the number of allowed phase factors. Many factors must be considered
when analysis the performance of PTS algorithm, one of these effects is the sub-
blocks partitioning methods, there are three different types of sub-block partitioning

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

schemes: adjacent, pseudo-random and interleaved partitioning. The side

information bits can be expressed as this formula [log2W U1 ].where U is the
number of IDFT operations for each data block.

1 1
2 2 1
And S/P Conversion
Partition into blocks

Into sub-blocks



. .


Phase factor optimization

Figure (4). A block diagram of the PTS algorithm

Example: simple example of the PTS technique for an OFDMA system

Number of IDFT operation is : U=4
Number of allowed phase factors W=2
Number of subcarriers M=8
Number of sub-block V=4
The selected phase factor in P= 1
Sub-block partitioning method
for a data block X in this example is: adjacent

X 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

The original data block X has a PAPR= 6.5dB

The sets of phase factors are searched
to find the optimum 1 = 241 8
The phase sets that provides
the lowest PAPR b4 =[b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 ]T [1, 1, 1,1]T

The modified data block ( ) = =1 . ,

= [0 (), 1 (). 7 ()]

=[1,1, 1,1, 1, 1,1,1]T

The modified data block S has a PAPR= 2.18dB

The resulting reduction is : 4.3dB
The number of side information is: log2WV1= log2241 3 bits

Table (1) example of adjacent sub-blocks partitioning in PT

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

The second technique used to reduce the PAPR in this paper is SLM, in this
technique [24, 4], the transmitter generates multiple copies which are similar to the
original data, but with different sequence data and select the one that has the lowest
PAPR for transmission. Figure (5) shows the block diagram of SLM technique, the
different copies is multiplied by U different phase factor which can be denoted as a

B (u) =[,0 , ,1 , , ,1 ] .

Where M is the length of the phase sequence. u = 1, 2,. U, resulting in U modified

data blocks. Then each modified data block is passed through IDFT block. Finally,
the one with smallest PAPR is selected for transmission. The modified data block
for U phase factors can be written as:
= [,0 0 , ,1 1 , , ,1 1 ] , u= 1, 2, .., U. And m=1, 2, M

The outputs of IDFT block can be expressed as [4]:

() () = 1
=0 bu,n . X n .
: 0 t < MT

u=1, 2,..U. ()() is the modified data blocks. After the IDFT operation, the
signal with the lowest PAPR will be transmitted. The side information which
received into the receiver include the selected phase sequence . In the receiver is
performed previous stages, but in reverse to restore the original data. For
implementation, the SLM technique needs U IDFT operations, each data block
needs to log2U bits as side information. This technique is effective with all schemes
of modulation and can use any number of subcarriers. The resulted PAPR of SLM
is affected by many factors such as the phase sequences design, the best design of
phase sequence to be aperiodic and orthogonal, and the second factor is the number
of phase sequences U.

(1) (1)
And S/P Conversion
Partition into blocks

(2) (2)
minimum PAPR
Select one with

. x


. .
() ()

Figure (5). A block diagram of the SLM algorithm

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

Simple example of the SLM technique for an OFDM system

Number of IDFT operation is : U =4

Number of subcarriers M=8
Number of phase sequences U=4
The spacing between subcarriers : f= 1/MT=15
Data block X in this example is:

X 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1
(1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
B(2) -1 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1
B(3) 1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1
B(4) -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1

X m = [,0 0 , ,1 1 , , ,1 1 ]
X (1) 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1
X (2) -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1
X (3) 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
X (4) -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1
() = , . . 2
0.17 0.17- 0.25 -0.17
-0.17 0.25 - 0.50
(1) 0,00
+0.07i 0.25i
+0.42i 0.42i +0.25i +0.07i

- -
0.25 -0.25
(2) 0.25 0.10 0.60 0.25 0.60 0.10

(3) 0.75 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25

0.17 - 0.17+ -0.25 -0.17-
-0.17 -0.25
(4) -0.5
+0.07i +0.25i
0.42i 0 0.42i -0.25i 0.07i

The Original data block X has a PAPR= 6.5dB

Phase factor that provides the lowest PAPR B (4)
The modified data block has the lowest PAPR is X 3.01dB
The resulting reduction is: 3.49dB
The number of side information is: log2U= log2 4 2 bits

Table (2) example of the SLM for an OFDM system


There are several PAPR reduction methods used in multi-carrier transmission
systems [4]. In this work, we will use two techniques, PTS and SLM with SC-

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

FDMA and OFDMA transmission systems. Figures (6.a) and (6.b) show the block
diagram of the transmitter of the proposed systems with PTS and SLM respectively.

Subcarriers OR
Data Modulation CP

Figure (6.a) OFDMA Transmitter with SLM and PTS Techniques

Data PTS
Subcarriers CP
Modulation DFT Mapping

Figure (6.b) SC-FDMA Transmitter with SLM and PTS techniques

PTS and SLM works in SC-FDMA and OFDMA systems as follow:

The serial data input is converted to parallel data blocks, which are modulated by
using any common modulation schemes. The resulted symbols are allocated to
orthogonal sub-carrier in time domain by using any sub-carrier mapping (localized
is used here). And then they are passed through one of the techniques proposed PTS
or SLM to reduce the PAPR, this was for OFDMA system. But in SC-FDMA there
is some difference, where the data blocks resulted from the modulation block are
converted into the frequency domain by using DFT block and then mapped on
subcarrier by using localized mapping, after that the SLM or PTS technique is used
to reduce PAPR as shown in figures (6.a) and (6.b). PTS and SLM is different
techniques, where PTS transmits the block ,which is the summation of the
multiplied sub-blocks by optimum phase factors in time domain to obtain a
minimized PAPR , whereas, SLM selects the block ,which is the resulting of
multiply the copies of original signal with different phase sequence in frequency
domain and has the lowest PAPR. Since the phase factor is a random value consist
of 1 or -1.

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

This part shows the results of simulations in MATLAB to evaluate the performance of
the proposed SLM or PTS technique for uplink (SC-FDMA) and downlink (OFDMA)
Table (3) shows the Simulation parameters for this work:

System parameters
Channel bandwidth 5 MHz
Oversampling factor 0
System sub-carriers N= 512,1024
input block size 128 ,256
Modulation QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM.
Subcarrier mapping Localized
mode of SC-FDMA
PTS: Mapping adjacent and interleaved
Number of sub-blocks (V) 2,4 and 8
Number of allowed phase factors(W) 16,32,64
Number of phase sequences (U) U=2,4 ,8,16,32and 64


In this part, we will discuss how PTS technique affects the performance of OFDMA
and SC-FDMA systems and show the results. Figure (7.a) shows the CCDF for
different partitioning schemes, adjacent and interleaved. The number of used sub-
blocks here is four and number of allowed phase factors W=2 with QPSK modulation
scheme .PTS is applied on both OFDMA and SC-FDMA systems. Figure (7.b) shows
the CCDF for PAPR with same parameters, with changing modulation scheme to
64QAM. Both figures also show the comparison between conventional OFDMA and
SC-FDMA system after and before applying the PTS technique.

Figure (7.a): PAPR reduction for PTS in both SC-FDMA and OFDMA system, w=2,
V=4 for QPSK

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

Figure (7.b): PAPR reduction for PTS in both SC-FDMA and OFDMA system, w=2,
V=4 for 64QAM

As shown in figure (7.a), interleaved Partitioning provides better performance as

compared to adjacent partitioning for OFDMA and SC-FDMA systems, wherein
OFDMA, interleaved gives approximately 7.88 dB PAPR resulting, whereas
adjacent gives 8.82dB. For SC-FDMA system also, interleaved provides
approximately 6.4dB, whereas adjacent provide 6.7dB. These results show that PTS
technique work with OFDMA better as compared to SC-FDMA due to the larger
signal fluctuation in OFDMA. but SC-FDMA has low PAPR values compared to
OFDMA system .you can see that in above figure ,OFDMA without PTS has PAPR
=10.98 dB and SC-FDMA has 7.69dB.it can see also in figure (7.b) that the
interleaved provides a lower PAPR compared to adjacent partitioning, even with
different modulation schemes.

Figure (8): CCDF reduction for PTS in both system SC-FDMA and OFDMA ,adjacent
,interleaved, w=2,V=8, QPSK.

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

Figure (9): PAPR reduction of PTS in both system OFDMA and SC-FDMA, adjacent,
V=4, V=8, QPSK.

As shown in figure (9), as the number of sub-blocks is large, the PAPR reduction
will be also large. This is one of the factors that effects on the performance of PTS
technique. When using v=4 and w=2 with QPSK modulation scheme, interleaved
provides the results 7.88db and 6.4db for OFDMA and SC-FDMA, respectively
look at figure (9), whereas using v=8 and w=2 provides approximately 6.44db and
5.6 dB for OFDMA and SC-FDMA, respectively. We can see from the figure (8)
that interleaved partitioning has lower PAPR than adjacent partitioning, look at the
table (4). Notice that, PTS also works better in OFDMA. But the system of the SC-
FDMA has lower PAPR as compared to the OFDMA system. However, any
increasing in the number of sub-blocks will increase the cost and complexity due to
the addition IDFT operations.

Figure 10: CCDF reduction in both system OFDMA and SC-FDMA for adjacent ,
interleaved, And W=4, V=2, 4 and for QPSK.

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

Figure (10) shows the result of applying partitioning types on PTS technique for W
= 4, V = 2 and V=4 to study the effects of the number of allowed phase factors on
the performance of PTS technique, as W is large PAPR reduction will be large, too.
When W equal to 2, PTS in SC-FDMA for adjacent partitioning and V=4 provided
0.99 dB PAPR reduction resulting with comparison to the traditional system of the
SC-FDMA and when W=4 provided 1.6 dB reduction. It is clear from the figures
(8, 10) and table (4) that the OFDMA and SC-FDMA systems with PTS provides a
smaller PAPR as compared to the traditional OFDMA and SC-FDMA Systems.
The interleaved partitioning gives more PAPR reduction than adjacent partitioning.
The PTS Scheme has greater effects with a larger number of allowed factors but
increases the complexity. The system of the SC-FDMA has lower PAPR as
compared to the OFDMA system although PTS work better in OFDMA system.
SC-FDMA=7.69 W=2 W=4 W=2 W=4

V=2 7.23 6.78 10.2 9.77


V=4 6.70 6.09 8.82 8.07

V=8 6.23 .. 7.31 .

V=2 7.23 6.60 9.54 8.75

V=4 6.40 5.47 7.88 6.91

V=8 5.6 . 6.44 .

Table (4). At CCDF of103 , the PAPR comparisons of the OFDMA and SC-FDMA with
PTS for adjacent and interleaved

Many previous studies that implemented in this area gave approximately the same
results as compare to this research, look at [14, 25]. There is an enhancement in
SLM and PTS techniques with MIMO in [26]. SLM and PTS are hybridized in [27]
to give better performance and more PAPR reduction which approximately equal
to 4 dB as compared to the conventional OFDM system .The researcher in [28]
confirms that PTS has more complexity than SLM due to the peak amplitude
optimization , the complexity for PTS and SLM respectively equal to 13824 and
1536 [28] so the researcher suggested that clipping with SLM and PTS reduces the
complexity where this proposition reduces the complexity into 138.24 and 1244.2
for SLM and PTS, respectively.


In this part, we will discuss how SLM technique affects the performance of OFDMA
and SC-FDMA systems and show the results

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

Figure (11): PAPR reduction for SLM in both system SC-FDMA and OFDMA U=2, 8,
16, 32 and 64.

Figure (11) shows the result of applying SLM in both system OFDMA and SC-
FDMA with QPSK modulation scheme. And shows the effects on the performance
of the system which resulted in increasing the number of phase sequence U from 2
until 32. We can see from the figure (11), whenever the number of phase sequence
is large, the PAPR reduction will be large, too. But there is a drawback in this case,
as the number of phase sequence increases, the complexity of the system increases,

Figure (12): PAPR reduction for PTS as compared to SLM in both system SC-FDMA and
OFDMA, w=2, U=V=4 and 8 ,QPSK modulation.

Figure(12) shows the distinction between PTS and SLM techniques when one of
these techniques is applied on OFDMA or SC-FDMA system. we can see that PTS
technique provides good results of PAPR reduction in both systems. for example,

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

when using Adjacent partitioning type with QPSK modulation and V=U=4,W=2,
then PTS in OFDMA gives approximately (2.16 dB) result of PAPR reduction as
compared to conventional OFDMA system and gives in SC-FDMA system 0.9dB
with considering CCDF OF 10^-3 as shown in tables(4,5), whereas SLM technique
for the same parameters gives approximately 1.18dB and 0.4dB for OFDMA and
SC-FDMA system, respectively.so that, the PTS provides results better than SLM
by more 50% in each system OFDMA and SC-FDMA although the same
parameters are used in both techniques such as the number of IDFT blocks N=512
, number of phase factors V=U=4 and the modulation scheme type. However, there
is additional cost in PTS due to searching of optimum phase factor. so we can say
that PTS gives a larger reduction of PAPR in the end of transmission terminal
compared to SLM technique for the same parameters.

Figure (13): PAPR reduction for SLM in both system SC-FDMA and OFDMA with U=4
and U=8 with QPSK ,16QAM and 64QAM modulation schemes

figure(13) shows the performance of OFDMA and SC-FDMA systems with SLM
technique considering different modulation schemes QPSK,16QAM and 64QAM
and different number of phase sequence U=4 and U=8 . in OFDMA, SLM technique
works at the same efficiency with all modulations with existing negligible
differences as shown in figure (13), but in SC-FDMA, SLM works better with
QPSK and U=8 as shown in figure (13), where the obtain PAPR reduction, in this
case, is 7.05 dB as compared with 16QAM and 64QAM, which provide PAPR
7.55dB and 7.75dB, respectively. QPSK gives the smallest value as shown in the
table (5). However, SLM technique works with all modulation schemes with
negligible difference in OFDMA but clear differences in SC-FDMA system.

ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 11, 2016)

QPSK(dB) 16QAM(dB) 64QAM (dB)

OFDMA 10 .98 10.93 10.88

SLM U=4 9.08 9.01 8.90
SLM U=8 8.44 8.43 8.42

SC-FDMA 7.69 8.6 8.8

SLM U=4 7.3 7.84 7.84
SLM U=8 7.05 7.55 7.75

Table (5). The PAPR results of SLM technique with different modulation scheme, 10^-3

Single carrier frequency division multiple access has a PAPR less than orthogonal
frequency division multiple access. However, in this research different techniques
were applied to obtain a further reduction in the PAPR. These results are useful in
increasing the lifetime of the battery and improve the efficiency of the power used.
In this research two different techniques have been applied to reduce the high
value of PAPR in each of SC-FDMA and OFDMA, these two techniques are PTS
and SLM ; PTS provides better performance than SLM in reducing high PAPR in
each of SC-FDMA and OFDMA. Nevertheless, these two techniques increase the
transmission cost due to the complexity resulting from using additional blocks of
IDFT. Different parameters are used to improve the results of simulation for both
techniques SLM and PTS in both systems SC-FDMA and OFDMA.

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