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Dilogos apreciativos y la
Este artculo ha sido publicado el 19/06/2015 por Fan de la Vida
La apreciatividad y los dilogos apreciativos vienen a constituir la
temtica de la entrevista que comparti Santiago A Otero, quin
habl sobre la importancia de la aplicacin de estos dos factores en
el desarrollo del ser.
Santiago A Otero se define como una persona feliz y agradecida con
cada una de las cosas que la vida le ha regalado, ya que, como l
mismo seala son motivo de agradecimiento cada una de las etapas

y experiencias desarrolladas a lo largo

de la vida, debido a ello, Otero refleja que estos aspectos de la vida
del individuo se van desarrollando a travs de los dilogos
Partiendo un poco de la historia, es necesario destacar que el
creador de esta metodologa fue el norteamericano David
Cooperrider, quien la denomin indagacin apreciativa, pero debido
al periodo coyuntural en el que se comenz a aplicar y estudiar en la
Argentina se decide hablar de dilogos apreciativos.
La apreciatividad es la capacidad que se posee para despertar
emociones positivas, rescatar lo valioso y lo significativo de las
personas, los acontecimientos y las cosas, es por ello, que cuando
apreciamos mejor el mundo somos capaces de ampliar nuestro marco
de oportunidades y posibilidades. Cuando somos apreciativos
elegimos enfocarnos en lo mejor.
As mismo, Santiago A Otero seala que hoy da la real denominacin
de esta metodologa sera la unin de la indagacin y los dilogos
apreciativos, ya que hay tres factores influyentes en su desarrollo, la
indagacin, el dilogo y la apreciatividad.
Cuando se utiliza el trmino de indagacin, esto va referido a las
preguntas que el individuo se establece, es en este punto donde la
persona se encuentra frente a un poderoso generador de cambio,
pero esto no slo se hace preguntndose, sino hacerlo
apreciativamente, enfocndose en lo mejor. En este sentido, es
importante ver y reconocer lo mejor y lo ms valioso de las personas,
los sucesos y las cosas por las que pasa.
Cuando se habla de apreciatividad, se habla del mtodo que se
utiliza para enfocarse en lo que le hace bien, como factor para
buscar la excelencia ya que la apreciatividad est vinculada a ver lo
mejor y lo ms valioso de las personas.
Por su parte, los dilogos apreciativos pueden desarrollarse desde

diversos puntos, los cuales p ueden ser

desde el ncleo familiar hasta las grandes organizaciones, siempre
en busca de generar visiones compartidas y desarrollar proyectos
prcticos, los dilogos apreciativos se conocen por ser procesos
As mismo, Santiago Otero destaca la necesidad que existe del
aporte de todos los individuos que constituyen las organizaciones,
familiares o laborales, depende cual sea el caso , con la fin de
mejorar y reformar los procesos, ya que a travs de estos dilogos
apreciativos se busca mejorar los procesos apuntando al xito de la
organizacin. Dentro de los dilogos se busca desarrollar una visin
compartida, donde se ponga a prueba el trabajo en equipo con la
finalidad de desarrollar proyectos y posibilidades a travs de
acciones concretas que permiten a ese grupo de personas aportar
desde su rea de conocimiento y confort estrategias positivas para el
xito, aunque Santiago Otero tambin seala que la apreciatividad es
aplicable a trabajos individuales.
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Dentro de las variables del Coaching est el Coaching apreciativo y
tiene como razn fundamental enfocarse en las posibilidades que
existe en las experiencias de xito, adems se puede destacar que
esta variable busca que la persona logre a travs de sus capacidades
empoderarse y conseguir ser exitoso en todo lo que se proponga. El
coaching apreciativo no se enfoca en lo que falta, sino, en ir
buscando posibilidades basadas en las experiencias de xito, y de
ah, seguir esos pasos positivos que te llevaron a cumplir esas
experiencias, as como lo seala Otero, donde destaca que a travs
de la apreciatividad se busca soar en grande, a dnde se quiere
llegar y despus disear los proyectos basados en el xito y los
aspectos positivos, que no son ms que imanes para atraer cosas

Se hace necesario poner en prctica algunas caractersticas que

harn apreciar ms los procesos, entre las que destacan poner un
stop a la negatividad, enfocarse en aumentar la visin de las
oportunidades para promover el optimismo, apostando as, a la
innovacin y la creatividad, ya que todo esto nos hace sentir bien y
mejorar la salud.
Es por todo lo antes mencionado, que la metodologa apreciativa
busca enfocarse en las fortalezas y los recursos que nos hacen
crecer, buscando aumentar las emociones positivas motivandonos a
desarrollar las potencialidades con el fin ltimo de hacernos
individuos capaces de resolver los conflictos de manera efectiva.

Te invitamos a profundizar mirando el programa.

Indagacin apreciativa

Indagacin Apreciativa es un proceso de desarrollo organizacional que involucra a las personas de una
organizacin con el objetivo de renovarla, cambiarla y focalizar en la performance. Indagacin Apreciativa est
basado en la suposicin que las organizaciones cambian en funcin de las preguntas que se hacen; aquellas
organizaciones que indagan en sus problemas y dificultades obtendrn ms de lo mismo, pero aquellas que
intenten descubrir qu es lo mejor que pueden encontrar en si mismas descubrirn cmo tener xito. 1

Indagacin Apreciativa es una forma de transformar los sistemas humanos en la imagen compartida de su
potencial ms positivo, basada en las fortalezas propias de dichos sistemas y en la construccin de
capacidades.2 Ellos sostienen que IA es cambio movido por la imagen compartida ms positiva y vvida del mundo
que anhelamos, impulsado por la magnificacin de nuestras virtudes distintivas para realizar ese potencial y que
causa y resulta de la construccin de capacidades.

Indagacin Apreciativa fue adoptada en trabajo realizado tempranamente por tericos investigadores y
practicantes, y posteriormente desarrollada por David Cooperrider, de la Universidad Case Western Reserve, y por
Suresh Srivatsva en la dcada de 1980. Cooperrider y Srivatsva sentencian que la organizacin es un milagro a
ser abrazado antes que un problema a ser resuelto. De acuerdo con ellos, indagar en la vida organizacional
debera tener las siguientes caractersticas:


The Power of Appreciative Inquiry define IA como "el estudio y exploracin de aquello que da vida
a los sistemas humanos, en su mejor expresin"3 Hoy en da es una prctica regularmente
aceptada en la evaluacin del desarrollo de la estrategia organizacional y en la implementacin de
las tcticas organizacionales ms efectivas.

Indagacin Apreciativa es una forma particular de hacerse preguntas y visualizar el futuro que
impulsarn relacionamientos positivos y se constituye sobre aquello que es positivo en una
persona, una situacin, o una organizacin. Haciendo esto, mejora la capacidad del sistema para
colaborar y para cambiar. IA utiliza un ciclo de 4 procesos focalizados en:

1. DESCUBRIMIENTO (en ingls, el nombre de la etapa es "discover"): la identificacin de aquellos

procesos que funcionan bien.
2. SUEO ("dream"): se trata de visualizar los procesos que funcionarn bien en el futuro.
3. DISEO ("design"): planificar y priorizar aquellos procesos que podran funcionar bien.
4. DESTINO ("destiny" o "deliver"): es la implementacin, la ejecucin del diseo propuesto.

La idea bsica es descubrir qu es lo que funciona bien en la organizacin para

as potenciarlo y lograr xito, antes que intentar corregir aquello que no funciona.
Es el enfoque opuesto al de resolucin de problemas. En vez de focalizar en
salvar lo que es inadecuado, encontrar culpas, e intentar mejorar habilidades y
prcticas, IA, focaliza en cmo crear ms de esas ocasiones excepcionales de
performance excepcional que se dan cuando las fortalezas fundamentales estn

Esta aproximacin reconoce la contribucin de los individuos para incrementar la

confianza y alineamiento organizacional. El mtodo intenta crear significado,
generando una imagen que tiene su base en historias de xito concretas y que se
crea en un evento social en el que participan las personas de la organizacin.
Existen variedad de formas de implementar Indagacin Apreciativa, incluyendo
entrevistas masivas que se dan en eventos llamados Cumbres (Appreciative
Inquiry Summit). Esto significa involucrar grupos muy grandes y diversos con el
fin de indagar lo mejor de una organizacin o comunidad y construir el futuro
sobre ello.

La filosofa bsica de IA tambin es encontrada en otras aproximaciones positivas

al cambio, ya sea individual u organizacional. Indagacin Apreciativa acoge
relacionamientos positivos y se construye sobre bondades bsicas en una
persona, situacin u organizacin.

Indagacin Apreciativa ha sido usada extensivamente para promover el cambio

en negocios de una gran variedad de sectores, sistemas de salud,
organizaciones no gubernamentales, instituciones educativas, comunidades,
gobiernos locales e instituciones religiosas.

Enlaces externos[editar]


Appreciative Inquiry Commons at Case Western Reserve University

Appreciative Inquiry at Harvard Business School

Inqurito Apreciativo (en portugus)

Appreciative Inquiry Conference 2007 The Power of Positive Change

[2] Aportaciones de Ejemplo de Case Western Reserve University


1. Volver arriba Background http://www.new-paradigm.co.uk/Appreciative.htm

2. Volver arriba http://www.xn-consultores.com/es/blog/articulo/13-indagacion-


3. Volver arriba (Whitney and Trosten-Bloom, 2003)

Santiago Alberto Otero

Es Ingeniero Qumico por la Universidad Nacional del Sur. Especialista en Indagacin y Dilogos Apreciativos
(Appreciative Inquiry), formado por David Cooperrider y Ronald Fry, en Case Western Reserve University (USA). Ha
tomado el Curso Avanzado de Indagacin Apreciativa en Barcelona, con las referentes europeas de la metodologa,
Miriam Subirana y Anne Radford. Es Coach Ontolgico Certificado, y miembro de la Asociacin Argentina de
Profesionales del Coaching. Tiene un Postgrado en Psicologa Positiva.
Director de Dilogos Apreciativos & Coaching, consultora especializada en procesos de transformacin personal y
organizacional a partir del desarrollo y facilitacin de metodologas apreciativas. Es co-creador del concepto
Apreciatividad y facilitador del Programa Los 13 pasos de la Apreciatividad, primero que se dicta sobre esta disciplina
en Latinoamrica.

Ha sido docente del Master de Coaching Organizacional (Universidad del Salvador), cursos de Coaching en Univ.
Argentina de la Empresa y Univ. Catlica Argentina, y docente invitado del Postgrado de Negociacin en Empresas en
Crisis, Univ. de Buenos Aires.

Es consultor Senior y trabaja como facilitador de procesos de cambio con Dilogos Apreciativos y Coaching, ejecutivo y
de equipos, en empresas e instituciones: BASF, Nissan, Repsol-YPF, Telefnica, Movistar, Brinks, Givaudan, Skanska,
Banco Hipotecario Nacional, Citibank, Unin Industrial Argentina, entre otras.
Fue Director de Capacitacin (Ad Honorem) en Dilogos Apreciativos de la Asociacin Civil Despierta Argentina.
Ha trabajado como Ingeniero de Procesos en Cermica San Lorenzo (Grupo Etex Blgica) y Oleaginosa Moreno
(Glencore International AG).

Ha coordinado y liderado viajes de crecimiento personal a diversos destinos: India, Per, Brasil, Espaa, Francia,
Portugal, Inglaterra, Escocia, entre otros.


Related Topics
Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
Appreciation + Inquiry = Positive Change
How the 4-D Process Works
Why AI Works
Leadership Development
Five Strategies of Appreciative Leadership

Appreciative Inquiry is a philosophy and a methodology for positive change. It is founded on the simple assumption
that human systems teams, organizations and people move in the direction of what they study, what they focus
upon and what they talk about with regularity.

The essence of Appreciative Inquiry is then the study of what gives life, energy and vitality to organizations, teams
and people when they are at their best. Appreciative Inquiry does not assume that any person or organization is
always at its best. It does posit, and both research and experience show, that people learn, and organizations
change most readily when they focus on, study, and engage in dialogue about strengths, patterns of success and
who they are at their best.
For this reason, the Appreciative Inquiry process engages large numbers of people in dialogue and deliberations
about their individual and collective strengths, their hopes and dreams for the future, as well as opportunities and
plans for collaborative action.

The process generally follows the Appreciative Inquiry 4-D Process: Discovery, Dream, Design and Destiny (Figure

Principles Of Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry is founded on a set of life affirming beliefs about people and human organizing:

People individually and collectively have unique gifts, skills and contributions to bring to life.
Organizations and communities are sources of unlimited relational capacity, created and lived in language.
The images we hold of the future are socially created and, once articulated, serve to guide individual and
collective actions.
Through human communication (inquiry and dialogue) people can shift their attention and action away from
problem analysis to lift up worthy ideals and productive possibilities for the future.

In short, Appreciative Inquiry suggests that human organizing and change, at its best, is a relational process of
inquiry, focused on what we want to realize and grounded in affirmation and appreciation of what works well the
positive core of strengths.

One way to understand Appreciative Inquiry is to consider the meaning of its two words. Each word alone has
implications for the practice of organization change. The power of Appreciative Inquiry, however, is the by-product
of the two words working together. Like hydrogen and oxygen that combine to make water the most nurturing
substance on earth appreciation and inquiry combined produce a powerful, vital approach to leadership and
organization change.
Appreciation: Recognition and Value Added
Appreciation is about recognition, valuing and gratitude. The word appreciate is a verb that carries a double
meaning. It refers to both the act of recognition and the act of enhancing value. Definitions include:
* to recognize the best in people and the world around us;
* to perceive those things which give life, health, vitality and excellence to living human systems;
* to affirm past and present strengths, successes, assets and potentials;
* to increase in value (e.g., an investment appreciates in value).
Indeed, organizations, businesses and communities can benefit by greater appreciation. Around the global, people
hunger for recognition. They want to work from their strengths on tasks they find of value. Executives and
managers long to lead from their values. They seek ways to integrate their strengths and interests into their daily
work. And organizations strive regularly to enhance their value to shareholders, employees and the world at large.
Inquiry: Study, Exploration and Discovery
Inquiry refers to the acts of exploration and discovery. It implies an openness to new possibilities, a willingness to
learn and to change. It requires curiosity, wonder and being in a state of unknowing. The word inquire also a verb
* to ask questions;
* to study;
* to search, explore, delve into or investigate.
The spirit of inquiry is the spirit of learning. The act of inquiry requires sincere curiosity and openness to new
possibilities, new directions and new understandings. We cannot have all the answers, know what is right, or be
certain and truly engage in inquiry.
Appreciative Inquiry fosters positive change and innovation through the study of what we
value and therefore what we want to bring to life in organizations and communities world wide.
Diana Whitney

The power of Appreciative Inquiry is unleashed through what we call a 4-D Process.
DISCOVERY: Identify and appreciate what works.
DREAM: Imagine what might be.
DESIGN: Develop systems, structures leveraging the best of what was and what might be.
DESTINY: Implement or deliver the proposed design.

This 4-D cycle an anchor for everything from a one-on-one conversation to whole system change leverages our
best experiences and local wisdom. It stimulates creativity, and builds energy and commitment to change.

Appreciative Inquiry is a proven approach to positive change in businesses, health care organizations, nonprofits
and NGOs, educational institutions and governments. It creates knowledge rich, strength based, adaptable
organizations that are open to continuous learning and responsive to change. Using AI, our clients have achieved
enduring strategic results in the areas of productivity, profitability, engagement, retention, satisfaction and more.
Appreciative Inquiry Summits
Organizations and communities faced with complex, multi-dimensional challenges need collaborative action among
large numbers of diverse stakeholders; and Appreciative Inquiry Summits powerfully address these challenges.
They ignite inspiration and accelerate action by fostering dialogue, collaborative decision-making, and high levels
of commitment.
We have designed and facilitated AI summits for groups of 50 to 500, delivering energizing solutions to a wide
range of challenges:
Strategic planning
Program design
Service enhancement
Curriculum development
Process improvementOur Appreciative Inquiry summits engage everyone who has a stake in the outcome
in one simultaneous conversation. If you want something done and want it done fast, consider an Appreciative
Inquiry Summit.

A transformation is taking place in organizations worldwide. Leadership practices are moving from authoritarian to
collaborative, from control to empowerment, from hierarchical to network based, from fear-based to strength-
based. Rather than focusing on whats wrong, they learn about and build on what works. They are moving
towards Appreciative Leadership.
Appreciative Leadership is a relational process, enabling people to come together and collaboratively make things
happen. It is a positive worldview, based on the belief that every person, team and organization has positive
potential. Appreciative Leadership strategies and practices harness that positive potential, turning it into positive
power. Appreciative Leadership drives winning performance and creates thriving organizations and communities.
Appreciative Leadership involves five core strategies, enacted through a variety of personal, one-to-one, team and
organizational practices:
Inquiry lets people know that you value them and their contributions. When you ask people to share their
thoughts and feelings their stories of success or ideas for the futureand you sincerely listen to what they have
to say, you are telling them, I value you and your thinking.
Illumination helps people understand how they can best contribute. Through the practices of illumination,
you can help people learn about their strengths and the strengths of others. You can give them confidence and
encouragement to express themselves, take risks, and support others in working from their strengths.
Inclusion gives people a sense of belonging. When you practice inclusion, you open the door for
collaboration and co-creation. This, in turn, creates an environment in which people feel they are a part of
something. When they feel part of something, they care for it.
Inspiration provides people with a sense of direction. By forging a vision and path forward, you give people
hope and unleash energy. These are the foundations for transformation, innovation and sustainable high
Integrity lets people know that they are expected to give their best for the greater good, and that they can
trust others to do the same. When you lead with integrity, people know they can depend on you to connect them to
the whole. Your example sets a standard for others to follow.
Excerpted from Appreciative Leadership
Whitney, Trosten-Bloom and Rader, 2010
Through our research on Appreciative Leadership and positive power, we have identified five areas of relational
practicewhat we call the Five Strategies of Appreciative Leadership. Each of the Five Strategies meets a different
need that people have for high performance:
to know they belong;
to feel valued for what they have to contribute;
to know where the organization or community is headed;
to know that excellence is expected and can be depended on; and
to know that they are contributing to the greater good.
Inquiry lets people know that you value them and their contributions. When you ask people to share their thoughts
and feelings their stories of success or ideas for the futureand you sincerely listen to what they have to say,
you are telling them, I value you and your thinking.
Illumination helps people understand how they can best contribute. Through the practices of illumination you can
help people learn about their strengths and the strengths of others. You can give them confidence and
encouragement to express themselves, take risks, and support others in working from their strengths.
Inclusion gives people a sense of belonging. When you practice inclusion, you open the door for collaboration and
co-creation. This, in turn, creates an environment in which people feel they are a part of something. When they feel
part of something, they care for it.
Inspiration provides people with a sense of direction. By forging a vision and path forward, you give people hope
and unleash energy. These are the foundations for transformation, innovation and sustainable high performance.
Integrity lets people know that they are expected to give their best for the great good, and that they can trust
others to do the same. When you lead with integrity, people know they can depend on you to connect them to the
whole. Your example sets a standard for others to follow.

We are delighted to share our work with you and hope that you find it both provocative and practical. In Articles,
Chapters, Webinars and Videos you will find just that published pieces written by Diana Whitney and CPC
Consulting Partners. Workshop Materials contains handouts from workshops and speaking engagements.
Visit Written About Us to learn what others are saying abut our work.

Please share these materials with colleagues and friends. When you find something of value, let us know. Send us
an email or a tweet.

What is Appreciative Inquiry?
Affirmative Topic
Once the basic concept of the positive core is understood, the 4-D Cycle can be better explained. The first step in an
AI intervention is selecting the affirmative topic choice. This is, in short, the selection of topic(s) that will become the
focus of the intervention.

Selecting the affirmative topic choice begins with the constructive discovery and narration of the organizations life-
giving story. The topics, in the initial stages, are bold hunches about what gives life to the organization. Most
importantly, the topics (usually three to five for an inquiry) represent what people really want to discover or learn
more about. The topics will likely evoke conversations about the desired future.

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Positive Core
The positive core of organizational life is one of the greatest, yet least recognized, resources in the change
management field today. AI has demonstrated that human systems grow in the direction of their persistent inquiries,
and this propensity is strongest and most sustainable when the means and ends of inquiry are positively correlated.
In the AI process, the future is consciously constructed upon the positive core strengths of the organization. Linking
the energy of this core directly to any change agenda suddenly and democratically creates and mobilizes topics never
before thought possible.

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The primary task in the Discovery phase is to identify and appreciate the best of what
is. The distinguishing factor of AI in this phase is that every carefully crafted question of the topic choice is positive.

This task is accomplished by focusing on peak times of organizational excellence, when people have experienced the
organization as most alive and effective. Seeking to understand the unique factors (e.g., leadership, relationships,
technologies, core processes, structures, values, learning processes, external relationships, planning methods, and so
on) that made the high points possible, people deliberately let go of analyses of deficits and systematically seek to
isolate and learn from even the smallest wins.

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Once an organization discovers its positive core, the next step is to imagine and
envision its future. The Dream phase of the AI 4-D Cycle accomplishes this step. One aspect that differentiates AI
from other visioning or planning methodologies is that images of the future emerge out of grounded examples from
its positive past. These images are compelling possibilities precisely because they are based on extraordinary
moments from an organizations history. For many organization stakeholders, this is the first time to think great
thoughts and create great possibilities for their organization. The process is both personally and organizationally

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The Dream phase articulated the strategic focus, such as a vision of sustainability, a
powerful purpose, and a compelling statement of strategic intent. In the Design phase, attention turns to creating the
ideal organization in order to achieve its dream. Future images emerge through grounded examples from an
organizations positive past. Good-news stories are used to craft provocative propositions that bridge the best of
what gives life with a collective aspiration of what might be.

The Design phase of the 4-D process is key to sustaining positive change and responding to the organizations most
positive past and highest potential. The positive core identified and expounded in the first two phases begins to take

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The Destiny phase represents both the conclusion of the Discovery, Dream, and Design
phases and the beginning of an ongoing creation of an appreciative learning culture.

The Destiny phase delivers on the new images of the future and is sustained by nurturing a collective sense of
purpose. It is a time of continuous learning, adjustment, and improvisation (like a jazz group) all in the service of
shared ideals. The momentum and potential for innovation are extremely high by this stage in the process. Because
of the shared positive image of the future, everyone is invited to align his or her interactions in co-creating the

Stakeholders are invited into an open-space planning and commitment session during this phase. Individuals and
groups discuss what they can and will do to contribute to the realization of the organizational dream as articulated in
the provocative propositions. Action commitments then serve as the basis for ongoing activities.

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