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Rebecca Yeager

January 17, 2017

Articles in Mullins Library

Title: College students' time management: Correlations with academic performance and stress.
Authors: Macan, Therese H., Comila Shahani, Robert L. Dipboye, and Phillips, Amanda P.
Date written: December 1990
URL: http://gm3ed7jh6d.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&ctx_enc=info

The article College students' time management: Correlations with academic
performance and stress discusses a psychology study conducted about college students and time
management. The study was applicable because college is a stressful time to many students. The
researches wanted to assess the effectiveness good time management skills in helping to make
the college experience less stressful. The researchers believe this is also important because poor
time management and stress can lead students to earn poor grades. To assess time management
skills the researchers presented students with a questionnaire that asked about techniques
commonly recommended in time management self help books.
The study used the information from the questionnaires to assess the different techniques
commonly used. The results found that time management did relate to stress and performance.
Factors such as setting goals and priorities, scheduling and planning, and a persons perception of
their control of time all were interrelated in how time management can be related to stress. Since
any of these three factors could potentially influence the other, the researchers could not
determine which is the most effective. Overall, the study discovered that time management does
relate to stress and performance, which means college students should value time management.
Extra Credit:

Title: Hopes and Goals Survey for use in STEM elementary education.

Authors: Douglas, K. Anna, and Johannes Strobel

Date written: May 2015
URL: http://0-


This article, Hopes and Goals Survey for use in STEM elementary education talks
about the creation of the Hopes and Goals Survey. The Hopes and Goals Survey is a survey used
to measure the amount of hope elementary students from diverse backgrounds have. Then it
connects that to how the hope levels relate to future STEM (science, technology, engineering,
and math) career paths for those children. STEM is an important topic to study because the
country needs people to enter those fields. The researchers believe the federal government and its
commitment to STEM is the biggest factor in its success. The study defines hope and discusses
how hope is a reason to preserve when in poor conditions. Defining hope in this manner helps
connect it to the success of elementary children with diverse backgrounds.

The study acknowledges that studies have already shown that hope can help students
succeed. But it goes a step further by saying children with hope should be encouraged to view
STEM as a way out of poverty. The researchers created this survey to be used for others to
measure the hope and STEM relationship. They believe if people start using this measurement,
hopeful children will pursue more STEM careers. While they acknowledge that STEM cannot
solve urban poverty, they do think it can help some students and the future of the STEM fields.
They want this survey to be used to help influence curriculums and help teachers know where to
increase hope in students.

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