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Teacher Candidate Tori Mekash

Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Subject: Reading

Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common

Lesson Plan Template

List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson:

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding

List the Learning Objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson. Use the

following format: Students will be able to

Students will be able to recognize and understand the seven vocabulary

words, and then use them correctly in a sentence.

Describe how the objective is relevant to students lives.

Students need to be able to understand the meaning of words and then be

able to use them correctly in a sentence as they continue build on their
writing, reading, and speaking skills.

List the words relevant to the content area that you will either introduce
and/or review during your lesson.

Burning, Building, Masks, Quickly, Roar, Station, Tightly

List the materials you will need to teach the lesson.

Smartboard, lesson powerpoint, Mystery paragraph, Vocab Worksheet, and

Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to
measure students level of understanding toward the learning objective(s)
prior to teaching the lesson.

I will give the students a short quiz using that uses the seven vocabulary
words two days before presenting the lesson.

APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson pre-assessment. (if


Is your pre-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan?

Describe the timeline as to when you plan to administer the pre-

(Recommended timeline is a minimum of two days prior to teaching your

The pre-assessment will be two days before teaching the lesson

Create and insert a table/chart/graph that shows the pre-assessment data

results. (if applicable)

Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.

Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have
demonstrated they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives,
instruction, and post-assessment.

The results of the pre-assessment will tell me which words I may need to
spend extra time on and have even more examples based on how well
students recognize it in the pre-assessment.

Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment

you will use to measure students level of understanding toward the learning objectives after
teaching the lesson.

Is your post-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan?

APPENDIX: Include a copy of a Key/Product (completed by you, the teacher) which

provides a model of the desired outcome.

Is your key included at the end of this lesson plan?

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to
incorporate into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning.

The smartboard will be used to present the vocabulary words.

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to
meet the needs of all learners and accommodate differences in students
learning, culture, language, etc. * Be sure that these accommodations are
based on what you identified/described in your contextual information
(Task I).

A student has problems with expressive language; the student will be able
to use a thesaurus when it comes to them writing their own sentences with
the vocabulary words.
Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student
behavioral/developmental needs in order to keep students on task and actively engaged
throughout the lesson.

I will walk around the room to ensure that students stay on track, and I will
use callback cues to get students attention. If students are able to be
detectives and solve the mystery paragraph, then they will get to vote on
whether we listen to our story (that goes with the vocabulary words) online
or if we read the story out loud.

I Do
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome of
learning objectives)
Describe how you will activate student interest and present the learning
objective in an engaging way (this is your lesson opening).
I will activate student interest by presenting them with a mystery
paragraph (attached) that has blanks in the paragraph where the
vocabulary words would go. I will tell them that I need them to be
detectives and I could use their help filling out the mystery paragraph.

Describe how you will communicate (to students) how the objective is
relevant to their lives.
It is important for students to recognize these vocabulary words to help
them understand the story they will be reading this week.

Describe what instructional strategies you will use to

model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills required of the
objective. (cite theories/theorists)
I will use the instructional strategies of Explicit Instruction (Dr. Anita
Archer) and think-pair-share.
The first thing I will do is show all seven of the vocabulary words on the
smartboard and ask the students to look at the words and think to
themselves if they recognize any of the words. Then I will ask them to turn
to a partner and discuss with their partner if they recognize any of the
words. Next I will go through each word individually on the board in my
presentation. Each individual slide will have a vocabulary word, the
definition of the word, a picture, and at least two example sentences using
the word. Some words will have an additional slide that has synonyms and
antonyms for the word on it. I will have students repeat the vocabulary
word after me, and I will use examples and non-examples while explaining
the word to them. For example: when I am describing quickly, I am going to
ask the children to quickly stand up (the example) and then slowly sit down
(non-example). I will also periodically ask students for a thumbs up or a
thumbs down if they have ever seen a mask, building, or something
burning before.

Describe how you will check for students understanding before moving on
to guided practice.
I will check for students understanding by asking them to demonstrate
standing up quickly and demonstrate holding their hand tightly. I will also
ask for them to give examples of some of the other words, such as a

We Do
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to
practice the skills and content needed to meet the learning objective(s).
On the smartboard, I will have a matching list and students will come up to
the board and connect the vocabulary word with the correct definition.
Next, students will partner up and come up with a sentence of their own for
each vocabulary word. Once all the groups have finished each group with
share at least one of their sentences with the class. Lastly, I will call on
students to come up to the board and plug in the correct vocabulary word
to the corresponding blank in the mystery paragraph to solve it.

Describe how you will check for students understanding before moving on to independent
I will check for understanding by ensure that students choose the correct
word when completing exercises on the board, and if they do not pick the
right word I will help them come understand which word is correct so they
can fix it. I will also check for understanding by walking around while the
groups are coming up with their own sentences to make sure they are on
the right track.

You Do
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills
required by the lesson objectives? (this is the post-assessment)
A worksheet will be provided to the students for additional practice of the
vocabulary words that they will complete on their own. The worksheet has
seven sentences and the vocabulary words are missing from the
sentences; students will need to put the correct vocab word into the
correct sentence.

APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of your post-assessment.

Is your BLANK COPY of the post-assessment included at the end of this
lesson plan?

Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective and any
skills/content that were taught in an interactive manner (whole/small
group, etc.).
I will reemphasize the lesson objective by filling out the mystery paragraph
and then going over it together.

(This portion may only be done after the post assessment is
Describe the results of the Post-Assessment and be sure to address the following:
Students progress from pre-to-post assessment. (if applicable)
Factors that may have influenced the post assessment results.
How the results of the post assessment highlight what areas of the
lesson will require re-teaching (if any).
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph (below) that shows the post-assessment data
results. If you used the same document for both the pre and post assessments, it is strongly
encouraged that you show the comparison.

Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.


List and describe two things you feel you did well to plan, implement, or assess instruction

List and describe two things you feel were challenges during the planning, implementation
and/or assessment of the lesson.

List and describe two ideas for redesign you would make if you were to teach this lesson

Mystery Paragraph
Can you hear the siren ___________? Something must be ___________! The
firefighters at the fire ___________ are moving ___________to respond to the
call. They put on their ___________and tie their boots ___________. They arrive
at the ___________and put the fire out. Hooray they saved the day!

Link to Power Point


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