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conz2016 CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY @) TEORIA Intermediate - Grammar - Unit 1 The Present Simple Tense 1, Descrevendo as agées habituais, rotineiras: ‘She smokes. ~ Ela fuma, We usually go to work by bus. - Nés normalmente vamos trabalhar de dnibus. They drink wine every night. - Eles bebem vinho todas as noites 2, Verdades ébvias Elephants don't fly - Elefantes nao voam Everybody likes English! - Todo mundo gosta de inglés! 3, Verbos que expressam emogao, preferéncias e opi believe, trust: ke, love, prefer, understand, know, ike him. - Eu gosto dele Hove her somuch. = Eu amo muito ela, I don't understand that, - Eu nao entendo isso. Construgao de frases no Present Simple Construgao de frase afirmativa PESSOA +VERBO +OBJETO Hl run every day. He drinks milk every morning. We walk every evening. Construgao de frase interrogativa (bobo) PESSOA +VERBO + OBJETO Do you work ~—aat weekends? Does he like swimming? Do we have money? Construgao de frase negativa 16 conz2016 CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY PESSOA + AUXILIAR+"not” +VERBO +OBJETO It do not / don't have acar. He does not/doesn't have —acar. We do not / don't want to wait, Quando 0 verbo termina em ss, sh, x, 0 na terceira pessoa do singular, ao invés de "s" acrescentamos "es": Ikiss -he kisses Irush -he rushes | watch- he watches Ido -he does Igo -he goes Ibox -he boxes Question words what time - que horas (What time do you usually have breakfast?) how often - quantasvezes (How often do you visit your parents?) why = porque (Why does he like English?) what = oque (What does she have?) where —- onde (Where do you work?) how = como (How do you learn?) how far = qual distancia (How far is the beach?) how much - quanto (incontavel) (How much does it cost?) how many - quanto (contavel) (How many people live in this house?) who + quem (Who likes chocolate?) which one - qual (Which one of you likes chocolate?) whose = de quem (Whose car is this?) a No tempo verbal Present Simple usamos varias palavras que descrevem frequéncia: always, often, usually, sometimes, never, seldom. every day / week / month / year (todo dia / semana/ més / ano) exemplo: Every year I go on holiday. once a day / week / month / year (uma vez por dia, por semana / por més / por ano) exemplo: | swim once a week. The Present Continuous Tense Uso 1, Descrever eventos que acontecem no momento de fala: 26 conz2016 CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY tam dancing. - Estou dangando. He is criticizing her. Ele esta criticando ela, What are you doing here? © que vocé esta fazendo aqui? She is swimming. Ela esta nadando. 2. Descrever algo que com certeza vai acontecer no futuro préximo (quando falamos sobre algum plano para o futuro): I'm taking the exam tomorrow. Estou fazendo 0 exame amanha. Why are you meeting him on Saturday? Iam meeting Paul tonight. Extras are not isnot Porque vocé vai encontrar com ele no sébado? Eu vou encontrar Paul hoje a noite aren't isn't Itis not coming = It isn't coming You are not helping = You aren't helping 1, Quando o verbo termina com uma letra"e" adiconamos ing” no final e tiramos a letra "e' argue - arguing 2, Se a ultima si adicionar "-ing ba do verbo é "vogal-consoante-vogal”, repe! 10s a Ultima letra antes de hit = hitting run - running stop - stopping begin - beginning prefer - preferring travel - travelling 3, Quando o verbo termina em "-y" adicionamos o final "-ing" sem nenhuma mudanga: carry - carrying enjoy - enjoying hurry = hurrying 4 Iitpitwwn academy-cambridge,com Theory Window. a5px7TaskID= 10465, conz2016 Existem verbos que mudam de significado quando terminam em CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY Lembre-se: verbos que expressam sentimentos (exemplo: like, love, hate, prefer) nao podem ser escritos na forma *-ing” Hove her. / like John. /| hate that. /| prefer tea. 1g" (exemplo: have! Ihave a car. ~ Eu tenho um carro, lam having a bath. - Estou tomando banho, She is having dinner. - Ela esté jantando. 4 Present Continuous sugere que a agao est acontecendo no momento do discurso, jé Present Simple sugere, que a acdo esta em curso ou é repetitiva. + He sings in a choir. He's singing now. + Ele canta no coral. (no dia a dia), Ele esta cantando agora, + They usually speak only English, but now they are speaking French. + Eles normalmente falam so em inglés, mas agora eles estao falando em francés. + Lalways try to do my best. I'm doing my best to help him + Eu sempre tento fazer o meu melhor. Estou fazendo 0 melhor que posso para ajudé-lo. + Sonia sometimes dries her things after it rains. She isn't drying her things now. + Algumas vezes Sonia seca suas coisas depois da chuva. Ela nao esta secando suas coisas agora. + They are smiling to each other. They never usually smile. + Eles esta sorrindo um para o outro, Eles nunca sorriem, Present Passive Voice (voz passiva no presente) A ages gerais 1, Nés usamos a voz passiva em uma situagdo em que queremos chamar a atengdo para a tarefa e nao para o executante, ou quando o executante é desconhecido. The flowers are watered every day. - As flores sao regadas todo dia These chairs are being moved now. - Estas cadeiras esto sendo movidas agora 2. Usamos quando 0 autor é indeterminado por exemplo( somebody, someone, everybody, they, people). A voz passiva e frequentemente usada com os verbos say, believe, understand e know, a fim de evitar 0 tipo de construcao impessoal: they ou people: Voz passiva People often talk to them. (As pessoas frequentemente conversam com. eles) Robert is said to laugh a lot. He is believed to eat 10 hotdogs in 4 minutes. Hippos are known to be dangerous. Iitpitwww academy-cambridge.com Theory Window. a5px7TaskID= 10465, Voz ativa They are often talked to (by people) (Muitas vezes conversam com eles) Diz-se que Robert sorri muito. Acredita-se, que ele come 10 cachorros quentes ‘em 4 minutos. Os hipopétamos so conhecides por serem conz2016 CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY perigosos. Students are understood to learn a lot. E compreendido que os alunos aprendem muito. Ghosts are believed to appear at midnight. Acredita-se que os espiritos aparecem meia- Edison is known to have invented the electric, noite. bulb. Edison é conhecido por ter inventado a lampada My nephew is said to be a genius. elétrica Meu sobrinho é dito ser um génio. 3. As instrugées, comunicagées, proibigées e outros usos da lingua of ‘Smoking is forbidden here. - € proibido fumar aqui. The interviewees are requested not to eat. - Os entrevistados sao solicitados a ndo comer. Photography is not allowed. - Nao € permitido fotografar. 4, Em alguns usos, a voz passiva é usada para expor as ages do executante precdido pela preposicdo “by The tour is always guided by Mr. Strand. - © passeio 6 sempre guiado pelo Sr. Strand. He's being asked by none other than Sean - Ele esta sendo questionado por ninguém menos que Connery. Sean Connery. Construgéo ‘Tempo verbal Present Simple voz ativa voz passiva Somebody breaks this glass every week. - This glass is broken every week (by somebody). They water the flowers every day. The flowers are watered every day (by them). English is sometimes spoken by us. We speak English sometimes. - Their house is not seen by them very often They don't see their house very often. The library is closed for the weekends. ‘Someone closes the library for the weekends. School is hated by them, They hate school. - Tempo verbal Present Continuous voz ativa voz passiva ‘Someone is breaking the glass now. - The glass is being broken now. They are watering the flowers now. - The flowers are being watered now. They are building a new motorway now. Anew motorway is being built now. They are renovating the old town square. - The old town square is being renovated. I'm enjoying this party a lot. - This party is being enjoyed by me a lot. conz2016 CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY Look what they are doing Questions (perguntas) They bring flowers every day. What is brought every day (by them?) Someone is painting it. Who is it being painted by? They never go to school. What is never done by them? Something is done. What is done? ‘Somebody is stealing it. What is being stolen? made of metal. What it made of? They give him 10 sandwiches. How many sandwiches are given to him? Somebody wins a lot of money. How much money is won? Look what is being done by them O que 6 trazido todos os dias (por eles?) por quem esta sendo pintado? © que nunca ¢ feito por eles? © que esté feito? (© que esté sendo roubado? Do que isto é feito? Quantos sanduiches sdo dados a ele? Quanto dinheiro é ganho?

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