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Journal Table Three

Name: Ruth Detlefsen DeLano

Important Societal Factors/Significant Course Content
Observations from Field Notes
A) A) Column 1 How do you see gender ethnographictoolsandinvestigationstrategiesyouareusing
scripts (Cite specific author arguments, (orwilluse)toidentifythespecificFundsofKnowledge
examples, and page numbers from the
Sadkers reading!!) and/or Gender Strategies
(Cite specific author arguments, examples, learnerorsetoflearnersyouchosetoworkwithinyourclinical
and page numbers from the AAUW setting;
reading) operating for respondents in your Myclinicalexperiencewassetentirelywithinaschoolsetting,
Clinical site? (Cite specific author soIwasntabletogoasindepthastheMichaelGenzuk,
arguments, examples, and page numbers NicholasWysocki,orNormaGonzalezdidintheirresearch.
from the said Gender readings, the Judith However,formyfuturecareerandclinicalsettingswhereIhave
Lorber reading, the Gender Discussion PPT
on D2L, as well as your own Genzuksaysthattheyshouldbeconductedinhisarticle,A
research/graphic on Gender in your SynthesisofEthnographicResearch.Init,Genzuksaysthat
licensure area). are significant? ethnographyreliesonupcloseandpersonalparticipatory
The Sadkers reading talks about how boys are teacher(s)dontjustobserve;theygettoknowthestudentsand
actually at a disadvantage when boys are favored by thefamilies,theircultures,religions,economicstatus.Genzuk
teachers. Boys feel pressured to be the smartest and to
compete with each other not only in classes but in data:quotations,excerptsofdocuments,anddescriptions.These
sports as well. The Sadkers argue that boys and men typesofdataandresearchallturnintoonefinishedproduct:a
experience psychological strain from trying to narrativedescription,whichtellsthestoryoftheethnographic
conform to stereotypic roles. One of the results of the studyconducted.
strain put on boys and men is a dependency on alcohol InherarticleFundsofKnowledge,NormaGonzalezsaysthat
and drugs. The Sadkers say that 90 percent of thereasonthatweconductethnographiescomesfromthe
alcohol-and drug-related arrests are men. Another
result of the high risk behavior exhibited by boys and studentsandtheireverydaylivesoutsideofschool.Sheuses
men while trying to conform to the stereotypes is that severalofthetechniquesthatMichaelGenzuktalksaboutinhis
the leading cause of death among fifteen-to twenty- article,includingobservation,interviewing,lifehistory
four-year-old white males is accidents. They also add narratives,andreflectiononfieldnotes.Accordingto
that teenage boys are more likely to die from gunshot Gonzalez,whenwegointoourstudentshomesand
wounds than from any other natural causes communitieswedontgoinasteachers,ratherwegoinas
combined, and that males are two to three times
more likely to commit suicide than females. These everydaylives.Gonzalezsaysthatusingethnographieshelpsus
statistics are for mainly white males. For minority tobecomebetterteachersbecausewecanbuilduponthe
males, the statistics are worse. The Sadkers say that knowledgethatstudentsbringtoschoolwiththemfromtheir
one in every three black male teenagers is homesandcultures.Thewholeprocessoccursinstepsthat
unemployed, and those who are working take home reallyshouldntberushedorskipped.Thefirststepthat
paychecks with 30 percent less salary than white Gonzaleztalksaboutisthehouseholdvisit,whichoccursbefore
workers. Of that salary, Sadkers estimate that 25
percent of black youths income results directly from
Journal Table Three
Name: Ruth Detlefsen DeLano
crime and that one in every six African-American observetheareaandexternalmarkersthatmakeita
males is arrested by age nineteen. Aside from salary neighborhood.Wecanobservecluesastowhatfundsof
and income, the odds of a young African-American
man is one in 21, and homicide is the leading cause of pointtoknowledgesuchasbotanicalknowledge,aparentis
death among young black men (Sadker, pp. 195-196). possiblyamason,mechanicalknowledge,andartistic
In her article The Social Construction of Gender, bydrivingdowntheneighborhood.Wecontinuetoobserve
Judith Lorber says that gender is not something that wheninsideofthehouseholds,andwemustaskrespectful
we are born with, like sex; rather it is something that questionsandlistentotheanswers.
we learn and develop for ourselves. Most often,
gender is presented upon us by our parents in the form studentsseeshimselforherselfandtheirculturesreflectedand
of clothing and pronouns. Young girls are dressed in representedinmylessons.Bygettingtoknowmystudentsand
pinks, florals, and girlie attire while young boys are theirfamilies,IbelievethatIwillbeabetterteacherthanifI
dressed in blues, camouflage, and boy attire (Lorber, justgottoknowmystudentswithintheschoolsetting.Icando
pp. 55). Rarely does the child pick their own clothing, thisbyvisitingmystudentsandtheirfamiliesintheirhomes
and thus their genders are learned. Boys and girls are andcommunitiesandbyinvitingfamilymembersintothe
treated differently in public and in private and learn
from watching their parents. For example, parenting is knowledgeandmakesuretoincludethemintheplanning,
gendered. Most typically, we see this in the form of teachingwhattheyareinterestedinandwhatisrelevantto
mothers being more compassionate and staying home them.
with the children more and by fathers being harsher
and working. Granted, today this is different because D)Column2UseyourAnnotatedBibliographyUpdated
gendered roles have changed. However when most 20166SourcesPDFtodiscussrequirementCinany2
people think about a typical mother and father, their ofthe6resourcesthatyouwillusetoengageinthe
ideas of the two are old fashioned and typical. Lorber investigationsthatyoujustdiscussedin#3.
says that the building blocks of gender are socially experiencetoengageintheinvestigationsthatIjustdiscussedin
constructed statuses (Lorber, pp. 56), meaning that #3.Becausetheyknowthestudentsandtheirfamiliesatmy
the society or culture in which we live dictates the clinicalsitebetterthanIdo,theywillbegoodresourcesforme
types of gender that we perceive as normal. For togobacktoinordertolearnmoreaboutthestudentsandto
example, while in America we see two genders for the betteranswerthequestionsthatIampresentedwithinthe
most part (male and female), other countries identify JournalTablesandintheDigitalEthnography.
many more genders, including berdaches, hijras,
zaniths (all of which are biological males who work,
dress, behave, and are treated as women and are called
male women in English), manly hearted women
(who are biologically female but work, act, and are
treated as male), transsexuals, and transvestites
(Lorber, pp. 56). Gender, therefore, is not attached to
anatomy, nor is it biologic.
When it comes to individuals and society, there are
different opinions when it comes to gender that Lorber
identifies. For the individual, Lorber says that gender
means sameness (Lorber, pp. 57). Because humans
want to fit in with each other, we act the way that we
want to be perceived. In our culture, we are gendered
Journal Table Three
Name: Ruth Detlefsen DeLano
in every day life by observing how men and women
should act. By observing, we learn which gender we
fit into and try to act the way that that specific gender
acts (Lorber, pp. 58). While gender means sameness
for individuals, Lorber says that gender means
difference for society. In the greater part of our
society, there are two genders whose characteristics
are clearly laid out and identifiable. Lorber says that
this makes the gender construct of male and
female both empty and overflowing categories.
Empty because they have no ultimate, transcendental
meaning. Overflowing because even when they appear
to be fixed, they still contain within them alternative,
denied, or suppressed definitions (Lorber, pp. 59).

In my clinical experience this semester, I saw students

who identified their gender along with their sex,
meaning that students who were born male identified
as such and students who were born female identified
as female. Because I didnt have a chance to see what
their home lives are like, it is hard to come to a
conclusion or an accurate observation about whether
their genders are chosen genders or if their genders
have been learned or impressed upon them by parents
and community members.
As far as actions go, I observed boys acting out more
than girls to get the attention of classmates and
teachers. However, the girls at my clinical were much
more outgoing than the boys for the most part. They
were some of the first to approach me on my first day,
and it took the boys a while to get used to my
presence. I observed the boys at my clinical playing
sports more so than the girls, and the girls playing
with puzzles or jumping rope more so than the boys.
However, there were some girls whom I observed who
enjoyed sports and played with the boys at times.
Again, it is difficult to form a conclusion or even
hypothesis about the reasons for the students acting in
these ways without knowing their families or how
they are/were raised.
My licensure area will be K-8th grade, so the
information from these essays is important for me to
know and to be aware of. I didnt know before reading
the Sadkers article that boys felt so much stress and
pressure to be the best and to be manly. Knowing
Journal Table Three
Name: Ruth Detlefsen DeLano
what I do now, I hope to call equally on all students in
my class as a teacher so that I dont put stress on
certain students to be the best and so that I dont
encourage competition to that high a level. While
some competition is good, too much can be a bad
thing, as the Sadkers stated.

B) Column 1 How do your Developmental

and/or learning theorists learned in EDFD
400/401 help you think about why you see
specific gender scripts (Sadkers reading)
and/or gender strategies (AAUW reading)
being exhibited by the learner or set of learners
you are observing;

Piaget believed that children learned from doing and

by observing. An example might be a child learning to
eat with a spoon. Through exploring their
surroundings, children begin to build up a scheme of
the actions that he/she can preform. These are also
called operations. This helps me to think about why I
see specific gender scripts and/or gender strategies
being exhibited by the set of learners that I am
observing by telling me that children learn from their
surroundings and by experimenting with what is okay
and not okay. If a biologically male child plays with a
toy that is thought of as feminine and is told no, that
child is going to learn that they are not to play with
feminine toys and therefore wont play with them.
Gestalt and other Behaviorist Theories say that
humans learn from publicly observable behavior and
seeing things come together in an observable pattern.
For children, observing others performing gendered
actions teaches the children the societal view of the
two genders. Children associate themselves with a
gender and act the way that they observe others within
that gender acting and behaving.

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