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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol.

35, 2012 Trends

Direct chromatographic methods

in the context of green analytical
Marek Tobiszewski, Jacek Namiesnik

We review analytical protocols based on gas and liquid chromatography (GC and LC), but involving no sample preparation.
Green analytical chemistry seeks to minimize negative impacts of analytical chemistry. Direct analytical methods ideally fulfill
this requirement, as they preclude sample preparation the most polluting step of the analytical procedure.
We describe examples of GC methodologies for environmental and food analysis using on-column, programmed temperature
vaporizers and injectors with sorbent-packed liners.
Although LC methods are less amenable to eliminating sample pretreatment, we also present some successful applications of
direct LC methods in environmental and food analysis, and bioanalysis.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Analytical protocol; Direct chromatographic method; Direct injection; Environmental analysis; Food analysis; Gas chromatography;
Green analytical chemistry; Liquid chromatography; Vaporizer; Waste minimization

Abbreviations: APCI, Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization; BTEX, Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes; DAD, Diode-array detector; DAI,
Direct aqueous injection; ECD, Electron-capture detector; EPA, Environmental Protection Agency; ETBE, Ethyl tert-butyl ether; FID, Flame-ionization
detector; GAC, Green analytical chemistry; GC, Gas chromatography; LC, Liquid chromatography; LOD, Limit of detection; LVI, Large-volume
injection; MS, Mass spectrometry; MTBE, Methyl tert-butyl ether; PTV, Programmed temperature vaporization; RSD, Relative standard deviation;
SPME, Solid-phase microextraction; THMs, Trihalomethanes; VOX, Volatile organohalogen compounds; WHO, World Health Organization

1. Introduction coulometric and spectroscopic methods.

Marek Tobiszewski*, However, chromatography with various
Jacek Namiesnik Green analytical chemistry (GAC) is an detection systems is frequently applied to
Department of Analytical aspect of green chemistry and of the con- environmental, industrial, biomedical
Chemistry, Chemical Faculty,
Gdansk University of
cept of sustainable development. GAC and food analysis of organic compounds.
Technology (GUT), focuses on reducing the environmental Generally, chromatographic analysis
ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, impact of analytical methodologies. There requires sample pretreatment for the pre-
80-233 Gdansk, are several approaches to achieve this goal concentration of analytes and the removal
Poland {e.g., green sample pretreatment [1], of interferents. The great number of
application of environmentally benign chromatographic analyses carried out and
solvents and reagents [2], reducing the the potential to generate wastes during
impact of chromatographic analysis by sample preparation make it desirable
shortening chromatographic separation to introduce direct chromatographic
times [3], miniaturization of analytical methods.
devices [4], and management of analytical We review direct chromatographic
wastes [5]}. The idea of GAC is spreading methodologies. We show that the sample-
in analytical laboratories and the need to preparation step can be successfully
make analytical chemistry greener is omitted when performing gas or liquid
becoming more widely accepted. chromatographic (GC or LC) analysis,
Direct analytical techniques (i.e. with- making this greener. We compare the
out sample preparation) are particularly results obtained with direct chromato-
Corresponding author. desirable from the GAC point of view. graphic methodologies with those of some
Tel.: +48 5 83472110; Such techniques include ion-selective methodologies involving sample prepara-
E-mail: marektobiszewski@ electrodes, immunoassays, and some tion.

0165-9936/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.trac.2012.02.006 67
Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 35, 2012

Analytical process step Avoiding the step

Sample collection Passive dosimetry

Location of enables analyte
device in- preconcentration
line, at line during sample
Transport and storage or on-line collection

Introduction of direct techniques

Sample preparation

Direct injection mass spectrometry for

volatile compounds in gas samples
Chromatographic separation


Figure 1. Steps in the determination of organic compounds and ways of avoiding particular steps of analysis.

2. The analytical process in the light of green microextraction (SPME) [10], headspace (HS) analysis,
chemistry membrane techniques [11] or the use of alternative
solvents [12], have been introduced. The National
The analytical process usually comprises sample collec- Environmental Methods Index (NEMI) defines the
tion, transportation and storage, and then sample method as green if chemicals used in the procedure are
preparation and final analysis (see Fig. 1). Its role is to not listed in the Toxic Release Inventory list as being
obtain reliable results from measurements of a given persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic or being hazard-
chemical species in a sample. During chemical analysis, ous, the pH during analysis is within the 212 range and
some analytical wastes are produced [5]. It is the ana- the amount of waste produced is less than 50 g [13].
lytical chemists responsibility to manage these wastes, According to this definition, the methods that we present
or, following the principles of green chemistry, to pre- are green. The application of direct chromatographic
vent their production [6]. For example, by placing an techniques is a step forward in reducing the environ-
analytical device in in-line, on-line, or at-line modes [4], mental impact of chromatographic analyses.
the analysis can be performed without sample collection.
With direct-injection mass spectrometry (MS), virtually
all steps, except the final determination, can be omitted 3. Gas-chromatography techniques
when volatile organics are determined in gaseous sam-
ples [7]. Determination of trace volatile analytes in The introduction of the sample (usually water but also
complex gaseous mixtures is possible due to the high water-ethanol mixture) directly into the chromato-
sensitivity and selectivity of recent mass spectrometers. graphic capillary column used not to be recommended.
Various systems have been developed for specific appli- Water is considered to cause increased column bleeding,
cations in environmental (particularly atmospheric) especially when polar stationary phases are applied, so a
chemistry, plant chemistry, and food and industrial dense, non-polar column stationary phase and dense,
analysis. polar, cross-linked phases are used. Recent developments
The sample-preparation step is considered the most in the quality of column stationary phases and novel
polluting in the analytical procedure [8], as it may in- methods of cross-linking have improved resistance to
volve the use of toxic chemicals and/or volatile solvents deterioration caused by water. The on-column intro-
during operations mentioned in Fig. 2. Solvents used in duction of environmental water may cause problems
analytical chemistry are high purity, and their manu- with column performance, especially when the water
facture requires more material and higher energy input has high salt content, and may decrease detector sensi-
than technical-grade solvents. Recently, much attention tivity. Deactivated precolumns therefore have to be in-
has been given to reducing the environmental hazards of stalled in front of the analytical column to prevent
sample-preparation techniques. Various extraction inorganic salts and organic non-volatile compounds
systems, based on miniaturized liquid-liquid extraction from entering the column. The deactivated column also
(LLE) [9], solid-phase extraction (SPE) and solid-phase serves as a retention gap, which provides space for the

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 35, 2012 Trends

Analytical methodologies for the determin

ation of analytes in a complex matrix

Mode of measurement

Direct techniques Indirect techniques

No sample preparation is required The sample is analyzed following
its pretreatment

Potentiometry Extraction
(nowadays often solventless)
Graphite furnace atomic
absorption spectrometry Mineralization

Inductively coupled plasma Derivatization

Neutron activation analysis

X-ray fluorescence


Direct sample injection into

chromatographic column

Figure 2. Classification of analytical techniques with respect to the sample-preparation step.

solvent to evaporate. The sensitivity of methods based on Making the wrong decisions about sorbent selection may
on-column injection depends on the volume of sample cause analytes to degrade or may strengthen their
injected. retention. The solvent is vented at increased tempera-
The alternative approach to injecting a liquid sample tures.
into the column is to prevent solvent from reaching it by There are review papers on the large-volume injection
removing the most or all of the solvent in the injector (LVI) of samples into GC columns that discuss technical
[14]. Programmed temperature vaporization (PTV) solutions and modification modes in detail [14,15].
causes the solvent to evaporate before the sample However, not all LVI methods are direct as the injected
reaches the column. The device used is similar to a split/ sample may be an extract (then the method is not
splitless injector but is equipped with an efficient heating direct). It is debatable whether PTV sample introduction
and cooling system. After introducing sample into the is a direct analytical method or on-line sample prepara-
injector, the solvent is slowly evaporated and vented at tion to be applied before chromatographic analysis. We
relatively low temperature, below its boiling point in the include examples of PTV applications without off-line
split mode of the injector. This causes enrichment of sample preparation in the discussion. Table 1 summa-
analytes in the injector. The analytes are then intro- rizes some examples of application of direct GC methods.
duced into the column by rapidly increasing the injector
temperature in splitless mode. PTV is suitable only for 3.1. GC-ECD
analytes with boiling points considerably higher than The first direct aqueous injection-GC-electron-capture
that of the solvent involved. detection (DAI-GC-ECD) system was introduced by Grob
Another approach to preventing the solvent from and Habish [16]. ECD, which is extremely sensitive
reaching the column is to use a liner filled with sorbent towards compounds containing halogen atoms, enables
[15]. Proper sorbent selection is required to retain sol- these compounds to be determined at sufficient levels
vent and thus enable the analytes to be introduced into without the need for their isolation and enrichment.
the column. Applying organic sorbent (i.e. Tenax) The limits of detection (LODs) for halogenated
retains non-polar analytes, while venting polar solvent. volatile organics are at low-lg/L levels; a significant

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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 35, 2012

Table 1. Applications of direct gas chromatographic methods, their limits of detection (LODs) and relative standard deviations (RSDs)

Matrix Analytes Injection mode Sample LOD [lg/L] RSD [%] Ref.
volume [lL]
Water 11 VOX On-column 60C 1 110 2.15.7 [18]
Water 6 VOX On-column 4 0.30.8 2.13 [19]
Water 12 VOX including Cold on-column 2 0.021.6 1.222 [20]
Rainwater and snow (after melting) 7 VOX Cold on-column 2 0.010.2 Not specified [41]
Water and wastewater 26 VOX Cold on-column 2 0.0153.9 1.712 [22]

Water BTEX Injector liner filled 250 0.61.1 Not specified [24]
with sorbent
Wine, whisky, other beverages Methanol Splitless 0.1 1000 1.31.7 for wine [27]
2.83.7 for whisky

Surface and groundwater 24 VOCs Cold on-column 110 0.16 1.843 [30]
Surface and groundwater 13 VOCs Cold on-column 110 0.0531 223 [29]
Wastewater 170 VOCs and semi- PTV-PTV 12 1000 Not specified [33]
Gasoline MTBE Splitless 1 Not specified 0.73.3 [34]
Wine 13 Carboxylic acids PTV 50 Not specified 4.525 [36]
and alcohols
Whisky 21 Compounds Sorbent-packed liner 5 not specified 1.926 [38]

improvement may be obtained when the cooling system 100 lg/L and 100 lg/L for chloroform, bromodichlo-
is applied to the on-column injector. romethane, dibromochloromethane and bromoform,
DAI-GC-ECD is frequently applied in the determination respectively. The LODs obtained by DAI methods
of trihalomethanes (THMs) and/or other disinfection by- are lower than the MPCs, making DAI an efficient, rapid
products in drinking water [17]. Compared to the purge- technique for routine THM determination in drinking
and-trap (P&T) method, LLE and HS analysis, DAI, as water.
applied to the determination of THMs in water, is the DAI-GC-ECD was also applied to determine halome-
simplest, least labor-intensive procedure, involving no thanes, chloroethanes and chlorobenzenes in surface-
sophisticated equipment, reagents or solvents. However, water samples [20]. Chlorobenzenes had higher LODs
the LODs are high (110 lg/L), compared to HS analysis (0.091.6 lg/L) and higher RSDs (2.95%) than ali-
(0.050.6 lg/L), P&T (0.020.05 lg/L) or even LLE phatic compounds (0.020.09 lg/L LODs and 1.13%
(0.81 lg/L). But, the precision is also usually better RSDs).
than that of other methods, as relative standard devia- The application of DAI-GC-ECD to determine volatile
tions (RSDs) are in the 15% range for both DAI and LLE organohalogen compounds (VOX) in surface water is
and up to 50% for HS and P&T methods. The DAI limited by the presence of suspended matter in water.
method was characterized by good recoveries, within the The problem of suspended matter is limited when VOX
84108% range, while ranges for HS analysis were 34 are determined in rainwater samples. Seven VOX have
128%, 85124% for P&T, and 95111% for LLE [18]. been successfully determined in precipitation samples
Another study showed that the LODs obtained with DAI collected in urban areas at sub-lg/L concentrations [21].
(0.30.8 lg/L) were comparable with those of the P&T The technique was also applied to determine VOX in
technique (0.61.5 lg/L) but higher than those of LLE process water and oiled wastewater [22]. The aqueous
(0.020.07 lg/L) when analytes were extracted with phase of the oiled sample is introduced into a column.
1 mL of hexane from 10 mL of water. DAI showed good Light hydrocarbons pass through the column and give
precision (RSDs 2.13%) similar to P&T (RSDs 1.24%) no signal in ECD, whereas heavy hydrocarbons are
but better than LLE (RSDs 47.3%) [19]. hardly soluble in water and any traces are captured in
The value of 80 lg/L (the sum of four THMs) is the the precolumn.
maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of THMs in
drinking water, as laid down by the US Environmental 3.2. GC-FID
Protection Agency (EPA). The values stipulated by the Direct on-column injection can be applied to determine
World Health Organization (WHO) are 300 lg/L, 60 lg/L, hydrocarbons, alcohols or carbonyl compounds in clean

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 35, 2012 Trends

environmental waters (e.g., rainwater) [23]. The LOD for method seems to be good choice for their determination.
ethanol by direct on-column injection of 2-lL sample The method meets the requirements set by EPA and
was 46 lg/L, while, with P&T and SPME, the LODs were European Union regulations. It is also suitable for
0.9 lg/L and 1000 lg/L, respectively. investigating in-situ transformation rates of compounds
Application of the sorbent Chromosorb P NAW in the [31].
liner enables the direct LVI of the water sample. As 250- DAI was applied in on-line wastewater-quality moni-
lL water sample is slowly introduced into the liner, the toring before reaching the wastewater-treatment plant
non-polar analytes are transferred to the capillary col- (WWTP) to ensure its proper functioning. The method is
umn, while the water is trapped by the sorbent. At the advantageous because of the short time during which
next stage, water is removed from the liner via the split analytical results are obtained, which enables waste-
flow [24]. The LODs were satisfactory, in the 23.6-lg/L water to be sent to a storage tank and not the WWTP.
range, although some problems with real sample anal- Heavy loads of organics may affect biological treatment
ysis cropped up. and contaminate water, so fast analytical response is
DAI was used in an investigation of VOX degradation crucial to assure chemical safety. Suspended matter was
in batch and column studies [25]. DAI seems to be removed in-line before sample collection, and samples
convenient for periodic sampling and analysis during were diluted with ultrapure water. Samples were ana-
such experiments. Direct sample injection ensures that lyzed by means of two GC-MS systems to shorten the
no further degradation occurs during sample pretreat- time delay between sample collection and obtaining
ment. The technique was also used to calculate the analytical result. Both were equipped with PTV-PTV
kinetics of MTBE and ETBE adsorption on activated injection systems and 170 volatile and semi-volatile or-
carbon [26]. ganic compounds were determined at mg/L concentra-
A chromatographic technique, involving no sample tions [32]. These compounds belonged to different
pretreatment, was developed to determine methanol and chemical classes. The method can deal with wastewater
other alcohols in whisky, and red and white wines at with a heavily polluted matrix [33]. Contrary to single
mg/L levels [27]. The method was suitable even for PTV, the double PTV system also allows analysis of
colored samples with complex matrix composition. The volatile analytes. The first PTV is heated to evaporate
short analysis time of 9 min is a big advantage when solvent, together with analytes. The second PTV, packed
routine samples are analyzed. The method is useful for with sorbent, retains analytes, even those that are vol-
monitoring the methanol content during fruit fermen- atile, while solvent is vented. At the next stage, the
tation. direction of gas flow is reversed in the second PTV and it
A similar method was used to determine eight com- is heated. The trapped analytes are then released and
pounds in Canary Islands wines. Having been spiked transferred into the chromatographic column.
with an internal standard, sample volumes of 1 lL were Direct gasoline injection was used to determine MTBE
injected with no sample preparation into the chro- in fuels in a 1.5-min chromatographic run [34]. The
matographic column with split injector with 1:60 split method parameters were comparable to those obtained
ratio [28]. with HS analysis (RSD > 5% for both methods) but in a
shorter time (HS analysis takes 6 min). Direct injection of
3.3. GC-MS a gas sample with a gas-tight syringe was reported to be
MS is a powerful tool in environmental and food anal- suitable for the determination of polar and non-polar
ysis, which is why it is also frequently chosen in direct VOX in industrial air [35]. Compared to SPME, the di-
chromatographic methods. The problem with MS rect-injection method was rugged to bias. The difference
detection is that a large amount of water injected on- in results obtained with these two methods was up to
column affects the stability of the ion source. Pressure 70%, explained by great differences in adsorptivity and
increases are observed, resulting in slightly lowered competitive adsorption of the analytes in SPME.
sensitivity and worse recoveries of analytes co-eluting Direct-injection methods based on a PTV injector were
with water [29]. Applying internal standards also co- used to analyze aroma compounds from wine. The
eluting with water and injection of rather small volumes analysis time was twice as short as distillation and 10
of water help to overcome these problems. The initial times shorter than for LLE. The precisions of all three
conditions in the ion source are re-established within 5 methods were comparable [36].
10 min (depending on the volume of water injected) Bitrex, the compound added to alcohol for denaturing,
after water passes through the detector. Despite these was determined by direct injection of alcohol. The pre-
difficulties, the on-column injection of a groundwater cision expressed as RSD was below 4%. The method was
sample without pre-treatment allowed BTEX, fuel oxy- faster and less laborious than alternative methods based
genates and chlorinated solvents to be determined at on thin-layer chromatography and liquid chromatogra-
sub-lg/L levels [30]. These compounds are typical phy (LC) [37]. The quality of whisky can be assessed by
groundwater pollutants, so this fast, accurate and robust direct-injection chromatography. 21 trace components

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Table 2. Applications of direct liquid-chromatographic methods, their limits of detection (LODs) and relative standard deviations (RSDs)

Matrix Analytes Analytical technique Sample LOD [lg/L] RSD [%] Ref.
volume [lL]
Water 12 Herbicides LC-ESI-MS2 50 0.05 4.515 [41]
Water 4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic LC-ESI-MS2 100 0.2 211 [42]
acid and metabolite
Wastewater 4 Fatty acids and 10 resin acids LC-APCI-MS 100 0.53 27 [44]
Wine trans-Resveratrol LC-DAD 100 25 1.45 [46]
Wine trans-Resveratrol LC-chemiluminescence detection 50 0.17 1.16 [46]
Olive oil 5 Phenols and phospholipids LC-UV/Vis 50 0.020.15 122 [47]
Serum Barbiturates LC-UV/Vis 20 3070 0.31.8 [48]

in whisky were assessed using direct sample injection to wastewater samples) based on LC with atmospheric
a PTV or via a split injector with 1:20 split ratio. Split pressure chemical ionization MS (LC-APCI-MS) was
injection was characterized by much greater precision developed [44]. The advantage of LC-APCI-MS compared
with RSDs of 0.63.4%, while PTV method had lower to GC-MS was its greater reproducibility, precision and
precision with RSDs 1.329% [38]. The disadvantage robustness. However, its sensitivity, selectivity and linear
was the need to change the liner after several analyses to range were slightly worse. The LODs for LC-APCI-MS
avoid overloading with non-volatile material. Frequent were 0.53 lg/L of water, while those for GC-MS were
cleaning of the injector was needed to maintain the 0.0040.2 lg/L.
reproducibility of the results [39]. The problem with beverage analysis by direct injection
is that the matrix composition is quite complex. The
quality of the chromatogram obtained depended on the
4. Liquid-chromatography techniques amounts of interfering compounds, which might have
been be colorants, antioxidants, preservatives or sweet-
In reversed-phase LC, the trend nowadays is to use eners [45].
greener solvents (i.e. water or ethanol) as mobile phases Trans-resveratrol could be determined in red wine with
[3]. Their application enables the direct injection of a diode-array detector (LC-DAD) after 0.22-lm filtration
samples that often have polar matrices (e.g., water in or chemiluminescence detector after filtration and dilu-
environmental analysis and bioanalysis, or a water- tion with a mobile phase [46]. With the chemilumines-
alcohol mixture in the analysis of beverages). LC requires cence detector, quantification at sub-lg/L levels was
the injected sample to be absolutely clean, so there are possible without analyte enrichment and the recoveries
hardly any absolutely direct LC methods. Some are al- were better than those obtained with DAD.
most direct because they require simple filtration or Food samples with a dirtier matrix can be analyzed
dilution of the sample, but without needing other oper- directly with LC. Dilution of olive oil with 2-propanol
ations. Methodologies involving sample dilution or fil- enabled phenols and phospholipids to be determined
tration are included in the discussion: these operations without further sample treatment [47]. Micellar LC en-
are good practice, as they assure protection of the ana- abled the direct injection of oil and simultaneous deter-
lytical column and prevent its contamination. Table 2 mination of phenols and phospholipids.
summarizes examples of successful applications of direct Analytical methods based on micellar LC were devel-
methods based on LC. oped for the determination of barbiturates in serum [48]
DAI-LC with electrospray ionization tandem MS (ESI- and urine [49] after sample filtration and dilution with a
MS2) has been developed for the determination of her- mobile phase. Although the matrices were complex, the
bicides in water samples [41]. The recoveries for treated retention times remained stable for several hundred
water, surface water and groundwater were in the 82 analyses; the methods were fast, making them suitable
109% range [42]. Herbicide 4-chloro-2-methylphe- for routine serum analysis.
noxyacetic acid and its metabolite could be determined
in groundwater and surface water (with recommended
simple filtration) at sub-lg/L levels. The analysis time of 5. Conclusions
14 min made the method suitable for monitoring envi-
ronmental waters [43]. Direct chromatographic methods relate to green chem-
The traditional approach for determining fatty and istry in two ways. By avoiding the sample-preparation
resin acids in wastewater involves extraction with step, they comply with the principles of waste prevention
MTBE, derivatization and GC-FID or GC-MS analysis. and reduced use of solvents, auxiliaries and energy.
Alternatively, a direct method (filtration applied to However, the shorter time of analysis and the possibility

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 35, 2012 Trends

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