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Water effects on rock strength and stiffness


Louis Ngai Yuen Wong, Varun

Maruvanchery & Gang Liu

Acta Geotechnica

ISSN 1861-1125

Acta Geotech.
DOI 10.1007/s11440-015-0407-7

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DOI 10.1007/s11440-015-0407-7


Water effects on rock strength and stiffness degradation

Louis Ngai Yuen Wong1 Varun Maruvanchery2 Gang Liu2

Received: 25 February 2015 / Accepted: 21 July 2015

 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract Reduction in strength and stiffness in rocks Keywords Rock stiffness  Rock strength 
attributed to an increase in water content has been exten- Water content  Water-weakening
sively researched on a large variety of rock types over the
past decades. Due to the considerable variations of texture
and lithology, the extent of water-weakening effect is 1 Introduction
highly varied among different rock types, spanning from
nearly negligible in quartzite to 90 % of uniaxial com- Strength and stiffness characteristics of rock are of a great
pressive strength reduction in shale. Readers, however, fundamental importance for rock classification and design of
often face difficulties in comparing the data published in structures in geotechnical engineering. In addition to
different sources due to the discrepancy of experimental intrinsic rock composition and structure, factors influencing
procedures of obtaining the water saturation state and how the rock strength and stiffness including the test condition,
the raw laboratory data is interpreted. In view of this, the temperature, and water content were comprehensively
present paper first reviews the terminologies commonly reviewed by Hawkes and Mellor [27], Dyke and Dobereiner
used to quantify the amount of water stored in rocks. The [17], Vasarhelyi and Van [72]. For rock engineering appli-
second part of the paper reviews the water-weakening cations in particular, the water-weakening effect on different
effects on rock strengths, particularly focusing on uniaxial rock types has been observed by many researchers [9, 13,
compressive strength and modulus, as well as tensile 37, 44, 49, 58, 63]. Although several water-weakening
strength, under quasi-static loading and dynamic loading. mechanisms have been proposed, there appears to be no
The correlation relationships established among various well-proven explanation that is universally acceptable to
parameters, including porosity, density and fabric of rocks, account for the influence of water on rock strengths [68],
and external factors such as strain rate, surface tension and probably due to the great variety of rock types.
dielectric constant of the saturating liquid, absorption This paper, which consists of two parts, reviews the studies
percentage and suction pressure, are reviewed and pre- of water effects on rocks since 1940 s. The first part focuses
sented toward the end of the paper. on various terminologies which are commonly used and
various measurement techniques associated with the satura-
tion effects on rocks. The second part reviews the water
saturation effects on different rock types with respect to
mechanical properties, including uniaxial compressive
strength (UCS), tensile strength (TS), and modulus (E). In
& Louis Ngai Yuen Wong tectonics research, the key weakening effect of water on earth
materials is well established in the high-temperature regime
Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, up to 1000 C [15]. The present review, however, will not
Hong Kong, China cover this high-temperature regime, but limited to rock
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Nanyang engineering applications at a much lower temperature typi-
Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore cally below 100 C under quasi-static and dynamic loadings.

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2 Definitions of terminologies during the specimen preparation should be properly

noted and reported. Likewise, Price [54] observed sig-
2.1 Background nificant differences among the UCS of oven-dried, air-
dried, and saturated sandstones (Table 1). The impor-
One of the key concerns in the research of water effect on tance of an accurate usage of terms describing the states
rock strengths is to quantify the amount of water absorbed of the rocks, including saturated, air-dried, and
by rock specimens. Water content and saturation oven-dried, was also addressed by Hawkes and Mellor
degree are two common terms appearing in the literature. [27]. In the review below, the definitions and symbols
Conceptually speaking, the former indicates the amount stated in the original references are retained wherever
of water present in the rocks. It has a nonnegative value, possible.
which can be larger than 1. The latter ranges from 0 to 1, or
0 to 100 %. Completely dry rocks have zero saturation 2.2 Water content or moisture content
degree, while fully saturated rocks have a 100 % saturation
degree. Water absorption is another term commonly Water content (w) is defined as [3, 8, 27, 67]
used in the literature to quantify the amount of water in w Mw =Ms 1
fully saturated rocks.
All of the above three terms can be rigorously defined where Mw = mass of pore water and Ms = mass of grain
theoretically. However, since some of the pores in rocks (solid component of the specimen)
may be closed or not connected to achieve a fully saturated
state, it is very challenging to verify whether a rock 2.3 Water absorption by weight or water absorption
specimen is in a fully saturated state. Caution should be
exercised in interpreting and compiling the data reported in ASTM [2] provides a qualitative definition of absorption in
the literature, in particular those claimed to represent a coarse aggregate as the increase in mass of aggregate due to
fully saturated state. water penetration into pores of particles during a prescribed
The issue is further complicated with regard to the period of time, but not including water adhering to the outside
inconsistent laboratory procedures of determining the surface of the particles, expressed as a percentage of the dry
water content, water absorption and degree of water mass. Water absorption (Aw), also known as absorption
saturation. For example, the duration of immersing the or total water absorption, is given in ASTM [2] as

specimens in water for the determination of water Aw Msat Mdry =Mdry  100 % 2
absorption varies among researchers; the techniques of
obtaining the mass of the saturated-surface-dried speci- where Msat = mass of saturated-surface-dried test sample
men also vary. It was found that the difference between in air and Mdry = mass of oven-dried test sample in air.
the mechanical properties of air-dried and natural sand- Water absorption (Wi) is similarly defined by Borrelli
stones is so great that the results cannot be used for [7] to quantify the amount of water in porous building
engineering calculations to predict the behavior of the materials, which is stated as the quantity of water
rock in situ [9]. The rock preparation procedures should absorbed by a material immersed in deionized water at
be therefore clearly specified to enable other researchers room temperature and pressure at successive time intervals
to follow and to compare results among different studies (i.e., the rate of water absorption), expressed as a per-
on the same ground. For example, the duration of drying centage of the dry mass of the sample.
in an oven and/or cooling in a vacuum desicthe sample Wi Mi Mo =Mo  100 % 3
after forced watercator, in addition to the temperature,

Table 1 Effect of moisture on compressive strength of sandstones [54]

Types of sandstone Porosity (%) Strength (MPa)
Oven-dry Air-dry Saturated
Oven-dry Oven-dry

Markham 6.0 100 % 57 % N.A.

Parkgate 10.0 100 % 68 % 45 %
Pennant 2.5 100 % 51 % 45 %
Darley Dale 19.5 100 % 80 % 45 %
N.A. data not available

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WAC Mmax Md =Md  100 % 5

where Mmax = mass of the sample at maximum water
absorption and Md = mass of the sample after re-drying at
the end of the test.
Water absorption under atmospheric pressure condition
(Watm), which is also known as freely or unforced water
absorption, is defined by Siegesmund and Snethlage [61]

Watm Mwet Mdry =Mdry  100 % 6
Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the water absorption measurement where Mwet = wet mass of the sample immersed in water
with the specimen completely immersed in water (left) and a for 48 h and Mdry = dry mass of the sample.
schematic curve of the specimens mass increase over time due to
the absorption of water until constant mass is reached (right) [32] Water absorption under vacuum condition (Wvac),
which is also called forced water absorption, is defined
by Siegesmund and Snethlage [61] as
where Mi = mass of the wet sample immersed in deionized
water at time ti and Mo = mass of the dry sample. Wvac Mn Mt =Mt 7
where Mn = mass of the sample after forced water
The definitions in Eqs. (2) and (3) are very similar,
absorption and Mt = dry mass of the sample.
except that the wet mass specified in ASTM [2] refers to
The different members in the family of water
the saturated-surface-dried test sample in air, while Borrelli
absorption are found to be associated with different
[7] does not specify such a condition. On the other hand,
durations of specimen immersion in water and the pres-
Borrelli [7] explicitly specifies the use of deionized water.
sure conditions under which the specimen is immersed.
Typically, the wet mass of a specimen will increase with
As such, researchers are thus strongly encouraged to
the time of immersion. The value of water absorption can
clearly specify the respective definitions and procedures
be determined when a stable wet mass is achieved, which
associated with their determination of water absorption
no longer increases with the time of immersion (Fig. 1).
values in their technical writings. Similarly, any
Our literature review identifies other terms similar to
researchers attempting to compile and compare the results
water absorption such as water absorption capacity,
in the literature should also be cautious to the conditions
unforced water absorption, and forced water absorp-
under which the respective water absorption values are
tion have been used by some other researchers. However,
they are defined in different ways.
Water absorption capacity (WA) is used as a measure
2.4 Degree of saturation, saturation degree,
of the amount of water absorbed by a rock immersed in
and saturation coefficient
water for a specific time [14], which is defined as
WA W3 W0 =W2 W1  100 % 4 An alternative to water content for quantifying the
where W0 = dry weight of sample after tests and W1 - amount of water in a rock specimen is to describe the
= weight of saturated sample suspended in water (the degree of water saturation, which varies from 0 for dry
sample is saturated as follows: it is placed in a vacuum for rocks to 100 % for fully saturated rocks. The present lit-
2 h, then saturated under vacuum; the vacuum is then erature review identifies multiple terms of such, which
released and the sample left in water for 16 h or more). share a similar but different meaning.
W2 = saturated sample weighed in air, and W3 = weight Degree of saturation (Sr) is defined in the ISRM-
of sample that is first dried (overnight or for 24 h in an suggested methods [8] as
oven at 105 C then cooled) then saturated by water poured Sr Vw =Vv  100 % 8
over the sample and left in water for 24 h, wiped, and then
where Vw = volume of pore water and Vv = volume of
weighed in air.
pore (voids).
Water absorption by capacity (WAC) is defined by
Refer to [8, 67, 72] for further details.
Borrelli [7] as the maximum quantity of water absorbed by
Saturation coefficient (S) is defined by Cooke [14] as
a material at room temperature and pressure under condi-
shown in Eq. (9). Refer to Eq. (4) for the meaning of the
tions of saturation, again expressed as a percentage of the
dry mass of the sample.

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W3  W0 W2  W1 W3  W0 otherwise stated. During the saturation process (absorption

S  9
W2  W1 W2  W0 W2  W0 path), the liquid saturation of a rock sample is usually very
small, even for a rock stored in a high relative humidity
In Eq. (9), the first quotient has been previously defined
room. Liquid here should exclusively mean water rather
in Eq. (4) as water absorption capacity. In fact, the
than water vapor. Erguler and Ulusay [18] investigated the
second quotient is the inverse of the porosity as shown in
variations of water content of the rock samples stored in a
by Cooke [14]. Saturation coefficient (Eq. 9) denotes the
humidity room and those directly immersed in water. The
amount of water absorbed by a rock immersed in water for
results show that the water content of the rocks stored in
24 h expressed as a fraction of the volume of available pore
the humidity room is much less than that in those immersed
space [14]. It can describe the amount of the total pore
in water even after a long period of time. An explanation of
space accessible to water absorption, providing an indicator
this phenomenon was given by Grgic et al. [24].
for frost resistance evaluation [61].
As suggested in the above review, although water con-
To describe the amount of the total pore space, which is
tent may be expressed unambiguously as mass of water
accessible to water absorption under atmospheric pressure
per unit mass of rock [27], different researchers may have
(unforced condition) and under vacuum condition (forced
determined the dry mass and wet mass by different meth-
condition), respectively, the so-called saturation degree/
ods and under different conditions. It is challenging to
saturation coefficient (Sr) is defined. It is expressed as the
unify the measurement of water content and other related
quotient of the freely or unforced water absorption and the
physical properties, leading to difficulties in comparing the
forced water absorption [29, 61], as shown in Eq. (10).
data among different investigators. Readers are suggested
Sr Watm =Wvac  100 % 10 to refer to ASTM [2] and Rajabipour [55] for a compre-
hensive summary of some frequently prepared and mea-
where Watm = the water absorption under atmospheric
sured rock states. See below.
pressure, see Eq. (6), and Wvac = the water absorption
under vacuum, see Eq. (7). Oven-dry (OD) All water is removed from the rock by
Notice that the saturation degree/saturation coefficient heating in an oven at 105 C to constant mass (at least
(Sr) defined in Eq. (10) is completely different from the 24 h is required). All accessible pores are empty.
degree of saturation (Sr) defined in Eq. (8) and the Air-dry (AD) All water is removed from surface, but
saturation coefficient (S) defined in Eq. (9). The condi- internal pores are partially full.
tions at which the measurements are performed are also Saturated-surface-dry (SSD) All pores are filled with
different. water, but no film of water is left on the surface.
Wet All accessible pores are completely filled with
2.5 Water absorption coefficient water with a film on the surface.
Among the above four states, only OD and SSD states
Water absorption coefficient (wcoe, kg/m2h0.5), which
correspond to a well-defined water condition, i.e., specific
considers the surface area of the sample and the immersion
water contents, which can be used as standard reference
time of the sample in water (Eq. (11)), is used to describe
states for calculating water content. The water contents
the capillary water absorption [61].
corresponding to AD and wet states are not uniquely
wcoe mw =t1=2 11 defined and the measurements can vary among different
where mw = the surface-related water absorption, kg/m2, researchers. Out of these four states, SSD state is the
and t = the absorption time, hour. preferable reference state because it represents the equi-
librium water state of the rock, which is more represen-
tative of the water content encountered in the field. To
3 Relationship between water content and related supplement the determination of water content, other
parameters related physical properties and index properties are given
by ISRM [8] as follows.
Water content and moisture content, as defined earlier, / Vv =V 12
have been widely used as key parameters in the laboratory
where / = total or absolute porosity, fraction; Vv = pore
studies investigating the water effect on mechanical prop-
volume; V = bulk sample volume.
erties of rocks. Moisture is preferably used to characterize
The degree of water saturation (Sr) and bulk density
how much liquid water and vapor water have been absor-
(qbulk) can be computed as below.
bed by a rock in a humidity room. In general, water content
and moisture content can be used interchangeably unless Sr wrdry =rw / 13

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qbulk 1 wqdry 14 interconnected pores are filled up by water. This Aw

value hence obtained may, however, be different from
where w = water content, qdry = dry density, and qw =
those obtained from Eqs. (2) to (7) as stated in Sect. 2.3.
water density
In the literature, many reported saturated density
Water content (Sect. 2.2) and water absorption (Sect. 2.3)
values are practically not measured at the fully saturation
have similar forms of expression, yet they have different
condition. They simply represent values which are obtained
meanings. Water content describes the ratio of mass of water
at an effort of aiming at saturating the specimens by a long
in the rock to the solid rock mass. In general, the water
immersion time. The difference between the true fully
absorption ability of a rock is closely related to its effective
saturated density and the presented saturated density can be
porosity, i.e., the percentage of pores accessible for the water
obtained and compared by the values from the above
under normal conditions rather than its total porosity [27,
equations as long as the effective porosity and dry density
61]. Accordingly, the water absorption should be considered
are known.
as the upper limit of water content achievable in a given
rock specimen after being immersed in liquid water for a
sufficiently long duration.
4 Literature review on water effects on rock
In the ISRM-suggested methods [8], the degree of sat-
uration is defined with reference to total porosity rather
than effective porosity (see Eqs. (8) and (12)). In gen-
4.1 Quasi-static unconfined compressive strength
eral, the effective porosity, which is also known as the
and Youngs modulus of rocks
accessible porosity, is either equal to or smaller than the
total porosity which includes isolated pores that are
The effect of water on the compressive strength and
extremely hard for water entry [61]. Therefore, the degree
Youngs modulus of rocks is more favorably investigated
of saturation should theoretically be less than 100 % unless
as compared with other parameters, which is probably due
in a highly porous rock. Meanwhile, it should be pointed
to their direct practical relevance to rock engineering
out that total porosity can be calculated from the bulk
density and grain volume using the pulverization method,
which has taken closed pores into consideration.
Based on the above discussion, degree of saturation (Sr), 4.1.1 Sedimentary rocks
water absorption by weight (Aw), dry density (qdry), and
effective porosity (/e) can be related by the following Sandstone Price [54] in 1960 tested a number of
equations. coal measure sandstones and found that the compressive
Aw qw /e =qdry 15 strength in air-dried samples varied from 51 to 80 % of that
in completely dry samples, while the compressive
Sr w=Aw 16 strength of saturated samples was 45 % of that of com-
Out of the four parameters in Eq. (15), for a given rock, pletely dry samples. In the same year, Mann and Fatt [42]
qdry and qw are relatively easy to determine, while the conducted a series of compression tests on three different
remaining two parameters Aw and /e are usually the ones types of sandstones and found that the extent of reduction
to be computed. There are two possible scenarios. In the in strength and Youngs modulus depends on the amount of
first scenario, the rock is assumed to be fully saturated, i.e., clay mineral present. They observed that the modulus value
Sr = 100 %, water content is able to reach its maximum reduced by 619 % when the sandstones were saturated.
possible value, max(w) by filling up all the accessible void More thorough experiments were later conducted by Col-
by water. In this circumstance, max(w) is equivalent to back and Wiid [13] on quartzitic sandstone and shale from
water absorption by weight (Aw) as shown in Eq. (17). /e is Africa. They concluded that the uniaxial compressive
then calculated from Eq. (15). strength of sandstone was reduced in a linear fashion when
immersed in liquids of increasing surface tension. The
maxw Aw 17 reduction in strength is predominantly due to the reduction
In a fully saturated state, Eq. (14) can be rewritten as in the surface free energy of quartz. Many researchers such
as Bell [6] showed that the strength reduction due to the
maxqbulk qsat 1 Aw qdry 18
presence of water is proportional to the porosity of rock.
In the second scenario, /e is first obtained by techniques Dyke and Dobereiner [17] found that the presence of water
such as the mercury porosimetry, which measures the in sandstones converts strong silicaoxygen bonds to much
volume of interconnected pores [8]. Aw can then be weaker hydrogen bonds. They also observed that the
calculated from Eq. (15) assuming all the measured strength and stiffness of sandstones are related to grain

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contact area. Hadizadeh and Law [26] performed an microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques, they pro-
extensive research on the uniaxial strength and stiffness of posed the following three-step water-weakening mecha-
Pennant sandstones of UK. Inherent microstructural fea- nisms of mudstone: (1) micro-sized discontinuities provide
tures, such as the geometry of the grain boundaries, pore an initial path for water to invade the rock; (2) the incursive
spaces, grainmatrix relation, i.e., presence or absence of water induces volumetric swelling of clay minerals and
clayey matrix, were found to influence the strength of dissolution of carbonate; and (3) these effects drive the
rocks. A number of experimental studies later concluded propagation and connection of cracks. Ewy [19] studied
that weaker rocks are more sensitive to the change in water swelling/shrinkage in clay-rich shales due to changes in
content [28]. Shakoor and Barefield [60], however, relative humidity (suction) and due to direct fluid contact.
observed that even stronger sandstones with a lower water Under varying total suction, shale shows well-defined
absorption capacity showed a trend of consistent linear relationships among suction, volume change, water con-
reduction in uniaxial compressive strength with increasing tent, and saturation. The results also showed that the lower-
degree of saturation. Alternate wetting and drying has also porosity shales underwent less volume and water content
been recognized to have a weakening effect on the rock change than the higher-porosity shales.
strength and modulus. Burshtein [9] observed that alternate
wetting and drying caused structural changes in sandstones Limestone Vasarhelyi [71] studied the influence
which reduced the cement quality and weakened the of water content on the strength of the Miocene limestone,
intergranular bonds, hence reducing the Youngs modulus which suffered from a maximum of 74 % reduction in
of the rock. The influence of moisture on the mechanical uniaxial compressive strength and 53 % reduction in
behavior of ferruginous sandstone was researched by modulus due to saturation. He observed that the UCS of
Verstrynge et al. [73]. Presence of clay, pore and grain size Miocene limestone increases exponentially with the rock
distribution, and continuity of the binder (limonite) were density. In 2010 Torok and Vasarhelyi [65] researched the
some of the key factors affecting the strength reduction due influence of fabric and water content on the mechanical
to water saturation in ferruginous sandstones. parameters of two travertine rocks from Hungry. They
observed that UCS of travertine increases exponentially Shale/mudstone Jumikis [34] found that the with the increase in rock density. They also found a neg-
compressive strength of shale in the saturated state was one ative exponential relationship between UCS and effective
order of magnitude lower than that of the dry state. Van porosity. Massive travertine with less porosity has a higher
Eeckhout and Peng [69] and Van Eeckhout [68] carried out UCS, while more porous laminated travertine has a lower
a lot of studies on coal mine shales, which revealed that the UCS. Studying the petrophysical and mechanical proper-
water-related strength reduction was due to a combination ties of Struganik limestone, Gajic et al. [20] reported a
of factors such as stress corrosion, capillary tension 10 % decrease in UCS due to saturation. They also noted
decrease, pore water pressure increase, loss of grain-to- that the UCS reduction in Struganik limestone was only
grain contact area, and chemical and corrosive deteriora- 5 % after 25 freezethaw cycles. According to them, such a
tion. The research by Anwar et al. [1]; Gutierrez et al. [25]; low reduction in UCS was due to the low interparticle and
Silva et al. [62]; Lin et al. [40] on shales (as well as chalk intraframe (intraskeletal) porosity in Struganik limestone.
and sandstones) revealed that a number of wetting cycles Rajabzadeh et al. [56] reported a 70 % reduction in UCS
dissolved some minerals like calcite and chlorite in the due to saturation for their studied limestone obtained from
rock matrix, which in turn increased the porosity, and Fars Province, southern Iran.
hence a reduction in strength. The loss of strength was
found to be more pronounced in clay-rich rocks than in Other sedimentary rock types Obert et al. [49]
quartz-rich rocks. Lashkaripour and Ajalloeian [39] studied reported small changes in compressive strength of six
the effect of water content on the mechanical behavior of different types of mine rocks as the water content varied.
fine-grained sedimentary rocks including mudstones, mud Their study was supplemented by a determination of pet-
shales, and clay shales. They found that these rocks suf- rographic and physical properties. Erguler and Ulusay [18]
fered from more than 90 % reduction in strength and 84 % researched the water-induced changes in the mechanical
reduction in modulus on saturation. They also reported a properties of clay-bearing rocks of siltstone, mud stone,
negative exponential relation between UCS and water and marl. They reported that UCS and E values of these
content. Jiang et al. [33] in their experimental study rocks reduce exponentially with increase in water content.
reported that UCS of the mudstone samples decreased from Their research concluded that due to saturation, clay-rich
45 MPa for the dry state to 5 MPa when saturated by being rocks suffered from a more than 80 % reduction in strength
immersed in water for 1 month. According to their and modulus. Yilmaz [78] studied the influence of water
experimental findings, assisted by scanning electron content on the UCS and E of the gypsum specimens taken

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from various locations in the Sivas basin. The evolution of single test specimen, a range or an average of a group of
pore pressure with growth of micro-cracks and the effect of specimens belonging to the same rock type. Some studies
pore pressure on mechanical behavior of saturated Meuse calculated and provided the strength and/or modulus
Haute/Marne claystone were studied by Hu et al. [30]. reduction percentages, while some did not.
Karakul and Ulusay [35] proposed some empirical cor- In addition to the general review presented in
relations between strength properties and P-wave velocity Sects. 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, the present study also compiles and
under different degrees of saturation. Fourteen different reanalyzes the numeric data on water-weakening effects on
rock types mainly of sedimentary or volcanic origin were rock properties published from 1940 to 2014 in detail. The
collected from Turkey. The ignimbrite rock tested for UCS data are first grouped according to rock types, of which the
showed the highest variation of about 75 % due to satu- percentage reduction in the mechanical properties such as
ration. Among the other rocks in the group, ignimbrite rock UCS, Youngs modulus (E), and TS due to water saturation
had the highest porosity of about 27.8 % and clay content are computed and compiled as shown in Appendix 1.
of about 63.5 %. They concluded that the variation in the Due to the complex nature of data compilation and
strength and stiffness properties with increasing degree of different data presentation styles among the references, a
saturation was closely associated with the porosity and clay flowchart is developed to facilitate the present data
content. manipulation (Fig. 2). Those references which report the
A tentative rule of thumb for a quantitative estimation of UCS, E, and/or TS loss due to water saturation in per-
the UCS reduction in saturated rocks was proposed by centages are first sorted. Among them, most of the UCS, E,
Romana and Vasarhelyi [57] based on a compilation of the and/or TS loss percentages are found to refer to either those
data published from 1990 to 2006. UCS loss percentage of an individual specimen or average values of a few tested
due to water saturation for 12 different rock types was specimens belonging to the same rock type. In the former
studied. Most of these were sedimentary rocks with a few case, the corresponding maximum and minimum
rocks of igneous origin. According to them, the ratio of UCS, E, and/or TS loss percentages are identified and
saturated UCS to dry UCS for well-indurated strong rocks reported in Appendix 1. For the latter case, the UCS, E,
falls between 0.8 and 0.9, whereas it is between 0.6 and 0.7 and/or TS loss percentages are reported as average
for medium strength cemented rocks, and 0.3 for soft values in Appendix 1. When a particular reported value
argillaceous rocks. in the literature is not specified whether it is an average
value of a few specimens or an individual specimen value,
4.1.2 Igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks the UCS, E, and/or TS loss percentage is also reported as
an average value in Appendix 1.
In a study on 116 American granite rocks, Kessler et al. The references which do not explicitly calculate and
[36] observed that the compressive strengths of wet specify the UCS, E, and/or TS loss percentages, but report
specimens were about 12 % lower than those of dry the dry and saturated values for UCS, E, and/or TS of
specimens on average. A study on other rock types various rock types instead are treated separately for anal-
including basalt, granite, and gneiss by Ruiz [58] iden- ysis. Similar to the above analysis, the given dry and sat-
tified a similar loss of rock strength upon saturation. urated values are found to correspond to either individual
Compared with sedimentary rocks, the strength reduc- specimen values or average values of a few specimens. In
tion due to water is less severe in most igneous and the former case, the UCS, E, and/or TS loss percentage for
metamorphic rocks [26, 38]. However, due to the water- each individual specimen will be calculated according to
weakening effect, a 40 % reduction in UCS was the steps shown in Fig. 3 (steps 14). Afterward, the
observed in diabase [63], whereas a 288 % reduction in maximum and minimum loss values are identified and
strength was observed in tuffs [11, 18, 70]. Celik et al. reported in Appendix 1, For the latter case, the UCS, E,
[10] evaluated the degradation effect of water on the and/or TS loss percentage based on average value is cal-
physical and mechanical properties of tuff. UCS test was culated in a similar manner (step 1 and step 2 in Fig. 3).
conducted on dry, saturated, and also tuff specimens The result is then reported as an average value in Ap-
after exposing to freezethaw cycles. UCS reduced by pendix 1. The references which do not specify both the
44 % after saturation and 33.8 % after freezethaw dry and saturated values for UCS, E, and/or TS are not
cycles. considered for further analysis.
To better reveal the extent of UCS loss (%) and E loss
4.1.3 Compilation and analysis of literature numeric data (%), a further analysis is performed on the data in Ap-
pendix 1. This is done by tabulating the frequency dis-
A close examination of the literature reveals that the tributions of UCS and E loss percentages and plotting them
reported laboratory data were sometimes associated with a in histograms for different rock types. Twelve rock types

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Rock type

Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary

Yes No
UCS or E loss
percentage given?

UCS or E loss UCS or E loss

No No
percentage given is percentage given is
average value of multiple individual specimen
specimens? value?
Yes Dry and saturated No
values for UCS or E
Yes Yes
Note as a special case in
Appendix 1 in which authors
Note the UCS or E loss Note the UCS or E loss
did not explicitly specify the Individual Not considered
percentage given as an percentage given as No Average value No
given UCS or E loss specimen values for further
average value of multiple individual specimen given?
percentage is average value given? analysis
specimens in Appendix 1 value in Appendix 1
of multiple specimens or
individual specimen value
Yes Yes
Report maximum
Report percentage
and minimum
loss as average
percentage loss Calculate percentage
value Calculate percentage
values loss and report
loss and report
average value maximum and
minimum values

Fig. 2 Flowchart showing the step-by-step procedures of compiling and re-analyzing the literature data as shown in Appendix 1

are selected based on the availability and copiousness of UCS and E loss. When the number of specimens is not
the literature data. As shown in Tables 2 and 3, one fre- specified in the original literature data source, the relevant
quency count represents one specimen of a particular rock data are excluded from the present frequency count. The
type investigated in a previous study. Another flowchart present literature review reveals that UCS test is the most
(Fig. 4) is developed to facilitate the derivation of fre- popular test in the previous researches studying the water-
quency distributions of UCS and E losses for different rock weakening effects on rocks as compared with other testing
types. As mentioned earlier, in most of the literature methods. In addition, sedimentary rocks, in particular
referred in this paper, the reported UCS and E losses cor- sandstone and limestone, are the most commonly studied
respond to either one particular test specimen or average rock types as compared with igneous rocks and metamor-
values of a group of specimens belonging to the same rock phic rocks.
type. In the first case, the total number of specimens falling In Figs. 5 and 6, the percentage distributions of UCS
under a particular range of UCS and E loss is taken as its loss (%) and E loss (%) are plotted to facilitate the analysis
frequency. In the second case, the total number of speci- of the water-weakening effects on different rock types.
mens tested for each rock type to derive such average From Fig. 5, the following features concerning water
values is taken as the frequency for a particular range of effects on UCS can be observed.

Author's personal copy
Acta Geotechnica

Step 2:
Step 1: UCS loss (%)
Tabulate dry and
saturated values
for UCS

Step 4:
Tabulate the
distribution for
each range of
UCS loss

Step 3:
Identify maximum
and minimum
Data grouped loss percentages
based on rock e.g. 88.7 and

Fig. 3 Step-by-step procedures of tabulating and calculating UCS loss percentages from the literature data

Table 2 Frequency distribution of UCS loss (%) for different rock types
Type of rock Frequency distribution of UCS loss (%)a Total count
010 1020 2030 3040 4050 5060 6070 7080 8090 90100

Sandstone 8 19 66 47 52 21 9 22 14 0 258
Shale 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 6
Siltstone 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 6
Mudstone 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 4 6 1 18
Marl 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 8
Limestone 21 42 11 22 9 7 1 4 0 0 117
Coal 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
Granite 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
Tuff 3 3 6 3 9 2 6 2 3 0 37
Diabase 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 8
Marble 0 0 0 3 0 3 4 0 0 0 10
Slate 2 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Total 503
Refer to Appendix 1 for details

Author's personal copy
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Table 3 Frequency distribution of E loss (%) for different rock types

Type of rock Frequency distribution of E loss (%)a Total count
010 1020 2030 3040 4050 5060 6070 7080 8090 90100

Sandstone 8 12 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 24
Shale 2 0 0 0 4 9 4 2 2 0 23
Siltstone 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 5
Mudstone 0 0 1 0 4 1 2 1 3 1 13
Marl 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 5
Limestone 8 5 7 10 6 2 0 0 0 0 38
Coal 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
Granite 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tuff 4 2 4 1 1 2 4 4 3 0 25
Diabase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Marble 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Slate 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Total 149
Refer to Appendix 1 for details

Number of Yes
specimens tested for
UCS/E specified in
data source?

No UCS/E value No
UCS/E value
given is average
given is individual
value of few
specimen value?

Yes Yes

Frequency = total number Frequency = cumulative

Data excluded from
of specimens in each range count of specimens in
frequency count
of UCS/E loss each range of UCS/E loss

Fig. 4 Flowchart showing the procedures of deriving UCS and E loss frequency distribution for different rock types

Author's personal copy
Acta Geotechnica

(a) 100 (b) 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
UCS Loss (%) UCS Loss (%)

(c) 100 (d) 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
UCS Loss (%) UCS Loss (%)

(e) 100 (f) 100

80 80


60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
UCS Loss (%) UCS Loss (%)

(g) 100 (h) 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
UCS Loss (%) UCS Loss (%)

Fig. 5 Histograms showing UCS loss percentages for different rock types a sandstone, b shale, c siltstone, d mudstone, e marl, f limestone,
g coal, h granite, i tuff, j diabase, k marble, l slate

Author's personal copy
Acta Geotechnica

(i) 100 (j) 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
UCS Loss (%) UCS Loss (%)

(k) 100 (l) 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
UCS Loss (%) UCS Loss (%)

Fig. 5 continued

1. Compared with igneous and metamorphic rocks Similarly from Fig. 6, the following features concerning
(Fig. 5hl), sedimentary rocks usually experience water effects on E of the study rocks can be observed.
higher UCS losses (Fig. 5af).
1. Among the sedimentary rocks, most of sandstone
2. Among the sedimentary rocks, the UCS losses have a
samples (Fig. 6a) have E losses less than 20 %. For
normal (bell-shaped) distribution in sandstone
limestone (Fig. 6f), all of the E losses are less than
(Fig. 5a) with a mean of around 40 % and a positively
60 %.
skewed distribution in limestone (Fig. 5f). Almost all
2. The other sedimentary rocks of shale, siltstone,
of the studied shale, siltstone, mudstone, and marl
mudstone, and marl usually display higher E losses
(Fig. 5be) have UCS losses larger than 40 %.
(Fig. 6be). E losses in shale (Fig. 6b) exhibit a
3. The UCS losses of coal fall in a narrow range between
normal distribution with a mean of around 50 %.
10 and 30 % (Fig. 5g).
Some of the E losses in mudstone can reach as high as
4. For the three studied igneous rocks, the UCS losses
90100 % (Fig. 6d).
have an almost uniform distribution in tuff (Fig. 4i).
3. The E losses of coal range between 30 and 40 %
UCS losses in granite (Fig. 5h) are all less than
(Fig. 6g).
10 % and those in diabase (Fig. 5j) are within
4. For the studied igneous rocks, E loss data are
4050 %.
unavailable for granites (Fig. 6h) and diabase (Fig. 6j).
5. For the metamorphic rocks studied, the UCS losses in
The E losses in tuff (Fig. 6i) have an almost uniform
marble (Fig. 5k) span from 30 to 70 %, whereas slate
(Fig. 5l) samples exhibit a positively skewed distribu-
tion with a mode of around 1020 %.

Author's personal copy
Acta Geotechnica

(a) 100 (b) 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
E Loss (%) E Loss (%)

(c) 100 (d) 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
E Loss (%) E Loss (%)

(e) 100 (f) 100

80 80


60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
E Loss (%) E Loss (%)

(g) 100 (h) 100

80 80


60 60
Data not available
40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
E Loss (%) E Loss (%)

Fig. 6 Histograms showing E loss percentages for different rock types a sandstone, b shale, c siltstone, d mudstone, e marl, f limestone, g coal,
h granite, i tuff, j diabase, k marble, l slate

Author's personal copy
Acta Geotechnica

(i) 100 (j) 100

80 80

60 60
Data not available
40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
E Loss (%) E Loss (%)

(k) 100 (l) 100

80 80

60 60
Data not available
40 40

20 20

0 0
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
E Loss (%) E Loss (%)

Fig. 6 continued

5. For the metamorphic rocks, E loss data are unavailable 4.2.1 Sedimentary rocks
for marble (Fig. 6k). The E losses in slate (Fig. 6l) are
all below 30 %. Sandstone Burshtein [9] identified that the effect
of moisture is significant in affecting the tensile strength of
Sangar and Arkagala sandstones. Dube and Singh [16]
4.2 Tensile strength of rocks
studied the effect of environmental humidity on the tensile
strength of five different types of sandstones. They reported
The research of water-weakening effect on the tensile
an 11.648.6 % decrease in strength for sandstones under
strength of rock is less extensive than that on the com-
fully saturated atmosphere. The tensile strength reduction
pressive strength (Appendix 1). Most of such tensile
in sandstones was found to depend on porosity, percentage
strength research focused on sandstone and limestone, with
of matrix, and presence of clay minerals. Ojo and Brook
some studies on other rock types. The tensile strength
[51] investigated the effect of moisture on the tensile
reported in the following sections was determined by using
strength of Low Close and Woodkirk sandstones. They
the Brazilian disk test except for the study by Anwar et al.
found that the tensile strength of saturated sandstone
[1] in which they conducted uniaxial direct tensile strength
reduced by 50 %. While researching the strength properties
test. Besides, the type of testing was not specified in the
of different Turkish rocks, Karakul and Ulusay [35]
study by Burshtein [9].
observed a 63 % reduction in tensile strength for saturated

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Turkish sandstones. According to them, the decreasing tensile strength and has significant effects on the cracking
trend of tensile strength with the degree of saturation was behavior of the gypsum specimens. Gholami and Rasouli
similar to that observed in UCS. [23] researched the effect of water and inherent aniso-
tropy on the Brazilian tensile strength of slate. They Limestone Parate [52] studied the effect of water observed a 21 % reduction in tensile strength due to water
on limestone. According to his study, the strength loss was saturation.
due to a reduction in the cohesive strength, which in turn
was dependent on the free surface energy. Vutukuri [74] 4.3 Influence of bedding/foliation and water content
explored the effect of water as well as other liquids on the
tensile strength of limestone, which was found to reduce Many rocks exhibit inherent anisotropy in the form of
exponentially with the dielectric constant and surface ten- bedding, stratification, layering, foliation, fissuring, or
sion of the saturating liquids (Table 4). jointing. The mechanical properties of these rocks vary
Vasarhelyi [71] established a linear relationship between with directions. A number of research studies have been
dry tensile strength and saturated tensile strength of Mio- carried out to reveal the influence of anisotropy on the
cene limestone. He also observed that the tensile strength strength properties in rocks under quasi-static loading [4, 5,
and density of the Miocene limestone was exponentially 12, 21, 22, 4548, 59]. However, only few studies consider
related. the combined effects of both water and anisotropy. Some of
the classic researches which consider the effect of both
4.2.2 Other rock types factors on the UCS, E, and TS of mainly sedimentary and
metamorphic rocks are summarized in Table 5 and
Anwar et al. [1] found that the mechanical properties of described below.
coal measure rocks deteriorated significantly due to the The effect of water on the elastic modulus of aniso-
presence of water. Erguler and Ulusay [18] found that the tropic shales was studied by Van Eeckhout and Peng
tensile strength and water content of clay-bearing rocks [69]. White and Mazurkiewicz [76] observed in bitumi-
like siltstones, mudstones, and marl were exponentially nous coal that the reduction in uniaxial compressive
related. They also found that these saturated rocks suf- strength and modulus was higher when the bedding
fered from more than 90 % reduction in tensile strength as orientation was parallel to the loading direction as
compared with the dry ones. Water-weakening effect on compared with the perpendicular orientation. A similar
the Brazilian tensile strength was experimentally inves- observation was reported by Zhang et al. [79] when they
tigated by Wong and Jong [77] on gypsum specimens. studied the strength and deformational responses of
They observed that the presence of water lowers the schistose rocks in uniaxial compression and indirect

Table 4 Tensile strength values of limestone saturated in various liquids [74]

Liquid Dielectric Surface tension Mean tensile Percentage standard
constant (dynes/cm) strength (MPa) deviation

Water 80 72.5 28.2 8

Glycerine 43 63.4 32.2 13.4
Ethylene glycol 41 47.7 31.7 12.8
Nitro-benzene 36 43.9 38.2 6.6
Ethyl alcohol 27 22.75 37.1 8.9
Benzaldehyde 18 40.04 33.3 13.3
n-Butyl alcohol 8 24.6 37.9 9.0

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Table 5 Reduction in the mechanical properties of different rock types due to anisotropy and water saturation
Rock Tests performed Porosity UCS loss (%) E loss (%) TS loss (%) References
0 45 90 0 45 90 0 45 90

Beatrice mine Compression test 1.03.0 N.A. 61.5 74.7 59.5 N.A. Van Eeckhout and Peng
shale [69]
Matthews mine 59.0 N.A. 54.9
Armco mine 9.5 49.4 49.5
Bituminous coal UCS N.A. 21.1 N.A. 12.2 34.3 N.A. 31.1 N.A. White and Mazurkiewicz
Quartz mica UCS, Brazilian, 1.3 70.9 N.A. 31.3 64.2 N.A. 45.3 N.A. Zhang et al. [79]
schist Triaxial
Slate UCS, Brazilian, 0.35 6.0 27.0 12.0 7.0 28.0 4.0 17.4 14.9 7.4 Gholami and Rasouli
Triaxial [23]
b is the angle between the foliation plane and the direction of maximum applied stress
N.A. data not available

Table 6 Elastic modulus of granite specimens under different strain rates [41]
Strain rate (s-1) Elastic moduli of granite with moderate to fine grain (GPa)
Oven-dried Water-saturated
10 63.5 75.7
10-1 72.5 82.1
10 84 93
Average void ratio is 0.5 %, average density for dry and wet specimens are 2.818 and 2.828 g/cm respectively

tension under different schistose orientations. The [53] performed some investigations on the dynamic
effects of water and inherent foliation anisotropy on elastic properties of Green River shale under dry and
UCS, TS, and E in slate were comprehensively resear- water-saturated conditions using ultrasonic techniques.
ched by Gholami and Rasouli [23]. A 27 % reduction in They found that the water saturation increased the
UCS was observed in wet slate for b = 45, where b is compressional wave velocity and decreased the shear
defined as the angle between the foliation plane and the wave velocity, while the effects of saturation were more
direction of maximum applied stress. They concluded pronounced on shear wave velocity than on compres-
that the maximum strength reduction occurred as b sional wave velocity.
reached 3040. Lou [41] studied the stressstrain relations of oven-dried
and water-saturated granite using split Hopkinson pressure
4.4 Dynamic compressive strength and modulus bar (SHPB) experiment and reported that the elastic mod-
of rock ulus of oven-dried granite was slightly lower than that of
water-saturated granite (Table 6). He thus concluded that
Since the late 1960 s, the water effect on the dynamic the stiffness of granite is affected not only by strain rate but
strength of rock began to draw attention. Podio et al. also by water content.

Table 7 Relationship between strength and various parameters proposed by various authors
Strength and deformation
Internal and external factors investigated Type of relationship
Rock parameters investigated
Degree Author & Year
type Tensile Young's Rock Water Moisture Water Surface Dielectric Strain Negative Negative
Triaxial UCS Porosity of Power Exponential Linear
strength modulus Density content content absorption tension constant rate power exponential
Acta Geotechnica

Vutukuri [74]

Vasarhelyi [71]
Hawkins and
McConnell [28]
Ogata et al [50]

Lin et al [40]

Erguler and Ulusay


Lashkaripour and
Ajalloeian [39]

Erguler and Ulusay
Author's personal copy


Table 7 continued
Strength and deformation
Internal and external factors investigated Type of relationship
Rock parameters investigated Author &

type Tensile Young's Rock Water Moisture Water Surface Dielectric Strain Negative Negative Year
Triaxial UCS Porosity of Power Exponential Linear
strength modulus Density content content absorption tension constant rate power exponential
Mudshale and Ajalloeian
Clayshale and Ajalloeian

Erguler and
Ulusay [18]

Turk and
Dearman [66]

Turk and
Dearman [66]

Koji Masuda

Koji Masuda
Author's personal copy


Ogata et al [50]

Vasarhelyi [70]
Ogata et al [50]
Acta Geotechnica
Author's personal copy
Acta Geotechnica

Wang et al. [75] studied the dynamic strength of sandstone Longyou sandstone under dry and fully saturated condi-
by SHPB test under air-dried and water-saturated conditions. tions. They found that the percentage loss in dynamic
They found that the sensitivity of the dynamic compressive tensile strength due to water saturation decreases with the
strength of water-saturated sandstone to strain rate is more increase of strain rate (10-4, 29, 50 GPa s-1). However,
notable than that of air-dried sandstone. Compared with the the percentage of strength reduction varied. A higher
static compression results, the dynamic yield stress of water- loading rate led to a lower percentage strength loss.
saturated sandstone was reported to increase by two times,
while the shape of the dynamic stressstrain curve for both
air-dried and water-saturated sandstone was similar. At the 5 Discussion
same medium strain rate of 56 s-1, the dynamic yield stress
of water-saturated sandstone was slightly higher than that of Abundant experimental studies reveal that the reduction in
air-dried sandstone, but no appreciable difference between rock strength and modulus depends on not only water
dynamic and static uniaxial compressive strengths of the air- content but also other internal and external factors. The
dried sandstone was found. The influence of saturation on the internal factors include porosity, density, and fabric. The
dynamic damage (failure) patterns was also examined in their key external factors including strain rate, surface tension,
investigations. Sun et al. [64] conducted a quantitative anal- and dielectric constant of the saturating liquid, absorption
ysis of macroscopic plastic volumetric response caused by percentage, and suction pressure also play a significant
pore collapse and grain rearrangement using finite element role. Table 7 summarizes the major types of relationship
analysis. They also researched the fully coupled hydrome- established among different parameters, from which the
chanical response of water-saturated limestone subjected to following can be concluded.
various loadings rates.
A negative exponential and/or negative power relation-
ship is observed between rock strength/modulus and
4.5 Dynamic tensile strength of rock
water content (degree of saturation, moisture content,
water absorption).
Lou [41] investigated the dynamic tensile strength of oven-
An exponential and/or power relationship is observed
dried and water-saturated granite by using the SHPB
between UCS and rock density. As the rock density
technique at a strain rate ranging from 1.9 9 10-8 to
increases, the UCS also increases.
1.0 9 102 s-1. He concluded that the dynamic tensile
A negative power relationship is observed between
strength of granite is sensitive to strain rate under both dry
UCS and porosity. This substantiates the reason for low
and wet conditions, particularly for water-saturated gran-
UCS values obtained for porous rocks.
ites which are more sensitive to strain rate than that of dry
An exponential relationship is observed between TS
and surface tension and dielectric constant of the
Ogata et al. [50] studied the effect of water saturation on
saturating liquid.
dynamic tensile strength of different rocks. They found that
A power and/or linear relationship is observed between
water saturation decreased the dynamic tensile strength in
rock strength and strain rate.
Kimachi sandstone and Tage tuff, both of which have a
high porosity. On the other hand, no significant difference Some researchers observed that wetting of the specimen
was recognized in Inada granite, porosity of which is as results in a change of deformation mode. For example,
low as 0.49 %. They speculated that the reduction in strong varieties of sandstones exhibit axial cleavage failure
dynamic tensile strength is due to the decrease in the in dry state, which changes to shear failure or a combina-
coefficient of friction between the molecules, which in turn tion of shear failure and axial cleavage when saturated.
decreased the bonding forces of rocks. Similarly, Huang They also observed that weaker varieties of sandstones
et al. [31] conducted both static and dynamic tensile test on

Author's personal copy
Acta Geotechnica

which failed by shear in dry state underwent a combination modulus degradation of rocks in the presence of water. Due
of shear and cataclasis when encountered with water [28]. to the inconsistent ways of reporting the laboratory data in
Intergranular micro-fracturing is more intense in wet the literature, the present review develops two flowcharts to
sedimentary rocks, due to an increased strength disparity facilitate a systematic review and compilation of the lit-
between the cement and the framework grains, resulting in erature data. The results, which are presented in bar charts
the rolling of grains along failure planes as opposed to and tables, reveal the variation of water-weakening effects
fracturing through the grains [28, 40]. on different rock types. The review further reveals that
water content is the most significant, but not the only factor
leading to rock strength and modulus reduction. The water
6 Conclusions content effect is generally more severe in sedimentary
rocks than in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Other
Water-weakening effects on rocks have always been a internal factors such as porosity, density, and fabric, as well
major research topic due to the high practical values. This as external factors such as strain rate, surface tension, and
review paper focuses on two aspects. In the first part, dielectric constant of the saturating liquid, absorption
definitions of various terminologies used in characterizing percentage, and suction pressure have also been identified
the amount of water present in a rock specimen are and studied in the past experimental studies. The correla-
reviewed and summarized. One should be aware that for a tion relationships established among various parameters
particular term, such as water absorption, more than one are reviewed in this paper.
definition may be available, although the rationale behind
various definitions is the same. The differences are gen- Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Under-
ground Technology and Rock Engineering (UTRE) Phase II research
erally associated with the procedures to obtain the dry program funded by the Defence Science and Technology Agency
mass, wet mass, and the duration of water saturation. It is (DSTA), and the Singapore Academic Research Fund Tier 1 Grant
thus very important for researchers to always provide clear (RG112/14).
definitions for the related terms in their publications. It is of
equal importance for researchers to pay attention to the
relevant definitions while using and comparing data in the Appendix 1
The second part of this paper, which covers publications See Table 8.
as early as in the 1940 s, focuses on the strength and

Table 8 Reduction in the mechanical properties of different rocks due to water saturation
UCS Loss % E Loss % Tensile strength Loss % Loading Rate
SI Porosity Water saturation
Rock description Tests Performed Stress Rate Strain Rate Authors
No. (%) Max Min Avg Max Min Avg Max Min Avg method
(MPa/s) (s-1)
Sedimentary Rocks
Acta Geotechnica

Markham Sandstone 6 N.A

Parkgate rock Sandstone 10 45 Air dry (moisture
1* UCS N.A N.A N.A 0.7 N.A Price [54]
Pennant Sandstone 2.5 45 content 38-62%)
Darley Dale Sandstone 19.5 45
Boise Sandstone 26.5 15.1 Water saturated
2* Berea Sandstone Compression test 20.5 N.A N.A 6.33 N.A 0.12 N.A using vacuum Mann and Fatt [42]
Bandera Sandstone 20 19 dessicator
Quartzitic Shale 0.3 50
3* UCS, Triaxial N.A N.A N.A 0.69 N.A Water saturated Colback and Wiid [13]
Quartzitic Sandstone 15 50
Different relative
4* Sandstone Brazilian 0.7-3.2 N.A N.A 48.6 11 N.A N.A N.A Dube and Singh [16]
Water saturated
5# Limestone 4 N.A 37.5 N.A N.A 16.7 N.A N.A using vacuum Parate [52]
compression tests
Beatrice Mine Shale 74.7 59.5
Different relative
6* Matthews Mine Shale Compression test 1-3.0 N.A 59 55 N.A N.A N.A N.A Van Eeckhout and Peng [69]
Armco Mine Shale 49.5 9.5
Water saturated
UCS, Brazilian,
7* Fell Sandstone 6.5-20.7 53 8.2 N.A N.A N.A 0.07 N.A using vacuum Bell [6]
Point load
Water saturated
N.A -5
8* Bituminous coal UCS N.A 21.09 12.2 N.A 34.31 31.08 N.A N.A 1 x 10 (moisture content White and Mazurkiewicz [76]
Low Close Sandstone 37.5 N.A 51
UCS, Tensile
9* N.A N.A N.A N.A Water saturated Ojo and Brook [51]
strength, Point load
Woodkirk Sandstone 37.5 N.A
430 to
10# Sandstone UCS 1.49 N.A 45 N.A 36 N.A N.A N.A Hadizadeh and Law [26]
Author's personal copy

waterstone 22.3 36.8 30.8

# Different relative
11 Bunter sandstone UCS 21.1 N.A 20.8 N.A 25 N.A N.A Dyke and Dobereiner [17]
Penrith sandstone 12.3 23 11
12@ British sandstones UCS N.A 78.1 8.2 N.A 70 2.5 N.A N.A N.A Water saturated Hawkins and McConnell [28]
Sandy Shale-1 75 94 83
Sandy Shale-2 81 66.7 80
# UCS, uniaxial tensile
13 Shale (Non-laminated) N.A N.A 67 N.A 73 N.A 75 N.A Water saturated Anwar et al [1]
Shale (laminated) 68 75 89
Sandstone 51 45 41

Table 8 continued
UCS Loss % E Loss % Tensile strength Loss % Loading Rate
SI Porosity Water saturation
Rock description Tests Performed Stress Rate Strain Rate Authors
No. (%) method

Max Min Avg Max Min Avg Max Min Avg -1
(MPa/s) (s )
Sedimentary Rocks
Mudstone 93.4
14 Mud Shale UCS N.A 90.4 N.A 84 N.A N.A N.A Water saturated Lashkaripour & Ajalloeian [39]
Clay Shale 94
@ N.A
15 Miocene Limestone UCS, Brazilian 11-52.2 74 2 N.A 53 0 N.A 77 0 N.A Water saturated Vasarhelyi [71]
Water saturated
16* Sandstone UCS 11.5-24.6 86 16 N.A 60 57 N.A N.A 0.08 N.A using vacuum Lin et al [40]
Water saturated
# N.A N.A
17 Beringen Shale UCS 2.4-7.5 80 60 N.A N.A using vacuum Silva et al [62]
18* Sandstone UCS 4.1-12.7 70 20 N.A N.A N.A N.A Water saturated Shakoor and Barefield [60]
Siltstone 5.3-42.1 90.2 56 N.A 87.5 35 N.A 95.5 42.9 N.A
Water saturated
UCS, Brazilian,
19* Mudstone 2.1-48.1 88.7 44.7 N.A 93 20 N.A 93.1 29 N.A N.A using vacuum Erguler and Ulusay [18]
Needle penetration
Marl 6.1-53.9 81.4 61.2 N.A 76.5 57.1 N.A 91.7 19.6 N.A
20# Gypsum UCS 6.9 N.A 64 N.A 53 N.A N.A Water saturated Ik Yilmaz [78]
21@ Travertine UCS 2.1-13.1 31.81 0.74 N.A N.A N.A 0.5-1 N.A Water saturated Torok and Vasarhelyi [65]
# Multi staged Direct
22 Sandstone N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A Naghadehi et al [44]
shear test
23# Longyou Sandstone UCS, SHPB 17 N.A 51.6 N.A N.A 200 N/s N.A Water saturated Huang et al [31]
24* Struganik limestone UCS 1.1-3.3 N.A 10 N.A N.A N.A Water saturated Gajic et al [20]
@ N.A N.A N.A
25 Limestone UCS 0.15-9.7 71 15 N.A Water saturated Rajabzadeh et al [56]
Sandstone 2.7-16.2 63 Water saturated
26 Brazilian N.A N.A N.A N.A using vacuum Karakul and Ulusay [35]
Limestone 0.5-15.4 16 dessicator
27* Gypsum Brazilian N.A N.A N.A 52.4 N.A 0.1 kN/s N.A Water saturated Wong and Jong [77]
Brusselian ferruginous
21-30 40 N.A Water saturated
sandstone UCS, controlled
28* N.A N.A N.A 1 mm/min using vacuum Verstrynge et al [73]
Author's personal copy

Diestian ferruginous creep test

22-45 59 50 N.A dessicator
Water mist, water
29* Mudstone UCS N.A N.A 89 N.A N.A N.A Jiang et al [33]
Acta Geotechnica
Table 8 continued
UCS Loss % E Loss % Tensile strength Loss % Loading Rate
SI Porosity Water saturation
Rock description Tests Performed Stress Rate Strain Rate Authors
No. (%) Max Min Avg Max Min Avg Max Min Avg method
(MPa/s) (s-1)
Igneous Rocks
Acta Geotechnica

1* Granites Compression test 0.4 - 3.8 N.A 12 N.A N.A 0.7 N.A N.A Kessler et al [36]
2* Diabase UCS N.A N.A 40 N.A N.A N.A Water saturated Simpson and Fergus [63]
Water saturated
Compression test,
3* Granite N.A N.A 2 N.A 0 N.A 1 N.A using vacuum Lajtai et al [38]
Double-Torsion test
Rhyolite Tuff 77.6 2.5 83.3 2.98
4* Andesite Tuff UCS N.A 49 17.2 N.A 50.8 2.7 N.A N.A N.A Water saturated Vasarhelyi [70]
Basalt Tuff 54.3 2.4 43.06 12.5
# N.A N.A N.A N.A
5 Tuff UCS 20.5 - 43 32 N.A Chen et al [11]
Water saturated
6* Tuff UCS, Brazilian 26.1-33.6 87.6 80.3 N.A 88.9 78.6 N.A 94.4 N.A N.A using vacuum Erguler and Ulusay [18]
Ignimbrite 23.7-27.8 N.A 75 N.A 81 Water saturated
7 UCS N.A N.A using vacuum Karakul and Ulusay [35]
Andesite 3.3-5.2 N.A 4 N.A 21 dessicator
8* Tuff UCS 25-33 N.A 44 N.A N.A N.A Water saturated Celik et al [10]
Metamorphic Rocks
430 to
1 Quartzite UCS, triaxial 6.48 N.A 0 N.A 0 N.A N.A N.A Hadizadeh and Law [26]
2 Marble UCS 0.2-2.8 68 36 N.A N.A N.A N.A Water saturated Rajabzadeh et al [56]
@ UCS, Brazilian, 200 N/s Seawater
3 Slate 0.35 33 6 N.A N.A 21 1.2 N.A N.A Gholami and Rasouli [23]
Triaxial (Brazilian) satrurated
# Authors did not explicitly specify if the UCS, E, TS values are average values of multiple specimens or single specimen
* Average value of tested specimen given by the authors or calculated in this study
@ Maximum and minimum UCS, E, TS loss given by the authors or calculated in this study for individual specimen
Author's personal copy

Author's personal copy
Acta Geotechnica

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