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Maggie Beasley

AP Lang (1)
21 April 2017
Into the Wild Analysis Essay

Throughout novels authors emphasize various rhetorical strategies in order to build a

books theme and develop a setting with different characters. Jon Krakauer had a very distinct

style when he wrote Into the Wild as many authors do which helps to set his writing out from

that of his peers. A main element of his style throughout this book was his emphasis on epigraphs

at the beginning of each of the novels chapters. Each epigraph consisted of quotes, maps, and

sayings that were related to Chris and his adventures. By including this device, Krakauer

developed various themes of the novel and also helped to strongly develop the main character,

Chris McCandless.

Chris McCandlesss story is told throughout this novel, with the extreme ups and downs

of his journey being clearly portrayed to readers. Krakauer told of the places Chris went and the

people he met along the way. He told of the journals he kept and the belongings that he valued.

Along with these aspects, Chriss character was greatly developed through the epigraphs that

were included. For example, at the beginning of chapter four, a passage is listed that was listed

within one of the books that Chris traveled to Alaska with. This passage says I wanted

movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to

sacrifice myself for my love. I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet

in our quiet life. From this excerpt, you can see that McCandless felt as though he personally

connected with what was being said. He felt that he couldnt truly express himself in the life he

previously had lived. This character development is also seen in the passage beginning chapter

fourteen, stating I grew up exuberant in body but with a nervy, craving mind For this
passage also, you can infer that Chris wasnt content with a normal life and that living as his

parents had wasnt going to be enough for him. The epigraphs therefore are helpful in

demonstrating the ways that Chris felt and also connecting him with people that felt similar,

which both contribute greatly to developing his character.

In addition to character development, the epigraphs contribute to building various themes

of the novel. Themes of the novel include risk, exploration, self reinvention, and also

materialism. Through the epigraphs, various quotes exemplify how people feel personally

connected to nature, and in addition how Chris felt. The quotes that display various themes

include those at the beginnings of chapter seven and ten as well as many others. The epigraphs

that describe a personal connection with nature and that represent how simplistic life should be

demonstrated that materialism is a flaw in society today and that many do good by waning away

from this value. In addition, other quotes describe various adventures that other authors have

experienced, which demonstrate the sense of adventure found upon connecting with nature.

Overall, the epigraphs beginning each chapter are very important in contributing to the

themes of the book by building upon them using quotes Chris connected to as well as quotes

about another adventurers goals. Chriss character is also built through the epigraphs because

they show articles he related to from various books and help to build his character without

directly saying he is one way or the other. Without the epigraphs, important aspects of the book

would have been missing and readers wouldn't have felt as close to Chris as they did through

knowing background information about him and his time throughout the western United States.

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