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1617- O Level Biology 2nd Top 10 Questions- guidelines

Guidelines Second Top ten Questions

1. a) Sperm has less cytoplasm, is smaller ; can contain Y chromosome ; produced in larger
numbers ; has flagellum therefore motile; acrosome ; contains no food store
b) Fertility drugs (FSH and LH) ; injected during early stages of menstrual cycle ; FSH
stimulates follicle to develop LH stimulates ovulation. Use artificial insemination
method by collecting sperm from male donor the inject into uterus during womans most
fertile time i.e., egg in oviduct.

2. Put mud in muslin bag / equivalent workable apparatus;

Suspend over limewater / calcium hydroxide solution / hydrogen carbonate / bicarbonate
indicator, in sealed container;
Incubate / leave for 12+ hours
Look for limewater to go cloudy / milky / white / hydrogen carbonate to go yellow;
Carbon dioxide released indicates respiration;
Reference to use of control.

3. a) A: Nitrogen fixation, B: Protein synthesis, C: Denitrification, D: Nitrification

b) i) More nodules on plants developed from irradiated seeds ; greater dry mass of nodules
of plants developed from irradiated seeds; compare data for number of nodules and
mass of nodules ; include units
ii) No it is artificial selection ; selection pressure applied by breeders for particular
characteristics. Plants with desired features ; cross plants with desired characteristics
with original plant variety ; continue to cross and select.
c) Method involves genetic engineering l gene is transferred from one species into another
species with the help of vector
d) Methods increases wheat yield, nitrate ion concentration is increased by nitrogen fixation in
leguminous plants ; therefore protein production by wheat plants is increased.

1617- O Level Biology 2nd Top 10 Questions- guidelines

4. a) i) Any two of the following:

1 liver, damage / failure / disease / cirrhosis ; R destroys A hardens
2 brain damage / loss of brain cells / loss of neurones / loss of memory
3 cancer of correct named part of body ; mouth / pharynx / oesophagus / gut / pancreas / liver
4 stomach ulcers ;
5 heart disease / stroke / AW ;
6 high blood pressure / hypertension ;
7 alcoholism / addiction / dependence / tolerance ;
8 (risk of) damage, to fetus / pregnant womans baby / fetal alcohol syndrome /
e.g. low birth weight / poor mental development
9 increased risk of miscarriage ;
10 malnutrition / named deficiency disease(s) ;
11 obesity / weight gain ;
12 loss in weight / wasting ;
ii) (500 x 2 =) 1000 (cm3)

b) i) Nutrients are large complex molecules that need to be small simple molecules in order to be
Some nutrients are insoluble / need to be soluble in order to pass through, intestine wall /
capillary wall and to be absorbed.
ii) small intestine / ileum / villi
iii) Fatty acids / glycerol / maltose / peptides
iv) The wall is protected by mucus and it is made of protein; if no mucus, protease enzyme
digests stomach wall and acid, in direct contact with wall, would damage its cells.

(c) (i) (x) 9.0 (%)

(ii) as blood alcohol content of blood increases, so does risk of accident; use of figures ;
little increase in risk up to, 0.05 / 0.075, g 100 cm-3
greater increase in risk above, 0.05 / 0.075, g 100 cm-3
(iii) 1 depressant ;
2 slows down nerve impulses ;
3 increases time for responses
4 e.g. for stimulus or response traffic lights / braking / swerving / stopping
5 blurred / double / impaired / poor, vision
6 poor / lack of, co-ordination
7 overconfidence / poor decision making / memory impaired ;
8 poor judgment (of distances) ;
9 sleep / drowsiness / less conscious
10 poor concentration / less aware ;

1617- O Level Biology 2nd Top 10 Questions- guidelines

5. a) Ecosystem is a community of organisms and their environment interacting as an

ecological unit / Population is a group of organisms of a single species living in a

b) Slender Loris is a mammal ; has ear pinnae, mammary glands, fur and sweat glands.

c) It has a good hearing sense and smelling sense.

d) It maintains genetic diversity, prevent endangered species from becoming extinct,

maintains biodiversity and natural habitats

e) Test DNA; two populations should have similar DNA and should be able to breed and
get fertile offspring.

6. a) 1 semen / sperm, is collected from, male / donor / sperm bank ;

2 inserted into, vagina / cervix / uterus / womb / oviduct ;
3 near time of ovulation / at fertile time

b) in sexual reproduction gametes produced by reduction division / meiosis have half the number
of chromosome (are haploid).
By fertilisation fusion of nuclei / gametes occurs and the diploid chromosome number is
ref. asexual reproduction ; mitosis

7. i) Untrained person at rest 5.25

Trained person at rest 5.25
ii) Reduces the heart rate;
Increases the stroke volume
(untrained person) has a higher heart rate / smaller stroke volume / smaller cardiac output /
(untrained person) has smaller increase in heart rate / in stroke volume in cardiac output /
use figures;
(e.g. for cardiac output put untrained 4, trained 6 or untrained by 16.2, trained by 24.45:
for stroke volume increase by 50%
iv) Heart does not have to contract so frequently / increase strength of muscle / reduces risk of
heart disease / more efficient

1617- O Level Biology 2nd Top 10 Questions- guidelines

8. a) bars plotted accurately at 2.6 and 5.6 ;

shading correct according to key
b) i) (sugar) beet
ii) wheat
c) - use of named appropriate machinery ; e.g. tractor / combine harvester
more efficient, sowing / harvesting / watering ;
- artificial fertilisers ;
prevent mineral deficiencies / provide more nutrients ;
- pesticides / insecticides / fungicides
control, pests / diseases, feed / destroy / damage, crops ;
- herbicides ;
control / kill, weeds / competitors ;
- use of, hormones / named hormone(s) ;
reduce vegetative growth / promote fruiting /
- irrigation
prevent water becoming limiting factor / not relying on rain /
- glasshouses / greenhouses ;
control, light intensity / carbon dioxide concentration / temperature
- monoculture ;
easier to harvest ;
- genetic engineering / gene transfer / artificial selection / selective breeding ;
improve, growth / aspect of yield / quality / disease resistance /pest resistance ;
d) water content of plants varies

9. a) Overall a rise in carbon dioxide concentration in atmosphere;

There is an yearly rise and fall / varies with the seasons
b) i) More carbon dioxide in the air
More heat rays trapped;
Leads to an increased air temperature, global warming
ii) Utilise more renewable energy sources / named example;
Reduce use of fossil fuels;
Reduce deforestation / increase plant growth
c) 1 carbon monoxide from (incomplete) combustion of fossil fuels / cigarettes / from
2 sulfur dioxide;
3 from burning fossil fuels / vehicle exhaust fumes;
4 carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels / deforestation by burning / respiration by
increasing world population / from vehicles;
5 methane from incomplete decay of organic matter;
6 smoke (particles) / carbon / soot from forest fires / factories;

1617- O Level Biology 2nd Top 10 Questions- guidelines

10. a) i) White
ii) Rr
b) Rr Rr parents genotypes
R r R r gametes
RR Rr Rr rr offspring genotypes
3 red flowers : 1 white flower offspring phenotypes ration
Matches ratio of seeds / 133 : 44
c) 1 red flower: 1 white flower (test cross)

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