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2.18 For the composite rod of Prob. 2.17, determine () the loud? for which the Problem 2.18 ‘total deformation of the rod is -0.2 mm, (b) the corresponding deflection of point B. Panky 2.17 Two solid cylindrical rods are joined at B and loaded as shown. Rod AB is sade of ses! (E = 200 GPa) and rod BC of bras (E = 105 GPa). Determine (@) the total deformation ofthe composite rod ABC, (2) the deflection of point, ff 20 mm zomm Bed ABE Fas -P ann Lea = 0. 250m E,g> 200%107 2 | > FE (go) = 706. BS mm = 206.85 *) 0" on™ 00 00 rf fl 5 s,,= Fale oe P Co. | t "8 a Ang (hoe x(0") (706,85 % 107°) = 1.76841 P t Fae = — CR + 4oxro*) 0, 300 m Ege = 1OSK 10" Py = EGSo\ =e 1.8685 mm™ 2 1463S KIO n® wae” Ew dae (0S *10*VC.4635 10 ~ 1L4SS13% IO" P - 5B, 205%107°° a ca) Tet. deformation: Sip = Spa + See -O.2x10 = LV6B4IK1O P ~ LL ESSIZxIO"P = 58. 205% 10" Pe 432987"107 N Pe44okN << From (1), Spe? UL ¥SSTR*IO (43.9274 10") - 58. 205%107* F121 10 (ob) DePfection of poiat B. Sgr Spe Set O.1222mm 4 Sr. ERM = 0.093333 Medolus of efesbicity: > Ge = LESRETC" = z04.63x10" Paw B= 205 MPa —_ - O.0425 & 04S . & * Boqsass eS F _ EC _ gowcsxjot _ ¢ Modulus of rigiclidy ¢ Gave ates = 7o.3l¥io Pe Gr 70.3 MPa 27 2.27 Each ofthe links AB and CD is made of aluminum (E = 75 GPs) ad as a Problem 2.2; cross-sectional area of 125 mm*, Knowing that they support the rigid member BC, determine the deflection of point E. Fo Use member BE as a ‘, Free body. e [suo ~ (0.64) Fig + (O.44)CS%I0" Y* O Fas = 3437S x10" N i Dem, DZMg=01 (0.64) Fi, - (0.200(5xlc*) = 0 Fig = 15625 #10" N For Pinks AB and CDy A= 125 mm = 12S x10% m* Si, 2 Fankse - C3.4825-0* YC 0.36 1 eS TER ~ Usmionias x1o*) 5, - fete: (4862S xpo? (0.36) _ = 182.08 oom = Sa 2 ER Cisne as*10 ) 60,00 x10"%m = Se 8 : SIope O= ome : BB FNL S IO vod Sez + 4.8 Deformation diaqrarn. = 60.00~10"° + (0.44 (112.5 x10") = 109.510 m S_ = 0.1095 mm b amet form er by any means, without the roe wren permission ofthe publisher, or used bayond the mid dhrbton io achers tnd econ permed by McGrail fr ter inde oor preparation. A dea sing Usman sing it wiout permison,

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