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The American Revolutionary War:

a Psychological Operation.
The American Revolutionary War did NOT grant the American Colonists true independence from foreign control, nor did it
ever produced a United States truly of, by and for the people. It was in reality a psy-op, orchestrated by the same financial
interests behind both sides of the game (ie the British Crown and the Colonists from North America), whose main adjective was to make America
a permanent debtor-nation, whilst bestowing them the illusion of freedom and a fraudulent representative democracy.
The Treaty of Peace in Paris in September of 1783 did NOT recognize the said United States as the victor in the war, since
the representatives of the Crown, (David Hartley, Esq & Richard Oswald, Esq) negotiated the treaty with the supposed winner's representers
(Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens, and John Adams, all of whom are Esquires) in a status of dictation by agreeing to cede most of its claims to
the colonies except the right to still receive payment of bona fide debts and reparations to the Crown and its international
financiers (which later brought their three exchequers, the first and second banks of the US, and finally the Federal Reserve, which is neither Federal nor a Reserve, and is also an
independent associate of the US government, but whose real owners are the powerful financiers in the UK and the EU (ie, the City of London, Switzerland, the Vatican City-State, etc), and also
. A few years prior to that diplomatic agreement, a book called Legions of Satan in 1781 recorded that General
through the IRS)
Cornwallis revealed a shocking revelation to General Washington that a holy war will now begin on America, and when it
is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the
Crown.... in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government
that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. After the Paris Peace Treaty of 1783 was agreed upon and signed,
the supposed victors and its oligarchy called the Founding Fathers began to structure a new system for their new country
the USA. It firstly began with the Articles of Confederation, which lasted for 6-7 years until it was replaced in the 1787
Convention with the US constitution. That constitution created a central federal government which is alienated from its
constituents (the people) and their wishes, has overarching power over the USA and its territories that belongs to them, and
corrupt politics and finances running it through their puppet officials and agents at its disposal. Although the Crown and its
associates was made no longer liable for the government, the land-mass and its inhabitants, they are still obliged to have
revenue circulated to them through tribute (taxes) payed from its former subjects in order to still maintain covert financial
control over the United States. The latter resulted in the establishment of the First Bank of the United States in 1791 (the same
year as when its citizenry was granted rights by the US Bill of Rights and also the year when the Whisky Rebellion occured, resulting in President Washington becoming a military dictator,
which lasted until 1810-11 when it was repealed by Congress (the
enforcing his militia against the dissidents and creating additional districts in the States)
, which resulted in the war of 1812 and the British troops
same time as when the Title of Nobility amendment was ratified and included into the Constitution)
storming into Washington, DC and burning everything in it to the ground. Soon after, a 2nd bank was chartered into existence
in 1816 and was named The Second Bank of the United States. The bank lasted for 20 years until 1836 when President
Jackson waged a war against the financial interests by threatening them with serious consequences and abolishing the
Second Bank. This action caused drastic despair and panic for them, resulting in the economic crash of 1837-38, and the
country suffering its early depression. From then on, the country went without a central banking system until the (orchestrated)
crash of 1907 occured, resulting in the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913. President Woodrow Wilson, who
was elected a year before, did a favor for the economic money-powers by enacting into law their dream plan the FED.
This plot was drafted prior to Wilson's Presidency by Aldrich and his associates at Jekyll Island in 1910 in order to help
regain control of the US financial system and reinstating their de facto rule over it. When it was introduced to Congress in
late December of 1913, the majority of its members were away, while its minority ratified and passed it, reaching its last
destination at the Executive branch. The POTUS saw the plan and signed it into law and since then we have been under the
money-powers rule. Today, America is now no longer (nor ever has been) The Land of the Free, and The Home of the Brave.
Instead, it is The Land of The Fee, and the Home of the Slave, and is worse off than it was then. The Civil War was
incepted NOT because of slavery (since it played a partial role), but because of debates on State's vs. Federal Laws, the
question of Union membership, and property rights. The result of that war was the bloodshed of millions on the battlefields
across the north and south-eastern US, the abolishment of slavery, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the (permanent)
establishment of Martial Law and the Reconstruction period. This long summary of the massive fraud has yet proven and
shown why we are in this terrible situation.

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