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Email: ebmdeolhonofuturo@gmail.com

PROFESSOR(A): Francimar de Oliveira DISCIPLINA: Conhecimentos da Lngua Inglesa.

SRIE: 9 ano EF
ALUNO:_____________________________________________________ Data: _____ / _____ / _____

1) O Senhor dos Anis (The Lord of the Rings) uma trilogia de livros de fantasia escrita
pelo escritor britnico J. R. R. Tolkien. Os livros foram escritos entre 1937 e 1949. Em 2001, a primeira parte
da obra, A sociedade do Anel (The Fellowship of the Ring) ganhou uma premiada verso cinematogrfica
dirigida pelo neozelands Peter Jackson. Abaixo temos a sinopse deste filme. Complete-a usando as palavras do
quadro abaixo. (1.2)
danger / ancient / end / forests / destroy / centuries

An ___________________ Ring thought lost for ________________ has been found, and
through a strange twist in fate has been given to a small Hobbit named Frodo. When Gandalf
discovers the Ring is in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, Frodo must make an epic
quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to ________________ it! However he does not go alone.
He is joined by Gandalf, Legolas the elf, Gimli the Dwarf, Aragorn, Boromir and his three Hobbit
friends Merry, Pippin and Samwise. Through mountains, snow, darkness, __________________,
rivers and plains, facing evil and _______________ at every corner the Fellowship of the Ring
must go. Their quest to destroy the One Ring is the only hope for the _______________ of the
Dark Lords reign! (In: https://yts.ag/movie/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-fellowship-of-the-ring-2001). 22/03/2017
Thought: Pensado Has been found: Foi encontrado Has been given: Foi dado Throught: Atravs de Snow: Neve Epic quest: Busca
pica Alone: sozinho Joined: Juntou-se Darkness: Escurido Facing: Enfrentando Hope: Esperana Reign: Reinado However:

Entretanto 2) Ainda sobre o texto acima, marque as sentenas T (True) or F (False). (1.0)
a) ( ) Por centenas de anos, todos pensavam que o O anel estava perdido.
b) ( ) Aps descobrir sobre o O Anel, Gandalf encarrega Frodo de destruir o O Anel.
c) ( ) A fim de destruir o O Anel, Frodo inicia sua jornada por montanhas, rios, etc sozinho.
d) ( ) Com a destruio do anel, tambm se destri o reinado do Deus da Escurido.
e) ( ) O pequeno Frodo junto com seus amigos foram encarregados de destruir o anel.
3) Match the two collumns according to your conclusions. (1.0)
a) I missed the bus. ( ) She is going to wear a new blue dress.
b) Wendy will go to a party. ( ) So he is going to play volleyball all day long.
c) The girls are going to spend money on perfumes. ( ) I am going to arrive late at work.
d) Erika and Vernon are married now. ( ) They got it from their parents.
e) Marcos is going to have a weekend free. ( ) They are going to spend their honeymoom in Paris.
4) Complete the sentences using AM / IS or ARE. ( 0.6)
a) My friends and I _____________ traveling to the beach next weekend.
b) Karina _____________ listening to music in her bedroom.
c) The boys _______________ doing the exercise. (negative)
d) ____________ the girls drinking soda or juice?
e) I _____________ going to the disco club tonight.
f) _____________ the cat drinking the water?
5) Complete using DO or DOES. (0.5)
a) _______________ your school have a library?
b) _______________ the dog play with balls?
c) _______________ you prefer to read books or watch movies?
d) _______________ the kids play puzzle?
e) _______________ they like to play chess?
Como se d o uso de Do e Does? Em que tempos verbais eles so usados? (0.5)
6) Choose the correct form of the verbs below to complete the sentences correctly. (1.5)
a) My brother often _________for me after school.
a) waits b) wait c) dont wait
b) You always _______ late for class.
a) arrives b) arrive c) is arriving
c) ____ you and your brother _______ up late on weekends?
a) Do / gets b) Does / get c) Do / get
d) Karen ______ ______ her teeth before going to bed.
a) always / brushes b) never / brush c) at this moment / brush
e) _____ that boy ______ dance classes on the weekends?
a) Are / takes b) Does / take c) Do / take
7) Fill in the blanks with the verbs from the box using the Simple Present. (1.2)


a) Margareth __________________________ to school by bus.
b) Sally and Sue _____________________ three brothers.
c) Does Clark ______________________ German?
d) My father always ______________________ the bags when we go shopping.
e) The students __________________________ Math tests every fifteen days.
f) Do your friends ________________________ TV news?
8) Choose the correct response to complete each of the following questions based on the answer. (1.5)

1. A: ________ do you live? a) Where b) Who c) What

B: I live in Tokyo.

2. A: ________ are you going to the concert? a) Where b) When c) What

B: I'm going to the concert next week.

3. A: ________ is Nancy reading? a) What b) When c) Who

B: She is reading a newspaper.

4. A: ________ are they speaking with? a) What b) Who c) When

B: They are speaking with their friends.

5. A: ________ will you be home? a) Where b) What c) When

B: I'll be home in two hours.
9) Utilizando sua Inteligncia Lingustica, organize as palavras abaixo para criar sentenas
gramaticalmente corretas. (1.0)
a) using / the / mom / is / My / computer.
b) doesnt / his / drive / Tom / fathers car
c) music / you / listening / ? / Are / to
d) she / late / at / day / arrives / school / every
e) they / watch / like / movies / ? / Do /to /
10) Change the sentences into the required forms. (1.2)
a) Tom studies math every day. _________________________________________________________________
b) They go to school in the morning. _____________________________________________________________
a) Samara reads a lot of books. _________________________________________________________________
b) Tim and Tom play volleyball. ________________________________________________________________
a) I dont get up early on weekends. ______________________________________________________________
b) Thania doesnt watch TV at night. _____________________________________________________________

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