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It will give you basic syntax knowledge.
OOP principles, you can find them in net. Try to understand them via
examples of code.

For example Inheritance :

Class Animal{
String name;}
Class Cat extends Animal{
String paws;}
So, class cat inherits Animal variables and methods and also
implements some cat specific behavior.
Java head first.
This book have examples and also some good exercise.
Some questions that I prefer to ask (all of them u should know in example of
Principle concepts. Example of inheritance
How does Java implement polymorphism
What are the differences between method overloading and method overriding? How
u use it
Can we inherit the constructors?
What is super? Unde poate fi in constructor
How do you prevent a method from being overridden? Final

Basics :
What is the difference between an Interface and an Abstract class
Do interfaces have member variables?
What is the purpose of declaring a variable as final?
What is the purpose of declaring a variable as static?
How to define a constant
What is difference between ArrayList and LinkedList ? (all collections)
What is Comparable and Comparator interface ? List their differences.
What does the hashCode() method?
Why we override equals() method?
What differences exist between HashMap and Hashtable
What are the two types of Exceptions in Java
Try catch block.
What is the difference between throw and throws ?
In catch we can throw another exception?
What is the importance of finally block in exception handling ?
Explain different ways of creating a thread. Which one would you prefer and why ?
What is multithreading
Purpose of synchronization

Next u should study some basic of SQL.

the last one is with practical examples ( so u should make it)

Try to make schema of some tables like Student Profesor and Classes .
And to make basic queries on it.
For example:
All students with name BLABLA which have professor xxx

Java EE :
When youll reach this step just call Sasa. Well meet and I will ask u some basic knowledge.
Java EE is a huge advantage so u can study by yourself Spring, hibernate, Mvc.

P.S. if u have some problems just write.

My contact: Eca sunshine (fb)

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