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Philomena Hansen

Philip Hogan

PSY 1010

April 11th, 2017

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism spectrum disorder is a serious neurodevelopment

disorder that impairs a childs ability to communicate and interact

with others. It also includes restricted repetitive behaviors,

interests and activities. These issues cause significant impairment

in social, occupational and other areas of functioning (mayo

clinic, web.2017).

Studies says that if Autism is discover earlier in childhood, that

can help treat those children to reach a better life than if they

werent treated earlier. It is show that some Autism children

grown up can have a successful life, an example of that would be

Temple Grandin. Even though researches are positive on their

progress, ASD is still hard for families and specially parents to

raise an Autism child.

I interviewed a friend of mine who has an autism child, her child

had the rarest and most severe part of the spectrum. She said her

son was growing up normally and then quickly he lost many

social, language and mental skills and sometimes will develop

seizures disorder. He was two years old, today he is six years old

and he still cant talk. After listening to her experience I decided

to write this poem for all mothers who has autism child as she


Dear ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder),

You entered their lives and like a thief in the night, you robbed

them everything.

You stole all of their plans for their precious little one. The school

he or she would attend, the vacations, friends, the possibility of a

girl or boyfriend, prom, college everything all in one diagnosis-

gone. Autism Spectrum Disorder what does this mean? No one

has a true answer for them. Youve wreaked havoc on them with

no words, grinding teeth, the sleepless nights and the constant

worry. All of the if, when, buts and whys. What if he or she

never talks? When will he or she show signs of progress? But what

if these mothers are not strong enough for this? Why these

children? There is no doubt in their mind that these mothers

would lay their life down tomorrow, just for their children to have

an equal shot at life. Not even a head start, but just an equal shot

at the everyday things most people take for granted. These

mothers heart breaks every time they see their children struggle.

Autism, you have been the worst and the best thing they have

ever happened to them. While what you stole can never be

adequately put into words, what you werent counting on is that

through the struggle these mothers gained strength. You taught

them youre not a life sentence, but you are life changing. These

mothers are kinder person because of you .They are more

compassionate person because of you. They dont get caught up

in what will people think, because of you. They take absolutely

nothing for granted because of you. They are stronger and its all

because of you. Many years ago you may have crushed them, but

you did not destroy them, you put up a fight each and every day

and some days you won. But the fact of the matter is this - A
mans strength isnt proven by how many punches he can throw.

Its proven by how many punches he can take. While they may

not know when or where your next punch will be coming from.

They do know this

These mothers are still here. These mothers who have autism

child with a severe case.


An admirer of these strong mothers, philomena Hansen.

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