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Date Created: April 2017

Date Submitted: Spring 2017

Title of Artifact: Lesson Plan 3
New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers: Standard Three Learning Environments

I am placing my artifact, Lesson Plan 3, under Standard Three Learning Environments as

evidence of continued mastery towards development of creating inclusive environments that
engage each learner. With this artifact, I prove my ability to create differentiated lesson plans to
interest learners in their own education. I incorporated different content areas within the lesson to
broaden the students knowledge of science and language arts. It is crucial as an educator that I
promote my students positive social interaction, active engagement and self-motivation through
my instruction.

New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers. (2014, August 4). Retrieved from
Lesson Plan 1

Victoria Elacqua

I. Title/Topic and Grade Level

Make a Prediction Exercise / Science / Language Arts, Grade 3
II. Lesson Essential Question:
What do you think will happen next if I add this oil to the soapy water?
III. Standard:
NJSLSA.R7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse

media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as

in words.
IV. Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives Assessments

SWBAT observe, evaluate and reason why TWBAT assess students acquired knowledge
certain reactions occur. by observing students predictions and
evaluating their responses.

V. Materials:
Lab Coats
Science Beakers
Dish Soap/Detergent
Cooking Oil
VI. Pre-Lesson Assignments and/or Prior Knowledge:
Students will have prior lessons and knowledge of what predictions are and when

making predictions come in handy.

VII. Lesson Beginning:
Explain to students that making predictions can be very useful in many aspects of our

lives. Ask students if they remember what making a prediction is and prompt them to

write down a prediction of what they believe will occur when a drop of oil is added to

soapy water.
VIII. Instructional Plan:
1. Gather materials
2. Set up room to look like a science lab
3. Show a quick video explaining predictions
4. Review the video and show students the materials for the experiment
5. Prompt students to create their own predictions
6. Ask each student to come up and add a drop of oil with the pipette into the soapy

7. Wrap up lesson by reviewing what reaction occurred
8. Have students write a few sentences on if their prediction was correct/incorrect

and why
9. Ask students to come up with their own unique questions/experiments
IX. Conclusion:
Once students have finished observing and writing their final sentences on if their

prediction was correct ask them what their favorite part of the lesson was and why.

Write new terms or words that were used up on the board and ask students if they

recognize any of them. Prompt students to create their own experiments and write up

their own predictions. Have students exchange their own written up experiments and

come up with predictions for what would occur with each others made-up

experiments. Ask students for examples of times when making a prediction can come

in handy.
X. Citations:
Njdoe. New Jersey Student Learning Standards for English Language Arts Grade

4 (n.d.): n. pag. New Jersey Student Learning Standards for English Language

Arts. Web.

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