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Due to a difficulty researching recycling in rural areas, I have changed my CRQ.

"5 Must Know Facts About Cannabidiol." February 2014. Leaf Science.

This article is found on a website whose mission is to publish scientific content.

Cannabinol(CBD) Is one of the two main cannabinoids. The other is tetrahydrocannabinol(THC).

Through selective breeding, breeders have could produce plants with high levels of CBD, and low levels
of THC. CBD is not psychoactive. The article cites a study from the British Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology that found CBD has many medical properties. Clinical trials for treatment of schizophrenia
and types of epilepsy in the UK. In California researchers are hoping to begin trials on CBD as therapy for
breast cancer. Though all of this it is illegal in the United States, classified as a schedule one drug.

Within the article there is a graph of diseases and the symptom CBD helps alleviate. It also uses quotes
and number data. This article was written to dispel many myths around cannabis.

This article describes CBD and how it differs from the other main chemical THC. I plan on using this
article in explaining what CBD is and some of its medicinal uses.

Aidan J. Hamson, Julius Axelrod, Maurizio Grimaldi. Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.
United States: Patent 66303057. 7 October 2003.

With a quick google search of the inventors I found them well qualified. Julius Axelrod is a biochemist.
Maurizio Grimaldi is listed as an inventor of several other patents, one of the more recent ones was
published in 2015. That patent was on a treatment for nervous system degenerative diseases like
Alzheimers and Lou Gehrigs.

In this text, the inventors discuss many conditions treated by cannabinoids(CBD). They claim
cannabinoids have neuroprotective and antioxidant properties. Shown as an anti-epileptic, to
preventing damage in organ transplants, and treating heart disease. It has been shown to alleviate the
oxidative stresses caused by chemotherapy and radiation. CBDs have been used to help glaucoma

The authors use visuals of various cannabinoid molecule structures and descriptions of chemical
makeup. There is text utilizes medical terminology. this text was written for a medical research

This source is within the conversation of medical cannabis because it is a patent for medical uses of
cannabis. This patent is held by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. This
attacks the position that there is no medical use for cannabis because it shows many conditions it helps
as an antioxidant and neuroprotectant.
This would talk to other sources in that it is scientific evidence contained in the document. Other
sources would build and expand upon this source.

This source is a scientific document on treatment of symptoms of many diseases with cannabis.

I will use this as my starting point for my research project. this is a primary source.

Bushak, Lecia. A Brief History Of Medical Cannabis: From Ancient Anesthesia To The Modern Dispensary.
21 January 2016.

The author of this source is a journalist who mainly covers mental health news. Medical cannabis would
be in her journalistic scope.

In the text the author writes about the history of cannabis use for medical purposes. Ancient Chinese
peoples used it for many illnesses gout and malaria amongst them. Also, the ancient Chinese used it as
anesthetic for surgery. To the Hindu people the Marijuana plant is sacred to this day. Along with
medical benefits they also note spiritual benefits. Ancient Egyptians used it for inflammation. In middle
age Europe, it was used as medicine for tumors. When cannabis made the journey across the Atlantic to
South America it was mainly used to make textiles, rope for ships, and paper.

It wasn't until the 1930's that it became illegal in the United States. Then in 1970 it was categorized as
schedule 1. Drugs in this category have no acceptable medical use. As of 2015, there are 23 states that
have legal medical marijuana.

In this article the author is showing that historically marijuana or cannabis have many uses. Each ancient
civilization listed had discovered that it helped with the symptoms of many diseases. Even currently, we
are finding more diseases and conditions it helps like cancer, Parkinsons, and HIV\AIDS.

this would-be background information intended for those whom are not aware that cannabis as
medicine is an extremely old practice. this information is nothing new to the discussion going on around
medical cannabis.

this article "talks" with US patent 6630357. the patent talks heavily about neurochemistry involved with
medical cannabis, it does also mention that it helps Alzheimers, ancient peoples also said that it helps
"poor memory".

for its purposes as a source, it is a good one. it has a lot of useful historical information contained within
about the subject.

"Does The U.S. Government Own A Patent On Marijuana?" 25 July 2014. Leaf Science.

This article is found on a website whose mission is to publish scientific content.

In the article, they state that the patent was filed in 1999 by the National Institute of Health. Also stated
is that trough the patent, exclusive rights to cannabinoids in treating brain and oxidative (diabetes,
arthritis, and heart attack) diseases. The scope of the patent is not the marijuana plant; it is the
cannabinoids, which are not psychoactive in either natural or synthetic form. It includes the quote form
Dr. Sanjay Gupata, The United States government owns a patent on marijuana as a medical application So
we have a patent through our Department of HHS on marijuana as a therapeutic and we also schedule it as a
Schedule I..

The author used direct quotes from the patent in a couple times. These were used along with text related to
the passage.

This text explains the patent in everyday language. It will be used as a secondary source as it helps explain
the patent in common tongue.

National Institute of Health. " What is medical marijuana?" March 2017. National Intitute on Drug Abuse.

The mission of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) involves research on drug use and their
consequences and the underlying issues (behavioral, social, or neurological).

Within the site they speak of FDA clinical trials, researchers have been unable to determine large scale
trials. CBD has been used to treat epilepsy in children. The body produces cannabinoid chemicals
naturally, they have a role in many functions like concentration, appetite, and the senses. THC can
decrease pain, inflammation, nausea, and increase appetite. NIH researchers are continuing researching
on possible uses of cannabinoids for medical uses.

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