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Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci - Vol.

47 - No 2 (2010)

The Historical Origins and Developmental

Pathways of the Discipline of Developmental
Sheree L. Toth, PhD,1 and Dante Cicchetti, PhD 1, 2
Mt. Hope Family Center,University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, U.S.A.
Institute of Child Development, Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.

intervention are proffered that possess implications for

ABSTRACT enhancing our understanding of normal and abnormal
The historical origins of the field of developmental development and for reducing suffering in persons with
psychopathology are discussed and the meaning of mental disorders.
a developmental psychopathology perspective is
described. The definitional principles and tenets of
the discipline of developmental psychopathology are Historical Origins of Developmental
delineated and they are utilized to highlight diversity in Psychopathology
process and outcome. The definitional principles that The field of developmental psychopathology owes its
are discussed include: 1) the mutual interplay between emergence and coalescence to a number of historically
the study of normality and psychopathology; 2) the based endeavors in a variety of disciplines, including
importance of a multiple-levels of analysis and multi- embryology, genetics, the neurosciences, psychoanaly-
disciplinary approach; 3) the processes that contribute sis, and clinical, developmental, and experimental
to resilient adaptation in the face of significant psychology (1). Many of the great theorists in these
adversity; 4) translational research; and 5) implications influential disciplines have reasoned that we can learn
for prevention and intervention. Examples derived more about the normal functioning of an organism by
from research and clinical contexts are provided to studying its pathology, and likewise, more about its
illustrate these principles. Advances in our knowledge pathology by investigating its normal condition (2). A
base in developmental psychopathology not only have number of these integrative thinkers conceived of psy-
benefitted the scientific understanding of the relation chopathology as a magnifying mirror in which normal
between normal and abnormal development, but also biological and psychological processes could better be
have contributed to reducing the individual and societal observed. Because these systematizers conceptualized
burden of mental illness. psychopathology as a distortion or exaggeration of the
normal condition, the study of pathological phenomena
was thought to throw into sharper relief ones under-
standing of normal processes.
In this article, the historical origins and scientific A basic theme that appears in the writings of these
advances in the field of developmental psychopathol- earlier thinkers is that because all psychopathology can
ogy are described and the principles that have guided its be conceived as a distortion, disturbance or degenera-
evolution are explicated. The definitional parameters of tion of normal functioning, it thus follows that, if one
the discipline are then discussed. Examples of research wishes to understand pathology more fully, then one
derived from academic settings and from clinical must understand the normal functioning against which
research contexts are included to illustrate these prin- psychopathology is compared (2). Not only is knowl-
ciples. Finally, important directions for prevention and edge of normal biological, psychological and social pro-

Address for Correspondence: Sheree Toth, PhD, Director, Mt. Hope Family Center, Associate Professor, Clinical and Social Sciences in
Psychology, University of Rochester, 187 Edinburgh Street, Rochester, NY 14608, U.S.A. sheree_toth@urmc.rochester.edu.

Sheree L. Toth and dante cicchetti

cesses extremely helpful for understanding, preventing etiology, course, and sequelae of psychopathology and
and treating psychopathology, but also the deviations resilience (19).
from normal development that are seen in pathological
processes indicate in exciting ways how normal onto-
genesis may be better investigated and understood. What is Developmental
Indeed, for many thinkers the very essence and unique- Psychopathology?
ness of a developmental psychopathology approach lies Although definitional divergence exists (19), develop-
in its focus on both normal and abnormal, adaptive and mental psychopathology is a scientific discipline whose
maladaptive, ontogenetic processes (2-6). predominant focus is elucidating the interplay among
The field of developmental psychopathology first the biological, psychological and social-contextual
came into ascendance during the 1970s, predominantly aspects of normal and abnormal development across the
through being highlighted as an important perspec- lifespan (20). In recent years, developmental psychopa-
tive by researchers conducting prospective longitudinal thology has become increasingly contextual, multi-level,
studies of children at risk for developing schizophrenia dynamic and multidisciplinary (21-23).
(7). Also instrumental in the fields emergence were epi- In one of the initial statements concerning the goals
demiological investigations of families exhibiting dis- of developmental psychopathology, Cicchetti (1, p. 20)
cord, disharmony, and disruption but where there was remarked, Developmental psychopathology should
no parental mental disorder (8) and studies of the links bridge fields of study, span the life cycle, and aid in the
between cumulative risk factors and developmental out- discovery of important new truths about the processes
come (9). Likewise, research on the causes, correlates and underlying adaptation and maladaptation, as well as
consequences of secure and insecure attachment (10, 11), the best means of preventing or ameliorating psycho-
investigations of children with a variety of handicapping pathology. Cicchetti further commented, This disci-
conditions (12-16), and studies in life span developmen- pline should contribute greatly to reducing the dualisms
tal psychology (17) were influential in furthering interest that exist between the clinical study of and research into
in developmental psychopathology. These investigations childhood and adult disorders, between the behavioral
generated important knowledge about basic developmen- and biological sciences, between developmental psy-
tal processes in a variety of biological and psychological chology and psychopathology, and between basic and
systems that provided a solid empirical basis against applied science (p. 20).
which developmental psychopathologists could discover Theorists and researchers in the field of developmen-
new truths about the processes underlying adaptation tal psychopathology strive to bring together, within a life
and maladaptation, as well as the best means of prevent- span framework, the many contributions to the under-
ing and treating psychopathology. standing of individuals at high risk for developing mental
Over the course of the past four decades, develop- disorders as well as those who have already manifested
mental psychopathology has emerged as an integrative such disorders. Developmental psychopathologists
discipline that is the product of the confluence of vari- do not espouse or adhere to one particular theory that
ous efforts that had been previously distinct and sepa- could account for all developmental phenomena (24, 25).
rate (1, 2, 18, 19). Rather than competing with existing Rather, they seek to integrate knowledge across scientific
theories and facts, the developmental psychopathology disciplines at multiple levels of analysis and within and
perspective represents a broad, integrative framework between developmental domains (21, 22, 26, 27).
within which the contributions of separate disciplines Developmental psychopathologists also engage in
can be realized in the larger context of understanding a comprehensive evaluation of biological, psychologi-
individual development and functioning. The principles cal, social and cultural processes and strive to ascer-
of developmental psychopathology can provide the con- tain how the interaction among these multiple levels
ceptual scaffolding for facilitating this multidisciplinary of analysis may influence individual differences, the
integration. Through the organizing principles of the continuity or discontinuity of adaptive or maladaptive
concept of development and of systems theory, the dis- behavioral patterns, and the pathways by which nor-
cipline of developmental psychopathology has brought mal and pathological developmental outcomes may be
together fields of study and investigators that were once achieved. In practice, this entails comprehension of and
disparate in order to examine complex questions of the appreciation for the developmental transformations and

Historical Origins of Developmental Psychopathology

reorganizations that occur over time; an analysis of the pernicious (36). Thus, for example, being a teen parent
risk and protective factors and mechanisms operating in and of itself may not significantly increase the risk of
within and outside the individual and his or her envi- developmental maladaptation in offspring; however, if
ronment over the course of lifespan development; the the young mother resides within an impoverished com-
investigation of how emergent functions, competencies munity with frequent intra- and extra-familial violence
and developmental tasks modify the expression of a present, then the likelihood of negative offspring adap-
disorder or lead to new symptoms and difficulties; and tation increases exponentially. It is important to note
the recognition that a particular stressor or set of stress- that the establishment of a process or condition as a risk
ful circumstances may eventuate in different biological factor is not a simple matter and that, even when the
and psychological difficulties, depending on when in predictive status of a risk factor has been confirmed, this
the developmental period the stress occurs (28). represents the starting point of a developmental psy-
Moreover, various difficulties will constitute different chopathology analysis. For example, although negative
meanings for an individual depending on cultural con- attributional biases that are associated with depression
siderations (29), as well as an individuals experiential have been established for both children and adults (e.g.,
history and current level of psychological and biological 37, 38), a developmental psychopathology perspective
organization and functioning. Importantly, the increas- requires an understanding of how these biases originate
ing diversity among populations within and outside of and develop (24).
the United States demands that developmental psycho- Furthermore, attention to the protective factors that
pathology must similarly evolve to adequately examine individuals possess and experience throughout devel-
and intervene with racially and ethnically diverse groups opment is critical, especially since these intra- and
(30). In an investigation of the role of cultural context extra-organismic sources of protection may promote
in moderating associations between early risk and chil- adaptation and resilience in their own right (39, 40).
drens adaptation in Israeli and Palestinian couples, cul- In addition, some protective factors may be influential
ture-specific effects of risk and protective factors were in preserving competent functioning in the context of
found (31). Studies such as this highlight the importance specific risk factors (24). Research on biological, as well
of incorporating cultural considerations into diagnostic as psychological protective factors is vitally important
and treatment decisions. For example, because individu- for identifying processes that contribute to the develop-
als in Puerto Rican and Hispanic cultures operate in the ment of either the recovery of function or resilient adap-
context of familism, which is defined as a strong iden- tation in the face of significant adversity (41). Moreover,
tification to the family group, it may be more adaptive understanding the dynamic transactions between risk
for adolescents in these cultures to remain dependent and protective factors plays a central role in building
on parents for longer periods and to be less autonomy developmentally informed models of prevention (42). If
striving than adolescents from Eurocentric cultures (32). a given capacity, such as the failure to develop a secure
Therefore, considerations of cultural context must be attachment relationship with the primary caregiver, is
prominent when determining whether an individual has identified as being a risk factor for maladaptation, and
diverted onto a maladaptive pathway and when deciding if it can be modified as a function of intervention, then
whether, or how best, to intervene. the probability of successful adaptation is enhanced.
The dynamic interplay between risk and protective Through increasing the relative balance of protective
factors is conceived as influencing the developmental processes over risk factors, the potential for righting the
course through the impact it has on the quality of the developmental course, attaining adaptive developmental
organization of biological and psychological systems as pathways, and reducing the emergence of psychopathol-
the individual develops (28, 33). Developmental psy- ogy may be achieved (43).
chopathology research emphasizes probabilistic, rather Developmental psychopathologists stress that dis-
than deterministic, models of dysfunction (25, 34). ordered individuals may move between pathological
However, various risk factors have been shown to be and nonpathological forms of functioning. In addi-
especially harmful to competent functioning, thereby tion, even in the midst of psychopathology, individu-
promoting the development of psychopathology (24, als may display adaptive and maladaptive processes so
35). In addition, as risk factors become multiplicative, that it becomes possible to delimit the presence, nature,
their influence on development becomes increasingly and boundaries of the underlying psychopathology.

Sheree L. Toth and dante cicchetti

Furthermore, developmental psychopathology is a per- occur following a period of pathology if the level of
spective that is especially applicable to the investigation organization prior to the breakdown was a competent
of transitional points in development across the life and adaptive one (52, 53).
span (20, 44, 45). Development extends throughout the With respect to the emergence of psychopathology, all
entire course of life, and adaptive and maladaptive pro- stages of life are consequential in that the developmental
cesses emerge over the life span. It is only by examin- process may undergo a pernicious turn toward mental
ing a range of conditions and populations from infancy disorder at any phase (46, 53-57). Many mental disor-
through adulthood and into old age that developmental ders have several distinct phases (25). The factors that
continuities and discontinuities can be elucidated fully. are associated with the onset of a disorder may be very
Studies on the emergence of conduct disorders serve to different from those that are associated with the cessa-
illustrate this point. For example, Moffitt (46, 47) has tion of a disorder or with its repeated occurrence (58,
distinguished between childhood-onset (life-course- 59). For example, although genetic factors frequently are
persistent) and adolescent-onset (adolescence-lim- associated with the onset of a major depressive disor-
ited) conduct disorders and has found that individu- der, relapse has been linked with aspects of the family
als with adolescent-onset behavior problems are less climate, such as negative expressed emotion (60). In
likely to engage in adult criminality than are those with contrast to the dichotomous world of mental disorder/
life-course-persistent conduct disorders. In a similar nondisorder held by many mental health providers, a
developmental analysis of the continuity/discontinu- developmental psychopathology perspective recognizes
ity of early externalizing behavior problems, Campbell that normality often fades into abnormality, that adap-
and her colleagues (48) have found that a number of tive and maladaptive may take on differing definitions
intra- and extra-organismic factors affect continuity depending on whether ones time referent is immedi-
of behavior problems. For example, multiple risk fac- ate circumstances or long-term development, and that
tors, including high levels of early hyperactivity and processes within the individual can be characterized as
aggression, in combination with high levels of negative having shades or degrees of psychopathology (57).
parenting and family stress, have been associated with
problems at school entry for boys.
The above examples highlight the fact that all peri- Definitional Parameters of
ods of life usher in new biological and psychological Developmental Psychopathology
challenges, strengths and vulnerabilities. From infancy The Mutual Interplay Between Normal
through senescence, each period of life has its own and Psychopathological Functioning
developmental agenda and contributes in a unique Although the field of developmental psychopathology
manner to the past, present, and future organization of focuses predominantly on the investigation of high-
individual development. Rutter has conjectured that key risk and disordered populations, a commitment to the
life turning points may be times when the presence of importance of applying knowledge of normal develop-
protective mechanisms could help individuals redirect ment to the study of atypical populations also is inherent
themselves from a risk trajectory onto a more adap- in this approach. Thus, even before the emergence of a
tive developmental pathway (49, 50). Likewise, Toth psychopathological disorder, certain pathways signify
and Cicchetti (51) have suggested that these periods of adaptational failures in normal development that proba-
developmental transition may also afford opportunities bilistically forebode subsequent pathology (5). Similarly,
when individuals are most amenable to profiting from a developmental psychopathology perspective recognizes
therapeutic interventions. the value in examining abnormality in order to enhance
Whereas change in functioning remains possible at our understanding of normal processes. Accordingly,
each transitional turning point in development, prior individuals who are at risk for the development of pathol-
adaptation does place constraints on subsequent adap- ogy but who do not manifest it and individuals who
tation. In particular, the longer an individual continues develop an actual mental disorder are of equal interest
along a maladaptive ontogenic pathway, the more dif- (61, 62). As such, developmental psychopathologists also
ficult it is to reclaim a normal developmental trajectory are committed to understanding pathways to resilience
(5). Furthermore, recovery of function to an adaptive i.e., the attainment of competent adaptation despite
level of developmental organization is more likely to exposure to conditions of adversity (40, 63).

Historical Origins of Developmental Psychopathology

Despite the fact that the mutual interplay between depression may emanate from the experience of being
normal and atypical development are emphasized maltreated, the death of a parent, and/or genetic factors.
within this discipline, most contemporary theory and Likewise, multifinality is used to explain why individuals
research have focused on the contributions that nor- may begin on the same major pathway and, as a function
mal development can make to advancing our knowl- of their subsequent choices, exhibit very different pat-
edge of psychopathological processes. There has been terns of adaptation or maladaptation (5, 52, 74-76). For
significantly less recognition that the investigation of example, although child maltreatment typically leads
high-risk conditions and mental disorders can augment to maladaptation, subsequent psychopathology may
our comprehension of normal developmental processes; involve outcomes such as depression, conduct disorder,
however, this is beginning to change (see, e.g., 64-66). substance abuse, and/or a combination of such problems.
The examination of individuals with high-risk condi- Moreover, some children exhibit resilient functioning
tions and mental disorders can provide a natural entre even in the context of severely impaired parenting.
into the study of system organization, disorganization
and reorganization that is otherwise not possible due
to the constraints associated with research involving Multiple Levels of Analysis
human participants. Through investigating a variety and Multi-Disciplinary Efforts
of high-risk and mentally disordered conditions, it The discipline of developmental psychopathology pro-
is possible to gain significant insight into processes vides a framework for integrating knowledge within and
of development not generally achieved through sole across disciplines, contexts and domains of inquiry. In
reliance on investigations of relatively homogeneous this regard, developmental psychopathology as a field
nondisordered populations. Research conducted with will be enriched by increased interactions with geneti-
atypical populations also can elucidate the behavioral cists, neuroscientists, molecular biologists, anthro-
and biological consequences of alternative pathways of pologists, sociologists and epidemiologists. Research
development, provide important information about the conducted within a developmental psychopathology
range and variability of individual response to challenge framework has challenged assumptions about what
and adversity, and help to specify the limits of behav- constitutes health or psychopathology and has begun
ioral and biological plasticity (67-70). Finally, findings to redefine the manner in which the mental health
revealed by experiments of nature also hold consider- community operationalizes, assesses, classifies, com-
able promise for informing prevention and intervention municates about, and treats the adjustment problems
strategies (71-73). For example, although it is ethically and functioning impairments of infants, children,
impossible to experimentally manipulate the quality of adolescents and adults (18, 77). Through its principles
caregiving that is provided, investigations of children in and tenets, developmental psychopathology transcends
maltreating families or of children reared by a depressed disciplinary boundaries and provides fertile ground for
parent provide insights into the effects of non-optimal moving beyond mere symptom description to a pro-
care on childrens development. cess level understanding of normal and atypical devel-
Developmental psychopathologists have articulated opmental trajectories. Moreover, multi-level analyses
the expectation that there are multiple contributors to of psychopathology often require a range of expertise
adaptive and maladaptive outcomes in any individual, that necessitates synergistic interdisciplinary, collab-
that these factors and their relative contributions vary orative research (78). Successful interdisciplinary sci-
among individuals, and that there are myriad pathways entific research has the potential to transform the field
to any particular manifestation of adaptive and disor- of developmental psychopathology given the increased
dered behavior. Accordingly, the principles of equifi- likelihood that such investigations will uncover innova-
nality and multifinality, derived from general systems tive scientific discoveries and generate findings that will
theory, are germane. Within the discipline of develop- influence multiple disciplines (78).
mental psychopathology, equifinality has been invoked Nonetheless, most of what is known about the cor-
to explain why a variety of developmental pathways may relates, causes, pathways and sequelae of mental disor-
eventuate in a given outcome, rather than expecting a ders has been gleaned from investigations that focused
singular primary pathway to the adaptive or maladap- on relatively narrow domains of variables. It is appar-
tive outcome. In this regard, for example, childhood ent from the questions addressed by developmental

Sheree L. Toth and dante cicchetti

psychopathologists that progress toward a process- investigation of multiple aspects of the developmental
level understanding of mental disorders will require process concurrently can shed light on the nature of the
research designs and strategies that call for the simul- interrelation among various ontogenetic domains. For
taneous assessment of multiple domains of variables example, how do cognition, affect and neurobiological
both within and outside of the developing person (26). growth relate with one another at various developmen-
In some instances, reference to variables measured in tal periods? When an advance or a lag occurs in one
other domains is essential to clarify the role(s) of vari- system, what are the consequences for other systems?
ables of interest for other questions; it is necessary to Pursuing answers to questions such as these will enable
consider variables from other domains as competing researchers to formulate more precise definitions of
explanations for postulated causal paths. To under- resilience.
stand psychopathology fully, all levels of analysis must As is true for all developmental phenomena, resil-
be examined and integrated. Each level both informs ience is a dynamic process, not a static phenomenon
and constrains all other levels of analysis. Moreover, (83). We believe that the concept of resilience as invul-
the influence of levels on one another is almost always nerability must be avoided. Resilient individuals,
bidirectional (53, 75). although giving the impression of being somewhat her-
An interesting approach to a multiple levels of analy- culean in their resistance to stress, must also undergo
sis perspective on psychopathology has emanated from struggles associated with this process (cf. 84). Thus,
investigations of gene-environment (G x E) interactions. these resilient individuals also may need support to deal
The majority of G x E studies have focused on depres- with the emotional difficulties that often accompany the
sion and antisocial behavior, although a smaller num- experience of adversity.
ber of investigations have examined schizophrenia and Another vital aspect of the scientific study of resil-
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In a seminal ience is that it affords an additional avenue for examin-
longitudinal investigation, Caspi and his colleagues (79) ing biological and social constraints that may operate
sought to explain why stress resulted in depression for on aspects of the developmental process throughout the
some, but not all, adults. These investigators found that life course (61, 85). Moreover, through investigating the
the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism moderated the effect of determinants of resilient adaptation, we are in a posi-
stressful life events on adult depression. Specifically, Caspi tion to discover the range and variability in individuals
et al. (79) discovered that adult depression was predicted attempts to respond adaptively to challenge and ill for-
by the interaction between individuals carrying the s/s or tune (86). For example, in an investigation of the multi-
the s/l genotype in the 5-HTTLPR gene-linked promoter level determinants of resilient functioning, Cicchetti
region and child maltreatment that occurred during the and Rogosch (87) found that the personality variables
first decade of life. Results such as these have converged of ego-resiliency and ego-control and the regulation of
to demonstrate that early adverse environments interact the adrenal steroid hormones dehydroepiandrosterone
with genetic make-up to exert a greater negative impact (DHEA) and cortisol each made independent contri-
on genetically at risk children (80). butions in predicting resilience among maltreated chil-
dren. In addition, Curtis and Cicchetti (88) discovered
that emotional regulation predicted resilient function-
Resilience ing in both maltreated and nonmaltreated comparison
As the developmental perspective has assumed a more children; however, Curtis and Cicchetti (88) found that
prominent role in psychopathology research, there has electroencephalogram (EEG) asymmetry in central cor-
been a growing interest in the study of resilience (81). tical regions independently predicted resilience only in
Specifically, research has been directed toward identify- maltreated children.
ing the biological and psychological factors that stem Finally, the ability to function resiliently in the pres-
the trajectory from risk to psychopathology, thereby ence of biological and/or environmental disadvantage
resulting in adaptive outcomes even in the presence may be achieved through the use of developmental path-
of adversity. A developmental psychopathology per- ways that are less typical than those negotiated in the
spective on resilience highlights the importance of course of usual circumstances. For example, Cicchetti
examining multiple biological and psychological sys- and Rogosch (89) found that whereas relationship factors
tems concurrently (21, 67, 82). Along these lines, the were related to resilience in low-income nonmaltreated

Historical Origins of Developmental Psychopathology

children, self-strivings were associated with resilience in individuals at high-risk for psychopathology (71, 95).
in children with histories of maltreatment. Thus, an To fulfill this laudable goal, it is important that prevention
important question for researchers to pursue is whether scientists possess a complex, multilevel understanding of
the use of alternative pathways to attaining competence the course of normality to formulate an in-depth portrayal
renders individuals more vulnerable to manifesting of how deviations in normal developmental processes can
subsequent delays or deviations in development. Only eventuate in maladaptation and psychopathology (96).
longitudinal investigations can fully address this issue, Because of its focus on the interplay between normal and
but it will be critical to ascertain whether these individu- abnormal development, the discipline of developmental
als are more prone to developing psychopathology later psychopathology is uniquely poised to provide the theo-
in life. Research on resilience is an excellent example of retical foundation for prevention and intervention initia-
translational research as it also lends itself to informing tives (42, 72, 97).
prevention and intervention initiatives. From the integrative developmental psychopathology
framework, randomized controlled trials may be con-
ceptualized as veridical experiments in modifying the
Translational Research course of development. Therefore, these randomized
Translational research has been defined as examining preventive trials may be conceived as tests of theory
how basic behavioral and biological processes inform the and causal mechanisms, thereby proffering insights
diagnosis, prevention, treatment and delivery of services into the etiology and pathogenesis of maladaptation
for mental disorder, and, conversely, how knowledge and disordered outcomes (98, 99). The incorporation
of mental illness enhances our comprehension of basic of biological measures into the design and evaluation of
behavioral and biological processes (90). The new era these RCT preventive interventions will enable preven-
of translational research is not only exerting impacts on tion scientists to grasp the development of maladapta-
developmental psychopathology, but also is affecting all tion, psychopathology, and resilience in their full com-
fields of research in the medical, physical, social and clini- plexity (100, 101). For example, in the evaluation of an
cal sciences (91). The impetus to conduct translational attachment-based intervention on cortisol production
research in the behavioral sciences has emanated largely of infants and toddlers in foster care, Dozier and her
from the National Institute of Mental Health (92, 93) colleagues (102) found that their relational interven-
and was spurred by the recognition of the tremendous tion was effective in helping children to regulate their
individual, social and economic burden associated with biology. Methodologically sound prevention science
mental illness (90). Hence, the emphasis on translational that incorporates a theoretically informed and guided
research by funding agencies is quickly translating itself multiple levels of analysis perspective will provide a
into increased priorities within the academic arena. unique lens through which the processes responsible
This formulation of translational research is in direct for the development, maintenance and modification of
accord with two of the key tenets of a developmental both typical and atypical functional outcomes can be
psychopathology perspective, namely, the recipro- discerned (72, 100, 101, 103).
cal interplay between basic and applied research and Collaborative interdisciplinary preventive interven-
between normal and atypical development (94). Thus, tions between researchers and clinicians that take into
the parameters of developmental psychopathology lend account multiple levels of influence also will help to
themselves to fostering translational research that has reduce the schisms that have long existed between sci-
implications for society, policymakers and individuals ence and practice (104). The incorporation of an inter-
with mental disorders and their families. disciplinary, multiple level perspective will enable pre-
vention scientists to derive a more precise and compre-
hensive understanding of the mediators and moderators
Prevention and Intervention: underlying successful and unsuccessful intervention out-
A Multi-level Perspective comes. For example, although efficacious treatments are
The preeminent objective of the field of prevention science increasingly being identified, the field has been slower
is to intervene in the course of development in order to to uncover the processes and mechanisms that contrib-
reduce or eliminate the emergence of maladaptation and ute to positive outcomes. As Kazdin (105) states we
mental disorder, as well as to promote resilient adaptation really do not understand very much about therapy, why

Sheree L. Toth and dante cicchetti

and how it achieves change and for who it is and is not based on theoretical models and efforts to elucidate
effective and why (p. 533). This becomes even more the mechanisms and processes contributing to change
problematic when efforts to translate research-derived are being initiated. The information that is emanating
efficacious treatments into the broader clinical world from the field of developmental psychopathology can
occur. In fact, therapies that are evaluated scientifically be integrated into the armamentariums of professionals
in randomized control trials continue to far outperform from diverse disciplies, even when they do not consider
those involving the usual clinical care provided in real themselves to be developmental psychopathologists.
world clinical settings (106). The field of developmen- These knowledge gains will not only benefit the scien-
tal psychopathology holds great promise for increasing tific study of psychopathology and resilence, but also
the theoretical bases of interventions, for elucidating permit translation to informing developmentally-based
the contributors to positive outcome, and for fostering preventive interventions that will contribute to reducing
increased availability of these treatments. the individual and societal burden of mental illess.
Clearly, the results of randomized prevention trials
will be informative to practitioners. Equally essential, Acknowledgements:
however, is the need for prevention scientists to con- Work on this paper was supported by a grant received from the Spunk Fund, Inc.
ceptualize, design and evaluate prevention trials in
such a way that also enables their results to enhance
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