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The Eighth Pan-Orthodox Council suicidium

Part 5: Liquidation documents from Strasbourg I

On 25-29 June 2014, a Memorandum was signed in Strasbourg which will come into effect on 1 May
2016 and involves a draft programme until 16 August 2020.
In the light of this document, one can clearly see the changes in the sphere of spiritual education as well as
the reasons for the rapid convening of the Eighth Pan-Orthodox Council on the Feast of Pentecost (19 June
2016). As can be seen, there is only one aim behind this Council: to destroy the Orthodox Church and to
demoralize the nation. From 21 to 28 January 2016, a preparatory meeting was held in Switzerland
(Chambsy) where the liquidation programme was already approved under the guise of positive terms.
The signatures of the hierarchs who signed the Memorandum reveal that these hierarchs renounced the true
God and chose the path to eternal hell. The Memorandum is a real plan of grey eminences which in
many ways clarifies the current pseudo reforms in society.
Memorandum in sphere of education (apokalypsisnow.blogspot.ru/2015/04/blog-post.html)
Art.1: Introduction of multicultural education in all educational institutions in the state (from 11
September 2016)
Art.2: Cancellation of all Christian and national feasts in all educational institutions (from 11 September
Art.3: Deprivation of students of a sense of belonging to a Church (from 11 November 2016)
Art.4: Compulsory attendance at synagogues and Islamic mosques for primary and secondary school
children (from 11 November 2016)
Art.5: Introduction into the curriculum of sexual education classes for the first grades of primary schools
(from 11 September 2016) and provision of free condoms for all pupils, starting with primary schools
(from 11 October 2016)
Art.6: Cancellation of lessons in Greek history... (from 12 November 2018)
Art.7: Practical realization of sexual education classes at all levels of schooling (from 11 December 2017)
Art.8: Cancellation of national holidays and exhibitions (from 16 October 2016)
Art.9: Establishment of days of environment in all educational institutions (from 17 October 2016)
Art.10: Abolition of theological faculties in the universities (from 16 October 2016) and their transfer to
the Department of Religious Studies within the philosophical faculties
Exclusion of Christian education at all levels of education (from 11 September 2016) and
introduction of religious studies (from 12 September 2016)
Art.11: Dismissal of many professors at various levels of education and introduction of the Internet (from 1
January 2017)
Art.12A: Projection of slides in sexual education classes (from 19 September 2016)
12B: Electronic identification of students (from 20 September 2017)
12C: Implementation of electronic security barcodes in all schools and universities and of security
cards for students and teachers at schools and universities (note: it is not about security but about
12D: Study trips of educational institutions and university departments to places of sexual freedom
(from 17 September 2017)
12E: Sexual freedom of pupils (from 16 September 2016)
Commentary: Let us point out that this programme was signed not only by the Minister of Education of
Greece and the former President of the EU Parliament but also by a representative of the Moscow Patriarch
Kirill Archbishop Hilarion, a representative of Patriarch Bartholomew Metropolitan Theoklitos, a
representative of Pope Francis Card. W. Kasper, and by other hierarchs of the Orthodox Church. The
signing of this document is indeed spiritual, moral and national suicide.
The hierarchs who thus betrayed the Gospel of Christ, received the spirit of the New Age and
promote moral devastation are under Gods anathema. They sold Christ, their souls, the Church and
their nations like Judas. The Orthodox Church must be cleansed of these treacherous shepherds; otherwise
the consequences of the curse will affect not only Greece but also Russia and other nations with Orthodox
tradition. And finally, they bring down a curse on the Diaspora as well.
On 12 February 2016, Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis met in Cuba and signed a joint document. Western
media subsequently triggered a wave of euphoria and boosted the worldwide image of Patriarch Kirill
(who is under Gods anathema) to manipulate even the Orthodox community and to pave the way for the
adoption of the Eighth Councils destructive project and de facto of the Strasbourg programme too.
Regarding the meeting in Strasbourg, this Memorandum has never been published. It incorporates the most
serious crimes against the Orthodox Church and Orthodox peoples. These planned crimes which were
approved by the delegate of Patriarch Kirill and several other hierarchs are to be secretly ratified by the
Eighth Council.
50 years after the Second Vatican Council, we see the suicidal fruit which was programmed in the Vatican
the satanization of the Catholic West.
Every bishop is obliged to clearly oppose the suicidal Council, and if he remains indifferent, he will
be responsible for the evil mechanism which brings hell on earth and after death. The entire Orthodox
Church should make every effort to prevent the wicked Council from being held.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops


13 February 2016

Copies to:
Patriarchs and Bishops of the Orthodox Church
Presidents and Governments of Russia and Greece
Mass media

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