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January 9, 2017

Dear Friends:

Thank you for staying with us. In order to make your stay as pleasant as possible, please observe the following House Rules:

1. Electricity. Let us conserve electricity. We suggest that we do not use our aircon during the day but at night. The
prescribed hours of use will be from 10 pm-6 am. Please note that the power rates in EGI are commercial rates, which are
higher than residential rates. Let us put off all electrical appliances that are not in use. Further, let us turn off lights when not in
2. Water. Let us conserve water by closing faucets that are not in use and reporting any defective toilet flush that causes
water bills to rise.
3. Internet. You can use the internet as much as you can. However, please let it rest as we have observed that it slows
down if used continuously without being refreshed.
4. Guests. Due to limited resources (space, furniture, etc.), guests such as classmates and friends are allowed to stay in
the living room only. Since all bedspacers need to rest, we suggest that guests should stay until 10 pm only. Due to limited
resources, guests are not allowed to sleep in the units or use the showers unless prior approval is obtained.
5. Cleaning. Let us all try to keep our units as clean as possible. We will clean the living room, dining room and toilets.
We expect the bedspacers to clean their bedrooms. It is important to maintain the cleanliness of the units for health reasons.
Thus, bedspacers are expected to do the following:
5.1 Wash used dishes, cups, forks, spoons and other utensils. Please do not leave remnants on the sink to prevent pests.
If you wish to soak it in soap, please put a cover to prevent flies and mosquitoes.
5.2 Throw food garbage and containers at the garbage room at the end of the hall. Please do not let this stay in the unit for
more than a day. Only paper trash should be placed in garbage cans in the units. This will minimize or prevent pests in the units.
5.3 Check that there is a plastic bag in the trash can before throwing the garbage
5.4 Remove hair from the shower area after taking a shower
5.5 Clean as you go or CLAYGO
5.6 Remove clothes that smell from bathroom and placed this in our laundry basket or have it laundered as soon as
5.7 Please keep the dining table clean after eating/using it.
6. Peace and Quiet after 10 PM
7. Cooking is not allowed in the unit unless prior approval is obtained. If you are given permission to cook, you need to
use your own gasul or induction stove, ingredients, etc. Please wash utensils after using it. You can store it back when it is dry.
8. Keep your valuables in a safe place.
9. Please maintain all appliances in good condition. In case of electric fans, please do not move the head upward as it is
prone to neck damage. You can either press the knob to keep it steady or rotate it.
10. We need to maintain the furniture in good condition. Rubbing alcohol can deface the varnished table tops. Likewise,
please do not post on closet walls can damage the varnish coating.
11. Please do not throw hard objects such as wipes, rice and ID in toilets as this can result to toilet clogging.
12. In using the refrigerator, please follow our house rules especially not to store any opened tin cans as it can cause food


I have read and understood all the house rules. I commit to follow this.

________________________________ ___________________

Printed Name and Signature. Date

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