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James Transou1

One nation one flag?
Patriotism takes many forms, for example: The confederate flag is a major issue in the

south. Many people believe the confederate flag to be a symbol of racism, hate and oppression.

However, for others it is a display of southern pride; a way for them to express their beliefs.

Americans should respect the fact that some people chose to have the confederate flag on display

because it represents their heritage, belief and respect for those who gave their lives.

The Civil War was fought 1861-1865 between the Union Army and the Confederate

Army; the North versus the South. There were many causes for the Civil War. Many of which

was due to the North becoming more industrialized while the South remained largely rural

farmlands. There were issues with the federal government ruling the individual states. Southern

states wanted their way of life to continue. Seven states pulled out of the United States and

formed the Confederate States. These seven southern states were slaves states. These states

believed that their way of life was right for them. The government determined that slavery was

not right and went against the Constitution of the United States.

Civil War Historians report that there were a few blacks who fought for the confederate

army; some right beside their slave master. Historians report that blacks were laborers, servants

and teamsters. Some were freedmen and some were slaves. The number of blacks who fought

for the confederate was extremely low compared to the over 200,000 who fought for the Union

and for their freedom. Once the war ended with the Union defeating the Confederates slaves

were freed. For many slaves who became free at the end of this war, the confederate flag was a

symbol of slavery and oppression that ended December 6, 1865.

James Transou2

Americans should extend a level of consideration to the people who chose to display the

confederate flag because to them it means that someone in their lineage died; gave their life

fighting for what they believed to right. Therefore, to some people this flag is a symbol of their

heritage. Heritage is defined as something that comes or belongs to one by reason of birth; an

inherited lot of portion; something reserved for one. So, for some Americans they had family

that gave their lives to protect what they believed in. To not honor the flag would mean that their

family died for nothing. Another important fact to remember is tradition. If this flag has been

flown and honored by family and family has taught all the young to believe in this flag, then that

is what they are going to do until they decide that it is wrong.

Americans should get back to teaching the valuable information that was once taught

because it is important for the children in the generation under us to really know where it all

started or else there will continue to be chaos from those people who really dont know the

history and heritage behind it all. That is why it is so imperative to understand that knowledge

and where it all started.

The second reason people should respect those who chose to hang the flag is because it is

their belief and their right. As Americans, it would be great if the general public understood

other people point of views of the confederate flag because it is something they find valuable.

How can America grow to become a better nation if people continue to challenge others and

what they belief is of right. The final reason Americans should respect those who chose to hang

the confederate flag is out of honor. It is because this flag represents those who gave their lives

for them to have freedom to choose.

James Transou3

The confederate flag has long been a topic of division. As stated some see it as a symbol

of southern pride while others see is as a symbol of hate, racism and oppression. The history

of confederate flag can be found along with the history of the confederate army. The

confederacy was created at the start of the Civil War when southern states began to secede from

the Union. Seven of these southern states were slave states that declared their secession from

the United States and this formed the Confederate States of America. This war is reported to be

the bloodiest war on record that left 620,000 to 750,000 dead. And the root cause of this war was

slavery. So, these two facts would explain the divide over the flying of the confederate flag.

June 17, 2015 Dylan Roof entered Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in

Charleston, South Carolina during the church Bible Study. The reports are that Mr. Roof sat in

this group for an hour as they engaged in Bible Study. Mr. Roof reportedly stood up and

announced that he was there to kill black people. Mr. Roof shot and killed 9 church members

that night including the churchs pastor Clementi C. Pinckney who was also a state senator.

There was one survivor to this crime who reported that Mr. Roof told her that he was not killing

her so that she could tell what happened. During the investigation of this crime several pictures

were made public with Mr. Roof and the confederate flag. Mr. Roofs actions impacted this

country as did the way the families of the victims came forth and urged others to forgive him.

His crime was seen as a hate crime. And the controversy of the flag was front and center. The

confederate flag was immediately put on trial.

Once again the argument of what this flag means was analyzed. The crime that Mr. Roof

committed was reported to be a hate crime. He associated himself with this flag. The Governor

of South Carolina Nikki Haley was a close friend to Pastor Pinckney. It was Governor Haley and

many other state representatives who lead the way to have the flag removed from government
James Transou4

buildings. July 10, 2015, approximately 32 days after the fatal shootings in South Carolina, the

confederate flag was removed from the all government buildings. Removing the flag from the

buildings escalated the situation because the people who supported the confederate flag in South

Carolina became angry because they felt like the state was ignoring and disrespecting their

beliefs while the others who agreed to take it down stated that this flag is a symbol of oppression,

slavery and racism.

As I quote John Adams by saying prosperity you will never know how much it cost the

present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. Saying how

much the ones before us gave just for us to be free and live as they should but continue to fail

them by the little things that get away. The previous generations sacrificed a lot for this nation.

And this nation was strongly affected by the choices they made. But the choices made were done

for the respect of the confederate flag and all they believed this flag stood for and meant to them.

To those who believe in this flag it should be honored because those who died gave the ultimate

to make a difference.

How do you make an argument over who is right or who is wrong when both sides

appear to have very valid reasons for how they view this flag. Slavery will forever be an ugly

part of this countrys history. And while both sides believe they are right someone will walk

away from this situation and feel that they have been misunderstood. How can a bridge be built

to resolve this issue?

Writing this paper continues to show me how terribly divided this nation of people really

is. Becacuse we allow the smallest things to turn us against each other. If everyone would

respect others and their beliefs, there would be some type of understanding. Maybe my solution
James Transou5

could be to teach the younger kids in the generation under us the true and real history. It may be

until the ones who chose to go to college that they will study and began to understand that the

historical facts provided in high school was like a watered-down version of this nation real

history. High School education does not provide all of the historical facts; everything that is

needed to know about the history of this nation; the good, the bad and the ugly. It is like different

versions of history are taught on different levels. And maybe going into college it will allow the

opportunity to grasp that clear understanding of the importance of learning as much as they can

earlier so that they can develop a more thorough understanding of how this nation was formed.

And in doing that gain an even better understanding how things have progressed to now. But the

most important thing is the right to choose.

This flag controversy continues to haunts this nation and with this past election some of

the characteristics of racism has been raised. But the question continues should this flag

continue to be flown. Many believe that if a person wants to hang this flag outside their home,

or on their car; their personal belongings then yes give them that right. But when a flag is used

to taunt others or used as a continued method of us and them...then no. So, should this flag be

flown outside government buildings?

James Transou6


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