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AWS D1.1/D1.

2008 An American National Standard

Structural Welding CodeSteel

Welding Code
AWS D l .l/D1.1M:2010

6. Inspection

Part A Contractor on all inspection and quality matters within

the scope of the contract documents.
General Requirements Verification Inspector. This inspector is the
duly designated person who acts for, and in behalf of, the
6.1 Scope Owner or Engineer on all inspection and quality matters
Clause 6 contains all of the requirements for the Inspec- within the scope of the contract documents.
tor's qualifications and responsibilities, acceptance crite- Inspector(s). When the term inspector is used
ria for discontinuities, and procedures for NDT.
without further qualification as to the specific inspector
6.1.1 Information Furnished to Bidders. When NDT category described above, it applies equally to inspection
other than visual is to be required, it shall be so stated in and verification within the limits of responsibility de-
the information furnished to the bidders. This informa- scribed in 6.1.2.
tion shall designate the categories of welds to be exam-
ined, the extent of examination of each category, and the 6.1.4 Inspector Qualification Requirements
method or methods of testing. Basis for Qualification. Inspectors re-
6.1.2 Inspection and Contract Stipulations. For the sponsible for acceptance or rejection of material and
purpose of this code, fabricat~onlerectioninspection and workmanship shall be qualified. The bases of Inspector
testing, and verification inspection and testing shall be qualification shall be documented. If the Engineer elects
separate functions. to specify the bases of inspector qualification, it shall be
so specified in contract documents. Contractor's Inspection. This type of in-
spection and test shall be performed as necessary prior to The acceptable qualification basis shall be the following:
assembly, during assembly, during welding, and after
welding to ensure that materials and workmanship meet (I) Current or previous certification as an AWS Cer-
ihe reqiiiiemeiiis of iiie ~ u n i r - a docu~ner~ts.
~i Fabrica- tified Welding Inspector (CWI) in conformance with the
tionlerection inspection and testing shall be the responsi- provisions of AWS QC I , Stanclard for AWS Certification
bilities of the Contractor unless otherwise provided in the of Welding Inspectors, or
contract documents. (2) Current or previous qualification by the Canadian Verification Inspection. This type of inspec- Welding Bureau (CWB) in conformance with the re-
tion and testing shall be performed and their results re- quirements of the Canadian Standard Association (CSA)
ported to the Owner and Contractor in a timely manner to Standard W 178.2, Certification of Welding I n ~ p e c t o ror
avoid delays in the work. Verification inspection and test-
(3) An individual who, by training or experience, or
ing are the prerogatives of the Owner who may perform
both, in metals fabrication, inspection and testlng, 1s
this function or, when provided in the contract, waive in-
competent to perform inspection of the work.
dependent verification, or stipulate that both inspection
and verification shall be performed by the Contractor. Term of Effectiveness. The qualification of
an Inspector shall remain in effect indefinitely, provided
6.1.3 Definition of Inspector Categories
the Inspector remains active in inspection of welded steel Contractor's Inspector. This inspector is the fabrication, unless there is specific reason to question the
duly designated person who acts for, and in behalf of, the Inspector's ability.
CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION PARTA AWS D i . I / D l . l M : 2 0 1 0 Assistant Inspector. 'i'he Inspector may be 6.3.3 WPSs in Production. The Cont~actor'sInspector
supported by Assistant Ii-rspectorswho niay perfor111spe- shL1llenwre thdt all weld~ngoperations are performed In
cific inspection functions under the supervision of' tihe conformance w ~ t hWPSs that meet the requirements of
Inspector. Assistant Inspectors shall be qualified by this code and the contract tlocuments
training and experience to perform the specific functions
to which they are assigned. 'The work of Assistant In-
spectors shall be regularly monitored by the Inspector,
generally on a daily basis. 4.4 Inspection of Welder, Welding
b.1.4.4 Eyc Gxam~nat~on.l~ins~~ectors an0 ~ s s l s t a n d Operator, and Tack Welder
Rspectors shall have passecl an eye examination wiiii' Qualifications
'or without corrective lenses to prove near vision acuity of
6.4.1 Determination of Qualification. The Inspector
'Jaeger 5-2 at a distance of 12 in-1 7 in 1300 nim-430 Inin].'
shall allow welding to be performed only by welders.
Eye examination of all inspection personnel shall be
welding operators, and tack welders who are qualified in
'required every three years or less if necessary to dernon-
conformance wit11 the requirements of Clause 4, or shall
strate adequacy.
ensure that each welder, welding operator, or tack welder Verification Authority. The Engineer shall has previously demonstrated such qualification under
have authority to verib the qualification of Inspectors. other acceptable supervision and approved by the Engi-
neer in conformance with
6.1.5 Inspector Responsibility. Tile Inspector shall as-
certain that all fabrication and erection by welding is per- 6.4.2 Retesting Based on Quality o f Work. When the
formed in conformance with the recluiren~ents of' the ~jiiallty of a qual~ficdwelder's, weldtng operator'\, or
contract documents. t'lch welder's work appears to be below the requlrement5
ot this Lode, the Inspector may requlre that the weldel,
6.1.6 Items to be Fur~aislredto the Inspector: 'The In- w r i d ~ r ~operator,
g or tack welder clemonstrate an dbrllty
spector shall be furnished complete detailed drawings to produce sound welds by means of a simple test, such
showing the size, length, type, and location of all welds 1' s the fillet weld break t e q or by requlrlng complete
to be made. The Inspector shall also be furnished the por- ~ e q u ~ i l ~ l r c ~Ini tconformance
~on with Clduse 4
tion of the contract docurnenti rh;~tdesc-ribes material
and quality requirement\ for the products 10 be Sahricated 6.4.3 Retesting Based on Qualificatiola Expiration.
or erected, or both. of any quail-
The Inspector shall requlre req~ialificcit~on
fled welder or weld~ngopelator who has not used the
6.1.7 Inspector Notification. 'i'hc Inipcctor ih'rli bc plocesi (tor vgh~chthey ale qualltied) for a pe~lodex-
not~fiedIn advance oi the start of oper'itlons wbject to c e e d i n ~i l x monthi (see 4 2 3 1 )
Injpcct~onand vcrlhc dtlon

6.2 Inspection of Materials and 6.5 Inspection of Work and Records

Equipment 6,5.%Size, Length, and Location o f !'I'e!ds. The In-
spector shall ensure th:~t the sizc, length, ancl location of
The Contractor's Inspector shall ciisrrrc t1i;ii only muic-
all welds conform to the requirements of this code and to
rials and equiplnent confor~ningl o the rccj~~ircl-i~cntsol'
the detail drawings and that no unspecified welds have
this code shall be useii.
been ;~dtledwithout the approval of the Engineer.
6.5.2 Scope of Examinations. The Inspector shall, at
6.3 Inspection of WPSs suitable intervals, observe joint preparation, assembly
pr~ictice, the welding techniques, and perfor~lrlance of
6.3.1 Prequalified WPS. The Contlc~ctor9\Tn\pe~tol each welder. welding operator, and tack welder to ensure
WPSs to be ~iscdfor thz
shall ensure that all pley~tal~tied that the applicable requirements of this code are met.
work conform with the recj~1rrement5Cl'lu~e3, Ciame 5 ,
,~ndthe contract document5
6.5.3 Extent o f Examination. The Inspector shall ex-
arnine the work to ensure that it meets the requirements
6.3.2 WPSs Qualified by Test. The <'ontractor'\ Inspec- of this code. Other acceptance criteria, different from
tor shall ensure that all WPSs cjudirtred by t a t conform those described in the code, may be used when approved
w ~ t hthe requirementi of Clauie\ 4 .~nd5 , 'ind contract by the Engineer. Size and contour of welds shall be mea-
document< surecl with suitable gages. Visual inspection for craclts in

welds and base metal and other discontinuities should be with 6.14. The Owner shall be responsible for all associ-
aided by a strong light, magnifiers, or s ~ ~ other
c h devices ated costs including handling, surface preparation, NDT,
as may be found helpful. and repair of discontinuities other than those described in
6.9, whichever is applicable, at rates mutually agreeable
6.5.4 Inspector Identification of Inspections Per-
Owner and Contractor, if such testing
formed. Inspectors shall identify with a distinguishing
should disclose an attempt to defraud or gross nonconfor-
mark or other recording methods all parts or joints that
mance to this code, repair work shall be done at the Con-
they have inspected and accepted. Any recording method
tractor's expense,
which is mutually agreeable may be used. Die stamping
of cyclically loaded members without the approval of the
Engineer shall be prohibited.
6.5.5 Maintenance of Records. The Inspector shall
keep a record of qualifications of all welders, welding Part C
operators, and tack welders; all WPS qualifications or Acceptance Criteria
other tests that are made; and such other information as
may be required.
6.7 Scope
Acceptance criteria for visual and NDT inspection of
tubular connections and statically and cyclically loaded
R.wt I3 nontubular connections are described in Part C. The ex-
Contractor Responsibilities tent of examination and the acceptance criteria shall be
specified in the contract documents on information fur-
nished to the bidder.
6.6 Obligations of the Contractor
6.6.1 Contractor Responsibilities. The Contractor 6-8 Approval for Alternate
shall be responsible for visual inspection and necessary
correction of all deficiencies in materials and workman- Acceptance Criteria
ship in conformance with the requirements of this code. The fundamental premise of the code is to provide
6.6.2 Inspector Requests. The Contractor shall comply general stipulations applicable to most situations. Accep-
with all requests of the Inspector(s) to correct deficien- tance criteria for production welds different from those
cies in materials and workmanship as provided in the described in the code may be used for a particular appli-
contract documents. cation, provided they are suitably documented by the
proposer and approved by the Engineer. These alternate
6.6.3 Engineering ,Judgment. In the event that faulty acceptance criteria may be based upon evaluation of suit-
welding, or its removal for rewelding, damages the base ability for service using past experience, experimental
met:r! so th:rt in the judgment c)f the Engineer its reLentior. . .
evidence or cnginccriiig analysis considering material
is not in conformance with the intent of the contract doc- type, service load effects, and environmental factors.
uments, the Contractor shall remove and replace the
damaged base metal or shall compensate for the defi-
ciency i n a manner approved by the Engineer.
l6.9 Visual inspection\
b.b.4 Specitred NU.1' Other than Visual."When ~h
other than visual inspection is specified in the informa-'
I acceptable if the criteria of Table 6.1 are satisfied.
'tion furnished to bidders, it shall be the Contractor's re-
sponsibility to ensure that all specified welds shall meet
the quality req~rirementsof Clause 6, Part C, whichever
is applicable. 6.10 PT and MT
C N o n s p e c i f i e d Welds that are subject to MT and PT, in addition to visual
other than visual inspection is not specified in the original inspection, shall be evaluated on the basis of the applica-
contract agreement but is subsequently requested by the ble requirements for visual inspection. The testing shall
Owner, the Contractor shall perform any requested testing be performed in conformance with 6.14.4 or 6.14.5,
or shall allow any testing to be performed in conformance whichever is applicable.

reliable evaluation of the welded joint integrity may re- Tough Weldments). All indications having half (6 dB)
sult. When indications that exhibit these planar char- or less amplitude than the standard sensitivity level
acteristics are present at scanning sensitivity, a more (with due regard for 6.27.6) shall be disregarded. Indica-
detailed evalilation of the discontinuity by other means tions exceeding the disregard level shall be evaluated as
may be required (e.g., alternate UT techniques, RT, follows:
grinding, or gouging for visual inspection, etc.).
(1) Spherical reflectors shall be as described in Class Scanning. CJP web-to-flange welds shall R, except that any indications within the following limits
conform to the requirements of Table 6.2, and accep- for linear or planar shall be acceptable.
tance for discontinuities detected by scanning move-
(2) Linear or planar reflectors shall be evaluated by
ments other than scanning pattern 'E' (see may
means of beam boundary techniques, and those whose
be based on a weld thickness equal to the actual web
dimensions exceeded the lim~tsof Figure 6.5 shall be re-
thickness plus 1 in [25 mm]. Discontinuities detected by
jected. The root area shall be defined as that lying within
scanning pattern 'E' shall be evaluated to the criteria of
114 in [ 6 mm] or tJ4, whichever is greater, of the root of
6.13.2 for the actual web thickness. When such web-to-
the theoretical weld, as shown in Figure 3.8.
flange welds are subject to calculated tensile stress nor-
mal to the weld, they shall be so designated on design
drawings and shall conform to the requirements of Table
6.3. Part D
6.13.3 Acceptance Criteria for Tubular Connec- NDT Procedures
tions. Acceptance criteria for UT shall be as provided in
contract documents. Class R or Class X, or both, may be (6.14 ~rocedures\
incorporated by reference. Amplitude based acceptance
criteria as given by 6.13.1 may also be used for groove j
welds in butt joints in tubing 24 in [600 mm] in diameter K e n in use for many years and provide reasonable assur-7
and over, provided all relevant provisions of Clause 6, a n c e of weld integrity; however, it appears that some
Part F, are followed. However, these amplitude criteria users of the code incorrectly consider each method capa-
shall not be applied to tubular T-, Y-, and K-connections. lble of detecting all unacceptable discontinuities. Users of
the code should become familiar with all the limitations Class R (Applicable When UT is Used as of NDT methods to be used, particularly the inability to
an Alternate to RT). All indications having one-half detect and characterize planar discontinuities with spe-1
(6 dB) or less amplitude than the standard sensitivity cific orientations. (The limitations and complementary
level (with due regard for 6.27.6) shall be disregarded. use of each method are explained in the latest edition of
Indications exceeding the disregard level shall be evalu- AWS B 1.10, Guide for Nondestructive Exaininatioiz of
ated as follows: Welds.)
(1) Isolated random spherical reflectors, with 1 in 6.14.1 RT. When RT is used, the procedure and tech-
[25 mm] minimum separation up to the standard sensi- nique shall be in conformance with Part E of this section.
tivity level shall be accepted. Larger reflectors shall be
evaluated as linear reflectors. 6.14.2 Radiation imaging Systems. When examination
is performed using radiation imaging systems, the proce-
(2) Aligned spherical reflectors shall be evaluated as dures and techniques shall be in conformance with Part
linear reflectors. G of this section.
(3) Clustered spherical reflector5 having a density of 6.14.3 UT. When UT is used, the procedure and tech-
more than one per square inch [645 square millimeters] nique shall be in conformance with Part F of this section.
with indications above the disregard levels (projected
area normal to the d~rectionof appl~edstress, averaged 6.14.4 MT. When MT is used, the procedure and tech-
over a 6 in [I50 mm] length of weld) shall be rejected. nique shall be in conformance with ASTM E 709, and
the standard of acceptance shall be in conformance with
(4) Linear or planar reflectors whose lengths (extent) Clause 6, Part C, of this code, whichever is applicable.
exceed the limits of Figure 6.4 shall be rejected. Addition-
ally, root reflectors shall not exceed the limits of Class X.
6.14.5 PT. For detecting discontinuities that are open to
the surface, PT may be used. The standard methods set Class X (Experience-Based, Fitness- forth in ASTM E 165 shall be used for PT inspection, and
for-Purpose Criteria Applicable to T-, Y-, and K- the standards of acceptance shall be in conformance with
Connections in Redundant Structures with Notch- Clause 6, Part C, of this code, whichever is applicable.
AWS D l . l i D 1 . l M : 2 0 1 0 PARTS D & E CLAUSE 6. INSPECTION

k.14.6 Personnel ~ u a l l t l c a t l o n ~ hnvolves more than one segment, two additional spots in+
'each segment shall be tested at locations agreed upon by
the Contractor and the verification Inspector, subject to\
NDT other than visual shall be qualified in conform- \
the foregoing interpretation.
ance with the current edition o f the American Society for
Nondestructive Testing Recommended Practice No. r6.15.4 Relevant 1 n f o r m a t i o n h l ) ' l ' personnel shall!
1 A. I'TMividuaF who pero frm=-1 s e 'prior to testing,
- be furnished or-have access to relevant\
information regarding weld joint geometries, material
thicknesses, and welding processes used in making the1
weldment. NDT personnel shall be apprised o f any sub-
sequent repairs to the weld. Certification. Certification o f Level I -a
E v e 1 11 individuals shall be performed by a Level 111 in-7
'dividual who has been certified by (1) The American Part E
Society for Nondestructive Testing, or ( 2 ) has the educa- 1
'tion, training, experience, and has successfully passed
Radiographic Testing (RT)
the written examination described in SNT-TC- 1A. Exemption o f QC1 Requirements. Person- 6.16 RT of Groove Welds in Butt Joints
nel performing NDT under the provisions o f 6.14.6 need
not be qualified and certified under the provisions of 6.16.1 Procedures and Standards. The procedures and
AWS QC1. standards set forth in Part E shall govern RT o f welds
when such inspection is required by the contract docu-
ments as provided in 6.14. The requirements described
herein are specifically for testing groove welds in butt
(6.15 Extent of ~ e s t i n ~ f joints in plate, shapes, and bars by X-ray or gamma-ray
,formatiori furnishec1to the bidders shall clearly identityj sources. The methodology shall conform to ASTM E 94,
e extent o f NDT (types, categories, or location) o f 1 Standard Recommended Practice jbr Radiographic Test-
elds to be tested. ing, ASTM E 142, Standard Method for Controlling
Quality of Radiographic Testing, ASTM E 747, Controlling
4.13.1 Full 'I'esting.'Weld joints requiring testing by+ Quality qf Radiographic Testing Using Wire Penetmme-
contract specification shall be tested for their full length,] ters, and ASTM E 1032, Radiographic Examination of
unless partial or spot testing is specified. Weldments.
4.15.2 Partial Testing."When partial te\tlng is spec1-l 6.16.2 Variations. Variations in testing procedures,
fied, the location and lengths o f weldc or categories o f \ equipment, and acceptance standards may be used upon
weld to be te\ted shall be clearly designated in the con- agreement between the Contractor and the Owner. Such
tract documents. variations include, but are not limited to, the following:
DT' -C C i l - r
I\L UI l r l l r ; r , I , and corner welds; ciiarlges in source-io-
3 Spot 'l'esting. When spot testing is speciried, the+
film distance; unusual application o f film; unusual hole-
'number o f spots in each designated category o f welded
type or wire-type image quality indicators (IQI) applica-
'joint to be tested in a stated length o f weld or a desig-I
tions (including film side IQI); and RT o f thicknesses
n a t a segment o f weld shall be included in the infor-
greater than 6 in [ 150 min] film types, densities, and vari-
mation furnished to the bidders. Each spot test shall\
ations in exposure, development, and viewing techniques.
- cover i t least 4 in [I00 mm] o f the weld length. when\
spot testing reveals indications o f unacceptab1e"isconti- \
nuities that require repair, the extent o f those discontinu-
ities shall be explored. Two additional spots in the same 6.17 RT Procedures
segment o f weld joint shall be taken at locations away
6.17.1 Procedure. Radiographs shall be made using a
from the original spot. The location o f the additional
single source o f either X - or gamma radiation. The radio-
spots shall be agreed upon between lthe Contractor and
graphic sensitivity shall be judged based on hole-type
(the verification Inspector.
image or wire IQIs. Radiographic technique and equip-
w h e n either o f the two add~tionalspots show detects thad ment shall provide sufficient sensitivity to clearly delin-
'require repair, the entire segment o f weld represented by eate the required hole-type IQIs and the essential holes
the original spot chall be completely tested. I f the weld or wires as described in 6.17.7, Tables 6.4 and 6.5, and

Table 6.1
Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria (see 6.9)
Statically Cyclically
Loaded Loaded Tubular
Nontubular Nontubular Connections
Discontinuity Category and Inspection Criteria Connections Connections (A11 Loads)
(1) Crack Prohibition
Anv crack shall be unaccentable. regardless of size or location.
(2) WeldIBase-Metal Fusion I 1 I
Complete fusion shall exist between adjacent layers of weld metal and between weld metal
and base metal.
(3) Crater Cross Section

All craters shall be filled to provide the specified weld size, except for the ends of X X X
intermittent fillet welds outside of their effective length.
(4) Weld Profiles
Weld ~rofilesshall be in conformance with 5.24.
(5) Time of Inspection
Visual inspection of welds in all steels may begin immediately after the completed welds
have cooled to ambient temperature. Acceptance criteria for ASTM A 5 14, A 5 17, and
A 709 Grade 100 and 100 W steels shall be based on visual inspection performed not less
than 48 hours after completion of the weld.
(6) Undersized Welds
The size of a fillet weld in any continuous weld may be less than the specified nominal
size (L) without correction by the following amounts (U):
L, U,
specified nominal weld size, in [mm] allowable decrease from L, in [mm]
1 3 / 1 6 [S] < 1/16 121
114 [6] < 3/32 [2.5]
2 5116 [8] S 118 [3]
In all cases, the undersize portion of the weld shall not exceed 10%of the weld length.
On web-to-flange welds on girders, underrun shall be prohibited at the ends for a length
equal to twice the width of the flange.
(7) Undercut
(A) For material less than I in [25 mm] thick, undercut shall not exceed 1/32 in [I mm],
with the following exception: undercut shall not exceed 1/16 in [2 mm] for any accumu-
ldted length up to 2 in (50 mm] In any 12 in [300 mm] For material equal to or greater than
1 in 125 mm] t h ~ c k undercut
, jhall not exceed 1/16 In [2 mm] for any length of weld
(B) In prnnary members, undercut shall be no mole than 0 01 In [0 25 mm] deep when
the weld is transverse to tensile stress under any design loading condition. Undercut shall
be no more than 1/32 in [ I mm] deep for all other cases.
(8) Porosity
(A) CJP groove welds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed tensile stress 1 I I
shall have no visible piping porosity. For all other groove welds and for fillet welds, the
sum of the visible piping porosity 1/32 in [I mm] or greater in diameter shall not exceed I X I 1
318 in [ I 0 mm] in any linear inch of weld and shall not exceed 314 in 120 inml in any
12 in 1300 mml length of weld.
(B) The frequency of piping porosity in fillet welds shall not exceed one in each 4 in
1 1 1
[I00 mm] of weld length and the maximum diameter shall not exceed 3/32 in [2.5 mm].
Exception: for fillet welds connecting stiffeners to web, the sum of the diameters of
piping porosity shall not exceed 318 in 110 mm] in any linear inch of weld and shall not
exceed 314 in [20 mm] in any 12 in [300 mm] length of weld.
(C) CJP groove welds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed tensile stress
shall have no piping porosity. For all other groove welds, the frequency of piping porosity
shall not exceed one in 4 in [I00 mm] of length and the maximum diameter shall not
exceed 3/32 in 12.5 mml.
Note: An "X" indicate\ applicability for the connection type; a chaded area ~ndicatesnon-applicability.


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