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Hannelore Rogers

ECE 250: Preschool Activity

April 7, 2015

Objective: (what you want children to learn) (one only) 5 points

Preschool children will be able to respond to changes in tempo using body
movements that match the pace of the tempo.
Materials: 5 points
A radio and a song that features different tempos that children can dance to.

Scaffolding: (child's prior knowledge this activity is building on) 5 points

Children have listened to songs with differing tempos. This activity builds on that
experience of listening to music by helping them identify the speed and pace of

Procedure: (in detail - how to carry out the activity) 5 points

Ask children Who here loves to listen to music? and Who here loves to
dance to music?

Explain to them that this is a special activity because they get to do both.

Did you know that every song has a tempo? Explain to them what tempo
is in a song. Let them know that you will play them a little bit of that music
first to listen to the tempos.

Did you hear the different tempos? Ask children individually of what they

Explain to them that we will be moving our bodies to the tempos of the
song. (Ask children individually)- How would you move to a slow tempo?
How would you move to a fast tempo?

Proceed to instruct them that we will all stand in a circle and when the
song comes on, we will listen to the tempo and move our bodies with it.
They are to stay and dance only in the circle.

Play the music and allow children to dance to the differing tempos.

When the music is done playing, have children take a seat again. Tell them
how well they did. Give detailed feedback.

Ask Did you guys have fun? (Ask individually)- What is your favorite
tempo to dance to slow or fast? Was it easier to dance to slow tempos
or fast tempos?

DAP support: (page and short quote) 5 points

Page 177: In ways that dont interrupt the enjoyment of music, teachers
highlight elements such as pitch , duration, tempo, and volume, and they engage
children in varying and exploring these elements.

Open ended questions for children: (questions to make a child think) 5

How would you move to a slow tempo?
How would you move to a fast tempo?
What is your favorite tempo?
Was it easier to move to a slow/fast tempo?
What tempo do you think Frozens Let It Go is?
Do self-evaluation after group critique
1. What would I change and why? 5 points
The group did not give me any feedback on what to change and reasons
for a change.
2. What would I keep and why? 5 points
I would keep everything. I believe it is developmentally appropriate. It
focuses on one element of music, it does not interfere with childrens
enjoyment of music, and it involves learning through their sense of
hearing and movement.

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