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Resenha do Conto Amebas com Arvores Genealogicas

Mateus de Oliveira Preste
Instituto de Computaca o Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM)
Av. General Rodrigo Octavio Jordao Ramos, 1200 - Coroado I, Manaus - AM, 69067-005

1. Amebas com a rvores genealogicas aborrecidas [Kubica 2011]

Abbys class project was due tomorrow morning, and she was still not sure what she was
doing wrong. As she looked at her paper, panic began to set in.
The example family tree that her teacher had given her showed a clear network
of nodes. There were levels for grandparents, parents, and siblings. But, Abbys tree did
not look anything like that. Sometimes, being the only amoeba in her second grade class
made life complicated.
Being an amoeba, Abbys family worked differently from those of her classmates.
Instead of having two biological parents, she had exactly one. She was born through
mitosis, when her parent had literally split in half to form her and her sister Venn. So,
Abbys tree started at a single grandparent and branched out as it went down. Each parent
could have exactly zero or two children, and each child had exactly one parent node. It
was a perfect binary tree. Unfortunately, it looked nothing like what the teacher would be
On the plus side, Abby found it remarkably easy to trace her lineage back for
centuries. Each amoeba on her family tree could have only one parent. Thus, she could
follow her family all the way back to her great, great, great grandfather, Sir Edward the
Adventurous, who had been the first amoeba to colonize this particular petri dish. And
starting at her great great grandfather, she could search down through the layers and find
out how she was related to any other amoeba in the whole dish. But, none of that helped
on this class project.
Abby carefully finished labeling her tree. She had one grandfather who had two
children: her father and her aunt. Her father then had two children: her and Venn. And
her aunt also had two children. All three generations formed only seven nodes on the tree.
Discouraged, Abby gave a bubbly sigh of despair as only amoebas can. She only
hoped that her teacher would understand.
Epilogue: Abby actually received double credit for her assignment after she laun-
ched into a impromptu 30 minute monologue on the wonderful computational properties
of her family tree. First, she described how she could determine the exact relationship to
anyone in her family in O(log N) time regardless of the number of generations included.
Then, seizing the moment of inspiration, she noted that her family tree was in fact a heap
sorted by age. Each amoeba in the tree could have up to two children and the ages of both
children were strictly less than that of their parent. Her descriptions were so inspiring that
the entire class gave her a standing ovation.
2. Descrica o
Essa e a historia de como a ameba Abby conseguiu fazer seu trabalho de escola, era
necessario fazer a a rvore genealogica da sua famlia, porem, Abby nao era como suas co-
legas de classe, enquanto todas as outras a rvores eram organizadas em nveis de parentes
pai e mae, avo e avo, os ancestrais de Abby se dividiam em dois, logo sua arvore nao
tinha nveis em pares de parentes de mesmo grau , mas a sua a rvore tinha propriedades
interessantes, cada pessoa possua dois ou nenhum filhos, e cada pessoa poderia ser en-
contrada em tempo Log n, de fato a a rvore genealogica de Abby era uma a rvore binaria,
estrutura de dados bastante conhecida na computaca o, por sua simplicidade e velocidade
na busca de elementos, os outros nao poderiam ter uma a rvore binaria pois eles nao teriam
um no raiz u nico, um ancestral que sozinho teriam filhos, isso so seria possvel se ele se
reproduze por mitose, algo que so a famlia de Abby pode fazer.

3. Resenha
A historia e bem criativa escolher seus personagens, mesmo que nao faca sentido, e di-
vertido, pois poucos seres teriam uma a rvore genealogica binaria e certamente eles nao
teriam dever de casa, mas serve de exemplo para explicar de forma simples uma a rvore
binaria, uma observaca o interessante e que em um primeiro momento alguem poderia
achar que uma a rvore genealogica comum poderia ser representada como a rvore binaria,
mas ela teria dois nos raiz, o que nao e permitido, como o texto deve ser direcionado a
leitores mais jovens, faltou explicar conceitoso como a notaca o Big O que foi citada no
texto, e a propria a rvore binaria.

Kubica, J. (2011). In http://computationaltales.blogspot.com.br/2011/06/amoebas-
having-boring-family-trees.html. http://computationaltales.blogspot.com.br.

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