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CS 416 Final project deliverables

MVC application
AJAX, and database interaction

Final project due via GitHub Monday, December 5th at the beginning of class for
your section (if you have members from both sections, the section you are
presenting in)

For the project the core functionality requirements below must be either
JavaEE/JSP/JSF or Rails. You may use any other technology/architecture/framework
you want to enhance your application outside of these requirements if you like.

The core requirements listed below are meant as a bare minimum. My expectation is
that you will use what you have learned throughout the semester to demonstrate
mastery of the material in making a dynamic web application. By this I mean that your
project isnt a bunch of disconnected pages, but rather an integrated data driven
application using the MVC architecture.

Core requirements:
Model with at least one mapping of either many-to-many or one-to-many (for
Java must be JPA)
o Through application at least one place where you demonstrate
understanding of each of these: create, update, delete, find (does not
have to be same place)
A complex flow element a place where hitting submit on the page could take
you one of several possible locations and the location must be determined by
business logic (Class example was loan status determining whether to ask for
more information about people, or home, or submit and save and show
Use of validation both built in and custom validation through your chosen
framework (i.e. Java or Rails)
Good MVC practices

Implementation requirements:
For your database:
o If Java you must access it using the entry jdbc/FinalProjectDB
o If Rails you must use SQLite version 3.x as your DB
Deliverables required
1. For Java, if there are any tables that you require that are not automatically
created via JPA you must provide the SQL to create the tables in a text file
named TableCreate.sql
2. The project folder full directory structure of the Java/Rails project
3. Word document 2 sections
o Instructions
Explain what I need to do to run your system and demonstrate each
of the requirements above.
o Screen shots
Screen shots of various different parts of your application showing
off that it is an application rather than just pages (this doesnt need
to be comprehensive, but should give a feel for the application).

5 pts EXTRA CREDIT: Deploy your application through a cloud hosting environment
such as Heroku, AWS, DigitalOcean, etc. it must be a cloud environment not on a
personal machine somewhere. To get the extra credit email me the link, I will try it out
between the submission date and the end of finals week and will respond to your email
once I have reviewed it so you know when you can take it down if you so choose. Note
for cloud deployment you can use whichever DB you want and server configuration you
want since not all cloud environments support all options and for some it is much easier
to deploy with different configurations.

5 pts EXTRA CREDIT: If your entire application uses Responsive Web Design. You
may use any framework you like to help with this.

Final Project Presentation

On Monday 12/5 you will demonstrate you application in class for myself and
your peers. Be prepared to present from a laptop unless your project is deployed
in the cloud. If you are not ready to present Monday (including a machine ready
to demonstrate on) it will be considered a day late (10% off) even if the
application code is submitted Monday. If a laptop will be an issue talk to me
closer to the date and we will figure out a solution.

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