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Chapter 5 Assignment

1. Create the following form to accept customer information

Implement the following data validation for the form

- All fields are required
- Customer ID accepts maximum 5 characters, all chars must be entered in
upper case
- Email must be in correct email format (hint: must have (@) and (.) in corrcet
- Phone no. must be in format of (000)-000-0000 in which 0 represents a 0-9
- Extension must be numeric and accepts maximum 3 chars
- Country combo box contains some country options and only allows users to
select the available options not input new country
- Postal code must be numeric and accepts maximum 3 chars

You can use either field level or form level validation. The user should be informed of
their input errors and the focus should be set to the control having the error.

2. Create the following windows explorer like application

This application should allow users to view the contents (subfolders and files) of C

- Use TreeView and ListView to display the drive contents. Use an imagelist to
store the icons displayed in the treeview and listview. Use the following icons:

o C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Graphics\icons\Win95\

o C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Graphics\icons\Win95\
o C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Graphics\icons\Office\
- Only display subfolders and files of a folder when it is selected. This is to avoid
the long process of loading all drive contents at form load. Handle the event
AfterSelect of the treeview to display the selected node content

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