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The Free Energy Revolution Has Begun

May 1, 2017

Betsy and Thomas discuss the article below in this audio.

At first, this article might make you mad as hell.

Then some of you might feel stupid, betrayed, gullible, used, sorrowful.

The Anonymous Patriots ask that you face the LIES you have been told your entire life about
energy, wars, banking, and life in general. Then educate yourself on the amazing solutions that we
could begin to use immediately to bring, literally, a free energy revolution to the world.

As we emerge out of the sea of lies, lets BELIEVE that we can change the world. Please take your
time reading this article, then share this insight with everyone you know in a way that they can
best understand the message. Patriots, lets break out of this prison planet.

The big oil and petrochemical industry has perpetrated LIES to enslave humanity to oil
consumption by making us believe that it is the preferred and best energy source available to us. So
important is the oil business to banking and the military-industrial complex that millions of
soldiers have died in wars in the Middle East while profits for big oil and big banks continue to

For our readers that are first-tier alt media disseminators, here is how you might
summarize all of this to your listening audience:

The U.S. government has become the military branch of Big Oils industrial and
economic espionage. The World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade
Organization, privately owned central banks, Exchange Stabilization Fund, the U.S.
Intelligence Community, and the U.S. Treasury all work for the goals of the
Petrochemical Warlords (which also includes pharmaceutical and agricultural

Oil wars between large oil companies (often nationalized) create the conflicts our
brave and patriotic soldiers die in. The Seven Sisters (essentially Standard Oil
broken into pieces) have ruled the world since oil was discovered in the Middle East.
The U.S. diplomacy of oil barons like Edwin Pauley, John D. Rockefeller, George H.
W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, and the rest of the usual culprits, have
manipulated the U.S. government through the Council on Foreign Relations to fight
one oil war after the next and never mention that we are fighting for oil pipelines
that benefit a few filthy rich oil families that seem to never have enough war spoils.

The Anonymous Patriots have written extensively about all these subjects. Just go to the search bar
on our site AIM4Truth and type in any of these names and phrases and you will learn history and
current events that the legacy media will never tell you.

The reality is that war is necessary to drive the U.S. economy with fossils fuels that
benefit only a few and destroys the environment while killing millions in the
process. The big lie is that none of this is necessary because we already have, and have had since
the mid-1800s, sufficient technology to circumvent burning fossil fuels (oil, gas, propane,
etc.). These technologies have been stolen by the U.S. Patent Office and given to the
military and a few select corporations to develop.

35 U.S. Code 181 Secrecy of certain inventions and withholding of patent provides
that the government can take any patent and make it secret and use it at its discretion, or just
make sure that it never gets developed. There are strict penalties if the inventor even speaks of the
patent after it has been confiscated. Members of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency) and In-Q-Tel provide the Defense Department and the CIA with these secret patents so
that they might first be weaponized for military purposes. Often, patents are then given to fake
companies, supported with U.S. tax dollars, who bring the patent to market.

A good example of this type of patent theft is documented in our article


The technology that Facebook used to set up its social media platform was the proprietary
invention of Leader Industries. Their technology was stolen and then used by the front
companies Goggle and Facebook, which are directed by the Department of Defense and the CIA, to
create a social media weapon that could be used against citizens as it is today. Google has found its
own way of weaponizing its platform as we see today with the radical suppression of advertising
revenue for YouTube producers, especially those that espouse real truth.
Patent theft is only the tip of the iceberg. Industrial espionage is common in all industries.
Inventors ideas are stolen or the inventor is pressed to sell the prototype or plans.
Alphabet/Google, Facebook, and other so-called private companies that were actually seeded and
funded by U. S. taxpayers, seem to have endless money to absorb any competition through
buying them. There are many other ways to suppress technologies that threaten the big
companies, whether oil, tech, pharmaceuticals, agriculture/food, energy production.

Big corporations use governments, especially multi-national organizations, to do their bidding.

Big Corporations spend huge amounts of money on lobbying governments to pay to play.
When money cant accomplish the goals of Big Oil and their Big Friends, they resort to killing
inventors, deposing leaders of foreign countries in regime changes, and starting wars to
destabilize oil flow for higher profits and hopefully to steal some oil in the chaos and confusion of

Oil-war Deaths

From farm to pharmaceutical, diesel truck to dinner plate, pipeline to plastic product, it is
impossible to think of an area of our modern-day lives that is not affected by the petrochemical
industry. Many lives have been sacrificed as the Big Oil corporations manipulated the U.S. to bomb
and invade countries for corporate gain. A conservative tally of some of the lives lost for Big Oil
profits include:

Foreign Casualties

Iraq 3,000,000
Iran 262,000
Iraq 1,200,000
Libya 25,000
Somalia 500,000
Nigeria 2,100,000
Syria 450,000
Yemen 10,000
Afghanistan 1,800,000
Pakistan 1,500,000
Israeli-Palenstinian 200,000
Sudan 2,000,000
Angola 750,000
Chad 200,000
Columbia 67,000
Zaire 180,000
Guatemala 200,000
Indonesia 3,000,000
Nicaragua 25,000
Philippines 100,000
South American Operation Condor 13,000

These deaths were caused, in general, by CIA actions protecting U.S. corporate oil interests in
those countries that led to U.S. intervention, or invasion. There were no good reasons for the
U.S. to illegally bomb or enter any of these countries. The U.S. military invaded these countries
without prior U.S. Congressional approval. These acts of war are one of the most disgusting events
of U.S. history. We lost many of our own soldiers in these wars. Some of the casualty numbers are
listed below.

U.S. Casualties

Iraq War 36,710

Afghanistan War 20,904
Gulf War 1,143

The truth is heinous to see in clear light. Millions have died and 46 million have been made
homeless refugees in just the last eight years of U.S. bombing for the Big Oil
Warlords. These wars are often undertaken to attempt to change the balance of power between
countries who control the oil. For instance, Kazakstan has the largest oil resources and it used to
belong to the USSR until George H. W. Bush worked with the CIA to destabilize it and break it into
satellite countries. Bush tried again with Kissinger and Cheney to gain the Kazakstan oil, but in the
end China outbid even Russia itself. Now, China controls the three largest sources of oil in the
world and have upset the balance of US controlled oil and the petrodollar.

Get angry because you have been deceived

Once these concepts sink in and you have seen the evidence in this exhaustive report, you will have
every right to become angry at the insanity and inhumanity of the Petrochemical Warlords (and
U.S. military) who have these technologies, yet keep humanity chained to the petro-chemical
systems that are ruining everything from our lives and livelihoods to our environment. It would
be only reasonable that you will scream and yell to vent the wrath of righteousness that arises in
your moral soul.

Military machines are driven by the oil that feeds petrodollars the profits of U.S. Big Oil. But the
super-secret machines of war dont use oil, they use ortho-hydrogen, magnetohydrodynamics, or
other advanced technologies stolen from patents that have been around for many years. Even
nuclear energy based on uranium is only good for making plutonium grade weapon material while
producing unmanageable waste.

Thorium reactors supply the same energy without the radiation or plutonium and
most current nuclear plants can be retro-fitted to use thorium.

For that matter, we will demonstrate in this article the viability of thorium and MHD and show
that any internal combustion energy can be retro-fitted with ortho-hydrogen to either improve the
engines fuel efficient and reduce emissions or completely switch to water alone as the fuel.

It used to be that he who controlled the oil, controlled the bankers, who control world markets.
But once the information of new energy technologies is out in the public domain, the future of Big
Oil and all its corporate and government tentacles that destructively reach into our lives will come
crashing down. You, the reader of this article, has the power to bring this information
to your listening constituency and together citizens around the world can unite to
defeat the New World Order once and for all.

Thats right TODAY we can run engines on simple water that produce no carbon
emissions. This technology has been around for years but has been suppressed.

In this article, we dont just show you one technology that can supplant the petrochemical
industry. We will show you many examples with video proof of how they work. We also show you
where you can obtain these devices for your household use. Here are things you can do to get this
energy revolution moving: Bookmark this article, post on social media, forward to your friends,
email to your elected officials, start building your own devices, get your neighbors involved, order
these devices from the companies we list.

The Information Revolution is the Peoples Revolt against Tyranny

A quiet revolution has happened throughout the world using DARPAs most powerful weapon
the internet which was originally called ARPANET. The internet has helped advance science and
provided a platform for open source knowledge on alternative free-energy devices. Because of
global exposure through a simple post on the internet, like this article from the American
Intelligence Media, inventors can share their findings before industrial espionage does them
in. Not even the U.S. Patent Office and CIA can stop an internet revolution of
information. Truly, a grass-roots internet revolution is dethroning all things Big.

It is only a matter to time until enough people see oil for what it is, a disgustingly polluting, stinky
substance that is mixed with the blood of war. Blood Oil, like blood diamonds, has been created
through the sacrifice of the many for the benefit of the few.

Big Oil Suppression of Alt Energy Technology

Suppression and sabotage of energy technologies has been the norm since the dawn of the
twentieth century when fossil fuels and the petrodollar came to rule world economics. Over 5000
new energy patents have been deemed secret and have been suppressed by existing patent laws.
There are U.S. patent laws permitting the government to steal and suppress any new energy
technology (and imprison the inventor) which threatens the stability of our nation that good ole
national security clause that hands off our liberties and freedoms to international concerns and

Under Vice President Nixon, in the early 1950s, illegal, secret patent legislation was written
permitting the U.S. government to steal energy technology from inventors and/or suppress it
should a case be made this energy technology might threaten the financial success of fossil
fuels. The shocked inventors also were informed that they could be jailed up to 20
years if they made the theft of their technology known to the public. It was also under
President Nixon that legislation was passed banning any further research involving
thorium based derived technology to ensure the monopoly of uranium nuclear

Many have tried to bring to market successful new-energy devices, but few have succeeded. If new-
energy devices become available, they would disturb the existing economic system dramatically.
For years, inventors have been developing radiant energy, permanent-magnet-powered motors,
mechanical heaters, super-efficient electrolysis, implosion/vortex engines, cold fusion technology,
and water only engines, to name a few.

The stock market would react immediately with unprecedented movement of capital out of the oil,
coal, and gas companies and into the new-energy developers. Imagine the effects on personal
prosperity when people would no longer be enslaved to Big Oil and the petrochemical dominance
of science. Imagine a world where fuel, heating and electricity bills would be a thing of the past.

With little or no energy costs, the wheels of production could create the largest, most profound
revolution yet the Free Energy Revolution.

An understandable reason for suppressing certain types of energy inventions is that the knowledge
behind them is also capable of producing tremendously destructive advanced weapons. New
energy technologies, particularly those using this kind of knowledge of advanced electromagnetic
principles, are considered weaponizable technologies that are among the thousands of un-
numbered patent applications confiscated in a vault at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. But
the real reason these new energy technologies are hidden is to keep secret energy-related patents
which threaten the fossil fuel and petrochemical monopolies.

Not a Pie-in-the-Sky Pipe Dream

Free energy technology is here, now. It offers the world pollution-free, energy abundance for
everyone, everywhere. It is now possible to stop the production of greenhouse gases, shut down
all the nuclear power plants, and bring low cost energy to everyone in the world.
We can now desalinate unlimited amounts of seawater at an affordable price, and bring adequate
fresh water to even the most remote habitats.

Transportation costs and the production costs for just about everything would drop dramatically.

Food can be grown in heated greenhouses in the winter, anywhere.

Air conditioning and refrigeration could be available to the hottest places on Earth
petrochemically and pipeline free.

The appearance of free energy technology in the public domain is the dawning of a truly civilized
age. It is an epochal event in human history. Free energy technology has been here for decades.
Communications technology and the internet have torn the veil of secrecy off of this remarkable
fact. People all over the world are starting to build free energy devices for their own use.

Tremendous economic instabilities and wars will be used in the near-future to distract people from
joining the free energy movement.

Do not hold your breath for the major media to report on the Energy Revolution movement.

Big Oil Knows About its Demise

Though it may come as a surprise to you that Big Oil is a dead man walking, you can be assured
that the Petrochemical Warlords know all about their eminent demise. As a matter of fact, the Oil
Lords know they are on their last leg, and they are fighting with more ferocity than ever. Greed
cannot be satiated, but the Big Oil Warlords are too blind by their immorality and evil to stop their

It is hard to change a bureaucracy and impossible to change a huge bureaucracy. Power corrupts
and Big Oils total power has corrupted them totally. There is no turning back from their evil
and they must keep up the pace to distract from the Energy Revolution and keep the pipelines

Here is a list of where Big Oil is at in their estimates and future goals.

$8 trillion currently spent globally on fossil fuels; $2 trillion in the U.S.

Each year, tens of billions are spent on energy R&D in search of alternative solutions
Over $1 trillion annually expected to be spent on global energy infrastructure through 2030
Global energy demand has nearly doubled over the past 20 years
Energy demands are projected to increase 56% between 2010 and 2040
Fossil fuel consumption is expected to increase nearly 46% over the same period
Existing sources of renewable energy are expected to satisfy only 15% of 2040 demands
Wind and solar are relatively poor sources of baseload power

It is obvious that Big Oil needs to develop new sources of energy. Equally important is that they let
you think that they are doing their best to find new energy technology and bring it to you.
The truth is that oil corporations and governments are playing a shell game with us. They dont
want humanity to ever have free-energy. Just as J. P. Morgan stopped funding Nikola Teslas
free-energy devices, so too Big Oil doesnt want free-energynow or ever. They just want to throw
new technologies at the market to decrease the amount of fossil fuels used and make you stop
questioning them why they cant come up with alternative technologies.

For example, one free energy distractor are the new forms of fuel cells that have been developed
to be used as generators. These fuel cells still use fossil fuels, for the most part, but they are only a
distraction from free-energy devices that require no fuel except perhaps simple water.

Just take a moment and review the video links below that show how the technologies of Nikola
Tesla are already here and ready for use.

Nikola Tesla dreams become a reality in WiTricity

WiTricity and the world

Energy Distractors the Myth of Fuel Efficiency

The U.S. Energy-Independence and Security-Act of 2007 requires a 35-mpg standard by 2020.
This standard is a joke that drains every American of their hard-earned money. Here are some
earlier vehicles that demonstrated that if the car industry wished to make vehicles that didnt
guzzle gas they could because they have.

95-mpg with a 1947 Studebaker

35-mpg with a 1959 Fiat 600
59-mpg with a 1959 Opel
72-mpg diesel or 65.7-mpg gas fueled 1983 Peugeot
104-mpg diesel 2002 European Toyota

Do not believe anything the Big Oil industry tells you about reducing oil when we know that we
dont need oil at all. All sales pitches to reduce oil costs should be looked at with great suspicion
and disbelief. This is just the death rattle of Big Oil.

Here is a picture and a few videos about a Japanese car that runs totally on water. It
gets about 70 miles per gallon and creates no harmful emissions. This is but one of many
cars that run exclusively on water. This is different than cars, motors, generators, airplanes, and
spacecraft that use hydrogen as a fuel or hydrogen fuel cells. Hydrogen as a fuel is usually derived
from methane and produces carbon emissions in the process. Hydrogen as a fuel can be also
created through electrolysis and then stored in special containers. This system produces less
harmful emissions, but is still not a free-energy device that runs solely from water alone like the
vehicle below.

Japanese Water Powered Car

Run Your Car on Water

New Fuel Cell System Generates Electricity with Only Water, Air

How to Convert Water Into Fuel by Building a DIY Oxyhydrogen Generator

Techniques of Suppression

Because suppression of new technologies is common in America, most free-energy devices are
developed outside of the U.S. Japan and Germany abounds with water only cars, free-energy
devices, alternative sources of energy, and new types of generators. Our review of these
technological breakthroughs shows that these inventions have been suppressed or seized by a
variety of actions:

Denial of patents and intellectual property protection by systematic action by the U.S. and
other patent offices.
Seizure or suppression of the technology by the illegal application of section 181 of the US
Patent law or other illegal applications of national security provisions that result in the
technology being classified or deemed of significance to the national security.
Abuses by other regulatory or licensing entities, including but not limited to: Department of
Defense, CIA, NSA, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Energy, and others.
Acquire the technology by front companies whose intent has been to shelve the invention
and prevent the device from coming to market.
Targeting the inventor or company with financial scams, illegal financial arrangements that
lead to the demise of the company, and similar traps.
Systematic interception of funds and essential financial support needed to develop and
commercialize such fundamental new energy sources.
Harassment, bomb threats, theft and other actions that frighten, intimidate and demoralize
those inventing, holding or developing such technologies; significant bodily harm and
murder have also occurred.
Inducements through significant financial buyouts, offers of positions of power and prestige
and other benefits to the owner of such technologies to secure their cooperation in
suppressing the technologies.

U.S. Patent Law that Suppresses New Energy

As a former Patent Examiner, I can tell you that the number of secretized patents in the vault at
the Patent Office (Park 5 Bldg.) is closer to 4000 or more. They never receive a patent number, and
the inventor is rarely, if ever, compensated by the government for use of the invention. Tom
Valone, former Patent Examiner

The U.S. Patent Office has a nine-member committee that screens patents for national security
implications. A hidden purpose of this committee is to also screen energy-related
patents which could threaten the power and fossil fuel companies. Lets review two U.S.
Codes that have given the government the power to withhold, suppress, and steal patents:

35 U.S. Code 181 Secrecy of certain inventions and withholding of patent

Whenever publication or disclosure by the publication of an application or by the grant of a patent

on an invention in which the Government has a property interest might, in the opinion of the head
of the interested Government agency, be detrimental to the national security, the Commissioner of
Patents upon being so notified shall order that the invention be kept secret and shall withhold the
publication of the application or the grant of a patent therefor under the conditions set forth

Whenever the publication or disclosure of an invention by the publication of an application or by

the granting of a patent, in which the Government does not have a property interest, might, in the
opinion of the Commissioner of Patents, be detrimental to the national security, he shall make the
application for patent in which such invention is disclosed available for inspection to the Atomic
Energy Commission, the Secretary of Defense, and the chief officer of any other department or
agency of the Government designated by the President as a defense agency of the United States.

Each individual to whom the application is disclosed shall sign a dated acknowledgment thereof,
which acknowledgment shall be entered in the file of the application. If, in the opinion of the
Atomic Energy Commission, the Secretary of a Defense Department, or the chief officer of another
department or agency so designated, the publication or disclosure of the invention by the
publication of an application or by the granting of a patent therefore would be detrimental to the
national security, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Secretary of a Defense Department, or such
other chief officer shall notify the Commissioner of Patents and the Commissioner of Patents shall
order that the invention be kept secret and shall withhold the publication of the application or the
grant of a patent for such period as the national interest requires, and notify the applicant thereof.
Upon proper showing by the head of the department or agency who caused the secrecy order to be
issued that the examination of the application might jeopardize the national interest, the
Commissioner of Patents shall thereupon maintain the application in a sealed condition and notify
the applicant thereof. The owner of an application which has been placed under a secrecy order
shall have a right to appeal from the order to the Secretary of Commerce under rules prescribed by

An invention shall not be ordered kept secret and the publication of the application or the grant of
a patent withheld for a period of more than one year. The Commissioner of Patents shall renew the
order at the end thereof, or at the end of any renewal period, for additional periods of one year
upon notification by the head of the department or the chief officer of the agency who caused the
order to be issued that an affirmative determination has been made that the national interest
continues so to require. An order in effect, or issued, during a time when the United States is at
war, shall remain in effect for the duration of hostilities and one year following cessation of
hostilities. An order in effect, or issued, during a national emergency declared by the President
shall remain in effect for the duration of the national emergency and six months thereafter. The
Commissioner of Patents may rescind any order upon notification by the heads of the departments
and the chief officers of the agencies who caused the order to be issued that the publication or
disclosure of the invention is no longer deemed detrimental to the national security.

(July 19, 1952, ch. 950, 66 Stat. 805; Pub. L. 106113, div. B, 1000(a)(9) [title IV, 4507(7),
4732(a)(10)(B)], Nov. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 1536, 1501A566, 1501A582.)

35 U.S. Code 186 Penalty

Whoever, during the period or periods of time an invention has been ordered to be kept secret and
the grant of a patent thereon withheld pursuant to section 181, shall, with knowledge of such order
and without due authorization, willfully publish or disclose or authorize or cause to be published
or disclosed the invention, or material information with respect thereto, or whoever willfully, in
violation of the provisions of section 184, shall file or cause or authorize to be filed in any foreign
country an application for patent or for the registration of a utility model, industrial design, or
model in respect of any invention made in the United States, shall, upon conviction, be fined not
more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than two years, or both.

(July 19, 1952, ch. 950, 66 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 100418, title IX, 9101(b)(3), Aug. 23, 1988, 102
Stat. 1568; Pub. L. 11229, 20(j), Sept. 16, 2011, 125 Stat. 335.)

New Energy Devices that Will End Big Oils Enslavement

AquaTune Hydrogen Fuel System

One new-energy device that demonstrates that car companies could make all cars more fuel
efficient by simply adding this device to any car, is the AquaTune Hydrogen Fuel System. This
system is remarkable proof that Big Oil controls the production of cars and their fuel efficiency. It
also shows that the U.S. government is complicit with Big Oils industrial espionage and patent

AquaTune can enhance the efficiency of any internal combustion engine or replace it altogether
with a more efficient system. This essentially spells the end of gas guzzling cars.

AquaTune can be installed on any gas, diesel or motorcycle engine to enhance or

replace existing systems.
The AquaTune Hydrogen Fuel System is distinctly different than the old approach to hydrogen and
oxygen production from the water molecule via electrolysis. This is not traditional electrolysis, in
that AquaTune is not using high amperage to break the water molecules covalent bond. The
AquaTune Water Fuel Technology uses hydrogen producing capacitors which produce 2.5 liters of
hydrogen per minute while under the vacuum conditions generated by the gasoline powered
engine (suction and volume of air flow past the venturi nozzles inside the intake manifold). The
vacuum signal to the distilled water processor is maintained and facilitated by the AquaTune
venturi nozzles.

The AquaTune hydrogen producing capacitors utilize an electrostatic charge generated inside the
distilled water processor which acts as an electrolyte. This system is 60% hydrogen production
plus 40% water mist injection. The 40% water mist injection has a weakened covalent bond from
being struck at resonance (within the echo chamber of the processor) with frequency in a self-
generated electrostatic field within the distilled water processor.

Once this 40% water injection encounters extreme heat and compression, the covalent bond
breaks and releases the hydrogen and oxygen that is the water molecule. Before this 40% water
injections covalent bond breaks in the combustion chamber, it expands the gasoline and absorbs
heat and increases the gasolines octane rating and advances the ignition timing before burning.
The AquaTune Hydrogen Fuel system does not store ortho-hydrogen, but rather produces the
ortho-hydrogen on demand. There are no hydrogen storage tanks on the automobile and the
hydrogen is not under pressure, but rather is generated in a vacuum.

Ortho-hydrogen is 2.5 times more powerful than gasoline and burns 7 to 9 times
faster than gasoline. This system does not void new car warranty and will not harm the engine
in any way. You do not need to modify nor alter the computer on the car to permit increases in fuel
efficiency and power.

AquaTune website and Installation Instructions

Water Fuel Technology for Everyone

GDS Portable Water Generator

There are also generators that run solely on water. Just a little water can run the generator below
for days without harmful emissions. It is only a matter of time before there will be
industrial size generators that run on water alone. This technology is not new and could
have come to the market place decades ago if Big Oil werent suppressing it.

A Canadian company, GDS Technologies Ltd., has developed a portable generator that runs solely
on tap water. The GDS portable water generator comes in three models: 5,000 watts, 10,000 watts
and 15,000 watts. According to inventor Gregory Potter, the 5,000-watt model can run for
three days on four gallons of water!

A video on their site demonstrates the 5,000-watt portable water generator in action; there is no
pollution or exhaust, no hidden extension cords powering the device, no batteries to replace. It is
significantly less noisy than a standard generator, and the only upkeep is keeping the water tank
clean and supplied with fresh tap water. An oxyhydrogen generator uses electricity to
split water into hydrogen and oxygen gasses. (Electricity + 2H20 > 2H2 + O2). Together,
these make a fuel that is much more powerful than gasoline, and the only emission
released iswater.

GEET Enhances All Internal Combustion Engines by 200% +

Paul and Molly Pantone, founders of Global Environmental Energy Technology and GEET
Management, LLC, recently released their Small Engine Plans (< 20 HP) for free. This is a
shareware release to convert small gasoline stationary electric generators up to 10 kW. High school
students with no technical background have been able to successfully build and run an engine over
a weekend from the plans.

An engine modified by GEET technology that has become twice as efficient with 99%
fewer emissions.

The GEET Fuel Processor, is a simplified Plasma Reformer that takes any hydrocarbon fuel or
waste product and transforms it into hydrogen rich Synthetic Natural Gas. The Small Engine
Plans show how common plumbing parts can be purchased to build the engine modifications. The
benefits of GEET include multi-fuel availability, up to 99% lower emissions, and double the run
time or MPG. This technology has the ability to be retro-fitted to any internal combustion engine,
including any gasoline, diesel, or turbine engine.

Plans for larger versions will still be available through GEET Dealers to convert one vehicle for
$175 or 10 vehicles $650, and deluxe plans are $950. Specialized parts (reaction chambers, air
management valves, etc) are now available for purchase for people unable to make their own parts
and will come in four sizes to retrofit most cars and trucks.

GEET Technology video below

DePalma N-machine Generator

The DePalmas N-machine generator is a magnetized flywheel that can generate up
to five times more power than it consumes, defying the law of the conservation of

Bruce DePalma (now deceased) demonstrated three discoveries that are relevant to the exploration
of free energy:

1. Gravitation and Inertia are not equivalent. Contrary to Einsteins assumption, rotation
alters both gravitation and inertia, making them both variable under its influence.
2. There exists a generally unrecognized mass field of polarized inertia around a real rotating
object. This field affects the properties of matter, energy and living systems exposed to it.
3. A rotating magnetized gyroscope (homopolar generator) does not conform to the Law of
Conservation of Energy.

After a lifetime of resistance to these emerging new energy concepts in the United States, DePalma
finally sought a more favorable climate for his experimental and theoretical pursuits. He found
support and acceptance in New Zealand, ultimately becoming a permanent resident. During the
last five-years of his life, DePalma would build three separate prototypes with the assistance of
New Zealand and Australian investors. The second unit was calorimetrically tested by University of
Auckland faculty and shown to produce 1.25 watts for every 1-watt of input power.

The question of where the one-piece Faraday Disc (N-machine/Space Power Generator) derives its
energy remains unanswered by mainstream science. Since there is no relative motion between
magnet and conductor, it is believed that only space itself can be the medium from which its power
is precipitated. Indeed, the Free Energy paradigm rests on the reality of space as a dynamic
medium, wherein all potentials are uniformly distributed. When rotation is coupled with a
magnetic field, the combined effect is a potent distortion of space sufficient to cause electrons to
pop into existence within the N-machines conductors. Quantum Theory now admits that
particles are being created and destroyed all the time, moving in and out of existence at random.
This is referred to as Zero Point Energy fluctuations, and is now accepted to be a viable
explanation for what we observe in several free-energy technologies.
Bruce DePalma, inventor of the N-Machine

Home of Primordial Energy

The DePalma N-machine in Operation

Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator

India considers its own free energy program a matter of national pride, and is very much willing to
risk antagonizing petro-dollar countries with its support on Reactionless AC Synchronous
Generator (RLG) invented by its own Paramahamsa Tewari, an electrical engineer and former
Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India. Tewari has also proven the theories
inside Bruce de Palmas homopolar engine the N-machine. Obviously, a country cannot
implement its own free energy program without considering all possible consequence including a
military response from petro-dollar countries, e.g. Saudi Arabia, UK, US.

Now do you see why India has been aligning its own military program with that of Russia?
Together, together with the BRICS countries, India will be able to stand-up to Big Oil. The BRICS
alliance has in the past promised to release all suppressed technologies, e.g. free-
energy, for our responsible utilization. It looks like they are keeping their word.

Paramahamsa Tewari with his Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator.

Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator

New Fuels to Supplant Oil

As research into clean cars expands, Audi unveiled a synthetic diesel thats made with water, air
and carbon dioxide. This synthetic diesel is being made at a pilot plant in Dresden, Germany, thats
run by its partner Sunfire, a clean technology company. Cars that run on a synthetic fuel, made
from water and air, represent the cutting-edge of innovation now sweeping the auto industry. Audi
is making e-diesel that uses rather than emitscarbon dioxide.

Audis synthetic diesel plant in Dresden, Germany

The carbon-neutral fuel contains no sulfur or fossil oil. E-diesel is the latest in a slew of
breakthroughs aimed at building cleaner cars via carbon-neutral fuels or extended-range batteries.
Making e-diesel, the fuel of the future requires several steps, which are powered by renewable
energy sources such as wind and solar. High-temperature electrolysis splits water, heated to form
steam, into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen is released into the atmosphere while the hydrogen
is fed into a reactor, where it reacts with CO2 to form a liquid long-form hydrocarbon known as
blue crude. Audi says the efficiency of the overall process is very highabout 70 percent.

Synthetic Diesel Fuel Video below

Gary Vespermans list of Suppressed Technologies and Martyrs

Suppression of energy inventions all too often involves energy inventors being deprived of their
constitutional rights and sometimes even their lives. Gary Vesperman, a leading pioneer in the
free-energy movement, has compiled a list of people that he can verify have been targeted by the
U.S. Patent Office and their industrial espionage spooks. All types of suppression we have
described above have been used on these inventors. We salute these pioneers and thank them for
their brilliant ideas that demonstrate that modern science needs to expand its horizons to except
simple solutions to energy needs. These inventors have made, in some cases, the ultimate
sacrificetheir lives.

Grant Hudlow: Method of Converting Garbage and Tires to Gasoline

Al Wordsworth: Electrical Generator and Advanced Carburetor
Neil Schmidt: Hydraulic Wind Turbine
Ken Rasmussen: Water-to-Energy Electrolysis Process
Phil Stone: Engine Runs on Water
Daniel Dingel: Converted More than 100 Cars to Run on Water
Bill Williams: Joe Cell-Powered Truck
Mike Brady: Perendev 300 kW Self-Running Electromagnetic Generator
Frank Richardson: Magnetic Electrical Generator and Bladeless Steam Turbine
Robert Stewart: Stewart Cycle Heat Engine
Stewart Harris: Theory of Magnetic Instability
Ron Brandt: 90 MPG Carburetor
Welton Myers: Myers Efficient Carburetor
Sterling D. Allan Adam Trombley: Trombly-Farnsworth Solid-State Oscillating EM System
Dennis Lee: Freon Engines
Bob Boyce: Browns Gas Carburetor
Bob Aldrich: Vibrating Energy Source
Charles N. Pogue: 200+ MPG Carburetor
Fish/Kendig: Variable Venturi Carburetor
Henry T. Moray: Free Energy Generator
Floyd Sweet: Vacuum Triode Amplifier
Teruo Kawai: Motive Power Generating Device
John Andrews: Water-to-Gasoline Additive
Tom Ogle: 100+ MPG Oglemobile
Dick Belland: 100 MPG Carburetor that Runs on Gasoline Fumes
Edwin V. Gray: Free Energy EVGRAY Generator and Free Energy Engine
Joseph C. Yater: Heat-to-Electricity Converter
Phil Stone: Engine Runs on Water
Howard R. Johnson: Johnson Free Energy Motor
Bruce DePalma: N-machine
Bill Jenkins: Free Energy Machine
Richard Diggs: Liquid Electricity Engine
Joseph Newman: Energy Machine
Gianni A. Dotto: Anti-Gravity Thermionic Couple
Tim Thrapp: Free-Energy Invention
Bob Lantz: Lantz Water and Power System
David G. Yurth: Remediating Nuclear Waste Materials
Paul Brown: Hyper-Cap E-Converter
William Bolon: Automobile Steam Engine
Walter Rosenthal: Small Electrical Power Converter
Allen Caggiano: 100+ MPG Fuel Implosion Vaporization System

GALT Energy and the Atomic Lie

Geothermal Atmospheric Liquefied Thorium Reactor technology uses a

simple geothermal process which has been taking place for billions of years at the core of our
planet. It was later discovered this geothermal process could be duplicated on the surface of our
planet at atmospheric pressure, in a liquefied bath of thorium salts. This chemical process was
proven capable of generating vast amounts of heat energy to ultimately create an endless supply of
inexpensive electricity.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Molten-Salt Reactor built in the 1960s

The GALT chemical reactor technology, after decades of successful trials, disappeared, soon after
the inventor walked away from it. In 2000, after 47 years from its successful trial in February,
1953, it was rediscovered. This technological innovation would have pole-vaulted the United
States out of the petroleum age and exploded capitalism throughout the world with abundant,
clean, green, electricity, made at atmospheric pressure, for all the electric motors found around the

Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment

Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor

Thorium is a radioactive non-fertile material that needs to be combined with a fissile material
(usually uranium) to start the reactions. This innovative concept uses uranium and thorium
dissolved in fluoride salts of lithium and beryllium. These salt reactors are chemically stable, and
the vessel in which they are contained is impervious to corrosion and radiation damage. This type
of reactor can be made to be quite small and modular, with low to medium power outputs.
Safety Thorium reactors are designed to operate safely. To achieve this level of safety there are a
number of innovate design features. The core is not pressurized, this eliminates the driving force of
radiation which is prevalent in current approaches. The reactor cannot melt down because an
unscheduled increase in temperature results in a reduction in reactor power, stabilizing the reactor
without the need for human intervention. The reactor is also designed with a salt drain-plug at the
bottom of the core vessel, if for any reason the fluid gets too hot this plug naturally melts and
dumps the fluid into a passively cooled containment vessel where decay heat is removed.

Proliferation Resistance Thorium is useless as a nuclear weapons material.

Energy Production Nearly all of the thorium is used in a LFTR compared to about 0.7% of the
uranium used in a conventional power plant. The LFTR is potentially 300 times more efficient.

Waste Thorium reactors will produce far less radioactive waste from ore extraction to waste
storage. Only 17% of the waste required long term geological storage and should be safe within 300
to 600 years compared to thousands of years from conventional processed.

Supply It is estimated that there is 4 times more thorium than uranium in the earths crust.
According to the US Geological Survey the United States is estimated to have 300,000 tons of
thorium reserves.

Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor Solution video below

Global AlternativeThorium Energy video below

MHD Generators
A magnetohydrodynamic generator is a device that transforms thermal energy and kinetic energy
into electricity. MHD generators are different from traditional electric generators in that they
operate at high temperatures without moving parts. MHD was developed because the hot exhaust
gas of an MHD generator can heat the boilers of a steam power plant, increasing overall efficiency.

A MHD generator, like a conventional generator, relies on moving a conductor through a magnetic
field to generate electric current. The MHD generator uses hot conductive plasma as the moving
conductor. MHD generators self-sustaining and self-regenerative utilizing plasma energy that is
found in the magnetic field of the earth and sun.

MHD generators were a military secret for decades.

Some advantages of MHD generation over the other conventional methods of generation are listed

The conversion efficiency of a MHD system can be 80% as compared to 45%-55% for the
most efficient steam turbine generator or power plant.
Larger amounts of power are generated.
It has the ability to reach the full power level as soon as started, almost directly. Direct
power extraction.
Because of higher efficiency, the overall generation cost of an MHD plant is less.
Decreases the amount of heat discharged to environment and the cooling water
requirements are lower. Thermal pollution of water is eliminated in a clean energy system.
Better fuel utilization and consumption.
Non-disruptive to existing technologies.
No moving mechanical parts reducing mechanical losses to nil making the operation more
dependable. The engine does not need a rotor or turbine to create motion eliminating
engine degradation caused from moving parts. More reliable and mechanically elegant, no
mechanical losses.
It is estimated that by 2040, almost 70% of the total electricity generated in the world will
be from MHD generators.
The price is much lower than conventional generators.
Is applicable with all kind of heat source.
Very high efficiency, which is higher than most of the other conventional or non-
conventional method of generation.
The higher efficiency is due to recycling the energy from the hot plasma gas to standard
steam turbines. After the plasma gas passes through the MHD generator, it is still hot
enough to boil water to drive steam turbines that produce additional power.
Improved Combined-Cycle Thermal Efficiency.
Pulsed Power and High Power Density.
Requires little maintenance.
Can be made into a compact portable system with small footprint.
The ability to create a force between two different mediums, without contact.
Can flexibly utilize any heat source, such as solar, geothermal, combustion of a fuel e.g., oil,
coal, natural gas, chemical reaction, high-grade waste heat, Atomic MHD Power.
Large amount of pollution free power is generated. The Closed cycle system produces
power free of pollution. Reduced CO2 Emissions.

Magnetohydrodynamic Generator explained below:

Magnetohydrodynamics demonstration below:

Searl Effect Generator

The Searl Effect Generator (SEG) functions along the principles of a linear induction motor (LIM),
but designed around a circular track for continuous motion of movable rotors. It is a magnetic
prime mover of electromagnetic multi-phased cylindrical rollers over fixed stator rings and free of
any mechanical wear or friction. The SEGs stators and rollers are magnetic components uniquely
magnetized or imprinted with matching magnetic pole patterns. While the neodymium layer
serves as a source or reservoir of electron charges that are drawn out by electromagnetic induction.
These redial currents though the rollers makes for mechanical motion at right angles to both the
electric and magnetic fields.

The Searl Effect Generator can be small and portable (as seen here) or as large as a
power plant.

The SEG configuration of rollers in motion, cuts through the magnetic flux with a unique cycloid
pattern that is superimposed over an orbit around the circumference of the stator. In this manner,
each roller can also induce eddy currents of mutual induction between the copper surfaces to form
a frictionless magnetic bearing as it generates radial electrical potentials. Frictionless operation
enables the SEG to operate without physical wear and thus enabling it to operate with a service
expectancy of a lifetime.

The Sear Effect video below:

SunCell Generators

SunCell directly generates electricity from the reaction of hydrogen to dark matter using water
freely available in the humidity in the air. SunCell was invented and engineered to harness the
clean energy source from the reaction of the hydrogen atoms of water molecules to form a non-
polluting product, lower-energy state hydrogen called Hydrino that is the dark matter of the
universe. The energy release of H2O to Hydrino and oxygen is 100 times that of an equivalent
amount of high-octane gasoline at an unprecedented high power density. The compact power is
manifest as thousands of Sun equivalents that can be directly converted to electrical output using
commercial concentrator photovoltaic cells.

New SunCell Converts Water to Light for Photovoltaic Electric Generation (EV

Applications and markets for the SunCell extend across the global power spectrum, including
thermal, stationary electrical power, motive, motive to stationary, and defense. SunCell power is
independent from existing infrastructure. The SunCell power source can be used in all forms of
transportation: automobile, freight trucks, rail, marine, aviation, and aerospace. The SunCell uses
cheap, abundant, nontoxic, commodity chemicals, with no apparent long-term supply issues that
might preclude commercial, high volume manufacturing.

SunCell will cost about $50 to $100/kW compared to over ten times that for conventional power
sources of electricity. The absence of fuel cost for a fully distributed and mobile-capable power
source, together with low capital costs that may be amortize over a projected lifetime of at least
twenty years enables the generation and delivery of electricity for essentially all applications at a
fraction of the cost of conventional power source, all of which have the further liability of pollution.

SunCell Brilliant Light

Blacklight Power
Blacklight Power generators are a type of SunCell Power Module

Blacklight Power is at the forefront of new energy generators. Dr. Randall Mills of Blacklight
Power has a power production device that produces 10 MW of power in a one cubic foot sized
module. By Dr. Mills estimation, the hydrino is a discovery with immense potential for the future.
Essentially, Dr. Mills is remaking the hydrogen atom into a hydrino and using the hydrino for
power production activities. Blacklight has figured out how to extract hydrogen, make the
hydrinos, create a solid fuel from them and ignite them into a vigorous plasma ball. The plasma
ignition itself offers a considerable blast of energy in heat and light.

The Blacklight team has been feeding the plasma into a magnetohydrodyamic converter, then
directly into electricity, in a clean and safe way. The greatest energy output of the process comes in
the form of intense light. That adds the potential for using photovoltaic solar cells as a way to
harvest the plasmas energy output. Some of the photovoltaic cell research has been directed to
concentrated solar energy where 100s and even 1000s of times the power of the sun are delivered
to photocells. The only input necessary is water.

Dr. Mills idea might supercede and make obsolete nuclear power in both the fission
and fusion fields, as well as crush the need for most fuels. Electrical power would drop by
90%. Plasma offers very little harmful radiation and no radioactivity.

Brilliant Light Power News and Information


Brilliant Light Power SunCell video:

Terawatt Researchs Interactive Magnetic Oscillation

Terawatt Research LLC of Irvine, California, is a company replete with paradox in comparison to
other players in the renewable energy sector, especially in the exotic free-energy field. They have
one of the most promising free-energy technologies, and they go about their work quietly. They
have some of the very best evidence supporting their claims by two of the most reputable testing
organizations in the world: TV Rhineland of North America and Underwriter Laboratories (UL).

Both data plots clearly show performance frequency ranges in which much more energy is
produced from the system than what is required to drive the system at least three-fold. They say
they are harnessing the energy of intermolecular fluctuations. Their present efforts are toward
turning this into a power system capable of producing electricity for homes and industry. TWR is
moving from concept model towards production model.

Terawatt Researchs magnet motor that produces output several times greater than
the input.

According to their about us page, one of their key players is James Magee, former
commander of the largest anti-terrorist organization in the Department of Defense.
Another of their strategic advisors is Judge William H. Webster who was the former
Director of the FBI and the former Director of the CIA. From this I extract that the
US Intelligence Community is well-aware of the demise of Big Oil and they are
putting their money on free-energy devices.

Magnetic Oscillation

Self Powered Q Beta Prototype with Silicon Crystal Graphite Powercells

For the first time in history, a new emerging patent pending power source technology proves the
capability of machine integration. Based entirely on a hybrid combination of existing technologies
with vast improvements, the unique Si-Graphite power-cells provide the ability to operate the Q
beta prototype continuously without the need for external electrical, renewable, or fuel input.
Self Powered Q Beta Prototype with Silicon Crystal Graphite Powercells

The Si-Graphite Q beta is an alternative energy source experimental prototype being produced in a
very limited quantity, to allow researchers and/or individuals to have access to this new
technological development. Designed with the exceptional ability to safely operate indoors day and
night without regard for outdoor environmental conditions. The power-cells are eco-friendly using
no acids, heavy metals or toxic chemistry. We encourage you to experiment with and without the
ultra-cap module including exploring various power-cell plate electrical connections. The future
potential of this technology is enormous. With long-term continuous electrical output and total
scalability, the possibility of utility scale power is on the near horizon.

Q Beta Prototype video below

The Free Energy Revolution Has Begun

From our presentation above you might have drawn the conclusion that Big Oil needs to be
prosecuted along with the U.S. Patent Agency. The many deaths from Oil Wars must be
reconciled with justice and the brave soldiers finally allowed to rest knowing that
they did not die to simply make the Rockefeller family rich beyond imagination. It is
time that the roots of Oil Wars be pulled up from the deep soil they have been fostered in to protect
their profits and monopolies. Big Oil and the Petrochemical Warlords need to give back what they
have stolen and their industries dismantled and given back to the people they stole them from
the citizens of the world.

The Free Energy Revolution is here to stay and the vested interests of corporations that purchase
congressional representation needs to end. Any one of the inventions mentioned above could end
the death grip of the petrochemical industry. Once the U.S. government decides to tell the truth
and stop derailing inventors from ending petro-slavery, the world will have a chance to break free
from economic terrorism that is foisted upon citizens as the only standard acceptable to
government. The time is now for citizens to reimagine a world without burning fossil fuels and
filled with clean, endless energy that is free for all to use.

The American Intelligence Media

Further Study
Free Energy Documentary - Surpressed Tecgnologies (1 hr 49' 37"

video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=j9VNRDYEqQs

Published on Jan 10, 2014

A descriptive documentary on the multiple different technologies we have to negate the use of
fossil fuels. Big oil companies have suppressed the release of this knowledge and the progression of
it into the public markets. Gain the knowledge for yourself and pass it along. Energy should be free
to the world seeing as its our world that offers the endless streams of it to us.

Free Energy - A Reality Not a Conspiracy (6' 54"

video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfj1O45qZ5U

Uploaded on May 15, 2007

This is a documentary regarding free energy and how this has been kept secret by our
governments. Watch and comment on what you think? Is it true? Is it a spoof?

The Truth Behind The Energy Lie(What The Energy Cartels Don't Want You To See)
full movie(1 hr 08' 49" video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K2wm8tn088

Published on Aug 24, 2012

***please Share, its time to wake up the world***

The energy crisis is a lie, here is the evidence...
The full version of "The Energy Lie(What the Energy cartels don't want you to see) covers various
inventors and suppressed inventions. Such as, Nikola Tesla, Marco Rodin, Stan Meyers, Water
powered cars(HHO gas) water, dirt, and air batteries, "kelvins thunderstorm", Stirling engines, the
"n-machine", and several others. Includes several Experiments you can try at home with
household materials, proving that the Energy Crisis is a lie, and solutions are all around us, we just
have to be willing to look. well worth watching, even if you know a lot about "free energy" you may
learn something you didn't know.
If a civilization truly wishes to consider itself civilized, it must embrace all technological and
scientific advances. The suppression of any technological advance, can not be tolerated if we wish
to be a 'civil'ization. we must ask ourselves if we are working for the benefit of all mankind, or
working for the benefit of a few businessman and politicians. The fact that we are unnecessarily
poisoning our planet, our home, when their are numerous solutions, raises several questions as to
why these technologies are being suppressed. The root of the problem is almost entirely one thing,
greed. We as a society can no longer focus our entire efforts into what is profitable, because what is
profitable is not always right, and what is right is not always profitable.

Bloom Box: The Alternative Energy that Terrifies Obama(14' 02"

video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shkFDPI6kGE

Uploaded on Mar 10, 2011

See more great videos at http://PopModal.com where we celebrate Life, Liberty and a little Rock
and Roll.
FREE ENERGY # 24 Working Magnetic Overunity Device - Magnetic
Neutralization(10' video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM_HRwqKzFk

Uploaded on Jul 23, 2010

FREE ENERGY # 24 Working Magnetic Overunity Device

This is an invention by Art Porter. This device working by permanent magnet and electromagnet.
He called this "GAP power" that use a magnetic neutralization technique.
Most of torque power comes from permanent magnet.
I think, this is a very important concept for overunity free energy device.
This is a simplified version of the full introduction video.
More detail information include technical date available at :

Related Article :

Peter Lindemann and Patrick Kelly with New Energy inventions


Cold Fusion Energy Video


New Energy Motors


ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The comment below is from one of our readers who is an expert in
this field. After reading this article, he sent us this email that we wanted to share with you:


The possible use of Thorium technology arose out of the WWII Manhattan Project. By the early
1950s, Dr. Alvin Weinberg confirmed that Thorium uses a simpler, safer, and greener
geothermal process, which has been taking place naturally for billions of years inside our
planet. Unlike Uranium power generated in highly pressurized containment, Thorium power could
be duplicated on the surface of our planet at atmospheric pressure. In a liquefied bath
of thorium salts, such Fluoride salts, this chemical process could best be described generically as
GALT (Geothermal Atmospheric Liquefied Thorium).
In 2017 there are over a dozen variations of patent research being conducted around the world on
Thorium based power. These variations include the original image of the 1960s Molten Salt
Reactor Experiment (run at atmospheric pressure) to Kirk Sorensens Liquefied Fluoride Thorium
Reactor (again understood to run at atmospheric pressure).

2) BLACKLIGHT POWER recently changed their name to Briliant White Power. The
SunCell is one of their most Promising Products involving Hydrinos and common
solar cells.

Here is a link to a 5 minute-CNN article (http://brilliantlightpower.com/brilliant-light-powers-

suncell-announced-on-cnn/ ), from January 2, 2017, concerning what Bright Light Power
(formerly Blacklight Power) is calling the Sun Cell (see image to right).

Below is a simplified estimate of differences between conventional and disruptive

energy technologies involving regular solar cells VS Bright Light Powers application
with solar cells (Sun Cell)..

Under conventional solar panel/sun format, one square foot of solar panel generates
approximately 20 kWh annually.

Under Sun Cell breakthrough technology, one square foot of solar panel generates
approximately 963,000 kWh annually.

The ABCs of conventional solar panels with the sun 93 million miles away from the Earth. At
that distance the sun provides a maximum of 93 watts per square foot of surface area on Earth.

1. Each square foot of a 12% efficient conversion solar panel generates 11 watts (93 w * 12%) of
2. At 5 hours of good sunlight per day55 watts per day per square foot of solar panel.
3. Total electricity per year 20 kWh (365 days x 55 watts) per square foot-year.

Brilliant Light Power, (formerly Black Light Power)

Link: http://brilliantlightpower.com/news/ ) out of New Jersey has replicated the light
wavelength of the sun, here on Earth, in an intense plasma. Because it is 93 million miles closer to
us than the sun, the light is 10,000 times greater in intensity. Todays solar panel technology can
therefore operate with this plasma light source 24 hours a day, 365 days per year! Though they are
likely using superior solar panels approaching 20% efficiency, I will use the same efficiency of the
above example, at a poorer 12%.

1. Each square foot of a 12% efficient conversion solar panel generates 110,000 watts (110 kW)
peak demand, kWd of
2. At 24 hours of continual sunlight per day2,640 kWh per day per square foot of solar
3. Total electricity per year 963,000 kWh (365 days x 2,640 kWh) per square foot-year.

In the link (http://www.yourcentralvalley.com/news/local-business-owners-introduced-to-new-

energy-technology/663753003 ) Brilliant Light Power shows a smaller briefcase system, to the
right, which they boast, could energize and run thirty homes.

Petroleum Energy Leaders Reaction to this Disruptive Technology is not Surprising

The Global Elites, who own the petroleum industry, have attacked and attempted to suppress any
technology which threatens their monopoly. They have attached this technology since it first arose
as a threat in 1989. I would not be surprised if they continue to seek any means possible to keep
this disruptive technology from being commercialized. Fortunately, they are running out of
time. The year, 2018, is right around the corner!
To learn more, there are other videos under Brilliant Light Power News see links
( http://brilliantlightpower.com/news/ ).



Add yours

1. 1

David Evans on April 26, 2017 at 3:53 am


I watched the program It Runs On

Water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuQxIltxq3c
and shortly after the program I telephoned Jim Griggs and asked if I could purchase one of
his machines and he was very keen but Jim became impossible to contact a month later.
Until now I could not understand how his hydrosonic pump worked but realise, now, what
it was doing and without defying the laws of physics.
You also need to look into the suppression of
starlite:.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxqFyDugqs4 .
But the greatest suppression of recent times is that of superconductivity at room
temperature: http://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-achieve-superconductivity-at-room-
temperature and http://articles.latimes.com/1996-12-12/news/mn-8448_1_french-
which would have huge implications, especially with maglev transportation.


o 2

Our Spirit on April 26, 2017 at 6:53 am


Thank you for this additional information. If others who read this article have
comments that can add to our knowledge base, please post.

2. 3

Earl Forester on April 26, 2017 at 7:29 am


Never let it be said THE GOVERNMENT IS HERE TO HELP YOU. Some how we the people
must bring free energy to the world.


3. 4

Lunaverde on April 26, 2017 at 12:32 pm



would like to hear of any reliable anecdotals

from those who are actually making practical use out of
these devices


Lunaverde on April 30, 2017 at 10:17 pm


2nd request ?




Top 5 Free Energy Technologies Unfolding Now.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Top-5-Free-Energy-Technologies-
The World Of Free Energy. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/The-

Tesla Round 2, The Case of Eric Dollard.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Tesla-Round-2-The-Case-of-Eric-

The Theory of Anti-Relativity. See:http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/The-Theory-of-Anti-


Eric Dollard 2007 Presentation - Misconceptions of Electricity and More.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Eric-Dollard-2007-Presentation---Misconceptions-of-Electricity-and-

Tesla Round 2 The Mission of Eric Dollard. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Tesla-


Eric Dollard 2007 Presentation - Misconceptions of Electricity and More.

see: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Eric-Dollard-2007-Presentation---Misconceptions-of-Electricity-and-

Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson: Parts 1 to 6.
See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Eric-Dollard-Tesla-Longitudinal-wave-Energy-SBARC-Ham-Radio-

To Restart Tesla's WardenClyffe, only Better - The Mission of Eric Dollard.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/To-Restart-Tesla-s-WardenClyffe-only-Better---The-Mission-of-Eric-

The Theory of Anti-Relativity. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/The-Theory-of-Anti-


The Sun is Not What we We Have Been Told.... Eric Dollard reveals 3 secrets about the Sun.
See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/The-Sun-is-Not-What-we-We-Have-Been-Told-Eric-Dollard-reveals-

The Fall of Farnsworth and Hot Fusion, Eric Dollard Explains (Volume fix).
See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/The-Fall-of-Farnsworth-and-Hot-Fusion-Eric-Dollard-Explains-

How bad is Cell Phone Radiation? Eric Dollard. See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/How-


Eric Dollard Tells us the Truth what HAARP Really Is....

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Eric-Dollard-Tells-us-the-Truth-what-HAARP-Really-Is.shtml


See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Scientific_102/TESLA_and_RADIANT_ELECTRICITY_4198.shtml


See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/TESLA_S_RADIANT_Dark_ENERGY_SYSTEM_4476.shtml

Some thoughts on Nikola Tesla's "Free Energy" and other inventions.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Some-thoughts-on-Nikola-Tesla-s-

Interview with Mehran T. Keshe on January 13th 2013.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Interview-with-Mehran-T-Keshe-on-January-13th-2013.shtml

Keshe Trek? Interview with a scientist releasing a new Space Technology to the world!
See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Keshe-Trek-Interview-with-a-scientist-releasing-a-new-Space-
Introduction to the Free Energy Revolution.
See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Introduction-to-the-Free-Energy-

20 Bedini-Bearden Years Free Energy Generation.

See: http://www.abundanthope.net/pages/Scientific_Websites_102/20_Bedini-

Nitinol - A New Free Energy System

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Environment_Science_69/Nitinol---A-New-Free-Energy-

Former Canadian Minister of Defense Calls For ET Disclosure And Release of Zero Point Energy -vid.
See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Political_Information_43/Former-Canadian-Minister-of-Defense-Calls-For-ET-Disclosure-And-

FREE ENERGY - RESEARCH LABORATORY . See: http://www.abundanthope.net/talkitup/archive/index.php/t-247.html

Planetary Evacuation.. the plan changed, explanation.

See: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Leonette_112/Planetary-Evacuation-the-plan-changed-

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