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Prenatal Diary Entry 1-

Its the first month of pregnancy, and towards the beginning of the pregnancy the
fertilized egg which is called a zygote is transplanted inside the wall of a uterus.
Prenatal development is divided into three stages which is the period of the zygote,
period of the embryo, and the period of the fetus. The fetus continues to grow. The
first trimesters last from week 1 until week 13. During the first trimester of the
pregnancy the baby changes from a zygote to embryo. An embryo is about the size
of a pencil point (fitpregnancy). The embryo is implanted on the inside of the
uterine wall. During this trimester the baby is shaped in a peach sized bundle. The
body structures and the internal organs are developed. The embryo has three layers
which is the outer layer which is the hair, the outer layer of the skin, and the
nervous system. After three weeks of conception the egg is fertilized, and begins to
look a salamander (Kail) 7th edition. The embryo is in an amniotic sac and is filled
with fluids. Between weeks 5 Christians skin begins to form. Christians organs are
taking shape, and developing. The period of the fetus is the longest phase of
prenatal development.
Children and their development 7th Edition

Prenatal Diary Entry 2-

In your second month of pregnancy your symptoms feel exactly like the first month
of your pregnancy. All of these symptoms include fatigue, dizziness, food cravings,
and mood swings. Christians facial features begin to develop. The fingers, eyes,
ears, and the toes are also forming in the second month of pregnancy. The fetus is
covered with vernix which is a white liquid substance which is found on the outside
layer of the child. During this month cells in ovary continue to produce a hormone
which is called a progesterone. The progesterone is important to maintain the
pregnancy. The embryo begins to interchange, and the mother cannot feel it yet.
The size of the fetus is about 12-15 inches, and about 2 pounds (Kail) 7 th edition.
The baby is made up of its head (WebMD). Christian looks like a curled up tube, and
his head is quite large. In order to have a healthy fetal development its important
that you have a healthy balanced diet.
Children and Their Development 7th Edition
Prenatal Diary Entry 3-
Its very important that in the third month of pregnancy you get medical tests taken
to check your weight, and the babys heartbeat checked. The baby experiences a
phase of rapid development. The baby is no longer a fetus, and the tail shortly
disappears. The body systems become mature in preparation for birth (Kail) 7 th
Edition. Christians heart is pumping, and blood vessels can be seen through his
skin. His bones start to harden, and forms a body structure. In this month the eyes
will be large, and wide open. The eye lids will begin to form later on. The baby still
doesnt move yet, but as time progresses itll begin to occur. Towards the end of the
third month the baby is formed. Christian has arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes.
The gender of the baby can be difficult to understand. The babys bone marrow
continues to develop white blood cells that will protect the baby after the birth
(Mathavan) 2 015.
Children and Their Development 7th Edition (Kale)

Prenatal Diary Entry 4-

During the fourth month of pregnancy many things occur. This is officially the start
of your second trimester, and when you feel a decrease of pregnancy symptoms.
During the week of 13-14 many things are taking place for the baby. The fetus has a
CRL which measures about three inches. Christians hair begins to develop during
these few weeks, and the roof of the mouth begins to form as time progresses. The
bones are beginning to become much stronger. The uterus is beginning to grow and
stretch. The hearing also begins to develop in the child and they can heart your
voice. In the textbook it says that the baby can hear mothers voice, and unfamiliar
female voices while inside the womb (Kale) 7 th Edition. Your pregnancy will definitely
be noticeable during this month.

www.vicksburgpregnancy,com, Children and Their Development 7th Edition (Kale)

Prenatal Diary Entry 5-

During the fifth month of pregnancy the baby becomes really active this month.
Typically at the beginning of this month is when you will be able to feel your baby
kick and move. The baby is growing muscles, and becoming stronger each day.
During this month you typically find out the gender of the baby. While doing my
virtual child I had learned that I would be having a boy that I planned on naming
him Christian. The baby develops eyebrows, hair, and nails. The baby will definitely
squirm around and you can feel the kicking, and moving occurring. The babys brain
can also develop during this week.


Prenatal Diary Entry 6-

The baby becomes much more active than they were in the 5 th month. The baby
rolls from side to side, and turns upside down. Christian is approximately 10 inches
long and one pound and a half. The pregnancy symptoms are very painful, but your
baby becomes larger. The babys weight nearly doubles, and it feels as if you are
gaining weight. There will be a lot of going on in your stomach just as kicking, and
moving all around. Itll be pretty difficult to get a good amount of sleeping at night
with all the kicking and the moving around.

Prenatal Diary Entry 7-

The pregnancy is currently entering the third trimester. The babys lungs are almost
completely developed. Christian is just learning how to open and close his eyes.
During this 28 week you will be able to determine the gender of your baby. The
babys brain begins to grow hastily during this month, and has the 100 billion brain
cells hell have at birth. Your breasts become heavier and are getting ready to feed
your baby.

Prenatal Diary Entry 8-
Many things feel differently in the last trimester of your pregnancy. Its important
that in the 8th month you learn to relax yourself. The 8th month is typically when you
can feel your baby moving around rapidly. Its important that you maintain a healthy
diet while pregnant. The body is well mature and the lungs are fully developed. The
average for a baby size would be around 5.5 pounds (birthingnaturally). The size of
the baby varies. The baby will begin to move in a head down position towards this
month, and people normally call it the vertex position. During this month the
gaining of weight should start slowing down. The rest of the body is increasing and
becoming the size of Christians head. I do believe that its important to make a
checklist for the 8th month of the things that you should do to prepare for your
pregnancy to occur. The baby now is getting a little chunky, and the face is now
smooth. During this month many babies are turned head down.


Prenatal Diary Entry 9-

The 9th month is the last month of pregnancy. Your baby continues to grow and
mature. The lungs are fully developed and the reflexed are completely developed.
Christian can blink and close his eyes in this month. Some women find that during
this time they have extra energy (Staff). Many babies can vary in weight. It can
sometimes be trouble being comfortable at night, and falling asleep. Christian is
currently in the head down position, and ready to enter the world. The muscles for
the baby begin to increase and they become stronger than before. The skin for the
baby can also change as well and shedding the waxy white substance called the
vernix. The vernix protects the babys skin from the fluid that surrounds it. The
babys kidney can finally make more urine, and the baby will also have thicker hair.
The fingernails also grow longer during the ninth month of pregnancy. Christians
bones are also fully developed and bones in the skull are not yet fully fused. During
this month you may as well feel very tired and its completely normal because your
baby is still growing.

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