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La Comida

1. Quin cocina en tu casa?

2. Sabes cocinar? Qu cocinas?
3. Cundo sueles salir a comer a un restaurante?
4. Qu tipo de comida te gusta?
5. Cul es tu plato favorito?
6. A qu hora sueles desayunar / comer / merendar / cenar?
7. Qu sueles desayunar / comer / merendar / cenar?
8. Con quin comes en casa?
9. Cul es tu postre preferido?
10. Qu haces mientras comes?
11. En qu consiste una merienda tpica?
12. Qu no te gusta comer?
13. Prefieres la comida en el colegio o en casa?

Situaciones Orales

1. You had reserved a table, but on arrival, found that the restaurant was full.
a. How do you express your disappointment?
b. What does the waiter reply?

2. The waiter brought you soup, but you had ordered salad. And the plate
was dirty.
a. What apology does the waiter make?
b. What suggestion do you offer?

3. You have to wait twenty minutes in line to order your meal.

a. Express your dissatisfaction to the cashier.
b. What is her response?

4. The stew was very salty, and you ordered water, which the waiter forgot to
a. What do you say?
b. What does the waiter reply?
5. The music in the restaurant is very loud and is disturbing you.
a. How do you inform the manager?
b. What do you ask for?
6. You are missing a fork, and the chair is broken.
a. Bring this to the waiters attention.
b. How does he respond?

7. There is a mistake in the bill.

a. What do you say?
b. What does the waitress reply?

8. You want to book a return airline ticket at the travel agency.

a. What do you say to the agent?
b. What further information do you give?

9. You need to find out the price of a one-way and a return ticket.
a. What do you ask?
b. What is the reply?

10. In a hotel you want to book a double and two single rooms for your family.
a. How do you request this?
b. The receptionist tells you what rooms are available.

La Tecnologa

1. Te interesa la informtica? Por qu? Por qu no?

2. Cul es una ventaja de saber cmo utilizar una computadora?
3. Cmo has usado la tecnologa para ayudarte con tus estudios?
4. Tienes una direccin electrnica?
5. Te gusta navegar la red? Qu tipo de sitios prefieres y por
6. Tienes un telfono mvil? Hay beneficios de tenerlo? Cules
son los beneficios o desventajas de tener un telfono mvil?
7. Qu profesin te interesa?
8. Cules son las cualidades que se buscan en un candidato para
un empleo?

La Salud

1. Cmo podemos tener una boca sana y fresca?

2. Cuntas veces al ao debe visitarse al dentista?
3. Por qu es tan importante el agua?
4. Qu sugieres para mantenerse en forma?
5. En qu consiste una dieta balanceada?
6. Cunta agua bebes al da?
7. Por qu es tan importante dormir bien?
8. Qu dieta recomiendas para una persona con diabetes?


Write appropriate responses in Spanish to each of the following


1. Write a note to your class teacher explaining your absence from

class due to illness.
2. Write an e-mail to your friends explaining the nature of your
recent illness.
3. Write a note to your friend who is ill in hospital wishing him well.
4. The school nurse is not at her station. Write a note asking how
often you should take the tablets prescribed.
5. Your doctor has asked you to make notes about your allergies:
how frequently you sneeze and cough. Write down the
information to present to him at your next appointment. Write
down the information to present to him at your next
6. Your friend has an upset stomach. Write down the advice you
have given her.
7. Your mother, who is diabetic, has been getting chest pains after
exercising. You attend a seminar on diabetes given by a team of
Cuban doctors. Write a note in which you state her symptoms
and ask for their advice.
8. One of the boys in your school has been taken ill. Your teacher
has written a message to the school secretary describing the
boys condition and asking her to call an ambulance. What does
the note say?
9. A friend has asked you about how you care for your skin. Write
her a note describing what you do.
10. Your youngest brother swallowed a poisonous liquid. You
are responding to a test question in science class. Write a brief
explanation of what you and your mother did to help him before
taking him to hospital.

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