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Universidad Autnoma de Chiapas

Licenciatura en Enseanza del Ingls

Ingls I

Learning activity 2 Write an anecdote about a time you had an accident

or got a sports injury:

When I was a kid, I used to play with my friends during recess time at school.
We loved to play soccer in the back field of school. Once we were playing with
my friends, I was about 11 years old, we were running, and I was about to
score a goal, when I suddenly fell and hit the ground with my right knee, I
remember I didnt scream, but I felt a small pain. So, one of my friends looked
at me and he yelled: blood! They all looked at me and asked me if I were fine,
when I looked down to my knee and I saw a lot of blood, and something white
in there. My friends took me to the nurse station. She cleaned my wound and
told me that I had a bad injury in my knee. She had to call my parents, when
they arrived they took me to the hospital because I needed stitches. It took me
2 weeks to walk normally, the pain wasnt so hard but it was very
uncomfortable to me.

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