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Kabirthe name still resonates in his countless Sakhis, Sabads and

Ramainis sung during his lifetime. Swami Vivekananda regarded Kabir as

one of the galaxy of stars of the first magnitude and as a great prophet
and social reformer who uplifted the lower classes of India. He was
revered by different religious communities.
Born in the 15th century, Kabir was adopted by a Muslim weaver
couple when he was found abandoned near the Lahartara pond in
Varanasi. As he grew up he became deeply anxious to realise God whom
people called by different names. He was initiated into the name of Rama
by Swami Ramananda, when the latter uttered Rama, Rama on
accidently stepping on Kabir, who had laid himself down deliberately on
the ghat of the Ganga in the dark early hours of the morning to be
initiated thus. Moved by his devotion, Ramananda accepted Kabir as his
disciple. Kabir became disinterested in worldly affairs and sang:
Kabir gave up weaving and wrote the Name of Rama on his body.
Shocked, Kabirs mother laments: How will this child, O Lord, survive?
(But Kabir says,) As long as I thread the needle, so long do I forget my
Beloved Rama.
Kabir says, listen O my mother, (do not worry) the Sustainer is the Lord of
the three worlds.1

Kabir found the same Supreme Being residing behind the different
names of Gods. He says, the same deity is called Mahadeva, Mohammad,
Brahma and Adam. He laid great emphasis on devotion and repetition of
Gods name. He says, Know him alone to be rich whose wealth is Ramas
Name, Worship Rama day and night and give up evil sense objects. He
had an extraordinary reverence for Guru. He says, the Guru is greater
than Govinda. He also stressed the importance of holy company. He says,
meeting a saint and meeting Godthere is no difference.
Regarding truthfulness, he says, There is no austerity like Truth. His
appeal for non-violence is unparalleled. He says, Do not kill any poor
living thing, for One being resides in all.
Kabir decried empty religious rituals without purity and devotion to
God. This antagonised many priests and mullahs, and as a result, he was
persecuted on the orders of Emperor Sikandar Lodhi, but each time he
was saved by the Divine.
Kabir continued with his teaching of devotion to God and gained
considerable following during his lifetime. He attained samadhi [DO WE
KNOW DATE?]at Maghar near Varanasi, and his legacy is carried forward
by Kabir Panthis.

1 The Mystic Wisdom of Kabir, p.167

His date, both birth and Samadhi, are contested. Not clear Maharaj.
There are several dates but he lived in the 15th century.

Kabir found the same Supreme Being behind Rama and Allah. He
decried religious practices without devotion and purity. He would say, If
one can get Gods vision by worshipping a stone, I would worship a
mountain. Better still would be a grindstone for it grinds for people to
eat. Again, A mosque is built with stones and pebbles put together.
Climbing on top of it the mullah calls out. Has God gone deaf! 2
This antagonised many priests and mullahs, and Kabir was
persecuted on the orders of Emperor Sikandar Lodhi. But each time Kabir
was protected by divine hands when he was chained and drowned, or
doused in a fire, or when trampled by an elephant.
Kabir continued with his teaching of devotion to God and gained
considerable following during his lifetime. He attained samadhi [DO WE
KNOW DATE?]at Maghar near Varanasi, and his legacy is carried forward
by Kabir Panthis.

2 The Mystic Wisdom of Kabir, p.58

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