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Philosophy of the Purpose of Education

Meghan Leuschner

Calvin College

Authors Note: This paper is an argument for the purpose of education using philosophical

concepts developed over a semester in the course of education 389, Fall of 2016. The appendix

includes journal entries from education 398 and reflections of the readings.

A potter can take a clay pot not yet glazed and fired, whether it is in pieces of hard clay

or a whole, and recycle it so that it becomes workable and a new chunk of clay to make a new

masterpiece. Just as clay can be moistened and reused for a new purpose, so education has been

reshaped over time according to the perceived purpose of education of that time period. Through

my own education at Calvin College, my philosophy on the purpose of education has been

shaped and reshaped over this semester in education 398. I believe the purpose of education is to

promote a good society by helping students explore the world around them and their place

in it so that they may be active agents in bringing shalom to flourish.

The purpose of schooling has changed over time. It has been used to unify a nation,

create an efficient space that produced workers, and to give opportunity to rise in the social level

(Labaree, 2011). Differing views of education began with two views of educationone being

Greek and the other Roman (Joldersma, 2016).

The Greek view deemed the common good as its central purpose. Labaree describes this

as a way to preserve and promote public aims, such as keeping the faith, shoring up the republic

or promoting economic growth (Laree, 2011, p. 381). While upholding public education

founded through republicanism, this view lacks the agency and individualism. Rendering failure

to see each student as an individual seeking their own dreams.

The Roman view sees each person as an individual in pursuit of their own social goals.

Labaree defines it as a way to advance the interests of individual educational consumers in the

pursuit of social access and social advantage (Labaree, 2011, p. 381). The roman view focuses

on preventing others from stepping over anothers rights, but fails to see the community working

together for the common good.


I believe that the purpose of education straddles both views. My view is largely affected

by my Christian worldview. I believe we were created to live in community using our individual

gifts and dreams to strive for goodness and flourishing. Romans 12:4-5 says Just as our bodies

have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christs body. We are many

parts of one body, and we all belong to each other (NIV, 2005 ). We may all have different

talents and callings, but we must work together as a community for the common good. However,

this should not go as far as taking away individual uniqueness that God created us to have.

Learning about the world and community around us as well as our individual place in it will help

us straddle the two sides and balance community and individuality. We are all different and that

diversity is what makes the community the way God originally intended itflourishing.

To flourish as an entire society, communities and individuals must work, all levels, to

promote opportunities--this is a good society. A societal structure must be in place for a good

society to be possible. The society must strive for plurality, security, and opportunities that will

allow each member to actively participate as a valued human with rights to pursue goodness.

There is no perfect society, but each step striving for goodness, still means the society is moving

in that direction. Plurality in levels within the society is key to pursuing a good society. Michael

Walzer believed that a society is made up of movements associations, communities, and states:

The good society is constituted by the peaceful co-existence of all the societies that aim at

goodness (Walzer, 2009, p. 75).

Movements are the ideas of change. They may not last very long over time, but they are

fueled with passion and are advocates for change. Movements pinpoint issues within society and

press the society to seek solutions. It is an intense political commitment that needs active agents

with a clear purpose (Walzer, 2009).


Associations are made up of members who freely cooperate in the organization that has a

specific focustheir niche per se. For instance, the Humane Society, the CRC denomination,

and Little League are all associations that bring people together with their common interests

(Walzer, 2009).

Communities last generations passing down their ideals, because it is not just a project

but a way of life (Walzer, 2009, p. 76). It is a way of life that has equal access to all members

with the freedom to leave. They are intentional about relationships and are intentional about

beliefs and practices (Walzer, 2009).

The state brings all these levels within the society together and tries to create security and

opportunities for all to continue to strive for goodness. Such security includes enforcing laws that

are in place to keep citizens safe. If a society allowed murderers to continue killing or a drunk

driver to drive, it would not be considered striving for goodness. The state needs to make laws

that strive for safety of its citizens and then enforce those laws. Security also includes healthcare

and welfare for its citizens. Systems and structures need to be in place to catch people when they

fall. So that when health or the ability to provide for individual families, security is there for

them (Walzer, 2009).

All of the levels of society have their benefits, and failures to provide opportunities to

strive for goodness. However, when each level pursues goodness, they fill in each others gaps to

make a good society. Thus, a good society, like Michael Walzer mentioned, is one that embraces

plurality. Education must then also embrace such levels in society and the idea of plurality if it

wishes to promote a good society.

If educations purpose is to promote a good society by helping students explore the world

around them and their place in it so that they may be active agents in bringing shalom to flourish,

then one must identify who all will be included as persons who will actively make up the good

society it is pursing. It is my belief, that such persons are created in the image God. The Bible

does not define what created in the image of God means, but whether it is creativity, love,

justice, or a different characteristic of God, we are set apart from the rest of creation purely

through our humanity.

Doornbos believed that personhood is bodiliness in balance between dependence and

independence (Doornbos, 2005, p. 52-55). A person must have agency to be independent enough

to act on their own, but a person can not be completely independent. They are in charge of their

own story, yet still a part of community. This means that a person has two parts, the one that is

the community and the other is their independent place in it. Philosopher Ikheim, believes that

in our world, personhood is what changes the I-it relationship to I-thou (Ikheimo, H., p. 79-

80). To give someone personhood, one must respect them, love them, and have genuine gratitude

for their contribution (Ikheimo, H., 2008). This means that if someone is not respected, then

their personhood doesnt exist or is taken away.

I believe that in reality, the world defines how much personhood someone will receive by

how much they can relate to them. We may hear Syrian children dying, but it doesnt cause us to

jump into an action, because we can not connect with a number. When we see a Syrian childs

picture washed ashore still wearing little shoes that our own child or sibling could be wearing, it

helps us add personhood to that human, because we made a connection. The ability to give

personhood is connected to what we see as normal. Since that view is based on our

experiences and will be different for everyone, there is no true normal.

However, I do not agree that it should be this way. I believe that part of being created in

the image of God, means we were created to live in community with interdependence. This

means each member gives and takes. However, interdependence is not equal for everyone, and

that is ok. Someone with mental impairments might take more, or what is being perceived as

taking more, than they can give, but that does not mean that they are any less of a person than

someone who can both give and take equally. A child with autism may be great at math or music,

give others purpose in their lives, and show others how to live without judgement. Everyone has

something to give and it is living in community that shows the humanity in us all. If one can not

love, respect, and appreciate what a disabled person gives, it is not the disabled persons fault.

The fault lies in the others ability to give personhood that the disabled person deserves.

The definition of a person being an image bearer of God who is an interdependent

member of The world must also include all members of the LGBT community. Once again our

world tries to take away their humanity based on the normal ideology, but they are still image

bearers of God and participate in interdependent relationships.

Just as people view those with disabilities who do not fit within their normal boxes,

gender and sexual orientation are boxes in which society tries to fit each other. However, not

everyone fits into the heterosexual or male or female categories.

Generally, when we think of gender, we think of female (XX) or male (XY). However,

not everyone fits into these two categories. Intersex (XX, XO, XXY, XYY, XX/XY) is neither

male nor female (Looy, H., & Bouma, 2005). Gender is highly shaped by the amount of what

hormones the baby receives in the womb. Intersex individuals dont fit one gender in several

categories such as chromosomes, external and internal genitals, hormones, reproductive

functioning, and orientation. Many times at birth the parents try to decide their gender for them

and will put the child through hormonal treatment, even if it isnt for health reasons. Later, the

children may develop psychologically as the other gender. Others find out that they are intersex

when their bodies change abnormally or not at all during puberty (Looy, H., & Bouma, 2005).

Transgender is when an individual is able to be defined biologically as male or female,

but psychologically is the other gender. These individuals feel like they are trapped inside the

wrong body. Myers believes there could be multiple factors for this such as genetic influences

hormonal activity and maternal immune systems (Myers, D. G., 2015).

It is unjust to take away personhood on the basis of ones inability to relate, especially

when targeting the venerable LGBT community, because not only are they image bearers of God

but also very few people in this world fit into all the stereotypes of their own gender. There are

many males that love talking, cooking, clothes, and investing in their families just as there are

many females who love sports, working out, doing calculus, and investing in their jobs. What is

thought as male or female traits overlap and most people are in-between. Males can be very

emotional, just as females can be very reasonable. There are very few people who will only

identify with one set of gender traits. Yet, our world still tries to fit people in clear boxes and

take away personhood when they do not fit perfectly in these boxes (Joldersma, C, 2016). The

result is LGBT teens are 4 times more likely to commit suicide (Facts About Suicide, 2015).

Each episode of LGBT victimization increases the likelihood of self harm by 2.5 times (Facts

About Suicide, 2015).

Race is another man made social structure that is meant to put people in boxes in attempt

to give some more personhood than others. My definition of racism is humanity made social

boundary that institutions have set to give advantage to some at the cost of taking advantage

from others on the basis of race. Tyrone Howard understands that racism through social imagery

is an institutionalized practice that shapes how we view reality. He believes it is these

institutionalized views that have shaped the social imagery of black males (Howard, T., 2012).

Over history in the U.S. this view has changed. Black males were first thought as only

strong, dumb, and sex driven creatures during slavery times (Howard, T., 2012). Later the

perception changed to lazy entertainers and again changing to pimps, thugs, and law breakers

(Howard, T., 2012). Currently the perception is still gangs, underachievers, and not to be trusted

(Howard, T., 2012). This is seen being played out in our school institutions when black males are

more likely to be suspended, expelled, or put into special education than their classmates

(Howard, T., 2012). These views are also being perpetuation through pop-culture of movies and

books (Howard, T., 2012). When trying to get jobs, perceptions of race are used to make

generalizations without reviewing qualifications which leads to high unemployment rates

(Howard, T., 2012, p. 90).

The problem with these views being so institutionalized through our history is that the

perceptions have somehow found their way to becoming normalized in out national psyche

(Howard, T., 2012, p. 90). Schools write off students as unsalvageable and do not give

students needed resources which gives these people no hope (Howard, T., 2012, p.90). When in

reality, these perceptions are false: research revealed that Black makes identified more strongly

with images of individuals who avoided conflict than those that did not (Howard, T., 2012, p.

91). These perceptions are rooted in misinterpretation of culture and are used to tell Black males

that they cant (Howard, T., 2012). Identity shapes performance itself, so if we keep telling

someone that they can not, then they wont (Howard, T., 2012). We are failing them, before they

have begun.

Each student comes with their own set of experiences and background knowledge, that as

teachers, we need to use to encourage the joy of learning (Howard, T., 2011). I believe the more

that we know each student as a unique and beautiful learner, we will be able to adjust our

curriculum and pedagogy that will include everyone and increase success, especially for

minorities. If want our students to flourish, we have to start with ourselves and work on our own

prejudices. We must give each student the full personhood. We are on the front lines as teachers

in promoting a good society

I believe if the children of color from the Bronx in Kozols book, Ordinary

Resurrections, were given the full personhood that they rightfully deserve, being children of

God, their lives would look much different. The air they breathe would be much cleaner, the

schools would not label their children or set them up for failure, and more fathers would be at

home instead of incarcerated. Every person, no matter their race, deserves an education that

prepares them to be active members to pursue goodness so that they too will have a chance to

flourish as an interdependent member of society.

For a good society to exist, the worldas a spacehas to be sustained. In the last decade

or so, scientists have come to the conclusion that global warming will become one of the biggest

environmental issues of my generation. However, the societies responsible for the major shift in

climate change are not equally sharing the repercussions of their decisions yet.

Global warming is the warming of the earth due to rising greenhouse gasses. John

Houghton, author of the article Global Warming, Climate Change and Sustainability, stated in

agreement with most scientists of our day that chemical analysis demonstrates that this increase

is due largely to burning of fossil fuelscoal, oil, and gas (2011, p. 3). This fast change in

temperature has large implications. In fact, the rate of change of climate is equivalent to say,

half an ice age in less than 100 yearsa larger rate of change than for at least 10,000 years.

Adapting to this will be difficult for both humans and many ecosystems (Houghton, J. T., 2011,

p. 4). We are seeing rise in sea levels, extreme weather events such as floods and droughts, and

tropical cyclones (Houghton, J. T., 2011,). As these are on the rise, so will environmental

refugees (Houghton, J. T., 2011, p. 5). A society can not claim goodness when their people are

being displaced due to decisions such as forestation and careless use of energy, because it would

not provide security or allow all members to participate equally. Global warming used to be

denied completely as a reality, but now that science has improved, it is impossible to claim

ignorance to this worldwide issue.

Even though this is a worldwide issue, the weight of the implications is put on the lower

class. Large, rich nations continue to put tons and tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, while little

island nations are swallowed up by the oceansstranding their people. Large nations continue to

buy a diversity of food and barely notice a price increase, while poor communities in other

countries starve, because their food sources are dying from the rising temperatures in the oceans

or can not farm due to unpredictability. Even within the large nations, the distribution of justice

is not equal. Kozol in The Ordinary Resurrections gives many references to families living in

poor areas in which their security is being violated, because the environment is affecting their

capabilities to breathe (Kozol, J., 2000). Hospital trips due to asthma attacks become a normal

for some (Kozol, J., 2000). The Plaster Creek Stewards of Grand Rapids have also done studies

with schools from the area to show how much dirtier the water is downstream, in the poorer

communities, than it is upstream. They have done a lot of work educating the community and

cleaning the river. Those who have money can choose healthier places to live and can still afford

gas or healthy food, even when prices go up due to the change of demand, because of climate


The solution to tackle sustainability in society is not one simple path, but one that is done

in the name of social justice. At every level, there must be the pursuit of goodness to sustain

itself in the environment. Planting trees helps hold the soil, while adding a natural CO2 in-taker

and oxygen producer. Changing grass to deeper rooted varieties with diversity will have the

same effect and make the soil rich. Using other clean energy sources such as hydropower, wind

power, solar power, and tidal power will also help. The more research that is done on clean

energy sources, the cheaper they will become and more readably available for the common

citizen. The environment affects everyone, but the ugliness is pushed onto the poor. Education

must then advocate for sustainability if it wishes to promote a good society as part of its purpose.

We can have the best teachers, the smartest scientists, and the greatest social leaders to

promote a good society, but we will never have the perfect society in which all students will have

equal opportunities to happiness and flourishing. I may never see the end to the education gap,

social inequities, and environmental destruction. We live in a broken world, and even though

God has promised that Christ will return to bring the complete Kingdom, it is not here yet.

However, we dont have to put our hope in how our students perform and the changes that we

see in the world around us. I agree with Philosopher Clarence Joldersna in that optimism is very

different than hope (Joldersma, C, 2016). Optimism is when you believe that something will

come to intuition, but in an expected way. Hope is when you believe something will come to

intuition, but in an unexpected way (Joldersma, C, 2016).. I am not optimistic for the good

society, but I am hopeful, because of the promise of shalom through Christ.


Gods promise of the word shalom means peace. Shalom also has a deeper meaning of

flourishing, harmony, and the way God originally intended it to be. Genisis 1:31 states that God

saw all that he had made, and it was very good (NIV, 2005). It was not until sin had entered the

world that this peace and time of harmony was broken (NIV, 2005). Our interconnected between

our creator and creation were then out of order. Humans murdered, cheated, and destroyed. All

of creation cries out for the redemption that is promised through Jesus Christ. In our fallen world,

there are still mass killings, dehumanizing language, careless pipelines break, suicides, we fill

our skies with poison, and much more. Jesus came to heal the broken and mend the relationships-

-bringing shalom. 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 states Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new

creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to

himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation (NIV, 2005). Since we are

being called to be agents of renewal, that means we must take what is broken and reconcile it so

that it is the relationship God intended it to beflourishing, harmony, shalom. Since the world is

broken, Christians are called to bring justice as a way to reconcile and bring the Kingdom. Even

in a public school, bringing shalom will benefit all students. One does not have to blatantly state

they are bringing shalom, but rather what shalom stands forflourishing and harmony and


All societies that claim to promote goodness must promote flourishing. In a broad sense,

a society, no matter if it claims Christian affiliation must love each other within and act justly for

such flourishing to come to intuition. Love is not a feeling that makes one feel good inside. It is a

verb. To love someone is an action. Uganda Councilman and inspiration speaker Bob Goff

stated: Thats because love is never stationary. In the end, love doesnt just keep thinking about

it or keep planning for it. Simply put: love does (Bob Goff, 2012).

The action of doing justice to promote peace, is lovewhich advocates goodness for all.

This heart of justice must be taught through education to promote a good society. Philosopher

Nicholas Wolterstorff understands that this justice cant come from the fear of punishment or the

hope of a reward (Wolterstorff, 2004). This is because punishments and rewards may not always

be present and the calling for justice must come much deeper in human connection. Wolterstorff

believes that fostering a character of sympathy instead of based on a risk or reward:

If you punish a child merely for the sake of being naughty, and reward him for being

good, he will do right merely for the sake of the reward; and when he goes out into the

world and finds that goodness is not always rewarded, nor wickedness always punished,

he will grow into a man who only thinks about how he may get on in the world and does

right or wrong according as he finds either of advantage to himself (Wolterstorff, 2004,

p. 139).

In a system relying on punishments or rewards, those benefiting off the injustice of others would

not seek justice. In our society, whites benefited from the structures that it was built and that

would have never started to change if all justice was based on being rewarded or punished. We

can indeed use punishments and rewards to foster that character, but it shouldnt rely on it.

I also believe that such character should be taught through example. Students will learn

the importance of empathy and build a schema of seeing themselves in anothers shoes, when

their teacher practices it by thinking aloud. God didnt just tell us how to love through justice, he

showed us through sending His son to die on the cross.

The greatest way for justice to root in one's heart is a relationship with Christ. When one

is yoked with God, his will becomes your purpose for your life, which includes justice. Matthew

25:35-40 says:

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a

stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you

visited me, I was in prison and you came to me....And the King will answer them,

Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[a] you did it to

me (ESV, 2011).

If I work in a public school, my students may not be rooted in faith, but I will yoke

myself with Christ and lead by example of what a relationship being yoked looks like through

my actions that practice justice within my own classroom. I will seek justice in giving all

personhood, fight for equal opportunities for all people of all classes, and advocate for the

environment. The very pursuit of justice will lead to goodness, peace, and flourishingthus

promoting a good society.

The purpose of education has changed over time just like a potter reshapes clay for a new

purpose. My view of education has been strongly shaped by education 398 over the course of

this semester. I believe education should promote a good society by helping students explore the

world around them and their place in it so that they may be active agents in bringing shalom to

flourish. Understanding that purpose inspires me as I head to the front lines to work for God. The

world is quite a broken place, but I do have hope that God will use me to bring His Kingdom of

shalom and flourishing in unexpected ways.



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