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Voiceover Script


While NASA is essentially one of the most well known government

agencies on the planet,people everywhere, regardless of age or
gender, often fail to learn about what it truly is.

Of course, when the word NASA is slipped into a conversation

the average mind begins to wander off and think of the simple
things such as space exploration,rockets,robots and astronauts.
However, what many individuals fail to realize is that NASAs
programs go far beyond that, often dabbling into educational
research as well as learning about our own planets and how to
maintain it.

NASA, which stands for National Aeronautics and Space

Administration, was established by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower in 1958. The creation of this industry was partly due
to the fact that the Soviet Unions space exploration was
expanding at an alarmingly rapid rate.

NASA which stemmed off of the NACA, National Advisory

Committee on Aeronautics,immediately went to work advancing
in space exploration and other fields.

Under President Kennedys leadership later on, NASA began to

focus more and more on sending astronauts to the moon. By
going through smaller scaled projects, NASA was finally able to
attain the skills needed to go on such a journey and finally on July
20, 1969 Neil Armstrong along with Buzz Aldrin became the first
two men of 12 to finally walk on the moon.
As time passed, NASAs focus shifted to creating a reusable ship
to provide them with permanent access to space. This ship would
later go on to be known as the International Space Station or ISS
for short.

What many people tend to overlook, are the variety of careers

offered at NASA, NASA goes beyond astronauts and extends to
scientist, engineers, IT specialists, writers and even accountants.
In fact, NASA jobs even offers students everywhere the chances
to gain internships, and summer employments!

As of now, NASA is working on continuing and bettering its current

space exploration programs. Just recently, it has discovered seven
potentially habitable earth sized planets!

With NASAs discoveries rapidly advancing daily, it is important

that everyone gains a basic understanding for what it truly is.
After all, NASA is for everyone!

https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo11/videos (not as cool

but more video tho)
list=PL9CE8298F3523B151(Moon Walk)
(ISS Space Viewa)
list=PLTXQuaxXBKKwrkJmQDtYI5oWSbMXX8kjm (ISS Tour)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUXuV7XbZvU (kennedy)
affiliate=nasa&query=john+f+kennedy (kennedy pics)
Job part:
The New planets that NASA discovered

Mars rover


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