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Optimize 3413.

69636 MACROS
FindThe 2 0 Start 0
Stop Trials 0 1000 BeforeCalc
Stop Minutes 1 400 AfterCalc
Stop Change 0 100 1 1 EndTrial
Stop Formula Finish
Pop. Size 50
Constraint UNUSED Seed 1 1
Up. Display 1
PauseOnErr 0
Graph 0

#Chrom. 1
Meth+OtherOpMut.+Op Cross+Op Descr. TimeBlocks Const #Ranges Range
RECIPE -1 0.5 0 1 69.9910127

#Const. 0
Min Max Flags DEVEVAL EVAL Type Entry M. Form.
0 85 False,False,False
Description LeftVal LeftOp Ref. RightOp RightVal PenaltyFct Unused
3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 total 3413.899998
4 Price 47.415 35 67.866 70 70 70 89.94999998
Interne Internet Internet
Internet TV Cell Phone t TV Cell +TV +Cell TV+Cell All 3 max surp bought? revenue
6 $3.50 $7.00 $3.50 -43.91 -28 -64.37 -59.5 -63 -59.5 -75.95 -28 0 0
7 $17.50 $35.00 $3.50 -29.91 ### -64.37 -17.5 -49 -31.5 -33.95 1.3897E-009 2 35
8 $28.00 $28.00 $49.00 -19.41 -7 -18.87 -14 7.000001 7 15.05000002 15.05000002 7 89.94999998 Product Frequency
9 $70.00 $70.00 $0.00 22.585 35 -67.87 70 6.01E-007 5E-008 50.05000002 70.00000002 4 69.99999998 0 25
10 $0.00 $7.00 $14.00 -47.41 -28 -53.87 -63 -56 -49 -68.95 -28 0 0 1 0
11 $0.00 $70.00 $0.00 -47.41 35 -67.87 2E-008 -70 5E-008 -19.95 35 2 35 2 19
12 $21.00 $35.00 $10.50 -26.41 ### -57.37 -14 -38.5 -24.5 -23.45 1.3897E-009 2 35 3 0
13 $7.00 $21.00 $0.00 -40.41 -14 -67.87 -42 -63 -49 -61.95 -14 0 0 4 8
14 $5.25 $7.00 $2.10 -42.16 -28 -65.77 -57.75 -62.65 -60.9 -75.6 -28 0 0 5 2
15 $21.00 $28.00 $28.00 -26.41 -7 -39.87 -21 -21 -14 -12.95 -7 0 0 6 1
16 $35.00 $49.00 $21.00 -12.41 14 -46.87 14 -14 5E-008 15.05000002 15.05000002 7 89.94999998 7 22
17 $21.00 $21.00 $21.00 -26.41 -14 -46.87 -28 -28 -28 -26.95 -14 0 0
18 $14.00 $35.00 $21.00 -33.41 ### -46.87 -21 -35 -14 -19.95 1.3897E-009 2 35
19 $14.00 $35.00 $14.00 -33.41 ### -53.87 -21 -42 -21 -26.95 1.3897E-009 2 35
20 $70.00 $0.00 $49.00 22.585 -35 -18.87 2E-008 49 -21 29.05000002 49.0000006 5 69.9999994
21 $7.00 $35.00 $14.00 -40.41 ### -53.87 -28 -49 -21 -33.95 1.3897E-009 2 35
22 $21.00 $35.00 $42.00 -26.41 ### -25.87 -14 -7 7 8.050000021 8.050000021 7 89.94999998
23 $20.65 $34.65 $34.65 -26.76 -0.35 -33.22 -14.7 -14.7 -0.7 0.000000021 0.000000021 7 89.94999998
24 $1.75 $21.00 $0.00 -45.66 -14 -67.87 -47.25 -68.25 -49 -67.2 -14 0 0
25 $21.00 $17.50 $21.00 -26.41 -17 -46.87 -31.5 -28 -31.5 -30.45 -17.5 0 0
26 $27.65 $34.65 $41.65 -19.76 -0.35 -26.22 -7.7 -0.699999 6.3 14 14.00000002 7 89.94999998
27 $7.00 $0.00 $28.00 -40.41 -35 -39.87 -63 -35 -42 -54.95 -34.9999994 0 0
28 $21.00 $35.00 $10.50 -26.41 ### -57.37 -14 -38.5 -24.5 -23.45 1.3897E-009 2 35
29 $27.65 $69.65 $27.65 -19.76 34.7 -40.22 27.3 -14.7 27.3 35 35.00000002 7 89.94999998
30 $35.00 $70.00 $35.00 -12.41 35 -32.87 35 6.01E-007 35 50.05000002 50.05000002 7 89.94999998
31 $14.00 $35.00 $7.00 -33.41 ### -60.87 -21 -49 -28 -33.95 1.3897E-009 2 35
32 $21.00 $35.00 $28.00 -26.41 ### -39.87 -14 -21 -7 -5.94999998 1.3897E-009 2 35
33 $7.00 $70.00 $0.00 -40.41 35 -67.87 7 -63 5E-008 -12.95 35 2 35
34 $3.50 $7.00 $10.50 -43.91 -28 -57.37 -59.5 -56 -52.5 -68.95 -28 0 0
35 $0.00 $21.00 $14.00 -47.41 -14 -53.87 -49 -56 -35 -54.95 -14 0 0
36 $21.00 $56.00 $35.00 -26.41 21 -32.87 7 -14 21 22.05000002 22.05000002 7 89.94999998
37 $49.00 $105.00 $0.00 1.5854 70 -67.87 84 -21 35 64.05000002 84.00000002 4 69.99999998
38 $70.00 $70.00 $140.00 22.585 35 72.134 70 140 140 190.05 190.05 7 89.94999998
39 $21.00 $105.00 $14.00 -26.41 70 -53.87 56 -35 49 50.05000002 70 2 35
40 $21.00 $35.00 $14.00 -26.41 ### -53.87 -14 -35 -21 -19.95 1.3897E-009 2 35
41 $0.00 $140.00 $0.00 -47.41 105 -67.87 70 -70 70 50.05000002 105 2 35
42 $0.00 $35.00 $0.00 -47.41 ### -67.87 -35 -70 -35 -54.95 1.3897E-009 2 35
43 $7.00 $35.00 $21.00 -40.41 ### -46.87 -28 -42 -14 -26.95 1.3897E-009 2 35
44 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 -12.41 ### -32.87 2E-008 6.01E-007 5E-008 15.05000002 15.05000002 7 89.94999998
45 $21.00 $31.50 $17.50 -26.41 -3.5 -50.37 -17.5 -31.5 -21 -19.95 -3.5 0 0
46 $7.00 $21.00 $7.00 -40.41 -14 -60.87 -42 -56 -42 -54.95 -14 0 0
47 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 -12.41 ### -32.87 2E-008 6.01E-007 5E-008 15.05000002 15.05000002 7 89.94999998
48 $28.00 $70.00 $70.00 -19.41 35 2.1339 28 28 70 78.05000002 78.05000002 7 89.94999998
49 $21.00 $0.00 $14.00 -26.41 -35 -53.87 -49 -35 -56 -54.95 -26.4146375 0 0
50 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 -12.41 ### -32.87 2E-008 6.01E-007 5E-008 15.05000002 15.05000002 7 89.94999998
51 $35.00 $49.00 $21.00 -12.41 14 -46.87 14 -14 5E-008 15.05000002 15.05000002 7 89.94999998
52 $70.00 $70.00 $35.00 22.585 35 -32.87 70 35 35 85.05000002 85.05000002 7 89.94999998
53 $5.25 $17.50 $8.75 -42.16 -17 -59.12 -47.25 -56 -43.75 -58.45 -17.5 0 0
54 $0.00 $35.00 $0.00 -47.41 ### -67.87 -35 -70 -35 -54.95 1.3897E-009 2 35
55 $21.00 $35.00 $35.00 -26.41 ### -32.87 -14 -14 5E-008 1.050000021 1.050000021 7 89.94999998
56 $24.50 $14.00 $14.00 -22.91 -21 -53.87 -31.5 -31.5 -42 -37.45 -21 0 0
57 $24.50 $35.00 $24.50 -22.91 ### -43.37 -10.5 -21 -10.5 -5.94999998 1.3897E-009 2 35
58 $21.00 $35.00 $52.50 -26.41 ### -15.37 -14 3.500001 17.5 18.55000002 18.55000002 7 89.94999998
59 $35.00 $21.00 $70.00 -12.41 -14 2.1339 -14 35 21 36.05000002 36.05000002 7 89.94999998
60 $7.00 $7.00 $14.00 -40.41 -28 -53.87 -56 -49 -49 -61.95 -28 0 0
61 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 -40.41 -28 -60.87 -56 -56 -56 -68.95 -28 0 0
62 $35.00 $0.00 $35.00 -12.41 -35 -32.87 -35 6.01E-007 -35 -19.95 6.0113E-007 5 69.9999994
63 $175.00 $210.00 $0.00 127.59 175 -67.87 315 105 140 295.05 315 4 69.99999998
64 $14.00 $0.00 $0.00 -33.41 -35 -67.87 -56 -56 -70 -75.95 -33.4146375 0 0
65 $35.00 $49.00 $14.00 -12.41 14 -53.87 14 -21 -7 8.050000021 14.00000002 4 69.99999998
66 $10.50 $7.00 $7.00 -36.91 -28 -60.87 -52.5 -52.5 -56 -65.45 -28 0 0
67 $7.00 $14.00 $3.50 -40.41 -21 -64.37 -49 -59.5 -52.5 -65.45 -21 0 0
68 $175.00 $350.00 $70.00 127.59 315 2.1339 455 175 350 505.05 505.05 7 89.94999998
69 $0.00 $14.00 $14.00 -47.41 -21 -53.87 -56 -56 -42 -61.95 -21 0 0 Penalty dev penalty
70 $12.25 $35.00 $0.00 -35.16 ### -67.87 -22.75 -57.75 -35 -42.7 1.3897E-009 2 35 TV-(I+TV) -35 0
71 $35.00 $42.00 $42.00 -12.41 7 -25.87 7 7.000001 14 29.05000002 29.05000002 7 89.94999998 I-(I+TV) -22.5853625 0
72 $35.00 $56.00 $0.00 -12.41 21 -67.87 21 -35 -14 1.050000021 21.00000002 4 69.99999998 Cell-(I+Cell) -2.13387849 0
73 $35.00 $42.00 $0.00 -12.41 7 -67.87 7 -35 -28 -12.95 7.000000019 4 69.99999998 I-(I+C) -22.5853619 0
74 $42.00 $52.50 $7.00 -5.415 17.5 -60.87 24.5 -21 -10.5 11.55000002 24.50000002 4 69.99999998 TV-(TV+Cell) -34.9999999 0
75 $21.00 $21.00 $7.00 -26.41 -14 -60.87 -28 -42 -42 -40.95 -14 0 0 Cell-(TV+Cell) -2.13387904 0
76 $27.65 $48.65 $27.65 -19.76 13.7 -40.22 6.3 -14.7 6.3 14 14.00000002 7 89.94999998 (I+TV)-All -19.95 0
77 $0.00 $56.00 $35.00 -47.41 21 -32.87 -14 -35 21 1.050000021 21.00000005 6 69.99999995 (I+C)-All -19.9500006 0
78 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 -47.41 -28 -67.87 -63 -70 -63 -82.95 -28 0 0 (TV+Cell)-All -19.95 0
79 $35.00 $35.00 $56.00 -12.41 ### -11.87 2E-008 21 21 36.05000002 36.05000002 7 89.94999998 TV-All -54.95 0
80 $21.00 $28.00 $28.00 -26.41 -7 -39.87 -21 -21 -14 -12.95 -7 0 0 Cell-All -22.0838791 0
81 $0.00 $42.00 $7.00 -47.41 7 -60.87 -28 -63 -21 -40.95 7.000000001 2 35 I-All -42.5353625 0
82 $35.00 $35.00 $1.75 -12.41 ### -66.12 2E-008 -33.25 -33.25 -18.2 0.000000019 4 69.99999998 Total 0
Assume 100 Total Customers

1 2
Prices ### ###
Studen Full
Student Full t Verson
Segment Size Surplu Surplu
Version Version
s s
$110.00 $160.00 20.00
s ### ###
$170.00 $300.00 40.00
dent) ### $0.00
$240.00 $500.00 40.00
ses $32.00 ###

Profit is maximized by
selling @@@@ verison to @@@@ seg
Total Revenue ###
Penalty if Student price>Full Veriso 0
Target Cell ###

Max surplus Bought Revenue

-$98.00 0 $0.00

$0.00 2 ###

$200.00 2 ###

verison to @@@@ segments.

Assume 100 customers
product 1 2
cost $15.00 $1.00
price $37.24 $20.00
unit profit 22.2417937747 19

Home Web
Subscription Access

1 $30 $35
2 $35 $15
3 $20 $20

prices in row 9 and max profit at $@@@@
note we are incentivizing
Segment 2 to buy '@@@@'
and nobody takes just @@@@
Total profit ###
Penalty on pri 0
3 New Target ce ###

Home +Web Size Home Web Home+ web Max what is

surplus surplus surplus surplus bought profit
$50 25 ($7.24) ### $10.00 ### 2 ###
$40 40 ($2.24) ($5.00) $0.00 $0.00 3 ###
$25 35 ### $0.00 ($15.00) $0.00 2 ###

9 and max profit at $@@@@

buy '@@@@'
akes just @@@@

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