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beliefs imply elaborate mental representations

Research Report that build on haptic experience but are unre-

lated to vision.
In this study, a child, Carlo, who was born
Raised-Line Pictures, Blindness, completely blind, was invited to explore and
and Tactile Beliefs: An identify, by name, a set of raised-line pictures
Observational Case Study without receiving feedback about the accu-
Amedeo DAngiulli racy of his identification. He was then asked
to explain, verbally or by drawing, why he
There seems to be a fundamental similarity in
believed that the names he suggested accu-
the way that persons who are blind and those
rately identified the depicted objects. If the
who are sighted process and use pictorial in-
processing of raised-line pictures is indeed
formation (Kennedy, 1993). A possible rea-
based mainly on the perception of the shape
son for this similarity is the partial overlap
of objects shared by vision and haptics, Car-
(DAngiulli, 2004) between vision and hap-
los identification rate would be similar to the
tics; namely, the notion that some core prin-
rate that was previously reported for partici-
ciples of the depiction of objects in the form
pants who are blind and sighted, who at-
of an outline are based on objective shapes
tempted to identify raised-line pictures with-
(Kennedy & Bai, 2002) that contain a few
out the availability of visual information from
essential structural features that are accessed
the pictures (see, for example, DAngiulli,
in the same physical space and are perceived
Kennedy, & Heller, 1998; Kennedy & Bai,
equivalently through haptics and vision.
2002). In addition, there would be no rela-
An alternative view, however, is that sim-
tionship between the accuracy of identifica-
ilarities in the processing of pictures by peo-
tion and Carlos tactile beliefs (about what the
ple who are blind and those who are sighted
pictures may represent). If the identification
are not the result of the direct perception of
of raised-line pictures was based primarily on
the shape of objects. Rather, these similarities
inferring a meaning-based interpretation of
are by-products of tactile beliefs (Hopkins,
the picture (even if the two accounts were not
2000), specifically, of inferences that are
mutually exclusive and beliefs somehow
based on aspects that are related to touching
compounded or added to partial overlap), then
objects without visual feedback. That is, al-
Carlos beliefs would be related to the accu-
though visual experience itself presents one
racy of identification.
with the shape of an outline, tactile experi-
ence may not do so; it may enable one only to
construct some form of indirect knowledge
that describes the shape of an outline. Haptics
would enable a person to deduce the shape Carlo, a 13-year old boy who was born com-
of an object by going beyond perceptual ex- pletely blind and who attended a school for
perience. Thus, in most cases, the partial children with visual impairments in Milan,
overlap that entails the identification of Italy, was recontacted from a pool of candi-
raised-line pictures is based on the perception dates who were initially recruited but found
of patterns, as in vision. In contrast, tactile ineligible for another study. The present in-
vestigation was conceived as a single-case
pilot study. A follow-up developmental study
I am grateful beyond words to the participant, his
parents, and his teachers. I also thank the late with comparison groups of various ages and
Gabriele Di Stefano and acknowledge support visual statuses is under way. The presumed
from the Canada Research Chairs program. cause of Carlos blindness was an uncon-

172 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March 2007 2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved
firmed rare genetic disease. The standard pe- lowed to reflect on his responses by thinking
diatric evaluation revealed no pupillary reflex aloud. He was also invited to provide one
or reaction to light at birth. Carlo was writing final identification response only and to give
and reading braille by age 7 and was experi- one final response even if he was unsure.
enced in exploring and making pictures. Both Correct identification required offering the
he and his parents gave their consent for Carlo names of the objects listed earlier (such as an
to participate in the study. Ethical approval apple or a key) or synonyms (for example,
was obtained by the board of the Italian Na- phone for telephone). No feedback about
tional Institute for the Blind (Unione Nazio- identification was provided during any trial,
nale Ciechi, Milan). except in the practice trial, in which Carlo
was told the name of the stimulus (a tree) and
Materials shown its parts (the trunk, branches, and
The stimuli were nine raised-line pictures. leaves) in the picture. Debriefing was pro-
Eight pictures, taken from DAngiulli et al. vided after all the trials were completed.
(1998), were used as targets on the first and In each experimental trial, once Carlo pro-
second blocks of identification trials (hence- vided the name of an object as his final iden-
forth referred to as the introductory and tification response, the experimenter elicited
experimental blocks or trials, respectively); his tactile beliefs about a picture by asking,
these pictures represented an apple, cup, scis- Why do you believe this is a drawing of a
sors, telephone, key, happy face, bottle, and ____? (and repeated the name that Carlo
table. Another picture, representing a tree, provided, such as a butterfly). If Carlos iden-
was used for practice before the introductory tification response was correct, the experi-
block. The total number of trials (17) was menter simply moved on to the next picture.
deliberately chosen to limit fatigue and keep If the identification response was incorrect (as
the study to less than 45 minutes, following in the example just presented, since the pic-
the recommendations of the institutional re- ture was not of a butterfly), the experimenter
view board and the general practices of de- followed up by asking, May this be a draw-
velopmental research. Each picture was made ing of a ____? (and provided the correct
on a separate Mylar plastic sheet using a name of the object, such as a table). Could
raised-line drawing kit. you explain why you believe that this may
[may not] (depending on Carlos response) be
Procedure the drawing of a ____ [correct name of the
The procedure, adapted from DAngiulli et al. object]? The purpose of the follow-up ques-
(1998), consisted of one introductory and one tions was to obtain verbalizations that were
subsequent experimental block of identifica- still referenced to the unidentified correct tar-
tion trials that were conducted in a quiet room get stimuli (for details, see DAngiulli et al.,
in Carlos school. After Carlo practiced with 1998). If Carlo did not respond after one
a raised-line picture of a tree, he was asked to minute or declared or showed that he was not
explore the pictures in the introductory block to be able to explain himself, for example, by
quickly, one at a time, and attempt to identify hesitating to respond, the experimenter
them by name. handed him a drawing kit with a blank Mylar
After the introductory trial and a break, the sheet and a pen and asked, Would you like to
experimental block was introduced. The ex- show me how a ____ [correct name of the
perimental trial included the same pictures as object] should be drawn?
in the introductory trial (presented in a differ- Tactile beliefs were operationally defined
ent random order), except that Carlo was al- in terms of the names of the objects that Carlo

2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March 2007 173
Table 1 Carlo accepted only a minor proportion of
Identifications (in experimental trials) and the pictures as appropriate representations of
accepted names of objects for haptic pictures
by Carlo, a 13-year-old boy who was born the named objects. As Table 1 indicates, there
completely blind. seems to be no relationship between Carlos
acceptance or rejection of the names and
Picture (Incorrect suggestions) Accepted identifications shown by the difference in pro-
portion of rejected versus accepted pictures
Apple No (Head with bump) Yes
(.62 vs. .37). What is evident by visual in-
Cup No No (D)
Scissors Yes (Butterfly) No
spection of Table 1 is confirmed by the lack of
Telephone Yes Yes significant agreements with beliefs about the
Keys No (Guitar) No (D) stimuli. Table 1 also shows that Carlo drew
Face Yes Yes three of the stimuli that he rejected as inade-
Bottle Yes No quate; his drawings and relevant verbaliza-
Table Yes No (D) tions are examined next.
Proportion 5 of 8 3 of 8
Figure 1a presents his two drawings of a
Note: D in parentheses means that Carlo pro- key. Both drawings were considerably
vided a drawing of the object. See the text for
the description of accepted (or rejected) re-
smaller than the picture he attempted to iden-
sponses as operational indicators of tactile be- tify. (During debriefing, Carlo commented
liefs. that he would have never guessed that an
object of that size [referring to the raised-line
accepted (or rejected) in relation to the drawing of the key] could be [an illustration
experimental trials. For each picture, Carlos of] a key). He stated that there were two
acceptance (or rejection) was based on his aspects that he could not understand: the
response to the first belief-eliciting question groove of the key, which felt too widely
following his accurate identification or on his spaced, and the big hole in the circular han-
response to the second belief-eliciting ques- dle of the key. His remarks and Figure 1a
tion following his inaccurate identification. suggest a discrepancy between the specific
kind of key that Carlo had in mind and the one
RESULTS depicted by the stimulus. The stimulus repre-
Carlo identified 62% of the target pictures sents a standard key for wooden doors,
(see Table 1). Most of his verbalizations con- whereas Carlo had in mind the key to his home,
tained descriptions of salient parts of possible which had a fortified locked door. (Since the
object referents that fit the configuration of experimenter had the same type of key, dur-
the raised lines, such as (1) buttons for a ing debriefing he showed Carlo his own key
telephone; (2) the eyes, nose, and mouth for a and then asked and received positive confir-
happy face; (3) the bottleneck for a bottle; and mation that this was indeed the kind of key
(4) the overall shape of a circle connected to that Carlo intended to represent in Figure 1a.)
a handle or stick, which Carlo interpreted as a Carlo stated that the graphic detail repre-
lollypop, rather than as a key. Carlo confi- senting the cup handle was sufficiently appro-
dently provided one final response for all the priate. However, he noted that, in the picture,
targets except while exploring the apple, for there was no indication of the internal cavity
which he commented: [This picture] looks that usually contains liquids. To explain,
like the face of a man who has a bump [re- Carlo made the drawing shown in Figure 2a.
ferring to the stem of the apple] and is happy He then stressed that, to him, a prominent
[referring to the cavity where the stem is aspect of a cup was the hollow space that can
inserted]. be felt by the fingers and the lips. Carlo

174 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March 2007 2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved
Figure 1. (a) Two free drawings of a key (rejected by Carlo), (b) the stimulus depicting a key
(not identified by Carlo), and (c) copy of the picture stimulus key made by Carlo during

made a similar remark about the opening of the same length, with no hint of occluded
the bottle and said that was the reason why he parts of any of the legs. As Carlo stated, the
did not find either stimulus to be a good picture of a table should show the most salient
haptic picture. features in terms of what can be touched:
Figure 3 shows Carlos drawing of a table. You can run your hand . . . fingers . . . on the
In contrast with the stimulus, Carlos drawing table, . . . and your legs often run into one of
has no perspective (oblique projection); it the legs that stick out from the empty spaces
shows a rectangle as the tabletop and, at- below the top of [the table].
tached to it, extending legs of approximately Regarding the scissors, Carlo commented

Figure 2. (a) Sketch of a cup by Carlo, (b) the stimulus depicting a cup (not identified by Carlo),
(c) copy of the picture stimulus cup made by Carlo during debriefing.

2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March 2007 175
Figure 3. A free drawing (b) of the picture stimulus table (a) correctly identified by Carlo.

that the funny orientation made the picture One concern may be that Carlo may not
ambiguous: If the picture was of scissors, he have explored the unidentified stimuli effi-
would have expected the two blades not ciently or systematically enough to note or
pointing upward and not so much apart. At integrate some parts of the pictures, and there-
the same time, the handles suggested to him fore his beliefs may have been biased by this
that the picture could be showing scissors. variable. Because copying reflects how sys-
tematically haptic pictures are explored
DISCUSSION (DAngiulli & Kennedy, 2001), during de-
In summary, Carlos picture-identification briefing, Carlo was asked to copy the two
rate supports the findings of previous research unidentified, rejected pictures, of a key and a
(such as DAngiulli et al., 1998) and supports cup, for which he also provided his own free
the hypothesis that the depiction of objects drawings. These copies are shown in Figures
through raised-outline drawings may be based 1c and 2c beside the drawings of the same
on some principles of perception of the shape objects that Carlo provided when he was
of objects that are common to vision and asked to describe what he believed to be an
hapticsthat is, partial overlap. However, appropriate picture of a key and a cup. The
further research using a larger sample is nec- drawings suggest that, although Carlo could
essary. The finding that Carlo correctly iden- not provide a correct identification and be-
tified pictures that he did not deem adequate lieved that he was touching another object, he
or good raised-line representations indi- considered all parts of the two stimuli.
cates a dissociation between identification Further support for the dissociation be-
and beliefs, which does not support the hy- tween identification and belief may be seen in
pothesis about tactile beliefs. the converse case, illustrated by Figure 3, in

176 Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March 2007 2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved
which Carlo suggested another way to draw a without vision. International Journal of
table even though he could identify the Rehabilitation Research, 24, 233234.
raised-line picture that was presented. These DAngiulli, A., Kennedy, J. M., & Heller,
examples of dissociation may reflect partial M. A. (1998). Blind children recognizing
overlap, in that picture processing seems to be tactile pictures respond like sighted chil-
as modular and belief independent dren given guidance in exploration. Scandi-
navian Journal of Psychology, 39, 187190.
(Fodor, 1983) in haptics as it is in vision.
Fodor, J. (1983). The modularity of mind.
In sum, the findings of this case study sup- Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
port the notion that the identification of Hopkins, R. (2000). Touching pictures. Brit-
raised-line pictures is based on principles of ish Journal of Aesthetics, 40, 149 167.
the perception of the shape of objects, inde- Kennedy, J. M. (1993). Drawing and the
pendent of tactile beliefs. These principles blind. New Haven, CT: Yale University
seem to overlap, at least partially, in vision Press.
and haptics. The findings, however, need to Kennedy, J. M., & Bai, J. (2002). Haptic
be replicated with a larger sample. pictures: Fit judgments predict identifica-
tion, recognition memory, and confidence.
REFERENCES Perception, 31, 10131026.
DAngiulli, A. (2004). Using CAPIN as a
descriptive framework for blind childrens
spontaneous raised-line drawings. In M. A. Amedeo DAngiulli, Ph.D., research chair in
Heller & S. Ballesteros (Eds.), Touch, early intervention and child development and as-
blindness and neuroscience (pp. 251259). sistant professor, Centre for Early Education and
Development Studies, School of Education,
Madrid: UNED Press. Thompson Rivers University, 103-1402 McGill
DAngiulli, A., & Kennedy, J. M. (2001). Road, Kamloops, BC V2C 1L3, Canada; e-mail:
Childrens tactual exploration and copying adangiulli@tru.ca.

2007 AFB, All Rights Reserved Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, March 2007 177

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