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Ben Carson

I. Abortion

I am unabashedly and entirely pro-life. Human life begins at

conception and innocent life must be protected.
As a pediatric neurosurgeon, I took the Hippocratic Oath to First,
Do No Harm. My medical career was devoted to protecting and
enhancing the lives of children and their families. Protecting
innocent life is a duty consistent with that solemn oath.
As a surgeon, I have operated on infants pre-birth. I can assure
you that they are very much alive.
My commitment to protect innocent life goes back decades. For
years I have helped raise money for a wide spectrum of faith-
based entities that assist expectant mothers with the birth of
their child by providing a variety of valuable, pro-life services.

II. Balanced Budget Amendment

In January 2009, our public debt was $11.9 trillion. Now, its more
than $18 trillion. Interest payments on the debt now total about
$250 billion, the 3rd single biggest item in the federal budget.
We must ratify a Balanced Budget Amendment to the
Constitution in order to restore fiscal responsibility to the federal
governments budget.
The career politicians in Washington have demonstrated beyond
even a shadow of a doubt that they wont get serious about
balancing the budget and paying down the debt until we
MANDATE that it be done by constitutional amendment.
Each generations greatest responsibility is to pass on a greater
opportunity to the next generation. Our generation is failing in
this regard. A Balanced Budget Amendment to our Constitution
will lead to a better future for our grandchildren.

III. Education

Education is the fundamental principle of what makes America a

success. It is the foundation of what truly makes our country the
Land of Opportunity.
For primary and secondary education, the bedrock concept that
has always guided us has been local control. Communities fund
and manage public schools for the benefit of families and
children in their neighborhoods.
More than most, Im acutely aware of education being the ladder
that can lead one out of poverty and into realizing the American
In recent years, there has been a troubling trend of the U.S.
Department of Education increasingly trying to dictate how
children are educated in our primary and secondary schools. This
must stop and Common Core must be overturned.
Our education system must be run by involved parents and
engaged teachers and principals. Any attempt by faceless
federal bureaucrats to take over our local schools must be

IV. Keep Gitmo Open

We must keep our detention facility at Gitmo open.

Radical terrorists captured in countries all over the world must be
detained safely while awaiting trial by military commission.
Gitmo is, by far, the single best facility for this dangerous job.
Keeping Gitmo open is a critical element in our never-ending
efforts to keep the American people safe from another
cataclysmic terrorist attack.

V. Healthcare

ObamaCare is a looming disaster.

We didnt need the monstrosity of the $1.2 trillion Affordable
Care Act. Even after it is fully implemented for 10 years, 23
million people still wont have any health insurance.
We need to re-establish a strong and direct relationship between
patients and their physicians. For instance, I strongly support
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) which empower families to make
their own decisions about their medical treatment. HSAs will also
drive down health care costs while protecting patient choice and
More freedom and less government in our health care system will
mean lower costs, more access, and continued innovation.

VI. Keeping Faith in Our Society

Our Founding Fathers were courageous men of principle and
faith. We know this because the Declaration of Independence,
our bedrock document, explicitly acknowledges the existence of
our Creator.
The United States of America was founded on Judeo-Christian
principles. We can and should be proud of that fact. It served us
well for almost 200 years.
However, we need to reverse the recent trend of secular
progressives using activist, federal judges to drive faith out of
our society. Anyone who wishes to practice their faith, for
example by praying privately, can and should be able to do so.
Equally, the rights of someone to abstain from private prayer
should also be jealously protected.
The First Amendment enshrines our freedom to practice
whatever faith we choose from any government intrusion. Our
Founding Fathers never meant for the First Amendment to be
used to drive prayer out of the public square.

VII. Russia and Lessons Learned

Vladimir Putins Russia has become dangerously belligerent. It is

actively destabilizing Ukraine, endangering Europe in the process
and continuing to fuel destabilization in the Middle East. This
newfound aggressiveness is a rising threat to the peace and
security of the American people.
The United States must be resolute in the face of these Russian
transgressions. We must lead our allies, both NATO and non-
NATO alike, from a position of strength.
History has painfully taught us that letting dictators run amok
and hoping for the best fails.
President Putin must come to learn that there will be grave and
serious consequences when Russia engages in naked aggression
against other sovereign nations and free peoples. All options
should remain on the table when dealing with international
bullies such as President Putin.

VIII. Protect the Second Amendment

The right of law-abiding citizens to own firearms is fundamental

to our liberty.
It was no accident that our Founding Fathers enshrined the right
to own firearms as the 2nd element of the Bill of Rights,
immediately after establishing our free speech rights. I cannot
and will not support any efforts to weaken The 2nd Amendment.
The 2nd Amendment is a central pillar of our Constitution. Our
Founding Fathers added it explicitly in order to protect freedom in
the United States of America. It provides our citizens the right to
protect themselves from threats foreign or domestic.

XI. Stand by Israel

The United States of America has had a special relationship with

Israel ever since we were the very first nation to recognize her
creation. The depth of our unique bond with Israel has only
strengthened over the years.
Israel is our only democratic ally in the Middle East. She is
surrounded by nations that threaten her very existence. We can
never let her enemies believe that our deep commitment to
Israels peace and security will waver.
We must always stand with Israel and her people.

X. Tax Reform

The current tax code now exceeds 74,000 pages in length. That
is an abomination.
It is too long, too complex, too burdensome, and too riddled with
tax shelters and loopholes that benefit only a few at the direct
expense of the many.
We need wholesale tax reform.
And, we wont get that from career politicians in Washington.
Theyre too deeply vested in the current system to deliver the
kind of bold, fresh, new reforms that the American people are
We need a fairer, simpler, and more equitable tax system. Our
tax form should be able to be completed in less than 15 minutes.
This will enable us to end the IRS as we know it.

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