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Power Flow and Voltage Regulation of a Simple Transmission Line

Bautista, Zia Denise V.

Mapa Institute of Technology at Laguna

ABSTRACT A transmission line has resistance,

inductance, and capacitance that are evenly
The experiment deals with the observation of the
distributed over the length, and the magnetic
flow of real and reactive power in a three-phase
transmission line with known passive loads. It field around the conductor that exists beside
also deals with the observation of the voltage the electric field which are created by the
regulation at the receiver end as a function of the potential difference between them.
type of load. In this experiment, connecting the
EMS modules according to figures 1 and 2, the
values will be measured accordingly. 2 RESULTS
In the first part of the experiment, two watt-
KEYWORDS varmeters are connected in series to the
variable three-phase 208V power supply, and
Transmission Line, Inductance, Capacitance, a three-phase inductive load of 300 ohms
Resistance, Power Flow, Voltage Regulation connected in wye is connected as well. The
connection is shown in the figure below:

In this experiment, the focus will be on the
observation of the flow of the real and
reactive power in a three-phase transmission
line with known passive loads, and as well as
the observation of the voltage regulation at
the receiver end as a function of the type of Figure 1. Two Watt-Varmeters connected in Series
The watt-varmeter readings are:
From one point to another, transmission lines
are the carrier of power in an electric power W1 = 20
system. They can either carry AC or DC or
even a combination of the two. The W2 = 20
difference of transmission line from VAR1 = 150
distribution line is that transmission lines are
at relative high voltage, and they are able to VAR2 = 150
transfer large quantity of power and over
large distances. ("Electric Power eTool: In the next step, the circuit is connected with
Illustrated Glossary - Transmission Lines," an inductive load of 300 ohms wye connected
n.d.) and the transmission line impedance is 120
ohms. The circuit is shown in the figure 3.1. E. The line-to-line voltage at the load: 56
below: kV
3.1. F. The voltage drop per phase in the line:
24248.71 V
3.1. G. The total apparent power supplied by
the source: 24.5 MVA
3.1. H. The total real and reactive power
supplied by the source: 9624057.67 W,
Figure 2. Transmission Line with 120 ohms
22530590.63 VAR

When the line is on open circuit, the voltage

source is adjusted to 150 V, which is also the 4 CONCLUSIONS
reading of E1. The values measured are
Based on the results, on the first part, when
shown in the table below:
two watt-varmeters are connected in series,
Table 1. Measured Values the readings are the same. On the second part,
Load E1 W VAR E2 W VAR Line Line Regulati
in which there is a transmission line present
1 1 2 2 Watt
having an impedance of 120 ohms, with
Open 15 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0
15 10 50 110 5 40 15 90 26.67
different type of loads, the readings, as well
15 70 23 140 62 0 132 23 6.667
as the voltage across the load after passing
15 10 -130 256. 0 -215 10 241. -71.113 through the transmission lines, varies
ve 0 7 7
Motor 15 10 72 95 5 48 15 120 36.667 significantly.
Short- 15 30 215 0 0 0 30 215 1
Circuit 0

EE131L Laboratory Manual
3.1. A three-phase transmission line having a
Electric Power eTool: Illustrated Glossary -
reactance of 120 ohms per phase is connected Transmission Lines. (n.d.). Retrieved January 18,
to a wye-connected load whose resistance is 2017, from
160 ohms per phase. If the supply voltage is https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/etools/electric_power/ill
70 kV line-to-line, calculate: ustrated_glossary/transmission_lines.html

3.1. A. The line-to-neutral voltage per phase:

40414.518 V
3.1. B. The line current per phase: 202.07<-
66.87 A
3.1. C. The real and reactive power supplied
to the load: 19599721.71 W, 0 VAR
3.1. D. The real and reactive power absorbed
by the line: 0 W, 14699845.99 VAR

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