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Berdasarkan wawancara dengan guru geografi di SMA Negeri 2 Binjai Ibu Dartina
Ginting, S. Pd. Ada beberapa alasan dilakukannya penelitian ini. Pertama dari daftar
kumpulan nilai terlihat pencapaian hasil belajar siswa kurang memuaskan karena hampir 65%
siswa hanya mampu mencapai nilai rata-rata 65, sementara standar kelulusan belajar yang
ditetapkan oleh pihak sekolah harus mencapai 70.
Kedua, setelah melakukan observasi terlihat dalam pembelajaran peserta didik kurang
aktif dalam menerima materi pelajaran, karena pendekatan pembelajaran geografi yang
diterapkan oleh guru masih bersifat konvensional atau berpusat pada guru (teacher centered),
dan hanya menggunakan metode ceramah sehingga guru menjadi faktor yang sangat dominan
dalam proses pembelajaran akibatnya siswa merasa bosan, malas ketika disuruh mencatat
atau meringkas materi yang sudah dijelaskan dan kurang berminat dalam mengikuti

Based on interviews with a geography teacher at Public High School 2 of Binjai,

Dartina Ginting, S. Pd. It transpired that there were several reasons for doing this research.
First, from a list of set values appears that the achievement of the learning outcomes of
students are less satisfactory because nearly 65% of students are only able to achieve an
average score of 65, while learning graduation standards set by the school should reach 70.
Second, after observing it is known that in learning, learners are less active in
receiving the subject matter, because of the geography learning approach applied by the
teacher is still conventional or centered on the teacher, and only use the lecture method so
that the teacher becomes a very dominant factor in the learning process that resulted in
students feel bored, lazy when told to take notes or summarize the material already described
and lack of interest in participating in learning.

First, from a list of set values appears that the achievement of the learning outcomes
of students are less satisfactory because nearly 65% of students are only able to
achieve an average score of 65, while learning graduation standards set by the school
should reach 70.
Second, after observing it is known that in learning, learners are less active in
receiving the subject matter, because of the geography learning approach applied by
the teacher is still conventional or teacher centered.

Materi hakikat geografi didalamnya mengkaji tentang konsep, defenisi, pendekatan,

prinsip, teori, serta fakta ataupun fenomena alam yang terjadi dimuka bumi yang objeknya
sulit untuk diadakan secara langsung dihadapan siswa. Catatan yang baik dan efektif dapat
membantu siswa mengingat detil-detil tentang poin-poin kunci, memahami konsep utama dan
melihat kaitannya (Buzan, 2010).

The material of Basic Knowledge Of Geography is the study about the concepts,
definitions, approaches, principles, theories, and facts or natural phenomena that occur on
earth whose object is difficult to be demonstrated directly in front of the students. The good
and effective note can help students to remember details about the key points, to understand
the main concepts and see their interrelationships (Buzan, 2010).


The material of Basic Knowledge Of Geography is the study about the concepts,
definitions, approaches, principles, theories, and facts or natural phenomena that
occur on earth whose object is difficult to be demonstrated directly in front of the
The good and effective note can help students to remember details about the key
points, to understand the main concepts and see their interrelationships (Buzan, 2010).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dengan
menggunakan teknik peta pikiran (mind map) pada materi hakikat geografi di SMA Negeri 2

This study aims to improve the activities and learning outcomes of students by using
the technique of mind maps on the material of Basic Knowledge of Geography in Public
High School 2 of Binjai.


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