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Aligned with the Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice on

and the Minnesota Teacher Performance Assessment Pack

Teacher Candidate: Sarah Petersen Date:

School and District: Grade: 5th
Cooperating Teacher: C.T.s Signature:
University Supervisor:
Unit/Subject: "All About Me"
Lesson Title/Lesson Focus: "A Day in the Life of Estimated Length of Lesson: 75 minutes
*Please attach the cooperating teachers and the university supervisors
observational comments to this document.

Context for Learning/Provisions for Diverse Learners
1) Identify the strengths, needs, and interests of individuals needing
accommodations, including students with IEPs and/or 504 plans.
The main strengths include active participation in class work time. Needs of the
class include two students on the autism spectrum (both high-functioning and
verbal) and another student with ADHD. There is an Educational Assistant
assigned to one of the students with autism and the student with ADHD.

2) Identify the strengths, needs, and interests of individual students in your

classroom whose first language is not English, who represent cultural
differences, who may struggle to learn, or who may be highly motivated to
The strengths included in this class are active participation, once the task is
understood. Students are also very receptive to positive reinforcement and
respond well to words of affirmation when they are given by becoming engaged
in whatever the activity is. Some needs are staying on task when given work
time and raising hands before sharing answers, comments, or participating in
discussion. Visuals best assist those in this class who struggle understanding
new concepts that are introduced. Those who are highly motivated to learn are
eager to share their thoughts, which at times leads to blurting, then prompting
my redirection to raise their hands.

3) Identify prior learning experience, and language, physical, cognitive, or

social/emotional development you will need to consider as you plan instruction
for this group of students.
Prior learning experience or cognitive development to consider would be
whether or not students have had exposure to analyzing various aspects of
grammar syntax, as well as formulating examples on their own. would be based
on any earlier writing assignments where students had to complete their
thoughts in full, grammatically correct sentences. The intent is that having that
language exposure will be the platform of this new lesson assignment. I do not
foresee this being an issue as the students can already successfully compose
correct sentence structure, recognize specific traits, and label them accordingly.
Since students are going to attach these parts of speech with certain traits
about their daily lives, their social and cognitive development concerning
awareness of one's day-to-day experiences will play into the overall goal of this

4) Identify data (such as students progress in previous lessons, assessment

results from previous lessons, or a prepared pre-assessment related to the
lessons you will teach) that you have collected (or will collect) to inform your
planning (in order to address students strengths, needs, and interests).
5) Based on your answers to prompts 1-4 above, what specific supports have you
planned (or will you plan) for students to help them reach the lesson objective?
The specific supports I have planned are including opening class with a "Move To
Music" session for a sensory break. This is to briefly do physical activities for
approximately a minute or less to either stimulate or relax students. These will be
used in discretion.
I also plan on incorporating into the lesson several examples of each part of speech,
demonstrating how to identity each part of speech as a whole class for our class
mascot, and then collaborating with them as they proceed to fill out their own
"MadLib" style activity sheet entitled "A Day in the Life of Me", which was designed to
reveal regular occurrences in their daily life all while incorporating the various parts
of speech. This support will be based off the "I do", "we do", "you do" model. To
redirect those who struggle with blurting, I have planned to use several strategies to
enforce a "think then speak" habit before sharing thoughts to the class. Another
support I will plan on using is incorporating opportunities for group work with peers
and engaging with fellow classmates for this activity. This allows room for confidence
in public speaking to grow. I also plan on using "move your body" times for the class.
Central Focus and Alignment:
What is the learning goal you have identified for your students?
The learning goal is for students to be familiar with components of English syntax, as
well as being able to recognize and generate examples within each category taught in
the lesson. Student's comprehension of instructional language is enforced by the "I
do", "we do", "you do" model.

What state adopted academic or content standard(s) are you addressing? (Provide
the name of the
standards document, the grade level, the correct numerical citation, and the text
of the standard(s)
you select.)
"Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, the language of
ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the Language Arts content area
of Language."

What is your objective(s) for this lesson? Identify what the students will be able to
do following
instruction. Include an action verb (observable behavior), and criteria for
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the meaning of a noun,
adjective, or verb, generate examples of each, and correctly write examples of each in
an appropriate context with 95% accuracy.

Continuity of Lessons:
Describe your lesson sequence. How do the prior and subsequent lessons affect
what you
will be teaching and what you will be expecting students to do? How will you build
on what
students have learned in previous lessons and use what they know to support them
in meeting
expectations of the next lesson? How have you made use of student assessment
from previous lessons to
make and or adjust these plans?
Academic Language and Support:
What are the academic language demands?
Fill-in-the-blank: an activity where students choose words for the blanks based on the
context of the reset of the surrounding sentence.
Noun: a person, place, thing, or idea
Adjective: a word that describes a noun
Verb: a word that shows what a noun does
How have you planned to support students in meeting the academic language
demands for this lesson?
(Identify specific strategies, visuals, models, and or demonstrations you plan to
use to support students understanding of the academic language. Describe when,
within the lesson, students will be expected to use and demonstrate understanding of
the academic language. Be sure to include function, form, syntax, and discourse.)
I plan to support students in meeting the academic language demands by first using
clear, specific discourse in explaining what a noun, adjective, and verb is defined as.
Although the students were able to successfully compose sentences for the "Who am
I?" lesson, I will still not assume that the students all have a clear understanding of
such academic language, such as the parts of speech. The visuals I will plan on using
include my "A day in the life of Me" activity sheet. This will be shared on the DocCam
after explaining the parts of speech in specific discourse. As I fill in my sheet in front
of the class, I will be publicly discussing each of the specific parts of speech I choose
to write ("I do"). Then I will proceed to complete an "A day in the life of Me" activity
sheet with the students on the smart board/Doc. Cam about our class mascot ("we
do"). To spur on creativity and also check comprehension, I will call on students at
random to share examples of parts of speech regarding the class mascot. Once the
activity sheet for the class mascot is completed, I will call on a student to hand out
these sheets to the class for the remainder of the class time to work on theirs. This
will also give time to roam the room to assess student work and see if further
explanation is needed ("you do").

Assessment: Attach to your lesson plan any rubrics, checklists or other assessment
tools that you will use.
Describe the tools/procedures that will be used throughout this lesson to monitor
and measure
students learning of the lesson objective(s). (Multiple and varied assessments
should be used in the
I will plan on monitoring and measuring student's learning by noting how the
students answer the questions I ask, as well as their involvement with learning about
the class mascot. I will also grade the student's activity sheet upon completion to
check for accuracy. Participation in group work will also be factored into overall score.
Before giving students class work time to work independently, I will ask a student at
random to "Can you explain what you are supposed to do now during work time?" to
check if the asked task in understood. During the class work time, I will circulate the
room and see how students are formulating their complete sentences.

Identify the performance criteria or benchmark to be achieved.

How will you plan to provide specific feedback to students on their progress
toward reaching the lesson objective?
I plan on providing specific feedback to students on their progress by commenting on
what they have completed in class on details such as giving relevant answers to the
questions given, answering in complete sentences, as well as giving written feedback
on their "A day in the Life of Me" activity sheet with a point value.

How will students use the feedback to improve their competencies and knowledge?
(Describe the
specific opportunity for their application of the feedback.)
The feedback will consist of specific aspects of their work, so they will know exactly
what items they should adjust, if anything necessary. Beyond this lesson, they can
apply the feedback to further class exercises when we build off of this lesson by
describing and writing more in future lessons.

Materials and Special Arrangements:

Teacher Materials:
"A day in the life of Me" sheet of paper with copies made for each student, composed
similar to that of a "Mad Lib" activity, Doc. Cam or smartboard to make notes of
definitions of each part of speech to save for later reference

Student Materials:
Pencil, notebook

Theories and or Research-Based Best Practices:

Identify relevant research/theory to justify why learning tasks (or their application)
are appropriate.
How have you intentionally linked this to your instructional planning?
The "I do, We do, You do" model demonstrates in several formats what the students
are expected to do, first by observation, then collaboration, then independently.

The "Fill-in-the-Blank" structure creates an atmosphere for students to assess and

rely on the context of the surrounding sentences to gain understanding of what
should be inserted in the blank.

References (APA) and Acknowledgments:

Killian, Shaun, "The "I Do WE Do YOU Do" Model Explained." The Australian Society
for Evidence Based Teaching. EvidenceBasedTeaching.org, 31 Aug. 2015. Web. 25 Mar.
2017. <http://www.evidencebasedteaching.org.au/the-i-do-we-do-you-do-model-

Guilloteau, Nancy, "Foreign Language Teaching Assessment: Fill-in-the-Blank". The

University of Texas at Austin. Coerll.UTexas.edu, 21 Apr. 2010. Web. 27 Apr. 2017.

Expectations for Student Behavior:

Describe how your students will be intellectually engaged. How will you
communicate expectations for them? How will you follow up on behavior expectations
and how well you are engaging learners?
My students will be intellectually engaged and interact with the content at deeper
levels by applying these new terms to their personal life. This requires the student to
connect these specific parts of speech, and decide how these can appropriately fit
into aspects of their day-to-day life. At surface level, their daily routines may appear
mundane, but this assignment will allow students to view their day at new angle by
consciously choosing which words to describe it. I will communicate expectations by
pointing to our class statement: "every voice is important, stop to listen to every
voice." This statement is meant to prompt students to listen before speaking, as well
as to think before speaking. This is written next to the smartboard, and if students
fail to follow expectations, steps will be followed accordingly. Such steps include first
sitting in a remote desk away from the other students, followed by a discussion with
the student after class. If behavior issue continue to arise, discussion with student on
deeper level will be followed.

Teacher Skill Focus for This Lesson: (Also note how you plan to collect feedback.)
The skill focus for this lesson includes gaging the volume of my voice, making sure to
allow appropriate wait-time for students to process the question and have time to
generate their own answer, calling on all sides of the room, and redirecting any
student's off-task behavior.
Standard Lesson Plan Form


Plan your teaching steps by addressing What will the teacher do and What will
students do.

Provide evidence of scaffolding, linking new content to prior learning, engaging

students, monitoring progress, supporting students so they can use academic
language, and transitioning.

Tim What will the teacher do? What will students do? (Note
e behavior expectations and plans to
promote intellectual engagement.)
Upon entrance, walk to their desk
5 [upbeat music playing in the and pull out their ELL folder and
min background as students enter the notebook in their cubby on the wall
classroom, giving fist-pumps to each of the classroom.
student as they walk through the
doorway, greeting by name]
1 Give short window of time to allow
min Hello class! Im so excited to see you students to respond
all again! Did you have a good day

Allow 2 minutes of MTM for

2 Before we dive into our lesson, I want students to move around before
min to get the blood moving and hype up settling down for the lesson
the energy, we're going to do a quick
"MTM" ("Move To Music") around the
room, in a circle, high fiving
1 everyoneReady, set, go!
min Participate in the "cool-down" with
the students
And freeze! Everyone reach up to the
ceiling, take three deep breaths
reach down to your toes, take three
deep breaths now walk to your

If no students raise their hands, call

Activate prior knowledge on students by name to share what
5 they did in class the week before.
min Ok class, who can tell me what you
we worked on last week? Wait for students to respond with
"characteristic", the term covered
Yes, we worked on our "Who am I?" in previous lesson.
poster, which each included
what?... about ourselves?
Call on students to publicly state a
Good job! We learned about specific unique trait about one of their
characteristics about our classmates! peers in the class. Prompted by one
Who remembers a specific of their classmates if necessary.
characteristic about one of our fellow
Communicate the learning objective
Now we are going to take words that
we already know about ourselves and
our classmates and group them into
parts of speech!
min Students raise hands and I call
them by name to share their ideas.
Introduce academic language
If none respond, state what parts of
Who has heard of "parts of speech" speech means: Form of grammar
before? where words are grouped by what
their role or "job" in the sentence.

Lesson Tasks (Including Assessment):

5 Everyone, today we are going to be Check to make sure each student

min looking at 3 parts of speech in has a notebook and opens it up to
English grammar. You all already use begin writing.
these types of words, we're just
going to group them by what their
type is. Please take out your ELL
notebook and write these definitions
down. They will be helpful for you to
go back and refer to them.
min Write "noun" on a smartboard or on
The first part of speech is a noun. A a notebook paper underneath a
noun is a person, place, thing, or DocCam.
idea. Examples of these are myself,
Ms. Petersen, St. Paul, pencil, or love, Call on students to give an example
as an idea. I would like us to each of a person, place, thing, or idea. If
give examples of nouns. none provide any, point or grab a
specific object in the classroom,
alluding for students response with
the name of that object.

Great job! The second part of speech Call on students to give examples
we are going to cover today are of adjectives. If no one provide any,
adjectives. An adjective is a word refer to how something looks or
that describes a noun. Examples of appears in the classroom.
these are soft, scratchy, huge, tiny,
full, empty, just to name a few. I want
5 you to give me some examples of
min adjectives, too!

Call on students to give examples

Well done class! The third and final of verbs. If students don't volunteer
part of speech that we are going to to answer, act out a verb, such as
learn about today are verbs. Verbs cough or hum, to spur student
are words that show what a person or involvement.
thing does. For example, some verbs
1 are run, write, sing, dance, sit, eat,
min walk, share, just to name a few. What
other verbs can we think of?

Students share whether or not

Next, we are going to practice using they've completed fill-in-the-blank
all these three parts of speech in assignments before and if they
sentences. [Pull out "A Day in the life understand how they work.
of Me" sheet]. Who has heard of "fill-
in-the-blank" assignments before?

By looking at the rest of the words in

the sentence, you know what to write
for the blank in that same sentence.
We are all going to be completing "A
Day in the life of Me" sheet, which
10 has blanks of different parts of
min speech for the sentences. In the end,
we want the sheet to describe what a Students are following along by
day looks like for us! looking at each blank on the sheet,
15 contributing ideas for what possible
min I will start [place the sheet under the words could be written down.
DocCam, continue to fill in the blanks
with a noun, adjective, or verb that
corresponds to me in the sentence "I Then the class and I would
Do."] complete one together for our class
mascot under a Doc. Cam. Call on
Next, we're going to complete one of students to brainstorm as to what
the "Day in the life of Me" sheets for examples of verbs that the mascot
2 our mascot! Now we're going to be "does" on any given day, or what
min creative and think about a day is like "things" he would like to eat, or
for our mascot that sits in our what he "feels" like in our class.
classroom every day! [We do].

Put another "Day in the life of Me" Call on student to hand out the
sheet under the DocCam. sheet to each class mate.

Now that we all know what a day is

like for our mascot, you all are going
to fill in the blanks for the same
sheet telling what a day is like for
you! [You do]. Once you complete
the sheet, you will share what you
wrote with your table group.
When students share what they Call on a student with a raised hand
wrote, listen for any similarities or or select a student at random to
differences between a day in their repeat what they are supposed to
life and a day in your life! do.

Now who can tell me what you are

supposed to do?
Closure: (Summarize the lesson with
students, provide further opportunities
for learning, and build a bridge to the
next lesson.)
min I am so excited to read and watch
you share your "A day in the life of
Me" activity sheets with your peers!
This is a great way to practice using
your parts of speech in real, practical
ways, as well as getting to know our
classmates more! You will have time
tomorrow if you do not finish
completing this sheet today. You will
all share your "A day in the life of
Me" sheet later on this week,
depending on when we finish.


Analyzing Students Learning:

What were the patterns of students understanding, skills, and misunderstandings

as shown in the
assessment data in relation to identified standards and learning objectives?
(Include data to support
your analysis.)
Describe evidence that students understood and used identified academic

What next steps are needed to provide targeted support to students (who did not
meet or exceeded
the objectives) relative to the central focus, standards, learning objectives, and
the assessment data?

Describe the specific feedback you gave the students to further guide their
learning. How were students
able to use the feedback you provided? (Describe the specific opportunity for their
application of the

Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness:

In reflecting on your lesson and your strengths and challenges, what went well?
Why? What challenges
did you face? Why?

What do you understand about your own teaching based upon the patterns of
students understanding,
skills, and misunderstandings that were identified?

What is the evidence that you engaged students intellectually and deepened their
What is a proposed change to your teaching practices that is specific and strategic
to improve individual
and collective students understanding of standards/objectives?

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