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Parasitol Res

DOI 10.1007/s00436-013-3528-7


Impact of Argemone mexicana extracts on the cidal,

morphological, and behavioral response of dengue vector,
Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae)
Radhika Warikoo & Sarita Kumar

Received: 23 June 2013 / Accepted: 26 June 2013

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract The larvicidal, behavioral, and morphological re- Introduction

sponse of dengue vector, Aedes aegypti treated with delete-
rious weed, Argemone mexicana, was explored. The Mosquitoes are collectively the single most important family
1,000 ppm extracts of A. mexicana leaf, stem, and roots of insects from the human perspective. Due to their high
prepared in five different solvents (petroleum ether, hexane, potential to exploit even adverse environmental conditions,
benzene, acetone, and ethanol) were screened for their larvi- mosquitoes can rapidly increase their population. Aedes
cidal activity against dengue vector establishing the efficacy aegypti, the primary vector for dengue fever, dengue hemor-
of petroleum ether and hexane extracts. Other extracts, un- rhagic fever, and yellow fever is widespread over large areas
able to give 100 % mortality, were considered ineffective and of the tropics and subtropics. According to the World Health
discarded from further study. Larvicidal bioassay conducted Organization (WHO), about 40 % of the worlds population
with selected extracts confirmed the higher efficacy of hex- is now at risk of dengue and the only way to prevent dengue
ane extracts exhibiting 1.1- to 1.8-fold more potential than virus transmission is to combat the disease-carrying mosqui-
the petroleum ether extracts. The results further revealed 1.6- toes (WHO 2012). In India, official records of the Union
to 2.4-fold higher efficacy of root extracts than those pre- Health Ministry reveal that there has been a massive increase
pared from the leaves and stem of A. mexicana. The hexane of dengue infection in the country in 2012. The correspond-
root extract of A. mexicana was found to be the most effec- ing figure till 2012, stood at 50,222 cases and 241 fatalities in
tive larvicide with LC50 value of 91.331 ppm after 24 h of contrast to 18,860 cases and 169 deaths in 2011 (NVBDCP
exposure causing 1.8 and 2.4 fold more toxicity as compared 2013).
to the hexane leaf and stem extracts, respectively. Prolonged Synthetic chemical insecticides are popularly used as the
exposure of the larvae to the extracts resulted in increased first line of defense against mosquitoes owing to their quick
toxicity potential of the extracts. Observations of the treated action. Over the last five decades, the indiscriminate and
larvae revealed excitation, violent vertical, and horizontal frequent use of these synthetic insecticides has led to the
movements with aggressive anal biting behavior suggesting multifarious problems (viz., insecticide resistance, permanent
effect of extracts on their neuromuscular system. Morpholog- residual effect on the environment, and destabilization of the
ical studies of the treated larvae revealed the demelanization ecosystem) and toxic hazards to human and nontarget organ-
of cuticle and shrinkage of internal cuticle of anal papillae isms (Jirakanjanakit et al. 2007; Sarwar et al. 2009). In recent
indicating the anal papillae as the probable action sites of the years, much effort has been focused on plant extracts or
A. mexicana extracts. The potential of A. mexicana as new phytochemicals as potential sources of mosquito control agents
larvicides against dengue vector are being explored. and as a viable component of Integrated Pest Management to
prevent the inevitable toxicity and resistance issues caused by
chemical insecticides (Warikoo et al. 2011).
Phytochemicals have been reported as ecofriendly, envi-
R. Warikoo (*) : S. Kumar
ronmentally safe, biodegradable, and low-cost natural prod-
Department of Zoology, Acharya Narendra Dev College,
University of Delhi, New Delhi, India ucts which show target specificity. A large number of plant
e-mail: radhikawarikoo@yahoo.com extracts have been shown to have mosquitocidal or repellent
Parasitol Res

activity against mosquito vectors (Amer and Mehlhorn lined with Whatman filter paper on all the sides and half-filled
2006a, b; Rahuman et al. 2008a, b; Kumar et al. 2012a), with dechlorinated tap water. The eggs were allowed to hatch
though the insecticidal effects of plant chemicals vary not in trays filled with dechlorinated water. Larvae were fed upon
only according to plant species, mosquito species, and plant a mixture of finely ground dog biscuits and yeast in the ratio of
parts, but also with extraction methodology. Phytochemicals 3:1 by weight. Care was taken to prevent formation of any
do not pose any threat to the environment and also possess scum on the surface of water. The pupae formed were collect-
multiple effects against vector mosquitoes which include ed and transferred to the cloth cages for adult emergence.
growth regulation, fecundity suppression, male sterility, lar-
vicidal, ovicidal, and oviposition activity mostly as deter- Plant collection
rence (Kumar et al. 2010, 2011a, b). Nevertheless, the mos-
quito control potential of weed plants found in vast areas on Different parts of the A. mexicana plant, i.e., leaves, stems,
plains as well as on hilly regions has not been attempted at and roots, were collected from the surrounding areas in New
large scale (Raj Mohan and Ramaswamy 2007; Kumar et al. Delhi, India. The collected parts were thoroughly washed
2012b). Only a few reports are available regarding the po- with tap water and dried under the shade at room temperature
tential of certain weeds as larvicidal, ovicidal, and oviposi- of 272 C separately for about 20 days. The dried parts
tion deterrent agent against A. aegypti (Sathish and were then crushed, powdered, and sieved thoroughly to get
Maneemegalai 2008; Kumar et al. 2011a, 2012b). fine powder.
Argemone mexicana is a common weed which is used in
the traditional system of medicine to cure malarial fever and Preparation of the extract
ulcers. Its seeds are efficient in treating leprosy, dropsy, and
jaundice (Alagesaboopathi 2009). Certain bioactive com- The powdered plant parts, i.e., roots, stems, and leaves, were
pounds derived from A. mexicana seeds have been proven weighed separately. Of each powdered material, 200 g was
to possess chemosterilant activity including reduction in extracted in 1,000 mL of petroleum ether, hexane, benzene,
blood meal utilization, diminished fecundity, formation of acetone, and ethanol, separately using Soxhlet extraction
larvalpupal or pupaladult intermediates, adult mortality, and apparatus. The extraction continued for 3 days, 8 h per day,
sterility of first-generation eggs in A. aegypti (Sakthivadivel at a temperature not exceeding the boiling point of the
and Thilagavathy 2003). The available literature, however, solvent. The crude extracts, thus formed, were concentrated
reveals that this plant has not been explored extensively using a vacuum evaporator at 45 C under low pressure.
against mosquito vectors as larvicidal agent or by affecting After complete evaporation of the solvent, the concentrated
their biological characteristics. Hence, this study was under- extracts were collected and stored in a refrigerator at 4 C as
taken to assess the probable use of extracts prepared from the stock solution of 1,000 ppm for further use. This stock
different parts of A. mexicana against dengue vector larvae solution was used to prepare the desired concentrations of
causing mortality, behavioral changes, or morphological alter- the extracts for investigating the cidal, behavioral, and mor-
ations. The assessment of mosquito control potential of this phological effects against larvae of A. aegypti.
weed, besides its management may be useful in promoting
research aiming at the development of new mosquito control Screening of extracts for their larvicidal efficacy against A.
agent. aegypti

The larvicidal bioassay was performed at 281 C on early

Materials and methods fourth instars of A. aegypti in accordance with the procedure
described by the WHO with slight modifications (WHO
Mosquito rearing 2005). The graded series of all the extracts were prepared
using ethanol as the solvent. For experimental treatment,
The present investigations employ the dengue fever mosquito, 1 ml of 1,000 ppm plant extract was added to 100 ml of
A. aegypti, originated from fields of Delhi and surrounding distilled water in a 250-mL glass jar. The mixture was shaken
areas. The colony was maintained in an insectary at 281 C, lightly to ensure a homogeneous test solution. The early
805 % RH and 14:10 light/day photoperiod (Warikoo et al. fourth instars of A. aegypti, in batches of 20, were taken in
2011). Wet cotton was kept on the top of each cage to provide plastic bowls containing 99 mL of distilled water and trans-
water for the mosquitoes. Water-soaked split raisins were kept ferred to glass jar containing distilled waterextract mixture.
in the cage, mainly as a source of the food for the male Four replicates were carried out simultaneously for each
mosquitoes. Periodic blood meals were provided to female extract making a total of 80 larvae for each test. Controls
mosquitoes for egg maturation by keeping restrained albino were exposed to the solvent, i.e., ethanol alone. During the
rats in the cages. The eggs were collected in an enamel bowl treatment period, the larvae were not provided with any food.
Parasitol Res

Table 1 Screening of different extracts (1,000 ppm) prepared from Statistical analysis of data
leaf, stem and root of A. mexicana for larvicidal activity against dengue
vector A. aegypti
The larvicidal tests with more than 20 % mortality in controls
S. no. Part used Extract Mortality after 24 h (%) and pupae formed were discarded and repeated again. If the
control mortality ranged between 5 and 20 %, it was
1 Leaf Hexane extract 100
corrected using Abbotts formula (Abbott 1925).
Petroleum ether extract 100
The data were subjected to regression analysis using com-
Benzene extract 57.5
puterized SPSS 16.0 Program. The LC50 and LC90 values with
Acetone extract 50
95 % fiducial limits were calculated in each bioassay to
Ethanol extract 70
measure difference between the test samples.
2 Stem Hexane extract 100
Petroleum ether extract 100 Behavioral studies in extract-treated A. aegypti larvae
Benzene extract 75
Acetone extract 60 During each larvicidal bioassay, the larvae were monitored
Ethanol extract 57.5 carefully for behavioral modifications, if any, caused by
3 Root Hexane extract 100 extract-mediated disruption of biological functions. The be-
Petroleum ether extract 100 havioral observations included wriggling speed, horizontal
Benzene extract 77.5 movements, vertical movements, aggregation behavior, and
Acetone extract 15 knockdown. The larval behavior was recorded and
Ethanol extract 25 photographed with Canon Power Shot SX50HS. Similar
observations were made in controls for comparison with
treated larvae.

The dead and moribund larvae were recorded after 24 h. Morphological studies in extract-treated A. aegypti larvae
Similar tests were carried out with each extract against early
fourth instars of A. aegypti to assess the larvicidal efficiency After treatment, the dead larvae were scrutinized for mor-
of A. mexicana. phological alterations under light microscopy. Morphologi-
cal modifications in body segments including the head, tho-
Evaluation of larvicidal potential of selected extracts rax, and abdomen, and other organs such as the eyes, anten-
against A. aegypti nae, mouth brushes, setae, saddle, and anal gills were ob-
served, photographed, and compared with those of the con-
The extracts that failed to give 80100 % larval mortality at trols. The larvae were also observed carefully for any
1,000 ppm were considered ineffective and not tested further changes in pigmentation pattern.
for larvicidal efficacy. Other extracts causing 80100 % larval
mortality at 1,000 ppm were evaluated further for larvicidal
potential. The bioassays were performed as described earlier. Results
Four replicates were carried out simultaneously for each assay
making a total of 80 larvae for each concentration of each The potential of leaf, stem, and root extracts of A. mexicana in
extract. Controls were exposed to the solvent, i.e., ethanol five different solvents was studied against A. aegypti larvae for
alone. The larval mortality was recorded after 24 as well as use as ecofriendly insecticides as an alternative for eco-enemy
48 h of exposure. synthetic insecticides. The results of the larvicidal tests

Table 2 Larvicidal activity of the root extracts of A. mexicana against early fourth instars of A. aegypti

Solvent Time of exposure (h) Larvicidal activity SE 2 (df) Regression coefficient

LC50 (ppm) LC90 (ppm)

Hexane 24 91.331 (79.987106.554) 156.684 (128.987224.152) 0.96 2.809 (4) 5.467

48 82.468 (71.23696.639) 153.202 (124.003226.723) 0.84 0.752 (4) 5.666
Petroleum ether 24 158.839 (132.457194.134) 339.477 (264.074507.541) 0.56 2.556 (4) 3.885
48 130.615 (110.627159.487) 256.334 (199.818401.296) 0.74 1.436 (3) 4.377

Values in parentheses indicate the lower and upper 95 % fiducial limits

Parasitol Res

Table 3 Larvicidal activity of the leaf extracts of A. mexicana against early fourth instars of A. aegypti

Solvent Time of exposure (h) Larvicidal activity SE 2 (df) Regression coefficient

LC50 (ppm) LC90 (ppm)

Hexane 24 168.830 (139.807207.408) 377.446 (291.136569.695) 0.52 3.192 (4) 3.668

48 135.942 (112.910165.928) 300.429 (232.493458.386) 0.56 2.426 (4) 3.721
Petroleum ether 24 299.565 (244.049366.232) 696.755 (541.9881,028.454) 0.49 4.060 (4) 3.496
48 194.580 (153.497247.278) 524.32 (381.983913.834) 0.49 4.923 (3) 2.976

Values in parentheses indicate the lower and upper 95 % fiducial limits

performed against fourth instars of A. aegypti with 1,000 ppm 158.839 ppm after 24 h of exposure, the petroleum ether root
of different extracts prepared in five solvents, i.e., petroleum extract exhibited 54.6 and 88.5 % increased efficacy as com-
ether, hexane, benzene, acetone, and ethanol are presented in pared to the petroleum ether stem and root extracts, respec-
Table 1. The data clearly reveals the varied potential of ex- tively. It is also worthy to note that the toxicity potential
tracts against A. aegypti with only petroleum ether and hexane increased after prolonged periods of exposure of the larvae
extracts as effective larvicides leading to 100 % larval mor- to the extracts; the LC50 values decreasing dramatically after
tality at 1,000 ppm (Table 1). The remaining extracts proved 48 h of exposure with hexane root extract still being the most
to be 2285 % less efficient exhibiting a range of 1578 % effective larvicide (Fig. 2).
larval mortality. The least effective extract was found to be the Behavioral observations on the larvae treated with all the
acetone root extract whereas ethanol leaf extract and benzene effective extracts of A. mexicana revealed interesting behav-
root extract exhibited moderate toxicity (Table 1). The other ioral symptoms. On immediate exposure to the extracts, all
extracts, except hexane and petroleum ether extracts, were not the larvae exhibited a normal feeding and zigzag wriggling
considered for further investigations. motion till 510 min of exposure. Thereafter, the larvae
The larvicidal bioassays carried out with the selected ex- started showing signs of unnatural restlessness and excita-
tracts against A. aegypti revealed that though petroleum ether tion. The wriggling speed increased conspicuously with
extracts were quite effective against dengue vector larvae, aggressive vertical movements rising repeatedly to the water
hexane extracts exhibited 1.1- to 1.8-fold more larvicidal surface. Most interesting observation was the aggressive
potential than the petroleum ether extracts, irrespective of self-biting of anal papillae with their mouth parts leading to
whether these were prepared from roots, stems, or leaves of the formation of ring-shaped structures (Fig. 3). This aggres-
A. mexicana (Tables 2, 3, and 4, Fig. 1). The results further sive pattern persisted for 23 h after which the larvae became
revealed that the extracts prepared from the roots of A. sluggish, failing to reach the water surface, followed by high
mexicana showed 1.6- to 2.4-fold higher efficacy than those levels of larval knockdown due to chronic paralysis. Mori-
prepared from the leaves and stem. It establishes the hexane bund or dead larvae were increasingly found from 4 to 8 h.
root extract to be the most effective larvicide of all the extracts Observations on the morphological alterations of treated
tested resulting in LC50 and LC90 values of 91.331 and larvae revealed that most organs had a normal structural
156.684 ppm, respectively, after 24 of exposure (Table 2). appearance except anal papillae (gills). Under light micro-
The extract proved to be 1.8-fold more toxic than hexane leaf scope, both treated and control larvae showed similarities in
extracts (Table 3) and a 2.4-fold more toxic as against hexane morphological architecture and cuticular sculpturing of the
stem extracts (Table 4). Similarly, with an LC50 value of head, thorax, and abdomen segments, and other organs such

Table 4 Larvicidal activity of the stem extracts of A. mexicana against early fourth instars of A. aegypti

Solvent Time of exposure (h) Larvicidal activity SE 2 (df) Regression coefficient

LC50 (ppm) LC90 (ppm)

Hexane 24 218.067 (182.979257.951) 452.843 (365.870633.991) 0.59 4.938 (4) 4.038

48 183.895 (152.114219.174) 403.041 (322.965569.905) 0.55 1.302 (4) 3.760
Petroleum Ether 4 245.595 (136.945492.640) 553.219 (329.4144,744.55) 0.56 5.901 (3) 3.634
48 214.438 (174.673265.704) 483.117 (369.787748.938) 0.56 3.809 (3) 3.633

Values in parentheses indicate the lower and upper 95 % fiducial limits

Parasitol Res

Fig. 1 Larvicidal efficacy of the

petroleum ether and hexane
extracts of A. mexicana against
A. aegypti after 24 h of exposure
to the extracts. PLE petroleum
ether leaf extracts, PSE
petroleum ether stem extracts,
PRE petroleum ether root
extracts, HLE hexane leaf
extracts, HSE hexane stem
extracts, HRE hexane root

as the eyes, antennae, mouth brushes, setae, saddle, siphon, resistance to synthetic insecticides and the residue problems
and ventral brushes. A distinct difference, however, was the in the environment, the current inclination is to explore plants
structural alteration of the anal gills observed in the extract- for certain phytochemicals that are safe for nontarget animals
treated larvae as compare to the control larvae. The observa- and do not pose any residue problem but are still able to
tions clearly demonstrated destruction of anal papillae with suppress pest populations. During the last decade, various
extensive damage and a shrunken cuticle of the internal mem- studies on natural plant products against mosquito vectors
brane whereas the external membrane was intact (Fig. 4). have renewed the interest in them as possible alternatives to
Another remarkable observation was the demelanization of synthetic chemical insecticides. The botanical extracts from
the cuticle as compared to control (Fig. 5). the plant leaves, roots, seeds, flowers, and bark in their crude
form have been used as conventional insecticides for centu-
ries. In fact, many researchers have reported the effectiveness
Discussion of plant extracts or essential oils against mosquito larvae
(Rahuman et al. 2007; Rawani et al. 2009; Warikoo et al.
Increasing documentation of negative environmental and 2011; Kumar et al. 2012b).
health impact of synthetic insecticides, and growing incidence A. mexicana is an aggressive weed that grows in the tem-
of resistance in the mosquitoes have necessitated the need for perate region in waste lands, cultivating fields, and road sides.
the development of new strategies for mosquito control (Lima In the traditional system of medicine, the whole plant of A.
et al. 2011). Keeping in view the development of insect mexicana is extensively used in the treatment of tumors, warts,

Fig. 2 Comparative larvicidal

efficacy of A. mexicana extracts
against A. aegypti after 24 and
48 h of exposure. PLE petroleum
ether leaf extracts, PSE
petroleum ether stem extracts,
PRE petroleum ether root
extracts, HLE hexane leaf
extracts, HSE hexane stem
extracts, HRE hexane root
Parasitol Res

Fig. 3 Digital photomicrographs

of early fourth instar larvae of A.
aegypti; 1, 2, 3, and 4 different
time intervals of treatment with
effective extracts of A. mexicana.
The circled portions represent the
aggressive anal gill biting
behavior of extract-treated larvae
forming ring-shape

skin diseases, inflammations, rheumatism, jaundice, leprosy, prepared from A. mexicana seeds have been proved to pos-
piles, warm infestations, and dysentery. Along with its pharma- sess larvicidal potential against second instars of dengue
cological properties, a few researchers have reported its poten- vector causing high mortality at test concentrations from 25
tial role in control of mosquito vectors (Sakthivadivel and to 200 ppm (Sakthivadivel and Thilagavathy 2003).
Thilagavathy 2008; Priya and Rao 2012). Keeping in view Our results also confirmed the root extracts as the most
limited research work and antimosquito potential of the plant, effective extracts with 1.6- to 2.4-fold higher efficacies as
the present investigations were carried out to assess the prospec- compared to the leaf and stem extracts. These results are in
tive use of A. mexicana in mosquito management programs. conformity with that of Kumar et al. (2012b) who also report-
Present investigations clearly revealed the efficacy of ed the maximum efficacy of extracts prepared from the roots
extracts prepared from the three parts (leaf, stem, and root) of P. hysterophorus as compared to those prepared from stem
of A. mexicana against fourth instars of A. aegypti; though and leaves against dengue vector larvae. Larvicidal bioassays
only hexane and petroleum ether extracts, out of the five with hexane root extracts of A. mexicana resulted in an LC50
solvents tested, could result in 80100 % mortality. Similar and LC90 value of 91.331 and 156.684 ppm, respectively,
results were reported by Kumar et al. (2012b) who tested against early fourth instars of A. aegypti after 24 h of exposure.
different parts of a weed, Parthenium hysterophorus, The toxicity potential of the extract, however, increased by
extracted in five solvents against A. aegypti larvae and found 1.1-fold on exposure to the extract for 48 h. In comparison,
only hexane and petroleum ether extracts being effective hexane root extracts of P. hysterophorus have been found
causing 100 % mortality. However, the acetone extracts moderately effective against fourth instars of A. aegypti with

Fig. 4 Micrographs of anal gills

of A. aegypti larvae. a Control
larva showing two pairs of
normal gills with sac-like
structure. b Extract-treated
larvae of A. aegypti showing four
anal gills with externally normal
appearance but internally
shrunken structure (arrows).
S-IAP shrunken internal anal
papillae, I-EAP intact external
anal papillae
Parasitol Res

chemical synapses. Our findings corresponded to those of a

few earlier studies (Choochote et al. 2004, 2005; Dharmagadda
et al. 2005; Chaithong et al. 2006; Kumar et al. 2010); how-
ever, the toxic symptoms were observed at relatively different
time intervals. Our studies also showed a very interesting
behavior of aggressive anal biting in treated larvae. Earlier,
Becker et al. (2010) had reported the role of anal papillae in
regulation of electrolyte balance, which is required for the
sustainability of the life functions. This suggests that the cyto-
toxic effects of A. mexicana extracts led to the discharge of
Fig. 5 Extract-treated larvae of A. aegypti showing loss of pigmenta- fatal electrolyte from the anal region resulting in violent anal
tion of cuticle as compared to control. DmC demelanized cuticle. 1 biting.
Control larva showing normal pigmentation of cuticle, 2 extract-treated The treated early fourth instars of A. aegypti also exhibited
larva showing depigmentation of cuticle
structural alteration of anal papillae. This organ is involved in
the regulation of electrolyte levels. The internal structures of
the anal papillae in treated larvae showed remarkable shrink-
LC50 and LC90 values of 432.38 and 1118.50 ppm, respec- age, while the external features were normal in appearance.
tively (Kumar et al. 2012b). This confirms the larvicidal These results are in accordance with the results of Chaithong
efficiency of A. mexicana against A. aegypti though further et al. (2006) and Kumar et al. (2010) who reported the re-
investigations are needed for their use in the field. markable shrinkage in the internal structure of anal papillae in
Present studies also proved the larvicidal potential of pe- the larvae of A. aegypti when treated with ethanolic extracts of
troleum ether extracts with lowest LC50 value of 158.839 ppm pepper, while most of the other organs of dead larvae had a
exhibited by root extracts. Earlier, Sakthivadivel and normal appearance. Earlier, Insun et al. (1999) also observed
Thilagavathy (2008) had reported the efficacy of petroleum the damaged anal papillae, with a shrunken cuticle border and
ether leaf and seed extracts of A. mexicana against all the three destroyed surface with loss of ridge-like reticulum in dead C.
species of mosquitoes with an LC50 value of less than 50 ppm. quinquefasciatus larvae when treated with ethanolic extract of
Earlier, Raj Mohan and Ramaswamy (2007) found the leaf Kaempferia galanga. It has been suggested that structural
extracts of the weed Aegeratina adenophora moderately ef- deformation of anal papillae probably led to their dysfunction,
fective against fourth instars of A. aegypti and Culex which may be intrinsically associated with the death of mos-
quinquefasciatus reporting an LC50 value of 256.70 and quito larvae (Chaithong et al. 2006). Earlier reports have
227.20 ppm, respectively, and suggested its use for mosquito revealed that uptake and elimination of most ions in mosquito
control in stagnant water bodies. The leaf and flower extracts larvae occur via the anal papillae, which was markedly re-
of the weed Lantana camara are also reported to exhibit duced or lost in larvae with deformed or absence of papillae
larvicidal activity against third and fourth instar larvae of A. (Garrett and Bradley 1984; Clements 1992). This suggests
aegypti and C. quinquefasciatus with maximum mortality at that the morphological alterations of anal papillae could lead
3.0 mg/mL (Sathish and Maneemegalai 2008). However, the to their dysfunction probably leading to an interruption of the
petroleum ether extract of Euphorbia tirucalli was found osmotic and ionic regulation.
significantly effective against the larvae of A. aegypti and C. Our investigations have established the potential of A.
quinquefasciatus with LC50 values of 4.25 and 5.52 ppm mexicana against A. aegypti larvae and their benefits to de-
(Rahuman et al. 2007). Our studies establish the efficacy of veloping new types of larvicides used for mosquito control.
hexane and petroleum ether extracts prepared from different However, the mechanism involved causing mortality of mos-
parts of A. mexicana. Further, more larvicidal potential of quito larvae is still unknown and needs to be studied further.
hexane extracts as compared to the petroleum ether extracts, The variety of types and levels of active constituents in each
and too prepared from roots suggest that the presence of kind of extract may be responsible for the variability in their
certain chemical constituents in the hexane extract which potential against A. aegypti. Our investigations need further
arrested the metabolic activities of the larvae. exploration to find out and identify the bioactive constituent
The behavioral observations of the larvae treated with involved and their mode of action present in A. mexicana
selected extracts prepared from A. mexicana revealed exci- extracts with antimosquito potential. Further studies of the
tation, aggressive vertical, and horizontal movements in the formulated preparations for enhancing potency and stability,
larvae. The symptoms being similar to those caused by toxicity, and effects on nontarget organisms and the environ-
synthetic nerve poisons, i.e., excitation, convulsions, paral- ment, and field trials are needed to recommend A. mexicana as
ysis, and death suggests that the extracts could possibly act an antimosquito product used to combat and protect from
as cytolysin, affecting the neuromuscular coordination in mosquitoes in a control program. This undoubtedly will lead
Parasitol Res

to improved formulations with enhanced activity, which may Kumar S, Singh AP, Nair G, Batra S, Seth A, Wahab N, Warikoo R
(2011a) Impact of Parthenium hysterophorus leaf extracts on the
eventually become environmentally acceptable and replace
fecundity, fertility and behavioural response of Aedes aegypti L.
objectionable conventional insecticides for mosquito control. Parasitol Res 108:853859
Kumar S, Warikoo R, Misha M, Seth A, Wahab N (2011b) Larvicidal
Acknowledgments The authors are highly grateful to University Grants efficacy of the Citrus limetta peel extracts against Indian strains of
Commission, New Delhi for providing research fellowship to carry out the Anopheles stephensi Liston and Aedes aegypti L. Parasitol Res
present investigations. Thanks are extended to Dr. Savithri Singh, Principal, 111:173178
Acharya Narendra Dev College for providing infrastructure and research Kumar S, Wahab N, Mishra M, Warikoo R (2012a) Evaluation of 15
facilities. local plant species as larvicidal agents against an Indian strain of
dengue fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae).
Front Physiol 3:16
Kumar S, Nair G, Singh AP, Batra S, Wahab N, Warikoo R (2012b)
Evaluation of the larvicidal efficiency of stem, roots and leaves of
the weed, Parthenium hysterophorus (Family: Asteraceae) against
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