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Rhea Everett
Introduction to field work SWRK-01IS-91-16FA
Sister Shirley Fineran, OSF, LISW

In the first core competency, demonstrate ethical and professional behavior, I feel my

skill level is moderate. I am able to recognize my personal values and use these to know the

difference between my personal and professional values. Along with knowing how my personal

experiences affect my professional judgement. I recognize that being a social worker requires

life-long learning to keep my skills up to date. The use of technology is extremely important in

the field of social work, and I understand its use. My personal appearance, behavior and forms of

communication are demonstrated in a professional way.

Competency 2, engage diversity and difference in practice involves being able to use

skills of diversity and difference with clients. I am able to recognize that everyone is different

and comes from different backgrounds. This allows me to use to awareness about myself to keep

my personal biases to myself. Also I am able to help a client share their own experiences.
My ability to understand human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice is

moderate, competency 3. I understand that everyone has human rights relating to freedom,

safety, health care, education and a proper standard of living. That there is oppression of human

rights globally. I also am aware that there are practice to follow that will promote human rights.
In following the core competency 4, engage in practice-informed research and research

informed practice, my skill level is mild. I understand that the practice that I do is informed by

research. All the practices that I am being taught are backed up by practice-informed research.

That any research that I preform is based off the practices I preform.
Competency 5, engage in policy practice is a competency that needs improvement.
The skills I have developed in competency 6, engage with individuals, families, groups,

organizations and communities are moderate. I understand that in order to interact with my

clients I will need to have a relationship with them that is ongoing. That these relationships will

be diverse and different depending on the client and their background. My use of empathy is

mild in my use with others.

The skills in competency 6 go along with the skills in competency 7, assess individuals,

families, groups, organizations and communities. My skills from competency 7 are mild. I am

aware of the need to gather information of families, groups, organizations and communities. This

information will help create a right intervention for the client.

Competency 8, intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and

communities, needs improvements.

Competency 9, evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and

communities, needs improvement.

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