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Rise of the Z-State and faltering Societal Fate – Part 1

By Randy Gonzalez

Rise of the Z-State and faltering Societal Fate – Part 1

By Randy Gonzalez

An aficionado of “zombie genre”, or “apocalyptic” style story telling might find the
notion of “z-state” fascinating. From entertaining depictions in terror-panicked shopping
malls, to the U.S. CDC’s metaphorical admonition for emergency planning, the
apocalyptic human demise fascinates millions. On a larger scale, with concerns about
natural disasters from global warming, the threat of nuclear terrorism, as well as
planetary viral pandemic, and other possibilities, invites diverse perceptions about human
extinction. For the smaller perspective, the certainty of death is frightening.
Once researcher in an academic setting collecting data for a dissertation, has cited that
the fixation or obsession with apocalyptic scenarios is a means of imagining the
individuality of dying. Fictional versions come in many forms in the fabrication of
divergent theories regarding the end of the human race. The human capacity of invention
with regard to storytelling has deep roots in evolutionary processes. For the average
person, fiction is sometimes confused with facts, and the reality of evidence gets lost.
Along the expansive capacity for people to exercise broad range deception, thinking
processes typically devolve to horrific fallacies of inference. On a daily basis, you easily
can be alert if you try, and discern the selfish and purposeful nature of human beings.
Newscasts, pundits of one sort or another, politicians in particular, religious zealots and a
cast of others, pontificate carelessly about the nature of reality. From very emotionally
reactive postures, many claim a conspiracy, a hidden agenda, or supernatural causation,
to explain “why” or “how” something happened, absent relevant factuality.
Horrible analogies that make no sense, unless you are being emotionally self-focused
and immature, pretend to be “scientific validation” of something called the truth. As the
false sense of security in hope springs eternal, the majority often commit grievous acts of
“stupid thinking” by regressing to the primal state of substandard thinking processes.
This kind of posturing dismisses arguments to the contrary that do not agree with
irrational conjecture offered as a simplistic explanation. Since an anecdote, a yarn, tale or
simple sketch, does not represent careful and critical analysis, “trouble free” discussions
devolve to the familiar patternicity of self-centered cognitive bias. Unfortunately, such
“anti-thinking” appears to be growing across the social spectrum.

With that comes an incremental regression of collective animosity against healthy

skepticism, scientific methodology and intellectual scrutiny. Add to that derision and
criticism of those who might be inclined toward a seasoned notion of cynicism. Doubt
and distrust of human intentions often comes with experience over time, pains and
pleasures, and a learning process gained in the real world. That applies to the current state
of the human condition, which is regressing instead of transforming.
Yet, for many, “hope springs eternal” that mythical interventions with change human
nature. From generation to generation, seems the same perspectives, perceptions and
proclamations perpetuate little change in human nature. In order to grasp a pessimistic
view of the human species, without too much anxiety and medication, one actually has to
have had real world experiences. From such, something called “common sense” might
assist in self-evolution toward a greater appreciation for reality.
For discussion purposes, take “generation z” for instance. Recently, a major national
newspaper, as well as others, from the northeastern U.S. reported what they termed the
“z-generation. Or, the rise of the “z’s”. What are the implications for possible
comparisons, risking a poorly constructed analogy, given cultural affinity for “zombie
genre”, that you might consider? From moviemaking depictions, zombies exhibit
particular characteristics, depending on the director and the screenwriters.
The so-called undead are described as lacking a sense of “free will”, and generally
enslaved by outside forces that “victimized them”, whereby they are “driven” to commit
acts of violence. As such, the primary “instinctual” inclination is to eat other humans,
who have not contracted the “zombie virus”. Right here one could remark as to the
possible metaphorical implications that could negatively describe a real-life generation or
two. In fact, social policy, political campaigning, news reporting and certain academic
programs, advocate theories espousing deterministic philosophies.
In addition, the animated corpses that cannibalistically ravish others are typically
shown to be rambling, rotting, decaying and aimlessly wandering carnivores. You could
say they have little regard for others unlike them and do not share anything. Instead, they
are quite selfish. To stop a zombie, the brain has to be destroyed, or the head otherwise
removed. This is due to the fact the former human is no longer using his or her brain for
significant thought processes. That is an interesting comparison.

Using the metaphorical references, the figurative illusion could offer the possibility of
neutralizing a contemporary “zombie” by legally enforcing the laws. Deterring
criminality, and subsequently antisocial behavior, or “zombie” behavior, begins with
decisive public policy to safeguard societal order maintenance. Acting stupid for
example, puts others at risk. Countermeasures to foolish and irresponsible behaviors,
requires “attacking” the “zombie brain” with creative strategies. There are many
applications to interdict rambling, aimless and mediocre actions.
In some cases, you do you what you can to arrest the malefactors. By sufficiency of
solvability facts, evidentiary artifacts, probable cause and subsequent proof beyond
doubt, you remove the insidious malevolence. However, that is typically the process at a
basic societal level. This is the “street level”, where authorized agents of the executive
branches of governments enforce lawful constraints. Primarily, this is the realm regarding
the usual state of intentional sanctions against murder, rape, robbery and so forth.
Yet, what about the higher levels of socio-economic and political strata? Stupidity in
freely chosen acts of selfishness reach more elevated spheres of human existence. In
other high-level seriously devolving situations, you make sure the group responsible
impeaches malcontents, as say for instance, a president. In the corporate world,
governmental mechanisms must swing into action to put the greedy, the fraudulent and
those of presumed executive privilege behind bars for long periods.
Unfortunately, it is the lesser “Z’s”, those of fewer social and economic means that
generally get imprisoned. For the upper echelons of power, influence and political
control, the wealthy mostly get away with the “Z-like” gluttonous behaviors. They can
exploit the environment, poison the ecosystems and commit acts of thievery on an entire
economic system. They can do all manner of mischief and end up not held accountable
for their arrogant abuse of others, and make a profit in the process.
As a culture, it is essential to survival necessities to apply extreme measures to ensure
public safety, the general welfare and common defense. That sometimes entails
extraordinary actions by authorized enforcement agents. By executing direct and
immediate corrective actions, lawful means strive to neutralize the “zombie” contingents
as quickly as possible through every legal means possible. In confrontation with the
onslaught of ravenous deception, one must counterattack with swift responses.

In a devolving culture, society and global population, stupidity will continue to grow
viciously widespread, as people continue to express their negativity absent counter-
balancing forces within the social context. Tolerance and encouragement of foolishly
immature behaviors is becoming increasingly more commonplace. As excuses mitigate
illicit actions on an escalating, by way of the usual “baloney and sausage” (BS) simplistic
explanations, much of it coming from pseudosciences, politicians and pundits, eventual
demise of the human species can be expected. Exceptional change is limited.
Feigned “victimization”, as well as pretentious naiveté for political correctness, and
superficial tolerance, accepts the stupidity of unscientific conjecture in lieu of facts,
evidence and rational analysis. Those who think critically, outside the usual self-
indulgent superficiality bias, are the resistance forces for small enclaves of
transformation. Among the valiant few, who apply critical analysis and mature
introspection in search of the facts, are among a diminishing urban vigilance.
In a time where science wars against mythology and pseudoscience, in which people
replace real science with séances and fortune telling, illusions become reality. Human
devolution hastens along this path. It is too late to change the course of humanity. Never
will the hue and cry rise up against the false teachers and their sophistry. Fear, stupidity,
failure to grow up and mature, American culture is doomed.
The need to take extraordinary actions to invest in an ascended, wiser and transformed
society regresses to emotional reactivity. Most people are unwilling to experience the
hard work of changing themselves. Politicians are too willing to let it happen, since they
are part of the complicity to pursue pacification instead of intense rejuvenation.
Demanding extraordinary applications of critical thinking, reason and logic in every day
interaction is but one aspect of essential criticality.
Another would be making diligent ethically rational activism to ensure swift and
certain countermeasures against stupidity at all levels of commerce and government.
Rather than allow foolish social policies that allow communal injustices, “cultural
zombies” would be quickly incapacitated. Contrived immature commentary, absent solid
evidence and factual validation, must be called out for what it is immediately. Rather than
pandering to simplistic notions of “political correctness”, ideological extremisms for
instance, are to be questioned immediately on the basis of contrived ignorance.

Tolerance for the intolerance of self-imposed defensiveness is dangerous. Restraint of

free speech for instance, because someone might be offended, suggests evidence that
certain groups or entire populations are unable to handle freedom. To be protected from
alleged “hate speech”, whatever that might conjure, suggests offensive reactivity to
perceived condescension. Insulation from the stupidity of others often invokes stupidity
in the supposed offended party. Open debate, critical analysis, rational application of
deductive reasoning often escapes necessity in many social interactions. Instead, scams,
schemes and foolish memes advance “anti-intellectualism” over rationality.
People are very good at trickery. For some, the ruse of “victimization” means others
must help them. For some, they do not feel comfortable with freedom, and need excuses,
alibis and scapegoats for their myriad dysfunctions. As such, the “government” must
protect them, regardless of the impact on constitutional safeguards, or the basic tenets in
the founding principles of a democratic republic. This presupposes that which could be
applied in the sense that some need mindless selfishness to be insulated against the
incessant ravages of rationality. In a devolving society, bent on self-destruction and
eventual extinction, that is the result. It will not likely improve in the near future.
On the contrary, the odds are mounting against the human species. Purposeful
instigations in debasing selfishness, by the non-virtue of undisciplined “self-
deregulation” contribute to the eventual destruction of human existence. Instead of
productive insistence upon rigorous differentiation into selfless personal enrichment, self-
gratification by instant reactivity devolves to the regression of social progress.
Preoccupation with child-like attention getting antics, stupidity of discourse by fallacy of
inference, and over-simplification of specious conjecture, aid in the divisiveness of
emotional reactivity. Intellectual rigor gives way to anti-thinking.
In the waning years of a collapsing empire, as some historians have observed, by
gradual actions, defense of honorable ideals and enlightened notions give way to
hedonistic self-indulgence. Growing proportions of the populace prefer the comfort of
their emotions to the discomfort of laborious rationality. Evidentiary criteria,
substantiated by scientific validation, increasingly give way to superstitions and
pseudoscience. Extreme mythic ideologies sanction terroristic behaviors, while the allure
of the occult and the supernatural justify torturous oppressions.

As superstition, steeped in the non-reality of the supernatural and the rampant

incestuous spread of pseudoscience (i.e. criminology, psychology and sociology, etc.)
with the rise anti-intellectualism, colludes to replace the factuality of scientific
methodology, rational analysis suggests dismal prospects for the human beings. At a
major U.S. university, considered among the alleged “Ivy league” elite, a research project
purports to reinforce the notion of the “z-state” as a dystopic probability. Purportedly,
researchers claim to have uncovered the psycho-physiological basis to argue that people
are deteriorating at an alarming rate. They claim the human genome is devolving.
Disturbing research interpretations, albeit theoretical in part, serious science, outside
the clutches of pseudoscience, or philosophical fantasy tales, reports the deterioration of
the human body over time. These assertions recently were made at a top private
university, based on research team of geneticists. In brief, the human species is
devolving, or as suggested by investigative inference, the genome is breaking down from
one generation to another. Mutations over time, are miscalculating into physiological
errors, which does not harken a positive outlook for the future.
With the rise of the Z’s, the subsequent generation of post-millennials, inference
offers the dismal notion of “dumber”, more fragile and not stronger off spring. Smaller
and weaker is one thing, but stupid is quite another. According to another scholarly
inquiry, or at least reportedly so from a major university study, a researcher asserts that
those between the ages of 18 and 22 are considered dumber than those of the previous
generation. As such, skillful application of critical thinking skills, inclusive of reasonable
research and sufficiency of evidence, grows dimmer.
Perhaps just as frightening, is the diminished insightful perspective of academicians
charged with teaching a slower, uncreative and less intellectually animated “z-types”.
Further, among the more challenged individuals is the condescending and increasingly
negative atmosphere of interpersonal communication exchanges. Although intricate and
multifaceted as to cause-effect consequences, a lack of worldly experiences and
purposeful knowledge development, are among influential probabilities. With that,
serious “pain vs. pleasure” conflict, deficient problem solving critical decision making
pressures, coupled with little or no actual struggle to survive by hard work, are factors
contributing to a more feeble younger population. The Z’s have arisen.

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