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Which of following statements A Glucose

describes Chemistry? Glukosa
Kenyataan manakah yang B Copper
menghuraikan Kimia? Kuprum
C Naphthalene
A. The study of composition, Naftalena
changes and interactions of matter D Sodium Chloride
Kajian tentang komposisi, Natrium klorida
perubahan dan interaksi antara
At -8oC At 80oC
A Solid Gas
The boiling point of a substance X is 78oC and
Pepejal Gas its melting point is -5oC. What is the
physical state of substance X at
B Solid Liquid -8oC and 80oC?
Pepejal Cecair
Takat didih bahan X ialah 780C
C Liquid Gas
dan takat Leburnya ialah -50C. Apakah
Cecair Gas
keadaan fizikal bahan X pada
D Liquid Liquid
suhu -80C dan 800C?
Cecair Cecair

B. The theory of calculus

Teori pengiraan
C. The analysis of the movement of
Analisis tentang pergerakan objek
D. The study of the interactions
between living things
Kajian tentang hubungan antara
benda hidup

2. Which of the following occupations

does not involve the knowledge of
chemistry? 5 Carbon-12 atom and carbon-14 atom are
Bidang pekerjaan manakah yang tidak similar in terms of
terlibat dalam pengajian Kimia? Atom karbon-12 dan atom karbon-14
mempunyai persamaan dari segi
A. Geologist C. Clerk
Ahligeologi Kerani A proton number
B. Pilot D. Pharmacist nombor proton
Juruterbang Ahli farmasi B nucleon number
nombor nukleon
C number of neutron
3 Which of the following that contains bilangan neutron
atoms? D relative atomic mass
Antara bahan berikut yang manakah jisim atom relatif
terdiri daripada atom-atom?

6 How many times one carbon dioxide Satu mol natriunoksida, Na2O
molecule is heavier than one Helium mengandungi;
Berapa kalikah satu molekul karbon A 1moles of molecule
dioksida lebih berat daripada 1 atom 1 mole molekul
helium ? B 2 moles of ions
Relative atomic mass, C=12, O= 16 and 2 mol ion
He=14 C 3 moles of ions
Gunakan maklumat jisim atom relatif 3 mol ion
C=12, O=16 dan He =4 D 4 moles of ions
4 mol ion
A 10 C 12
B 11 D 13

7 Molecular formula for methane is as

Formula molekul bagi metana adalah 9 Which of the following gases occupies
seperti berikut: the smallest volume at STP?
Di antara gas yang berikut yang
manakahisipadu yang palingkecil
CH4 pada STP?

Which of the following statements are (Relative mass: NH3 = 17; CO= 28 ;
true for one mole methane gas? O2 = 32 ; Cl2 = 71)
Antara pernyataan berikut yang 1 mole of gas occupies 22.4 dm3 at
manakah benar bagi satu mol gas STP
Use the information Relative Atomic A 4.0 g of ammonia,NH3
Mass C = 12, H = 1, Avogadro B 2.0 g of Carbon monoxide,
constants = CO
6.0 1023 mol- 1, 1 mol gas= 24.0 dm3 C 3.0 g of oxygen.,O2
at room condition. D 4.0 g of chlorine, Cl2
Gunakan maklumat jisim atom relatif
C = 12, H = 1, pemalar Avogadro
= 6.0 1023 mol-1, 10 What can be deduced from
1 mol gas menempati 24.0 dm3 pada 13
suhu dan tekanan bilik. the symbol Al?
Apakah yang dapat disimpulkan
A Has mass 12g 27
Mempunyai jisim 12 g
B Contain 5 6 1023 atom dari symbol Al?
Mengandungi 5 6 1023 `
atom I The electron arrangement of
C Contain 5 6 1023 molecule aluminium atom is 2.8.3
Mengandungi 5 6 1023 Susunan elektron bagi
molekul atom aluminiumialah 2.8.3.
D Contain 12dm3 at s.t.p II Aluminium atom has 13 protons
Mempunyai isipadu 12dm3 and 27 neutrons.
pada suhu dan tekanan bilik Atom aluminiummempunyai
13 proton dan 27 neutron.
8 One mole of sodium oxide, Na2O
Aluminium atom has a proton
contain; number of 27 and 14 neutrons.
Atom aluminiummempunyai

nombor proton 27dan 14 neutron. Atom aluminium mempunyai 13
IV The total number of proton and proton dan 27 neutron.
neutron of aluminium atom is 27. III Aluminium atom has a proton
Jumlah bilangan proton dan number of 27 and 14 neutrons.
neutron atom aluminium ialah 27. Atom aluminium mempunyai
nombor proton 27 dan 14 neutron.
A I and III IV The total number of proton and
B II and IV neutron of aluminium atom is 27.
C II and III Jumlah bilangan proton dan neutron
D I and IV atom aluminium ialah 27.

A I and III
B II and IV
C II and III
D I and IV
11. The diagram shows the electron
arrangement of atom Y.
Rajah menunjukkan susunanelektron bagi 13 How much is the mass of nitrogen that
atom Y. contains 3.01 1023 molecule of
nitrogen? [Relative atomic mass : N =
14, NA = 6.02 1023 mol-1]Berapakah
jisim bagi nitrogen yang mengandungi
3.01 1023molekul nitrogen?[Jisim
Y atom relatif : N = 14, NA= 6.02 1023

B 14 g
How many valence electrons are there in C 28 g
the atom Y? D 32
Berapakah bilangan elektron valens yang
terdapat dalam atom Y? 14 Metal P forms an oxide that has the
formula M2O3. If the formula of
chloride ion is Cl- , therefore the
A 2 formula of chloride compound of M is
B 3
Logam P membentuk oksida yang
C 5
mempunyai formula M2O3. Jika
D 7 formula bagi ion klorida ialah Cl-,
maka formula bagi sebatian kloridaM
12 What can be deduced from ialah...
the symbol Al? A MCl
Apakah yang dapat disimpulkan B MCl2
27 C MCl3
13 D M2Cl3
dari symbol Al?
15 Which of the following statements are
I The electron arrangement of aluminium atom is 2.8.3true regarding chemicals?
Susunan elektron bagi atom aluminium Kenyataan manakah yang benar
ialah 2.8.3. mengenai Kimia?
II Aluminium atom has 13 protons
and 27 neutrons. I All matter is chemical

Semua jirim adalah bahan kimia B. II and IV only
II Sound is not considered a chemical C. I, III and IV only
Bunyi bukan dianggap bahan D. II, III and IV only
III All chemicals are dangerous 18 Magnesium phosphate has the
substances chemical formula Mg3(PO4)2. What is
Semua bahan kimia adalah bahan its relative formula mass?
merbahaya [Relative atomic mass: O = 16,
IV Chemicals are only found in Mg = 24 and P = 31]
laboratories Formula kimia bagi magnesium fosfat
Bahankimia hanya terdapat di ialah Mg3(PO4)2. Hitungkan jisim
makmal formula relatif bagi magnesium
A. I and II only [Jisim atom relatif : O = 16,
B. III and IV only Mg = 24 dan P = 31]
C. II and III only
D. III and IV only A 262 C 282
16 Which of the followinghappens when B 272 D 292
iodine gas
Antara berikut yang manakah berlaku 19 The relative molecular mass of
apabila gas iodin mengalami proses bromine is 160. This means that
pemejalwapan? 80 g of bromine contains ;
[Avogadro constant = 6.02 1023
A The particles move faster mol-1]
Zarah-zarah bergerak lebih Jisim molekul relatif bagi bromin
laju ialah 160. Ini bermakna, 80 g
B The contents of energy bromin mengandungi;
increases [Pemalar Avogadro = 6.02 1023
Kandungan tenaga zarah mol-1]
C The arrangement of particles I 1 mol of bromine molecule
is not in order I 1 molmolekulbromin
Susunan zarah-zarah menjadi II 2 mol of bromine atom
tidak teratur II 2 mol atom bromin
D The attraction forces between III 1 mol of bromine atom
particles increases III 1 mol atom bromine
Daya tarikan antara zarah- IV 3.01 1023 of bromine molecules
zarah bertambah
IV 3.01 1023 molekul bromine
17 Which of the following attitudes and
A I and II only C II and IV only
noble values should be practiced
B II and III only D III and IV only
during a scientific investigation?
Yang mana satukah tingkahlaku dan
nilai murni yang patut ada semasa
20 Sequence the following steps in order
menjalankan penyiasatan saintifik?
to carry out a scientific investigation.
I Honesty III Systematic
Jujur Sistematik
II Flexible IV Responsibility
I Make a conclusion
Buat kesimpulan
II Form a hypothesis
Hasilkan hipotesis
III Carry out the experiment and
A. I and III only

collect data
Menjalankan eksperimen dan
mengumpul data
IV Plan and design the experiment
Rancang dan reka eksperimen


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