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History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

Directions:- This paper contains History Examination for Grad 10. The
examination paper contains 80 questions. There is only one best answer for
each item. Choose the best answer from the suggested options and waite the
letter of your choice on the answer sheet.

Time allowed 1:30

1. Specialization of work was the outcome of

A) Conflict among communities
B) Sedentary way of life
C) Surpless production
D) Development of urbanization
2. Historians prefer more original materials during their study for the

purpose of its
A) Tangibility C) Nearness
B) Simpircity D) Accessibility
3. which workers organization tried to solve their problems by destructing

the machine they work with?

A) Chartests C) Capitalists
B) Luddites D) Scientific socialism
4. The concept so called the Edict of Milan ordered by Emperor

Constantine of Rome in the 4th c was

A) Conflict resolution signed b/n spain and portuguse in Latin
B) Religious toleration that saved Christian from perscuation
C) War declared to save Palestine not to fall in the hands Muslim Arabs
D) Peace agreement signed b/n Romans and Carthage.
5. Which European countries formed united nation state in the 2nd half of

19th c?
A) France and Germany
B) Spain and Rumania
C) Italy and Germany
D) Poland and Norway

6. The one that found at the olduvaiGorge of Tanzania was

A) Homo Erectus C) Homo sapiens
B) Homo Habilis D) Niyandertal man

7. The ancient civilization of maya and Inca were mostly destroyed by

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

A) Portuguse C) England
B) Spain D) France
8. Which title was an important during the zemenemesafint over the rest?
A) Dejazamach C) Nigus
B) RasBitweded D) Mesafin
9. The earliest Gibe state was
A) Jimma C) LimmuEnariya
B) Gumma D) Gera
10. The one that declared catholicism as official religion of the Christian

king dom was

A) LebeneDingel C) Tewodros II
B) Susenyos D) Iyoas
11. The group that fought against the unity of America during their civil

war was
A) The federal state C) the northern
B) The unionist D) The confederates
12. Which market center of the long distance trade of the 19thC located

along south western to Norhtern region of Ethiopia?

A) Dawe C) AliyuAmba
B) Anchaaro D) Asandabo
13. The last rule of yejju dynasty of wollo Oromo was
A) Mohammad Ali C) RasGugsa
B) Ali II D) Yimam

14. One is not the end goal of nationalism

A) Pride of ones own country
B) Mutual interests and instituttions
C) One religion and belief
D) Common goal for national interests
15. At which peace Treat Yohannis IV won the submission of NigusMenelik?
A) Liche C) Borumeda
B) Hewett D) Mereb convention
16. Mukarib was
A) Palace of an ancient Sumerians
B) Political and religious title of south Arabians
C) Gold mines areas of ancient kush

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

D) Trade center of sub Saharan regions

17. Identity the language that does not belongs to semetic
A) Argobba C) Harari
B) Silte D) Alaba
18. The first city state that probably grow in to large Empire was
A) Greece C) Carthage
B) Kush D) Aksum
19. Who was the founder of the Holy Roman Empire?
A) Otto the Great of Germany
B) Napoleon III of France
C) James II of England
D) Ignatiuis Loyola of spain
20. Motalami was the well known ruler of
A) Hadya C) Damot
B) Ifat D) Walayta

21. Which Christian high land king lost his life while fighting with muslim

sultanate of Adal?
A) Dawit C) YekunoAmlak
B) Zara yaqob D) Yeshaq
22. Who brought to an end the era of zemenemesafint?
A) Yohannis IV C) Emperor TekleGiyolgis
B) Tewodros II D) NrgusMenelik
23. The forces of Egypt that advanced to Emirate of Harar was commanded

A) Colonel Arrendrup
B) Mohammad Rauf pasha
C) Warner munzinger
D) Kadhive Ismail
24. During the Italian announcement of protectorate over Ethiopia which

European country reserved recognition?

A) France C) Britain
B) Germany D) Russia
25. All of the following battles fought with mahdist Sudan except
A) Gura C) Kufit
B) Metema D) Sarwuha

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

26. Who was Hassan Enjamo?

A) Patriotic of walayta during Meneliks expansion to south
B) Leader of Gurage and siltethat opposed menelik expansion to the

C) Hero of Wollo muslim Oromo during the Gordarine period
D) Leader of Harari during Egyptian invasion of the Emirate
27. Which battle ended the aim of Turkish expansion to Europe in 1570s ?
A) Waterloo C) Tour
B) Stalin grand D) Lepanto
28. In the Gada system of the Oromo the head of chaffe elected

democratically among the age group of

A) Luba age-grade C) Dori age grade
B) Gada age grade D) Daballe age-grade
29. The main reason for the shift of the politrcal center of Christian

kingdom from shewa to lake Tana regron in the mid 16thc was
A) Pressure from muslim sultanate of adal
B) Political instability the christains faced at the period
C) Pressure from the Oromo during their expansion
D) The invasion of Egyptians from Noth Eastern direction
30. One was not among the Hausa city state
A) Kano B) Gobir C) Zamfara D) Soso
31. Which one is the outcome of American war of independence?
A) Brought the liberation of America from British colony
B) Abolished slavery system fromAmarica
C) Assassination of Abraham Lincoin
D) Gave citizens to Red Indians
32. Which battle fought to restored the position of LijIyasu?
A) Embabo C) Anchim
B) Segele D) Chalako
33. In the process of monarchical building the one that removed in 1930

A) Abawuqew C) Dej Balcha Safo
B) RasGugsa D) Fitawerari Habte Giyorgis
34. Which one was the political consequence of Iww?
A) Death of civilians
B) Spread of famine and disease
C) Removal of old dynasties from their position
D) Destruction of industrial plants

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

35. The one that appointed as aleader of Black Lion Organization durng the

Italian temperory occupation of Ethiopia was

A) Dej. Balcha Safo C) RasImiru Haile Silase
B) Geresu Duki D) RasDestaDamtew
36. In the Gada system of the Oromo political power was held through
A) Blood relation C) clan based back ground
B) Size of property D) achievements
37. One region did not engaged in the war of the zemene mesafint (Era of

A) Tigrai C) Gojjem
B) Wollo D) Shewa
38. Which Christian king established good relation with mamluk Egypt to

respect the rights of Coptic minorities?

A) Zerayacob C) Geladiwos
B) SersaDingel D) Iyoas
39. The Glorious revolution of England
A) Marked the victory of English autocracy
B) Brought the victory of the parliament
C) Ended the Catholic religion in England
D) It ended the reign of Queen Elsabeth
40. In which stage of slave trade that an individual Marchants and

adventures took part?

A) Monopolistic C) free trade
B) Triangular D) Piratic
41. One was not among the reforms of Napoleon III of France
A) Decentralization of power to provences
B) Employement and promotion to officials
C) Took step to expanded education to the masses
D) Collection of revenue from the provences
42. From the following state one was not mentioned in the document of

Christian highland kingdom and remained an independent until 1890s

A) Walayta C) Kaffa
B) Hadya D) Bizamo
43. The agreement of Hewett Treaty of 1884 more aimed at
A) Restoration Bogos to Ethiopia
B) Save evacuation of trapped Egyptian soldiers
C) Demarcating boundary b/n Ethiopia and Egypt occupied lands

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

D) Egyptian evacuation from massawa

44. Which event took place first interms of time?
A) Britsh military expendition to Ethiopia
B) Borumeda religious conference
C) The Bogos crisis
D) Battle of Ayshal
45. The correct order in taking power after the death of prophet

Mohammad was
A) Ali Othman AbuBakar Umar
B) Umar Othman Ali AbuBakar
C) AbuBakar Umar Othman Ali
D) Umar Ali Umar AbuBakar
46. The document that explain Aksumities marchants were visited the land

as far as south of Abay river to buy gold for their rulers was
A) Christian Topagraphy
B) The peripus of Erythrean sea
C) The Nine saints
D) The legacies left by musli mmarchants
47. The zagwe dynasty remembered in Ethiopian History for their
A) Monopoly over Redsea trade routes
B) Territorial expansion to south direction
C) Remarkable architectural achievements
D) Confrontation to muslim expansion to the north
48. One was the basic reason for the fall down of Aksumites state
A) The rise of muslim Arabs and their control over the Red sea trade

B) Opposition they faced from the zagwe rulers
C) Invasion of kush from the south western direction
D) Political instability among the Aksumites rulers
49. The worlds first system of writing, cuneiform, was invented by
A) Persians C) Punisians
B) Sumerians D) Egyptians
50. Villages of middle age were known as
A) Manors C) serfs
B) Vessals D) knights
51. The Renaissance did not concerned with
A) Freedom of thought
B) Use vernacular language

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

C) Study of ancient Grece and Roman arts

D) Use of one common religion and beliefs
52. As mau mau was to Kenya ____ was to Tanzania
A) Mahdist C) Bataka
B) Maji maji D) The riff
53. Which part benefited from the Triangular slave trade?
A) Africans C) Americans
B) Asians D) Europeans
54. Domestication plants and animals started during the period of ?
A) Mesolithic C) Neolithic
B) Paleolithic D) New stone age

55. Which two European countries near to war at Fashoda?

A) France and Britain
B) German and Belgium
C) Italy and France
D) Portuguse and spain
56. Which conference was held to discuss the problems with in Ethiopian

Orthodox church in the 1870s

A) Liche C) Borumeda
B) Hewett D) Adwa
57. One was not the reform of LijIyasu
A) Out lawed the lebashay
B) Improved method of asrat collection
C) Introduced an auditing system
D) Established friendly relation with major European powers
58. The country that was not the member of Entente powers was
A) France B) Britain C) Russia D) Germany
59. The secret police that established in Russia to suppress the counter

revolutionary during the October Revolution of 1917 was

A) Bolsheviks C) Cheka
B) Mensheviks D) white armies
60. The oldest political party in Africa is
A) Wafd party

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

B) African Narional congress

C) Neo- Dastur party
D) West African national congress

61. From the following patriotic one was not fought Italians in the Northern

A) Ras MulugetaYegezu
B) Ras Imiru Haile Silasse
C) Dej. DestaDamtew
D) Ras Siyoum Mengesha
62. Which one is an international Organization?
A) African union C) United Nation
B) European Economic Community D) The Arab League
63. The France forces in Vietnam defeated at the battle of
A) Dien Bien phy C) Viet cong
B) Formosa D) Ngo DinhDiem
64. Zionism was
A) An International Arabs Organization
B) The Jewish International Organization aimed at their return back to

the land
C) An anti - Jewish migration to their home land
D) An Arab Israel International agreement on the partation of Palestine
65. The Goan heights of syria and Gaza strip of Egypt seized by Israel

during the
A) Six day Arab Israel war
B) By the yom kippur war
C) By the suez canal crisis
D) By the 1st Arab Israael war
66. From the following countries one was not the colony of British
A) Sudan C) Libya
B) Egypt D) Ghana

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

67. African rsistance against colonial rule failed for the following reason

A) Lack of unity among African resistance forces
B) Use modern army by the colonizers
C) Lack of resources and human powers in Africa
D) Collabration some African rulers with colonizers for the purpose of

68. Which provences more experienced peasant rebellion during the

monarchical rule of Haile Silase I

A) Wollo and Hararge
B) Bale and Gojjem
C) Wollega and Kaffa
D) Borana and Sidamo
69. The devastating famine of 1974 exposed to the International

Community by :
A) Ethiopian govt
B) Journalist jonathanDimbilby
C) Ethiopian mass media
D) Food and agricultural organization
70. Which Christian king remained fugitive of war while the kinngdomwas

dominated by muslim sultanate of Adal?

A) Fasiledes C) YekunoAmlak
B) SerseDirgel D) LebeneDingel
71. One was not found under the confederacy of Barentu
A) Tullema C) Guji
B) Mecha D) Karayu
72. Which one paired wrongly?
A) Kaffa Gakiserecho
B) Walayta Tona
C) Dawaro Motalami
D) LeqaNaqamte KumsaMoroda
73. The group of patriotic that lived and worked with Italians but supplied

useful information for the Ethipian side during the five years temporary

occupation were called

A) Badas C) Militias
B) Inner patriotic D) Gurriela fighters

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

74. One not an indication for the Violation of Varsialles Peace Treaty
A) Repid rearmament of Germany
B) Withdrawal of Japan from league of Nation
C) Italian invasion of Ethiopia
D) Israel control of some Arab territories
75. The Close Door policy that isolated Ethiopia from Christian Europe

for about one and half century was declared by

A) Tewodros II C) Fasiledes
B) Yohannis IV D) Susenyos
76. Which country dominated Ethiopia for adecade after the liberation from

Temperory occupation of Italians?

A) America C) Russia
B) British D) Gemany
77. The leading body of United Nation Organization is
A) The General Assembly
B) The Security Council
C) The Secretary General
D) The Economic and Social council
78. The first non-alligned movt Countries held their Conference at
A) Egypt Cairo C) India New Delhi
B) Indonesia Bandung D) South Africa - Cape Town

Oromia Educational Burea

History Model Exam for Grade 10 (2007/2015)

79. The basic reason for the failarity of the 1960 coup was
A) Misuse of poison gas against civilians
B) Inter ferance of foreign powers
C) Strong resistance from Church
D) Failarity to participate the army groups
80. The programme known as the DevtThrough Cooperation Campaign was

aimed at
A) Implementing aliteracy program in the rular areas
B) Divison of rural land to the landless peasants
C) Facilitating sanitation programe to the masses
D) Defending the countrys boundry from foriegn attacks

Oromia Educational Burea

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