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Name / Nom : ....
Class / Classe : Grade 8 Section: . Date :
Exam in / Examen de: Math Final Term
There are 3 pages
No.1 : (3 pts)
In the table below, only one of the proposed answers to each question is correct. Indicate this answer with
No. Questions
(C) is a circle of center O and radius
1. 3 5 cm. B is a point such that Interior to (C) On the circle (C) Exterior to (C)
OB = 150 + 96 - 54 . The point B is
A store for renting bicycles offer the
following two options :
Option A : pay 5 $ per hour
Option B : pay a fixed amount of 51$ as a For more than 17 For less than 17 For 17 hours
monthly subscription then 2$ for each hours hours exactly
The option B is more advantageous when
the bicycle is rented

A and B are two points such that

AB = 6cm the two circles C(A, R = 3cm)
3. x>1 x<1 x 1
and C'(B, R = 2x +1) are externally
disjoint for

(FE) and (FG) are

two tangents to (C) E

at E and G, then : y F
4. 56 x = 560 & y = 680 x = 280 & y = 1240 x = 1120 & y = 340
D x

2013 June Final Term Math Grade 8 1/3

No.2: (5 pts)
In this exercise the two parts A and B are independent:
Part A :
A ; B and C are three points such that :
53 2
AB =
2 3

BC = 2 3

2 5 3 2 441 8
0.9 2 3.5 10 1
AC =
0.7 0.15
1) a) Study the sign of 2 3 then deduce the simplified form of
2 3 . ( pt)
b) Rationalize the denominator of AB and verify that AB = 3 2 2 . ( pt)
2) Write BC in the form a 2 b where a and b are integers to be determined. ( pt)
3) Show that AC = 6. ( pt)
4) a) Are the points A ; B and C collinear ? Justify. ( pt)
b) Justify that AB is the inverse of BC . ( pt)
Part B :
- ABCD is a square of side x (x > 1). A x B 6cm E
- AEFG is a rectangle.
- B is a point that belongs to [AE] such that BE = 6cm x
and GD = 2cm.
1) Calculate the area of AEFG in terms of x then write F
this result in an expanded form. ( pt)
2) Calculate the area of the square ABCD in terms of x. ( pt)
3) Determine the value of x so that the area of the rectangle AEFG is equal to that of the square ABCD. ( pt)

No.3: (7 pts)
Consider is an orthonormal system (xox ; yoy) , the points A(3 ;1) ; B(1;1) and C(- 1 ; 3)
1) a) Place the points A ; B and C. ( pt)
b) What can you say about the straight line (AB) and xox ? Justify. ( pt)
2) K is a point of the straight-line (AB) such that K (- 1 ; 1) .
a) Place the point K. ( pt)
b) Calculate KA ; KC and AC. (1 pts)
c) What is the nature of the triangle KAC ? ( pt)
d) Ali says that triangle KAC is semi-equilateral. Is he right? Justify. ( pt)

2013 June Final Term Math Grade 8 2/3

3) Let J be the midpoint of [AC] and F the symmetric of K with respect to J .
a) Calculate the coordinates of J and F. (1pt)
b) Determine the nature of the quadrilateral KAFC? Justify. ( pt)
c) Show that (KC) and (JB) are parallel. ( pt)
d) Calculate BJ in two different ways. (1pt)
4) a) Determine the center S and the radius of the circle circumscribed about triangle KAC. ( pt)
b) Calculate the area of the triangle KAC. ( pt)
No.4 : (8 pts)
Consider the two perpendicular semi straight-lines [Ax) and [Ay) at A. O and O are two points on [Ax) and

[Ay) respectively such that AO = 4cm and AO = 3cm. (C) is a circle of center O and radius OA that cuts [Ax)

in D. (C) is a circle of center O and radius OA that cuts [Ay) in E. (C) and (C) intersect in A and B.
1) Reproduce the figure. ( pt)
2) Frame OO between two natural numbers. ( pt)
3) a) What does (OA) represent for circle (C) ? Justify.( pt)

b) Assume that AD B 40 0 then Calculate O ' A B .( pt)

4) a) Determine the nature of triangles ABD and ABE. ( pt)
b) Deduce that the points E, B and D are collinear. ( pt)
5) a) Show that (OO) and (DE) are parallel. ( pt)
b) Calculate the length of [OO] then deduce the length of [ED]. ( pt)

6) Verify that BA D AE D . ( pt)

7) [EO] and [DO] intersect in G. (AG) cuts (DE) in K.
a) What does the point G represent in triangle EAD? Justify. ( pt)
b) Prove that K is the midpoint of [DE]. ( pt)
c) Deduce the length of [AK]. ( pt)
d) Determine the nature of OADK and justify. ( pt)

8) (EO) cuts the circle (C) at H. Given mes. AH = 600
Calculate the measures of the angles of triangle AEO. (1 pts)

Good Work

2013 June Final Term Math Grade 8 3/3

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