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Traditional ASSHOLEISM: Persistence to NEANDERTHALISM

We persist to the certainly of a new beginning with the desired future an impossibility not
aware of our start with a persistence to remain crouched at the starting line

If it was possible to determine a tranquil point in time would we go back and could we?

The obvious is not so obvious to them at any point in time … the ultimate potential of
humankind at any point of time an impossibility as it will forever exist in the unknown of
any point in time relative to present knowledge of relevant time that expands with every
advancement, as does opportunity.

It is due the inherent bias nature of humankind left uncontrolled that maintains the
elusiveness of the ultimate potential of humankind where every person obstructed of their
ultimate potential ultimately obstructs the ultimate potential of society as a whole.

How best to attest to the futility of one’s ignorance than observation of one’s self?

The multitude of ignorance varies as to the numbers of individual’s of a precise moment

in time and their persistence to it.

In the world of Humanism is the inherent determination to provide the necessities for
one’s self and where one is permitted to be deprived grows the ideology for all to be

Since time began we know nought of its start or how and when it will end to begin anew
without a thorough abundance of truths studied to coherency.

History is precisely that which would be observed by God whether or not He exists or
whether or not one believes He exists yet the aspirations attributed to Him by Jesus who
summarized with the Golden Rule relayed from Confucius 551 BC – 479 BC with no
records beyond readily available yet self-evident “The Spirit of the Golden Rule” is “The
Spirit of Humanism” that is the epitome of simplicity and sanity that has forever blown in
the wind within the grasp of quadriplegics easily seen by the blind well understood by us
all at 5 prior to the first day of school.

It is the ultimate truth that simply cannot be debated without demonstrating one’s
ignorance that even the wisest of us knows to present themselves as followers, but
invariably disclose our true nature by our actions.

The best friend of an individual is one’s inherent bias nature to provide for oneself and
yet one’s worse enemy when not thoroughly understood in the intermingling with other’s
of the same inherent bias nature.

Reality attests to the ignorance of humankind yet who should know better of humankind
than humans, especially since it is they who must?

When the most wealthy are revered in a world of corruption and poverty where can they
possibly lead us if not to the certainty of poverty for all or wealth for all and what would
be the inevitable of either succeeding other than certain death which is a natural design
requiring no effort to the guarantee.

Poverty would not be receptive to they in higher places and of course it is them who lead
the way inviting more and more to support them lessening the numbers of impoverished
slaves requiring them to work harder for less until they realize there simply isn’t a reason
to work when they can make out like bandits on social assistance only requiring the
ability to procreate and teach their families the other ins and outs to screw society where
the working class who understand responsibility are unequivocally insane to finance such
a system that cannot survive without their cooperation.

Wealth has been persistently acquired through aggression … stealing from others due
their adeptness to charlatanism founded on deceit, prevarication, manipulation and
orchestration and they who succeed obviously accept their ways following in their
footsteps hoping some day to catch up and replace them to further advance their interests
to the certainty of all out war with the people financing their armies with nothing left but
names, sticks and stones to throw at them.

The ultimate potential of such a racket is NEANDERTHALISM where survivors will

have nothing but names, sticks and stones to throw.

How obvious in the name of HUMANITY ASSHOLEISM thrives to the guarantee of

POVERTYISM a necessary component from which the prerequisite hopelessness and
despair breeds certain to amoral inclination advancing to criminal persuasion as perceived
in the world of ASSHOLEISM where terrorism is defined as the bad guys by the obvious
bad guys.

They who must and do stand up to fight the mighty infidels who proclaim to be in, of and
with “The Spirit of the Golden Rule” the aspirations attributed to God who stole the spirit
for them selves as they do everything.

Reality is precisely as would be observed by God whether or not He exists or whether or

not one believes He exists whereas “The Spirit of the Golden Rule” is the epitome of
simplicity and sanity that has forever blown in the wind within the grasp of quadriplegics
easily seen by the blind well understood by us all at 5 prior to the first day of school.

The entire education system is designed to provide the educated the advantage over the
less educated and the entire illegitimate legal systems is complicated to appear legitimate
while the learned are the only persons able to decipher and take advantage of all the
illegitimacies not apt to complain as they who make constant gains soon can afford
accountants and lawyers to ensure they take advantage of every illegitimacy and the
wealthiest self-evident of their competence to steal to the humongous detriment of

Their slogan is “Sorry … nothing personal … just business” commonly known as

“Capitalist PIGism” Person Interest Groups (PIG) that gain authority illegitimately to

structure a system to the certainty of their progressive advancement on wealth and power
to the certainty of poverty a necessary ingredient of their tasteless stew.

We of the Charter Democracy Force www.charterdemocracyforce.ca commonly identify

this as ASSHOLEISM and when it becomes commonly known world wide we will be the
Force to reckon with.

Many ASSHOLES have been identified due the simplicity and sanity of “The Spirit of
the Golden Rule” that the ASSHOLES stand behind in their backroom conspiracies in, of
and with “The Spirit of the Devil” easily identified by their wealth while proclaiming to
be in the service of the Lord an obvious invisible entity as is their proclaimed aspirations
and their adeptness to charlatism measured by their wealth and the chaos left in their
wake to continuously expand their industry to the inevitable eventuality of
NEANDERTHALISM that has always persisted just masked by their adeptness to

The people will never see beyond what they observe at the surface and they who can read
between the lines have one onerous and formidable challenge to get the people to do the
same to prevent the certainty.

They who once believed the world was flat despite the reality they were unable to see due
their persistence to ignorance and the certainty of the ultimate potential of insanity.

They with magnificent brains through observation and the progressive nature of thought
and reason develop their mind to control their bodies to first walk and then run without
the exercise of thought … quite an achievement if one were to ponder the process in its
entirety … scientifically … not something the majority is apt to partake in as they head
for the cookie jar without the exercise of thought.

As they develop their minds during the phase to adulthood, consistent to the reality of
their environment few stand out measured by their particular adeptness to survive in
comparison with others of their environment developing a relative ego and an ability to
influence the minds of others in their realm being a valuable commodity to they above in
a chain to the top where the ultimate power and wealth is gained through advantage by
the advantaged who ultimately have the wherewithal to make the environments that exist
under them consistent with “The Spirit of the Golden Rule” but not a chance simply due
their unscrupulous nature necessary for them to achieve their ultimate power and wealth
supported by the affluent and influential that can remove their power and wealth
humongously faster than they achieved it.

One who aspires to ASSHOLEISM in an environment of ASSHOLEISM could achieve

the ultimate accomplishment by turning oneself in upon reaching the top and exposing all
who helped him or her along the way.

In older days history will attests tyrants were quite open about their ideology as it was
forced with sword and Hitler made it reasonably clear what he was all about and how
truth was not the way to go and emphasis to deception, prevarication, manipulation and
orchestration of the power of the pen backed with the progressive advancement of the
sword became the norm.
The thing is with reality you can clean up the blood and toss away the sword but the pen
leaves a distinctive trail from the treachery to the source.

That is the irony of the success of the treacherous being dependent on not being observed,
yet dwarfed by the irony of persistence to ignorance that is visibly clear not able to
observe when the evidence is tabled consistent with the reality only they with the
wherewithal can provide.

They who thrive from the detriments of society ultimately cooperate with it aiding and
abetting the certainty of poverty where they of the Lower Tier have no voice due their
incompetence to organize to use it yet they finance the voices to organize against them.

Who is the ultimate ASSHOLE in the world of ASSHOLEISM where nobody steps
forward to claim the prize?

It is the obviousness of it all that we all take the prize equally shared consistent with
democracy … the only consistency conducive to ASSHOLEISM.

Like drugs that screw the mine we cannot arrest every person with a screwed mind yet
who is there to arrest the source if the minds of the entire administration and enforcement
are significantly screwed?

It would appear that ASSHOLEISM is irreversible to the certainty of eternal


It seems to me that millions of years have been traced prior to the existence of Jesus and
there purportedly is evidence of great intelligence all destined to end to new beginnings

Could it be due Tradition that unequivocally can be attributed to “The Spirit of Satanism”

Could it have anything to do with “Secret Societies?”

Why are there “Secret Societies and numbered bank accounts?”

Why don’t the media provide the whole truth … nothing but the truth?

Why do the courts proclaim to be after the truth but won’t allow it?

Why do the courts require warrants to determine the truth and will not provide them if
they are liable to?

Why irrefutable evidence is of no value if they stamp it “Threshold” … not meeting the
requirements to proceed before the courts of the nefarious bent deviate propagates of the
Law Society who assert that evidence against them is irrelevant?

Why do they believe that their members are not required to give a damn about every
individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits and why is it that
only the criminal element is protected by what they have led us to believe were our rights
belonging only to they who are of the status of the presumption of innocence?

Why is it that the Law Society and Hells Angels are allowed to organize?
Mom … Why is the World Insane? … Do not waste your time thinking dear.
Can you say “Innocent” and how come the cookie jar is empty?
“Innocent mom ... I N N O C E N T ... Innocent”

What is the Bilderberg New World Order mom?

Never mind dear … you will find out soon enough.

Mom … I do not want to go to Paris. Shut up dear and keep swimming.


NEANDERTHALISM is the certainty of ASSHOLEISM that is the certainty of bias

creatures of habit as Confucius said.

“Only the wisest and the stupidest cannot change”

He said that 2500 years ago and nothing has changed

Reality rests his case though he grasped the wisdom of the Golden Rule and
emphasized it along with
“Recompense injury with justice and recompense kindness with

The “Learned and Honourable” propagates of the Law Society of Upper Canada involved
with the enactment of the Constitution made it clear that they know what we want to hear
and willingly accommodate with no intention to enforce for it would be insane to ruin a
perfect conspiracy by arresting themselves or even worse to provide anyone with
authority to do so.

They give us instead the Ombudsman and Commissions to comfort us and when that
failed the Accountability Act, 2006 and by the time the people realize the futility of it all
the Bilderberg New World Order will be in place significantly dwarfing all their futility
to the most meaningless society could ever possibly be of present knowledge, but never
fear with the natural progression of thought and reason we will soon be at stage 1 of a
new beginning of NEANDERTHALISM.

Does a bear make a noise when it farts in the woods if the people are lost in the woods?
Can ignorance exist if we are in denial?

“It is Tradition” Dontcha Know?


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