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Michael Caruana

Mrs. Hurlbut

Christian Vocations

14 March 2017

Past Essay

Peter 1: 18-21: knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your

forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of

Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. He was foreknown before the foundation of

the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you who through him are

believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope

are in God.

My family has and always will be the most important aspect of my life. My parents have

always been guiding me to make the best choices I can. I cannot remember a time in my life

where my parents were not there to give me advice on what kind of life choices to make. Also

my parents were there if I needed emotional or physical support such as scraping my knee or

convincing me to go to the doctors office.

My parents also played the biggest part in my education, that is, choosing where I would

go to school. I attended a private elementary school where I met my best friend, and some

friends who go to chaminade with me. In elementary school I was pretty shy, but still managed to

make friends with people who I still talk to. I also went to summer camp at the elementary

school because my parents didnt want to watch me every summer. Summer camp was most

definitely more memorable than actual elementary school because there were field trips, games,
songs, and tons of things a that entertained me for around 5 summers. Then I attended chaminade

middle school and after that chaminade high school.

Some significant events in my life are probably almost all related to my school life. The

earliest and most important event I can remember would be meeting my best friend in

kindergarten. Then meeting my friends in the middle school who helped shape me as a person.

After that, entering the high school with all these people who Ive known for 3 years was a very

fun introduction to higher level education. One event that was not as happy was when my friend

Victor left chaminade and moved across the country after sophomore year, which affected me

more over time and not all at once. Its pretty hard to not be able to see someone who you used to

talk to every day, but Ive learned to live with it.

So all of this has affected who I am now as a person. Just like in elementary school, Im

not a very outgoing person. I have tried, and Id like to think ive improved, in becoming a more

social and approachable person. My friends who Ive known since kindergarten are still friends

with me, they go to Chaminade as well, and I know there is always someone I can talk to. I was

never a particularly religious person, and my parents never imposed faith onto me ever, but

Chaminade has shown me the importance of some ideals of faith. Some ideas that I have learned

about are of course: family spirit, formation in faith, adaptation and change, service justice and

peace, and integral quality education. The 5 CMEs are not strictly religious guidelines, but ways

to improve your spiritual and mental health.

To summarize, my parents have been the greatest factor in how my life has gone. All my

friends, past experiences, and spiritual beliefs are a result of the schools they have chosen for me.

My friends also played an important role in shaping who I am as a person. These people that I

have known for almost my whole life have given me the opportunity to be who I am, and to
never be afraid of expressing myself. High school has been a very fun filled opportunity to meet

new people while also receiving a strong intellectual and moral education. My life so far has

been one shaped by those around me and I feel like I was lucky to have the people I have in my

life who have made me who I am.

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