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The aphorism "The poor are always with us" dates back to the New Testament, but while

the phrase is
still sadly apt in the 21st century, few seem to be able to explain why poverty is so widespread. Activist
filmmaker Philippe Diaz examines the history and impact of economic inequality in the third world in the
documentary The End of Poverty?, and makes the compelling argument that it's not an accident or
simple bad luck that has created a growing underclass around the world. Diaz traces the growth of
global poverty back to colonization in the 15th century, and features interviews with a number of
economists, sociologists, and historians who explain how poverty is the clear consequence of free-
market economic policies that allow powerful nations to exploit poorer countries for their assets and
keep money in the hands of the wealthy rather than distributing it more equitably to the people who
have helped them gain their fortunes. Diaz also explores how wealthy nations (especially the United
States) seize a disproportionate share of the world's natural resources, and how this imbalance is having
a dire impact on the environment as well as the economy. The End of Poverty? was an official selection
at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival.

"There is enough in this world for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed"
Mahatma Ghandi

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